Monday, October 26, 2009

Did I mention that I watched "Shallow Hal" and "Titanic" again last night? Well, not really the whole show but half of the show, till the ending.

Ya, you may think "Wouldn't this girl gets tired of watching the same show over and over again?".

The answer is NO.

There's a reason why I re-watch these shows repeatedly. I get to remind myself that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty and that we should look past that before judging people. Most of the people focus too much on "Outer Beauty" and tend to forget to use their heart to look for something more important. The only time I get a taste of inner beauty was when I was still in polytechnic where I chanced upon this very pretty girl who caught my breath and yes, she looked plain on the outside. That was that. Otherwise, I'd saw a lot of beautiful girls but got a total turn off when her real character shows. It's damn ugly! I mean, if I'm a guy and a really pretty girl like that shows up and display her ugly character to me, I'll get turn off immediately and wish to stay as far away from her as possible least I, having to suffer later.

As for "Titanic", what caught my interest wasn't the romance between Jack and Rose but the chance of getting to see that sunken Titanic. I'm very fascinated with History. Selected History. ha. Titanic, one thing that caught my interest was that my grandpa was born just before Titanic sink and I guess I just like the fact that it's a gigantic sunken ship with a history of it's own. You just can't get bored of it.

I know that I'd said this before but I still wanna say it still! How I wish there's a time machine where I can go back to the past and see what's happening with my own eyes, to feel it with my own skin, to witness something that no one has even see before! Of course, the people in the past will not be able to see/hear me, otherwise that will upset the history right? And yes, I'd like to be immortal please! Least I stepped onto a mine or something. Then I can have a free run, lets see what do I have in mind.. A rerun of how SG were invaded by JP, the war in Berlin, the tunnels between Germany and France, what happened to the Titanic. Yup, that's about it for now. Sorry, American history do not interest me as much as Europe's or SG do.

And I wish that Don Wildman will come to Singapore for a run of Cities of The Underworld. Singapore although may be a small country but we do have had our share of war as well as mystery or secret tunnels that were yet to be explore. Remember 'Hey Singpore!' where Lisa Ang found a secret tunnel? It'll be cool to see the secret tunnels here, that were not opened or found by the people. :/
Some of the tunnels here were revamped into museums, so it looked more modern than history.

Dearest Harry Potter, as much as I'm not a fan of your show and neither do I have a collection of your books nor do I follow your movies, and that my ignorant friends kept comparing ME and YOU together just because they can't differentiate on the hairstyle and yes, the spectacles, but PLEASE! Lend me your invisible cloak so that I can do some digging of my own without incuring "THEIR" wrath! Thank you!!!!! You can get your owl to send the cloak over ASAP!

Did I mention again that The History Channel was looking for a host? How I wish I can be the host (think: Don Wildman - he gets to see all the cool stuffs!) so that I get to see the same as Don does! But, they required someone who can speak FLUENT English (definitely not me, since they would prefer someone with a familar accent) and (i think) with a strong history background or some sort. Me? I LOVE History but I'm bad with numbers. I can't remember dates. Sigh. I'll just have my own History program. :)
Which I'll embark once it's time. heh.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Now I know where did my gaming streaks come from...

Mom played Zuma till 5am!!!! OMG! So indeed, it runs in the blood.. Lol.
I'm not sure if I'm just feeling emo or something, but I just felt very sick and tired of work suddenly. Somehow I felt that I'm being paid to see people's face. They can't make it clear themselves and do they have to be that nasty about it? What fuck is $38? It's SMALL AMOUNT ok? Why kept stressing on that? If I could, I'd just throw the money on that fatass man's face and yes, he's another ANG MOH who think he's that almighty!! Yet another one, who talk alot and said we are the one who's wasting his time! Bloody hell! Sometimes its just them who made me look at people of his same kind in another light and its very HARD to convince myself that not everyone are like that. Yes, I know. Not EVERYONE are like that, but you have to SEE for yourself in order to be convinced right? Damnit! A few bad apples can spoil the rest of the apples in a basket. *PUI!* Still dare say that he'd stayed here for 14years and DARE to compare us with that.. THAT country? Come on! Maybe they see that you are an ANG MOH. ANGMOH = carrot head! Be nice to you and thats all. I don't give a SHIT if you are AM or not ok? What makes you think you deserve that special treatment just because you are different?

