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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello Blog! *cough cough sneeze sneeze*

Wow, it must have been some time since I last do an update?

Anyway, there's nothing interesting in my life except that I'd bumped into my secondary school friend whom I've not met for at least 10years. Other than that, it'll be work that's keeping me away from the world. Worked till 3am last Sunday, horrible crowd and my day was not too smooth.

Managed to meet up with my Japan mate (that's what she named it), Wendy yesterday to check out the JR Pass fares. We did some comparison and I'll compare it again on Thursday. I seriously pray hard that Yen will weaken. :P
Time to do up our itinerary and plan which hotels to stay in. Still within our budget, if there's not much changes in the currency rate. *crosses fingers*
We are looking very very forward to this trip!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's only been 3 days since mom flew to HK and I'm beginning to feel a little uneasy at home. It is like there's something missing. I kinda missed my mom now. Although her nagging sometimes make my ears shutdown. :P

So here I am thinking, why do some people want to move out and live alone? Yes, you get a taste of independence but I guess I still prefer being pampered by my mom while possible.. :)

It is good having her around, especially after my two sisters move out, it'll feel even more weird.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Woah!! Just felt the need to blog because....... I'm using a MAC for the first time! Yes! No, I did not buy one mac book. It belongs to my brother-in-law. muawahhaha. Okay, I only used it to search for a Sunday clinic and to blog. :P
Keyboard is pretty similar to a normal laptop just that it felt slightly different? The keys are smoother? As in the keyboard's surface and it has lesser icons on the buttons itself. Like finding "Home", "Page Up/Down", etc. So if I wish to delete the whole sentence, I'll go "Pressing delete till the desired word" because I do not know how to do "Shift Home" on this macbook. Ah, my heart still belongs to PC (this mac is so gonna hate me) because of the many thing I can do with it.

This is going to be short post because I'm still not feeling well. In fact, worse. Flu came on suddenly last night and I had to endure a long day of work today (many people took sick leave and I thought I just work through since I'm not facing the customers today. Well, I talked lesser today). So now is sniff sniff, cough cough, sniff sniff..

Take care everyone who's reading this post. Drink more water and don't fall sick like I do. :(
You will miss out on all the good things in life.

I'm eating so healthy that your jaw will just drop to the ground if you know me well enough. No/extremely little meat, no fried/oily food, no soda drinks.

I'm craving for (apart from the food that I'd listed out in my previous post).

- Fried Hokkien Mee
- Char Kway Tiao
- Fried Carrot Cake (black)
- Prawn noodles
- Deep fried chicken wings (oooo, all my colleagues are eating that and it's making my mouth water and I'd to practice EXTREMELY HIGH LEVEL of self restraint from running out and buy and munch on it!!)
- My potato chips!

Hmmm.. I'd better stop now as I'm starting to feel hungry from listing out the food that I'd missed out on for the past 2weeks. >.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

My mei's going to ROM end of this year!! Although I knew they were planning it for some time but it didn't occur to me that it's going to take place that.. soon (in italics since this phone do not allow me to do any coding with it).

With dajie's new house on the way, there's a chance that both of them may move out by the end of this year! Some combo eh?

I'm somewhat stuck between excited and sad? With that 舍不得feeling. Come on, we'd been living under one roof for all my 28years and now it'll be just my mom and I. So the house will be quieter (I can have sleep overs!). Unless my sisters start producing something for my mom to take care of. And for me to play with! Haha.

Excited? Hell yes!! I'll have a room for my gaming purpose!! No more racking my brains on how to shift my furnitures about just to get more space for my tv, study table, blah.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Sigh.. Also just realised that my leave request may not be approve as there's a lot of people placing their requests earlier and are around the same period as me!!

It made me feel that Wendy and I are not fated to travel together or some sort. Supposed to be April which got pushed to May. And now.. I was hoping to avoid Summer time as it'll be pretty hot and that'll be like being back here in Singapore. I missed the strong winds there, the chill and the coolness. However if worse comes to worse, late May to early June shall be it. :(

I do hope that our trip will goes well.. Japan!!! I missed Japan so much!!

Here I am craving to eat MacDonald's:

1. Chicken Nuggets
2. Chicken Burger
3. Big Mac
4. Fillet-O-Fish Burger
5. French Fries!!

And also craving for potato chips!!

My mom is here, eating my favourite chips right in front of me!!!! Omg!!! I cannot tahan anymore! I need my cravings!

But it is also this illness that made me eat lesser, healthier (practically no junk food!) and also most prolly caused me lose some weight. Heh.

I'm trying so hard not to look at the chips, not to see my mom eat the chips and not listening to the crunchy sound!!

I wonder.. Why some girls pick their friends? Especially friends of the opposite sex. It seems to me like, guys who drive matter most. I agree, guys with cars mean convenient but.. You can also have friends who do not own any cars right? Just have to make do with public transport, save the earth. Why the girls will have certain requirements, like guys who zip around in fancy cars, guys who drive sports cars, two-doors cars, must own at least a car.. Etc?

