Tuesday, April 24, 2007

am so feeling low now after receiving a call this morning. damn, i'd just take it as my really bad luck to have come across such person. next uob called me, trying to promote some insurance thingy and was hard selling it even after i'd told her that im giving it a miss and im already holding quite a number of policies. though its not really her fault but it just irritates you when they overdo it.

oh well, last night's dinner was superb! dajie and i were early so we went to get a table first and started feasting first while waiting for the rest to come. ver's customer came late as usual and we were already eating for 45mins before they reached! luckily most of the food we ate was light - veggies, mushrooms, hotdogs alittle of meat (the meat tasted funny), dad tried out the giantic clams (pity i didnt bring the camera along.) it was really big! almost like the size of a 7year old fists or slightly bigger. but dad said it tastes funny too. not as good as the normal small ones.

kept telling myself that i need to edit pictures, need to clear this and that and i have yet to touch any of them!!

i actually nearly L-O-L-ed in the train on the way home as i was thinking of the pictures and reminding myself to get the pic taken on annkia's bday to post it up and.. i was reminded of the video that xiaobai took. the funny gestures annkia did.. wah lau. there was this cute guy sitting opposite me then and i was trying hard to stifle my laughter. so paiseh.. told xiaobai about it and he went (=.=").

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