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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

sunday - did G3 with lil~
hahah.. i think to most people whom we'd partied with, they'd be thinking this: ah.. the couple again. always together. =P

muawhahahahahah... anyway, G3 is sort of like a quest. for us to be able to continue from lvl 60 - 65. ya.. after 65, we'll have to do G4 to continue till 70. sigh.. which reminded me of my maat's fight. you have to fight that npc and ALOT of people told me that Redmage's fight is the hardest... oh gosh! need to do research.. lik what lil said.. >.<

we got through smoothly for our first item (G3 require us to get 3 key items in 3 different maps) and for the 2nd item.. it was slightly tricky. as we need to do another subquest for that.. have to touch the 'Wall of Banishing'. in order to do so.. one member gotta 'sacrifice'. unless someone who already have that orb can help us. Got ORB = can just open that WALL straightaway.

*geez.. forgot to take snapshots for better illustrations...*

in order to get that orb, we have to touch 4 ponds in different locations. sucky.

lil scarificed herself and died.. twice. >.<
so paiseh..... and to think she was v happy eventhough she died x2. i guess its because we made it through and left the last round. best part is that... we made it through WITHOUT help! heh. so this last part, we are gonna do it ourselves!!! ^.^b

after that... i was halfway dead - sleepy.. and just nice.. stomach rumbles... hungry. i craving for char kway tiao and fried carrot cake. told lil and she said.. all oily food. ~.~


last night, dajie and i left for home first coz dad's trying to find something and i dont wanna miss my SuperBand - coz LUCIFY's back to try again.

waited for... a really long time and FINALLY there's a cab!! he asked where are we heading off to. i was lik.. 'Oh god! no no.. pls send us home!!'

the uncle seemed to think for awhile before saying 'Hop on!'

i was like.. "THANK YOU UNCLE!!!"

we asked whether he's heading to another direction and he said no but he was gonna knock off and need to fetch a friend. so we were like.. ah. paiseh.

so nice ah that uncle... coz some drivers wun wanna send you home de - if he's in a hurry i guess.


was SUPER happy and SUPER disappointed last night...

HAPPY - coz LUCIFY was in!

DISAPPOINTED - RYAN from 'So you think you can dance' was out... nooOOOOOOOOO!!!

haiz.. luckily this time for 'Superband' was: 30% based on votes and 70% based on judges.

i feel that they should make it 50% on votes and another 50% on judges because the judges are more experience and of coz they wanna make their time and money worth by grooming the potential group right? if the people voted for the sake of their friends, like that 4guys 2girls group, who the hack would wanna buy their album? mayb for own friends/family/relatives only.. but for people lik us leh? we wanna hear good music..

and i hate the results part. cant they just do it straight forward? like.. mayb juz bring out the weakest 3 bands and from there they'll announce which group is going home, which group is going to stay? wah lau.. 9 bands and they are gonna remove them one by one.. abit WASTE TIME leh! and its so lame doing that...

sigh.. wonder who came up with that idea. mayb they wanna create suspense but its too dumb. then worse.. last night's. they wld say... result will be announced after the break.. duh.

oh and SG Idol's. i saw shorts and i love that. though its kinda v american like. like the America's Next Top Model or the America Idol. nice and interesting.


bleh.. break's over.. i gotta go back to work.. sigh...

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