Sunday, January 03, 2016

Happy 2016!!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!

This is going to be a really short post.. I'm still battling an inner battle now and most prolly will update once I've settle some personal matters. 

I was a little upset with a friend days back.. Maybe things I told them are meant to be for their ears only and I don't expect them to interfere in any way.. But one did and said more that one should.. Maybe I should just bottle up everything huh but that will drive me nuts!

Maybe I should have a robot friend who listens only.

Anyway..... Hope your day kickstart with a good day! Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2016!

Have you look back your 2015 and check your milestones for that year?

Mine would most prolly be my first step out of my job in the company for 8 years plus and stepping into a totally new industry. Plus it's also the part where I'm weakest at when I was studying economics in UOL. Haha. Failed at another plan I'd set - taking up a foreign language. Still wondering whether should I continue Japanese and master it or should I try Korean. And.. Another thing is moving back home. Time to be together with my family again.. Missing out on a lot of things. :/