
Monday, April 16, 2012

Play a Game, Make a Friend

Was playing Dungeon Seige 3 earlier in the day and decided to try multiplayer - public for anyone to join in. One came and later another joined. There were some problems initially till I think one of them cannot tahan and sent a message to follow her (I just use Her cos of the character used). Then one of them I believe is from London because the kiddo had his speaker on and his mom was asking for him. Voice sounds like a young boy. Haha. Damn cute, mom was talking to him and later the dad after the mom cannot take him off the game.

What's left was just me and her, played for a few good hours till she needs to go. In between there were some other players who joined and left. I think she's a pretty good player considering how she managed to handle many mobs at once and reviving me at the same time. There she added the friend request - woohoo! New friend! Haha. And she still had the courtesy to inform me that she gotta go.

I continued on and played till a part where I got stuck. Played till vomit blood and stopped playing the game. Time flies and it is 12midnight now. Damn... Now then I remembered that I can change the difficulty to easy!

Anyway tomorrow is a good day because I get to buy my new phone - HTC One X!!! Can't wait!! I felt so blessed to have friends who treats me so nice!! Hehe.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Colourful World

Yesssssss!!!!! Forgot to post this all time super duper IMPORTANT event!!
Luckily Clarence told me about this event otherwise I could have missed it and sure end up heart broken because it the first time ever L'Arc en Ciel is performing in Singapore! Hehe. We managed to settle for the second best though the view is not what I'd wanted initially because it was taken up. Weeks later, Clarence told me that someone had released the seats we wanted. Damn!! Talk about timing!

So now, counting down, 5days to the big day!! Everytime when I saw L'Arc en Ciel's mv being played on MTV, I tried very hard to contain myself not to scream, shout or plaster myself on the tv screen..... Lol. Everyday, mei and I reminds each other of the 28th April! And saying omg omg omg omg!!!! Lol.

Side tracking - there was a new staff, not sure if he's a part timer or full time staff however he reminded me a lot of my xiaodi. He went to Australia on a scholarship during CNY period, promised to text me that he's safe and well with his Australian number.. But I guess he was too busy with school and settling down that he had forgotten to text me... Wondering how is he doing now. Hope he'll study hard there.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Awaiting patiently for ......

Yes!! Got my friend to pre-order the long waited game for me! Diablo 3!! I'm so excited and I can't wait to lay my hands on the game set itself!

Clifton had received the invitation to play the Beta because he bought the bundle with WoW! Tempted to borrow his account to play the game but I decided to exercise some self control because I know that I can't bring my character over to my account.

I had also started playing Mass Effect on my xbox. It feels a little bit like Halo but I still prefer my Master Chief, he's way cooler. Heh. Anyway ME has more side quests, you get to upgrade your weapons by buying them from vendors but they are really costly. You get to pick whom to be in your team and you'll have to choose them really wisely because each of the playable characters have different specialisation. A lot of out of space characters, kind of like multi-race characters with a common goal - finding Saren. Maybe I am a lazy person, so I really hate doing those side quests, finding miscellaneous items throughout, picking locks, running here and there. I'd like to run through the game for its storyline, like reading a storybook without stopping. Anyway those side quests are not going to stop me from finishing the game. I just take a longer time to complete it, as compared to last time. :)