which could either means..
1. my life has been dull. by a whole frigging lot!
2. been leading a too busy life that i don't even have time to log in and type some rubbish! *bullshit!* forget about blogging via my cellphone. it sux. unless im using blackberry *care to sponsor me one, anyone?*
3. im definitely in my own world *jumps back into the portal*
okies, am on off from work today and thought i'd better edit some of the older pics and start updating. so, i did just that, sat down and edit (put in a little more effort this time), went off to rest my eyes. it can be quite straining to look at a *ahem* 32" lcd screen the whole day and trying to edit details that are quite.. small. im basically sitting at least 1m away from my screen and even bought a wireless mouse & keyboard plus a mini table from ikea just to use it. from a distance away. well, am using the wireless keyboard but replace mouse with a wired one as its lighter & smaller.
fyi, i'd just shifted again and this time, its for good. well, moving back has its pros and cons. cons will be someone using my stuffs without asking (which i kinda dont really like that). having my mom to prepare dinner, lunch & breakfast for me is definitely a PRO!! haha. shiok leh! and i saved quite abit by bring bento to work. i have been working at ps for quite some time, so deciding what to eat for lunch is quite... troubling.
oh, and not forgetting that home cooked food is still the healthiest! haha! but cannot be comparable with ismak. she cooked herself, and also her partner's share - which i do not think i'll be able to do that. yet. speaking of still wanting to stay outside. haha.
oh yes, back to the topic. moving back home. i spent quite a HUGE sum of moolah i tell ye! at least 8k on new furnitures, getting the house cleaned & painted and not forgetting the movers. well, my room is more or less 90% done! so cant wait to invite my friends over for steamboat!!!!! mom just bought a new bookshelf, so once her room is up and ready, the house will be cleared of packed stuffs (yes, there are still some sealed boxes lying around). exciting!! bought 2 new rugs from ikea for my room. next will be either a two-seater sofa or some bean bags? not too sure yet. definitely want to make it cosy. but i definitely need my little table for keyboard and a low chair to avoid having strain neck.
i made a startling discovery when i was unpacking my boxes. i have ALOT of things. alot! till i do not have enough space to place the rest of the items.. :(
okies. will end here. need to quickly finish this post, rest a little before heading to the airport to fetch my little prince.
My First Paintball Game with my extended family @ Orchid Country Club on 08.02.2008
We applied the same off day together and coincidentally, we have had enough people from each side. 5 from PS and 5 from TM. Met up in the morning around 11am at Hougang Point (i think. cant remember the place as its not really within my territory). Went to the nearest foodcourt for breakfast.

as cousin chew & von drove, we were soon divided into 2 groups and headed off to our destination. the place we were waiting so impatiently to get to. to start playing.
We were instructed to start changing into our war gears. Naturally, it became PS vs TM. haha. im not afraid. i shall tell you why later. father wong brought an extra set for me. :D (i took almost 2 months later to get it wash and return it back to him, VERY NICE SMELL OK! there's a mixture of my sweat, washing powder & softener hor hor~!!)
there's only 1 garden shed at the back, so we have to take turns to change. buddy and i changed together. the shed was extremely warm as it was directly under the sun, made of metal (obviously) and only form of vandilation was the door, which we have to close it. to prevent people like daniel from peeping. hahha. once we were done changing, we began to take pictures. well, official photographer of the day was joe. i just provide the camera only. hehehehe. so... he have to take really good pictures of me! the rest can dont care. hahahhaha.

im not scare coz i have a ranger, a commando, a mp and.. er, forgot wots uncle pang's role le. anyways, i have very good & efficient & powerful people in my team, which means.. i can relax! hahah! well, i pretend to run and hide, so i wouldn't get hit! hey! im saving my bullets for the second round. so that my teammates will have extra bullets! heh heh.

soldiers vs civilians

we were called into the battlegrounds when we were ready for instructions on how to handle the gun and how the game works.

everyone listens intently.

a group photo before we go for war!!
frankly speaking, when we were getting started, i was superly nervous! i have no clue on how the game really works, how painful it'll be when hit by the bullet as the instructor had demostrated once on the seriousness of shooting someone at close range and how powerful the mechanism is.

final preparations. everyone to remove stuffs like earrings, rings, HP, wallets, etc.

getting our masks and guns

pp trying to warm up before the battle starts.. he can forget about it lah.. tsk tsk.