Anyways, I'd made up my mind. Die die to continue my studies and no more delay. Hopefully I'll try to find a part time job in an industry that I like. Some may say that it's inpractical and a job is a job. HEY, if you do not like that shitty environment you are working in or if you do NOT enjoy what you are currently doing, why should you stay and make yourself miserable? After TWO years of facing idiotic customers, I must say, it's only the really NICE ones that made me stay.

Sheesh, just thinking of those people made me lost my 'inspiration'.!

This song came to my head right now!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sometimes I'll feel that my job sucks. I know its childish to feel that way just because I can't get what I want and that I should understand it since I'm working in this industry, this trade. There's always such a thing called "Leave Freeze", "Peak Period", etc.

This had in fact strengthened my resolve to quiit and resume my studies ASAP!

Sometimes they'd asked various things, why do we eat into our time and such. Why is it that we get scold but they themselves are doing the same? Shouldn't they be the ones who's supposed to show a good example?

What had happened to Hachiko (think: Pulau Ubin) is happening to me now. Time to go low.


Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm THAT close to throwing my netbook away! *shows pinkie*
Yes, THROWING IT AWAY! It cannot support Facebook. (not mine anyway, I'm lodging on a friend's account. Smart eh? Which in turn lead to another Question from friends: Why not create an account? ME: Huh? Just to play game? Nah, I don't wanna be oblige to 'accept' people whom I'm not close with and there's no point in creating an account just to play game eh?) ANYWAYS, back to where I was earlier. It cannot support ... Okies, it just cannot play Cafe World smoothly! And yes I know, a netbook is just for surfing of the game but.. but... with such advanced technology in this mini version of a laptop (mine is overshadowed by dajie & mei's laptop.. what with the 18" screen. Might as well get a desktop???). This gave me MORE excuses to buy the desktop which I'm aiming at. I just need to check whether can I increase the ram that's all. Wonder if the graphics card is good enough too. :/
I'm tempted to get a laptop but I guess my heart is still with the good ol' desktop where you can customise it according to your needs. hehe.. *rubbing hands together*

Oh well, here's a glance on what I'm looking for Fujitsu. Why this? I love the sleek tower (saves space and I've already thought of where to place it at ok??). I'm quite ok with the specs provided but there's any chance of improving it, I'd love to go for it. :D

Things I'd like to change:

- the processor (I've yet to check on what's the latest one is, I'm not going for the latest but preferably somewhere between the current one to the latest one.

- the RAM! I'd love to increase it with an additional 2 slots or better, just throw in another 2GB RAM for me hehe, so I'll have 6GB instead of 4!

- HDD to 500GB maybe? Gahahah! No partition please! I have enough portable HDD to cover my nonsense.

- I don't really need a DVD-Rom drive that can write since I rarely "burn" DVDs. Just a simple one in case my mom do 'charity work' again, 'burn' photos for her ungrateful friend (just the thought of her friend complaining about my camera when my mom was kind enough to loan him makes my blood BOILS!!!!).

Only thing that baffles me was the graphics card. I'm no good at that. *Head bent backwards and began talking into the void above, "Whoever is reading my nonsense and is good at IT, do lemme know what you think of the specs? My main purpose is for online gaming." Woah! I can practically heard my voice echoing out! Please pardon me, I just love talking to myself and also to voice my thoughts out loud. Like my temp staff said "Can you stop talking to yourself?".

Had my cousin over to look at our house and to quote us a price for installing 4 units of aircons. Now we were discussing whether should we go ahead and install it or not. Is it a necessity? It's gonna cost us like S$4k or so I think.. Gah. Still thinking.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Was searching around YouTube and suddenly a thought came across my head and I began typing for "Coco Lee". Found this treasure and yes, she's pretty and she sings well.

So, I saw alot of related songs and I believe this should be the original combination.. Both female singers are good and different in their own way. Dolly Parton has more of the classic voice whereas Coco is more of the modern version of the song. :)

From there... I found this!!! Real classic and if you listen carefully, you'll find that her voice is very unique. Not something which will make you fall in love with at first BUT after listening to the full song, you'll find it otherwise. It's like sour plum, very sour at first but sweet when you get to the middle part.

Had just typed a whole paragraph of text and yes, the darn IE hang!!!!!

