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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

originally to be posted on: 04.03.07
sigh.. so many things happened in a day. who's fault? mine lor.. why? due to my misjudgement and calculations and forever assuming things. unless im a super lucky person who always have things that go my way, mayb i can just assume all i want, plan all i want and things will just happen. ha.

did some thinking last night and though all along i knew that he was very good to me but somehow it just hit me hard that how very very good he was, that made me suddenly felt very lucky to have met him, know him and to love him. sigh, anyhow, that realisation made me treasure him even more. he's a gem, to me. thank you darling.

also felt extremely horrible last night till today, still feel alittle bit bad. wonder whether was he disappointed in me. sigh.. sometimes i'll feel that im actually Ms Trouble. always bringing trouble to him and this time, its really a BIG one. from already headache w/ work.. and i brought another load of headache to him.

though.. im more or less prepared for something bad to happen to me.

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