So, if I'm a guy with no car means the girl will not hang around me, not hang out with me just because I'm short of that.. That item?? Wtf?

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Thought I should make use of this time to quickly edit and upload some of the photos taken during Chinese New Year and on Xiaobai's birthday.

1st Day

Taken with my baby niece. :D
She was pretty chubby and my arm couldn't last a mere 15mins while carrying her. :P

Jarius was sooooo cute!
Dajie & I: Jarius, do you know how to wear your own shoes?
Jarius: *Smiles cheekily at us and nods his head*
Dajie & I: Okies, wear your shoes then we'll go take photos ok?
And he began wearing his own shoes! OMG! It was so cute as he bent down to put on his little shoes.
So we asked him for a VICTORY pose once he's done.

2nd Day - Dua Kim's House

Well, it's kind of like a routine. We'll go to Uncle David's (lunch) and Uncle Boon Hao's (dinner) house for visiting. And to Dua Kim's house on the second day. I'm not sure the reason why but that was how it is. And on nearest holiday (depends, like this year, the third day happened to be a public holiday as the First day of CNY falls on Sunday), we'll have like lunch at Darren bro's house followed by Aunt Linda's for dinner. You can say that we meet up once a year.. or unless there's a special occasion, such as our grandparents' death anniversary fall on a weekend or someone's getting married, birthday party or baby shower.

Then on the "Ren Ri", we'll have dinner at a restaurant with relatives from my mom's side. :)

Yusheng. I'm not sure who came up with this idea of placing the paper plates around the yusheng but that's pretty clever because "mixing" of the yusheng is a pretty messy affair.

Shout out your deepest desires for 2010!!!

See how messy it is?

The hand that got caught in a messy situation.

Owner of the messy hand.

Yum yums!!

Not everyone was present during this photo taking but it was pretty tough trying to capture everyone in the picture! Perhaps time to invest in a SLR for wide angel? However I'd heard that most of the newer digital cameras have the wide angle function. Photography is such an expensive hobby. =.=

Cousins group!!

3rd Day

We'd decided to gather at Jiawei's house for potluck and it's such bad luck for me to have my Aunty visit. :(

Food which we'd prepared. I couldn't find the cheese though I'd search high and low for it at Cold Storage!!!!!!

A group photo and this time, Serene joined us. It's been such a long time since I'd last saw her and boy had she grown!

Jiawei bought this new game and introduced it to us.

Tough with limited choices to describe a word with restrictions!

Mr Cool.

As usual, Bel's drawing was horrible.. heh.

The guys managed to get season parking. hehe

Yummy chocolate cake!

After which, I took a cab down to Cheryl's house later at night. Sounds like there's a lot of food left. And being attended to by Joel, awww, I felt so pampered by my cousin. Gahah. I don't even have to lift my butt, just drop hints of what I'm missing and he'll go get it for me. Nyak nyak!

Trying out a new game called "Munchkins". Quite similar to "Magic" but graphics are cute and everyone was out to "kill" each other. Haha. Now we know who the scheming ones are.

I remembered Cheryl or Janice asking this question.

Cheryl/Janice: What is the difference between a race and a class?
Cedric: A race is like Chinese, Malay, Eurasian...
Joel: A class is like lawyers, doctors, etc..

Nice way of describing something game related. Lol.

Poor me, not only was I stuck at Level 2 but I gotten this card like thrice!!! I need someone to my rescue!!!!

Everyone was tired after a round of game.. that lasted for 3 hours!

Janice was finally the winner after trying to hit level 10 on her.. 4th try? Haha. Everyone had exhausted their cards. Somehow she was too tired to celebrate. haha.


I realised that there's not much posting recently.. Perhaps it was because most of my thoughts came to me at night, while I was lying on my pillow? And I'll be too lazy to even lift my finger to type whatever is running in my mind.

Some updates..

I'd just gotten transferred to the Tampines Outlet and I kind of miss those days at OUB.. The fun times we had, those bonds which we'd created and shared, many suppers on Saturday nights since Sunday was a permanent off.. It was fun then and organising a chalet/group outing was easy.

Last weekend was our last chalet + gathering together and unfortunately, there were quite a few who could not make it. I must say, I was pretty disappointed as that was our last outing!

So, I made full use of our last outing and took as many photos as possible (will post it up another time). And did I mention that I was down with fever, sore throat and flu last Wednesday? So I reported to work on Monday, Tuesday, on sick leave for 2 days, back to work on Friday and off again on Saturday and Sunday. Sigh..

1st March, we'll have to report to our new outlet (everyone got scattered around) and those left at OUB was pretty upset that the old team was gone. Ah, I know everything will be fine once the new team settles down.

Here I am, on sick leave again as I realised that the customers can't stand my "manly" voice plus talking too much will just caused my sore throat to worsen. Doctor was quite surprised that my cough/sore throat was still there and prescribes me a "voice" medicine on top of the regular ones.

Time to go and rest as the cough syrup was making me extremely drowsy.. Oh, look at the time now!

I can't wait to do up a file of photos taken during my 1year and 5months stay at OUB.