Anyways kudos to Tiger's latest commercial ad! It was very creative.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Was looking at the crystal filled mat which my mom had made for me. Somehow she'd managed to find the time to sew them up while rushing dajie's beaded slippers. Analysing the work on the mat reminded of how cute my mom is and that I ought to appreciate her more. Time to reflect on my attitude towards her (again).

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
Had returned from another friend's grandmother's funeral. It happened so fast that we were still trying to absorb the news. We were playing bowling (which I'd managed a score of 63!!!!) on Wednesday and suddenly, we were told of the news on Thursday. I mean.. it just happened. Life is so fragile. The grandmother died in her sleep, which they were unsure of what's the cause of death. I hope she had died peacefully in her sleep.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Found this! It's a little weak but can't compare her with Damien right? Quite like the chorus though, I guess that will be the part where that's the notes she can really hit.

AND... OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND THIS TREASURE!!! Now I'm so tempted to hop down to HMV to buy their album.. For GH5 fans, you'll find this song EXTREMELY familiar.. Ha!

And funnily, they are a Christian metalcore band.. omg. *Back to listening to their whole album and drool at the same time..* I would say it's the guitar part that attracts me to their songs. *.*
But.. I wonder, with all these screaming, will the lead singer's throat hurt? Especially during their concert, wow.

And I didn't know Jessica Simpson sang the part for Ariel, The Little Mermaid, which made me have this craving for watching that cartoon!!


A little diversion.. as I was talking to mom. Time FLIES! Next month will be dajie's solemnisation, Dec 6 is my StandChart 10km run (I HAVEN TRAIN YET!! I'M SOOOO LAZY!!!! *pulls hair*), followed by dajie's tea ceremony & wedding dinner. It's happening so fast!

I still can't believe why some people can be so nasty!

And I still don't understand why ang mohs don't feel weird when some people tried to slang their English and not feel uncomfortable about hearing it. I mean, if ang mohs try to speak Chinese and have that weird accent, I'll feel uncomfortable inside out.

I suddenly have an urge to do something outrageous after doing some minor research and getting frustrated.

Dad went to (finally) get his measurements taken for his suit just for dajie's wedding. Next? FORCE him to buy a new pair of shoes, get him really good shirt and tie. Well, he can always reuse it for mei's wedding. ;)

It's about time I start training for my run.. I'm getting fat and I can't cover 10km in 1hour's time! That sux.

I'm liking bowling though I can't survive more than 3 rounds. My ball tends to roll to the left when I try to position myself in the centre or slightly more to the right and the ball will go straight into the right drain when I stand on the extreme right. Sheesh. Managed to score a maximum of TWO strikes during the 3 rounds of game. Tomorrow shall be bowling day again and hopefully I'll get to practice more.

Why money plant can't grow money instead of leaves?

Why do we need to study?

My back is hurting.. for sitting too long on the wooden stool..

I'm still short of 1 white dress for dajie's Church's wedding.. Gah. Dress... Yuk!

Gotta buy a pair of extremely black stockings plus a skin tone too.....

Why am I listing it out?

Ok, I'm starting to sound like Akira from Prince of Tennis... I'm talking to myself...

And..... speaking of Prince of Tennis... TEZUKA is sooooo COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why can't there be any real life guys who look like those in comics/anime?

I shall end this post abruptly.

Wait, why is Master Lil's thoughts are in my head? OMG! GET OUT!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU.. YOU.... You... always drawing circles on the floor... character.. creature.... Hope your Monster Hunter dies on you.. *Wicked laughs* Yes... Yes.. That'll be the ultimate for you...

I feel like taking up tennis... nO.. Not because of Prince of Tennis.. Nope.

My phone.. is so quiet.. Seems like I'm pretty unpopular.. Not a new message in my phone since... 9pm?

Alright.. my phone's not working.. Ah! The battery's dead! No wonder! So, it's not because I'm unpopular!!

Hmm, are you still reading this? Gosh.. you are sure persistant. =.=

Aren't you thinking "When will this post ever end????".

How about, just moving your cursor to "X" and do a left click?

Not worried about brain dead from reading all these nonsense?

Erm... Ain't bored yet?

I can't keep entertaining you forever, you know that right?

I shall stop here.

Yup.. Good night!!!

Ey.. are you still reading?

Geez!! You can stop reading and do whatever you are supposed to do man!!

