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Sunday, October 02, 2005

woot~! back from my show @ marina square. ok.. there is no way, NO WAY that im goin back to MS~!!!!! its damn frikking crowded (well, as towns always are. can b forgiven) and its bloody CONFUSING!!!! cant go through here n there and there's no decent directory nor are there any through route to get from point A to b! so frustrating!

anyway, watched "The Corpse Bride". while some of u guys who have had caught it and find it boring. BUT do take note, this movie isnt like your normal CG (Computer Graphics) movies lik Final Fantasy, AppleSeed or etc.. its made from puppets. yes.. their set/studio is the small lil sets. everything is made to size for the lil puppets and painstakingly recorded. so its thumbs up for their efforts. storyline isnt too bad though its kinda short - 75mins only. well, u may find them kinda stiff but its due to - puppets instead of CG. girls may sniff a tear or two on certain parts. i love the music sung by them. very cute and its lik a mixture of the puppets cum broadway~. telling stories throu musics. nice. so... overall: thumbs up and worth your 9.50 bucks. (no spoilers ^^)

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