Sunday, September 15, 2013


Oh yah, these topics had skipped my mind while I was doing the previous post.

I think a mom is very 伟大. Like my mommy, she is damn powerful. She can take  care of her naughty grandson the whole day and still prepare dinner for us with him fighting for her attention. Even when she wasn't feeling well, she also managed to have the energy to look after him. On top of that, during weekends during her rest day, she will do the housework. Who dare to complain their job is tiring and tough? I think mommy's job is the toughest.

Waking up at 4am to make breakfast for dajie and mei. 8am wake up again to look after her grandson until dajie is back.. Which varies between 6 to 8pm, sometimes go marketing, carrying baby in one hand and groceries in the other. Which I'd tried and couldn't last all the way till I'm home, cooks dinner. After that then she will have her own time to read her book, watch youtube, surf the internet. If grandson is sick, even worse. He will get cranky and mommy will help dajie to look after him. Over the weekends, she will clean the house and sometimes she will prepare dinner. Did I mention that she has to do the laundry for the members living in the house? Except for mine as I do my own laundry.

Dajie also another mommy I felt really 佩服 and is definitely not something I can do nor sacrifice for. She's now pregnant with her second kid, has to work from 7.30am and if she's too busy, she will only reach home around 9pm. Back home, she must play with her son, put him to sleep and he doesn't sleep easily. Tiring can????

Ok... Moving on to another topic. When a couple are together for some time, and felt that their relationship is a little stale.. Do they try to do something to improve things? Which definitely takes efforts from both parties or do they felt tired after doing so and began the next option - turning their attention to another person of the opposite gender and perhaps, toy with the idea of maybe leave their current partner for someone new? Then the vicious cycle begins again.

Why is it that there are couples who fought so hard just to stay together and couldn't be together because of their religion differences while others who got it easy and still break up just because they are bored of the relationship? Just because they had it too easily that they were unable to treasure each other?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Spoilt for Choice! Yummy!!

YES!!!!!!! Did not expect K to buy so much for me during his trip back to Thailand. I asked him to buy the squid flavour Lay if possible and was expecting just two packs... and when I finally received them (no thanks to Mr L for keeping it so long with him), I was speechless.

I felt like I was taking the snacks out from Doremon's pouch and not from the seemingly small plastic bag! I had tried the squid flavour seaweed on the bottom right (yellow packaging). It was so damn delicious that I could have open another pack and finish the rest off, if not for my high level of self control. I have a very weak spot for snacks and if I am to finish them all, I will have sore throat by tomorrow.

Ahhhh THANK YOU K!!!!

It was good seeing K and have a last minute dinner plan. I had suggested Lao Pa Sat but luckily L remembered that it was under renovation, so we went to Tom Yum Kung Fu at boat quay instead for moooooooookata!! It has been such a long time since I last saw his little girl and the last time I saw her was when she was still a few months old and now... Time flies. She responds to actions and words and could muttered a few herself. She is already 13 months old! It was nice that she let me carry her without crying, played with me and shared her food with me! Haha. So cute!!!

Felt bad that he had to send us all home, me especially since I was the only one who lived in the east.

Anyway I am hooked onto my mobile game - Plants vs Zombie II! Completed the three stages and now, I am trying to collect stars for my Wild Wild West map before heading off into the unknown. :D


Last week, everyone at home was feeling sick, mommy was coughing with sore throat. Mei and I were free that weekend and we decided to cook dinner! We planned our day nicely. I wanted to shop for tops for yoga, do mani and pedi with mei, do grocery for dinner, have lunch outside, buy facial products.. we managed to do all except for our nails. Guess I had underestimated the place I went to once.. It was packed until 4pm.. which we would  have to return home by then and prepare our dinner and me, playing my Fables III. :(

It was our first time brewing this snow pear, supposedly good for those who are feeling heaty, having dry cough or sore throat. And it was good for our lungs.. that's what I read online. We found the recipe online and tried brewing that.

Mommy said it was good and her throat felt better after having two rounds of it. And her cough actually went away the next day! YAY!


So... forgetting that there are heaty people in the house... I fried some chips myself.. Haha. It was really good and I want  to do that again one day!