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Monday, August 31, 2009

Gah! As I was waiting for a cab to meet clifton, gaku and seiichi, I noticed that there was this long queue of cars waiting for something. So the source of that was because this 'L' plate car had stalled. Some impatient driver actually honked! Wth?? People learning how to drive and is so stressed up yet they do this kinda thing! Have they forgotten how they used to go through this experience too? Can't they just put themselves in the driver's shoes? Damn!!
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Friday, August 28, 2009

It was a pretty interesting day today as I watched Final Destination 4 3D with most of the people from my workplace. Its like a mini gathering and I was pretty excited about it.

About the show, I can put it into two words - very gruesome. The story wasn't as good as the last one and the ending was ended quite hurriedly. However, it is still worth watching, if you had watch the first 3 installments, you'll see that the starting credits reminded you of it.

Weather now is extremely cooling and windy!!!!! So shiok! Kinda reminded me of the weather in Japan.. Sigh..
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Implusive me!

Created a BB email out of impluse and I'm wondering what to do with it now. hmm...

And, nearly buy an air ticket, book a room and fly over to Japan even if it's just for a 5 days trip. Yes, extremely short but I just misses Japan so much. Now, I'll just have to be patient and wait till Apr/May 09. Ah long is gonna join us! Happy!!!!

Don't understand why Taiwanese drama loves making the men cry. I know it's norm for guys to cry but to overdo it? Er... I guess it just kills the manliness.. :S

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Woah! I was browsing around Youtube searching if there's any new release from Jolin and I found this! Real classic (song) and she actually had her hair dyed back to black!!!! OMG!

And while watching "Bai Wan Da Ge Xin", Kang Kang was picked this song and it was really good, so I went to search for it and VIOLA! By Shin somemore! Hahah, but I read in the net that the female singer Dai Ai Lin is a Singaporean, from Superstar, wonder if that's her. Hmmm... But her voice is really impressive.

So, I was playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope until I was pretty sure that I'm finishing the 1st disc (there are 3 in total). I somehow gotten pretty impatient and decided to check out for sources via the internet on what happened to Crowe, whether did Edge meet up with him, is Crowe a playable character or did he become the bad guy whom I have to face in the end (think Suikoden 2). So, I found this Star Ocean Wiki where they have ALL the info on Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Read all that interest me and I finally found CROWE! I did not stop there and my itchy hands went to click "Faize", read all and I suddenly lost the interest to play the game. Why must they sacrifice some people (though they did not die) to either continue the game (think: Aerith) or become bad? Why can they have all alive? Maybe I'll wait for that feeling to pass through and continue the game till the last disc. Sigh. The story is just too sad. :(

Friday, August 21, 2009

*Cough cough*

*Removes some of the spider webs, stomp on disgusting lizards and irritating cockroaches*

*Looks around... the extremely dusty web..*

Haaaa, just some random pics which I wanna post up to entertain myself. I'm actually planning something, but it shall be revealed in due course.. to close friends only of course! Must be like this particular person, keep it to the minimal.

And I'd just realised that some people, although is not physically near you yet is so well informed on matters related to them. Should that be called scary or admirable? I think I will not choose the latter. Ha.

Well, some of the pictures below were taken some time back (not too long ago neither!)

We, Clifton, AY and I were just returning from Cold Storage with bags of yummylicious and superly healthy food. Someone (I can't remember who) saw the lizard in one of the basin and all 3 of us were thinking - how to get this frikking disgusting lizard out? Initially, AY wanted to use his spoon to chase the lizard away but I let out a.. sort of a whiny shout(?) and he placed it back to the safer side of the basin. So, something that one of the boys did made the lizard ran up the wall and it just stayed there in the corner, not hidden from view. It's so disgustingly FAT. We were all trying to think of ways to get rid of it and then (imagine the light bulb lit up) I thought of a cup to trap it, find a piece of cardboard like material to keep it in and throw it away. AY managed to find a plastic cup and heh.. he did all the work. :P

Ugly Lizard... so FAT & disgusting!!

Once all the hype died down, I saw this........

Water Dispenser.... So cute! AY's friend bought it for him from HK (If my memory didnt fail me). And no, he didn't fill it with water. ha, it's just there for decoration.

The Singapore Toy & Comic Convention ended last Sunday. I managed to go, thanks to Clifton. It was pretty packed and this time, there were more booths on exhibition. :)
There were the cosplays and competition. I did not take any pictures as 1) it was very crowded 2) my camera wasn't with me. However, I'll most prolly enlist Matty's help in taking pictures of them next year. Heee. Well, he takes good and better pictures than I do. That'll be part of my new project. heh. Hopefully it'll go well and my creative juices will flow as fast and easily as a waterfall.

Anyway, when we returned home, we saw 2 BIG boxes in their living room. AY went on a SHOPPING SPREE!!! Till now, I seriously wondered how did he manage to carry both of them home.. Really, it's very big you know?

Green Turtle went 'grrrrr'!

Angry Teddy staring at you with his invisible eyes, ready to claw your face!

They are guarding the house... Should place them beside the woman figure, so that dogs will not dare to piss on her.. haaaaa.

Right, and as I was saying about the Toys & Comics Con, we were there browsing around and I thought maybe I can bring a toy or 2 home. However, the crowd was comparable to the IT fair and most of the toys on exhibition were transformers, so I just tour around the area and saw a BIG dino running away from the elephant. So lousy.. hahahha

Chicken Dino

Something not related to the above..
Mr Goh brought some of these over to the shop, to share with us.. look what was that!

Chocolate Flavoured Condom and Fluffy Pad

And this is how they look like inside..






Ya, it's actually Chocolate in the shape of a condom. Pretty neat eh?

And the 'pad' consist of 4 pieces of marshmallows. Yummy!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

a stressful yet eventful day today.
met a superly cute princess and a cute little boy who likes hi-5 and reacts to Japanese. Time to brush up on my Japanese!

Sad that im gonna miss out on Comics Con on this Friday. Its my WORKING DAY! shucks!

Tokyo Game Show 09 is next month!!!! Oh man, I'm so tempted to go over!!! But, no money and no extra leaves... ugh!!!!!!!!

This is gonna be a superly boring blog.

You were warned!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Dunno if its d weather or my AV is coming, I'm feeling so short temper right now! Its like, every little thing juz gets on my nerves!!
Yet another friend 'forcing' me to get FaceBook.

He came down to look for me at my workplace and we chatted.

V: Do you know that I went to Myanmar for 3 weeks?
Me: *Surprised - coz all along I thought he returned to Philippines for a really long time* No.. I don't know.
V: *Eyes opened big big staring at me* You don't know? Do you have FB?
Me: Erm.. no. *managed a weak smile*
V: You DON'T have a FB?? Omg. I posted all my pictures in my FB you know?
Me: Ah.. I go create an account when i'm free lah.


Today marks the day when our dear Hachiko grows up and be a real man. Heh.
Last night Bachelor's night was CRAZYYYYYY! Well, just after I left. I missed out so many funs!

Photos of Bach night & today's Solemnisation coming up! ;)

Saturday, August 01, 2009

What's the difference between going gym and working out till 11pm plus with 3 guys and 2 girls and going to a guy's house with a girl?

What's the big deal of working out in the gym till 11pm plus with 3 guys and 2 girls then? We are gonna have a mass orgy where 2 of the guys are going to get married?