Too bored? How about playing "Plants vs Zombies"?

What?! You are yawning?? That's an OLD game?!

ITS NOT OK! It's fun!!

Go read a book then!

I'm so tempted to get back on the tracks for my Japanese.. Otherwise I'll melt under Master Lil's glare.

Maybe I can take on French at the same time.. Any cute French tutors?

And brush up on my cantonese at the same time..

Cannot be too greedy...

Okies, tired. Eyes are closing. Good night once again and you "hao zi wei zhi" bah! In otherwise, GOOD LUCK! Lol!!!!!

I can't believe that my mom actually enjoyed Jay Leno's show! There's no Chinese subtitles ok!!!

She watched too many CSI shows.. Now she can identify David Caruso in NYPD.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today, mei, dajie, jer, dad and I visited ye ye at Alexandra Hospital. He looked tired, I guess he didn't get enough sleep since he was fighting off the IV needles on his arms. Tried talking to him using simplified Cantonese such as "how are you" and am glad to hear him replied "good". :)

He would drift into sleep now and then and staring into space when he's not. While waiting for lunch time and watching over ye ye at the same time, we (dad, mei and I) were talking about the times when ye ye was still active and alert. My mind then drifted over to 1994, when ma ma was still there and we'd always go over to visit our grandparents on Sundays without fail. Everyone was very close and we'd have our breakfast at the nearby hawker centre, the usual - prawn mee (it was the most delicious and cheapest mee then). Afterwards, we'd proceed over to our grandparents house for lunch, where ma ma was still active and moving about, cooking meals and such. It was fun then.

At the same time, I was reminded of how old and fragile ye ye looked. He's like 90 odd years old. And soon, it was lunch time. After dad had finished feeding ye ye, I asked him "Was your lunch delicious?". Ye ye's reply? "It was reluctantly delicious." That was the cutest reply I heard from ye ye.

I pray that nothing will happen to him, that he'll recover quickly, go for physiotherapy obediently and be his usual self - alert and active.
It started sometime in August, right after I did something unique to myself that some may not be able to accept. And they began associating me with a fictitious character. To do the joke for a week or two is fine with me, however to keep the flame going for 2 months straight? Does "overdo" rings a bell? Don't you find the same joke taste bland after sometime? As usual, if the joke is on someone else, you'll fell indifferent, yet when it does happen on YOU, then it's a totally different story.

How does this sound to you?
"They are mean to you for doing this but I can't help but to laugh when I saw 'it'"
The letter "H" shone brightly in my mind for a while. If I put that to your face, I'm sure you'll leave in a huff.

For one whom I'd know longer than everyone else, for being so nice that sometimes it just feel that it's impossible for someone to be that nice, that sometimes it'll just made your mind wander to the dark side. To think you'll participate along with the rest of the mindless. That it gave me a reason not to defend you further from future attacks, should any comes along. And for what had happened today in that box, for NOT clarifying and just assuming things will get you nowhere. The reason you gave was invalid. It's the weekend today, who's WORKING???

So, I'd just resolve to just ignore the insensitive people who like tasting the same food over and over again. Speak out what's on my mind? I'd say that it will just made them think you are one who can't take a joke (when it's more than 2 months old). For one who can't differentiate between ROUND RIMMED objects with SQUARE RIMMED ones, I can't really judge you huh?

Threw some hints over and there and yet they can't catch them all. Sigh, people who can't think of anything better will just eat the same food over and over again, just for the sake of filling their void.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Enjoy this clips.. Thanks to Mr Tan. :) Happy Children's Day and Happy Bday to u!

Its not quite what I'd expected but I guess it's because I'd assumed myself that it may be a live action trailer of the game itself. However, I'm quite impressed by the way they'd managed to make the helmet's screen looked so real like the one in game. XD

CHECK THIS OUT! This is then great! Especially the part where the guy got pinned to the wall, it reminded me of the weapon that Clifton asked to me to get for the first time. And also, they did up the sniper rifle similar to the game!!!! OMG! I WANT THAT ONE TOO!!

As I was browsing through some images of Cloud for my BB's wallpaper, I realised that I have not find a really good drawing of Cloud. Not that I'm someone who's really good at drawing however, I do appreciate arts alot. I think the closest I saw was the poster at GCA, or was it Comics Con? It's such a pity that I did not take a picture of it. :(