Saturday, November 01, 2014

Another random rambling.

Life is a funny thing. 

We born, we learn to see, to smell, to touch and to feel. We also learn to walk, to talk, to build memories and our bones grow so we'll be taller. 

We learn things through the news, the internet, through school and at work. We will go through all the ups and downs of life.

As we grow older, we will see people around us falling in love and we do too as well. People around us getting married and have kids.

Then we grow old, we see our friends growing old too, maybe some have illness and maybe even attend their funerals. We stopped walking, talking, lose our memories and our bone starts to shrink and we die.

It is like a graph chart.. Think of it like a bell curve/normal distribution. Or simply put a roller coaster ride. You rise and grow so fast with life passing everyday like a zip... zip.... ZIP! The thrills, the highs and the fun. When it starts to end, you'll feel the decline. You'll feel that it's coming to an end, you rest.

Anyway today I just saw something that happened and it made me wonder and feel for the people who went overseas to work. 

Be it for the people who got paid high money and be sent overseas to work but more for those who have to go overseas to work in order to support their family back home.

Having to adapt to life overseas, the different culture and especially leaving people closest to you behind is especially difficult. Having to find a place to rent and doing it again after your lease ended and is not extended. So adapting to not just the lifestyle but to the housemates as well.

Missing homecooked food and the company of your family and friends. Missing the local foods in your own country. 

Worse is if something happened at home and you're stuck overseas, unable to return home. Have to wait for embassy to open on weekdays or if you can't apply leave from work to fly back. Or the air ticket is too expensive and you can't afford to fly back. Or no air ticket is available at all. Or waiting for your passport/work visa to be extended which in some cases can take months. You are just stuck here, helpless and can't do anything except to get updates from people back home.

It is unthinkable should anything happen to my family even if we are all staying here, being overseas is worse.

You are alone and although there are friends and work colleagues who are supportive but the feeling is different when you're with your family.

I pray for my friend and hope she will be strong. She had been through a lot and now this. She's a survivor but when one carries too much weights, one will also collapse from exhaustion. This is a test for her and I hope she will pass it with flying colours. 

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