we were to go to a corner where there were some targets for us to test fire on. kinda hard to aim with the mask on but still, it was quite an experience.
siren rang and i tell you, i was the SLOWEST member to run forward and go to a hiding place. hahah. i was so stunned to see them running so fast, i was quite impressed then. they came up with some quick strategy and they really heck care and ran forward. hahah. some were hit and i was hit too. by luckily my wound was minor. only my little pinkie got hit. but it was fun. it was fun. itching to know who was hit the most? be patient.
another siren rang. this time, it was a quick break. we were soooo thirsty that we began to drown ourselves with cold energy drinks and mineral waters.
well, break = photo taking time!

cousin chew was saying kw was the little terror. he ran very quickly to the bridge to snipe on people.

a very tired andy resting. see, his face was all flushed.

sigh, father acting cute again. (=.=")
he just cant accept the fact that his daughter (ME) is cuter than him..
*pats father's back while shaking my head slowly*
we were comparing who gotten hit and everything. and we decided to switch members as obviously, my members were just too tough for them to handle. *wicked laugh*

poor father. first casualty of the game.

left from the top going cw: father wong, cousin chew, uncle pang, andy, buddy, joe, von, kw, daniel & me.

the second round ended pretty quick. soon, the siren rang again and we have to stop for good. most, or in fact, everyone of us were out of ammos and have to stay low in order to avoid being hit. *ouch!*

normal pic

act cool

monkey face

sabo daniel!!! hahah

the two doctors, Dr Koh & Dr Chew

Joe: i think i am more pro-active than you are. look at my chest! its all wet!
Benji: me too. only that my material is thicker than yours. dont believe? let me show you *father proceeds to unbutton his top*
cameraman/girl intercepts: oi! stop fooling around. take one pic together. smile!

joe & benji: . . . *sulks*
cameraman/girl: *shooks head* let me throw in something to make you two smile
*dumps von in the middle of two smelly boys*

cameraman/girl: better now.
however, this sparks an idea in daniel's mind. smiling wickedly, he walked up to the cameraman/girl and starts whispering something into his/her ear.
cameraman/girl: anna & cheryl, go take one pic together.
daniel hurriedly took his cig and squeeze inbetween and gave one of his super rare sunshine smile and began to term the pic as...

family pic. mother chan, father pang & daughter koh.

so... sweet. NOT!

me with my buddy aka cousin. hahah.

with my father
after the whole photo taking, we had to make space for the next group. we walked to the nearest toilet which as some distance away and guessed what? it was raining then. luckily we'd finished our game. otherwise, we'd be filled with mud and my shoes... will not be suitable to wear for work. :(((((
*father, time to buy me new shoes*
we accumulated those who gotten hit the most.

thats not all

poor father kenna hit the most because when hit, you have to raise your hand and walk to the first aid house and no one can aim you. however, he suay suay kenna aimed by over excited people who lusted for an easy target. raised hand, kena hit. stand up kenna hit.
huh? you want more?
. . . .
. . .
. .
ok lah, give you THIS!!!!

not really full monty nor great hunks but better than nothing right? Enjoy it! haha!
once we were done showering and such, some have to go off, some went home and the rest took the train to .. bugis for dinner~! we were starving man. we were tired and hungry just after a war that last barely an hour.
went to bugis NYDC for dinner as we still have some time till ben's chalet.

daniel was so hungry that he quickly gobble up his food

cant let go of this. muz rape it till dry!!!!!

yet another group pic, this time with a fresher and rosier look!

saw this deco at nydc and found it quite interesting. imagine elmo and cookie monster ordering food. poor monkey, got left by his parents on the baby chair.

muawhahahahahha! caught on camera!!!!

guess who's!!

me with 'swan'. hey! only I can call him that ok!!!!!

trying to start up the fire

a group of N95 8GB groupie

playing card games after bbq

yet another pic before we call it a day.
overall, the paintball lasted for 15 mins per game.. had two rounds, so its about half hr for whole game. we bought 200 ammos and it costs us around 55bucks per pax? kinda ex but it was fun for experience and kinda worth going to.
all in all, it was fun!! cant wait for another time!
oh, this time we'll try beach volleyball! erm.....
next post shall be the pulau ubin trip i guess. which i realised is not upload into my pc.
okies, time to give my baby a surpriseeeeeee!!