Sunday, April 26, 2015

Final Fantasy 7 Revisit! Plus some updates on the reality world.

Before I go into that, I was on the way home on the cab and i overheard this song playing on the radio - PJ & Duncan: Eternal Love 

There was no introduction on that song but having heard and loved it, the song title & group name came into my mind automatically. I just need to share this song with you guys. Who have actually heard of them before? I think it was during my era... maybe almost 20 years back?

Sigh, to think of it... last time when I was younger and saw people whose birth year was 1970's, it made me felt young and now, I'm seeing year 1990's and took a quick calculation, I bet they must be thinking the same as I use to.

Here, enjoy their song. :)


Anywayyyyyyyyyyy it has been some time since I last blog.. Even with technologies - app on mobile, I am still lazy to get myself updating.

Some updates.. Managed to meet up with my girl pals for KTV night last Tuesday! Finally! I get to sing again!

I am back to yoga! It is more like a once a week session and sometimes I felt a little more hardworking and practice it at home.

Plus I didn't realise that I had gained so much weight! I mean... now my thighs are big, my stomach is big, my arms are big and my friends said I had put on weight.. I'm so sad. All these eating, supper and adding of age is starting to take it's toll on me. :(

So it is time to start eating healthy (I hope.. for the Wendy's downstairs had closed it doors and KFC is taking over! OMG! My weakness! I can foresee myself eating it at least once a week!) and have more self-discipline to start working out. This is my 2015 resolution! Lose my extra weight!

Met up with my ex-colleagues at Paulaner although Hachiko cannot make it sadly. It was fun and great catching up! Hopefully our next metope - Pulau Ubin Trip on a Weekday will materialise after PP's wedding.


So what's with that title you may wonder and not ask.

I cannot remember exactly how it came about as well but it seems that it all started from Advent Children.. I think seeing it on TV or something and then my interest and memories of Final Fantasy 7 returned.


I saw the preview of an app called "Final Fantasy Record Keeper", downloaded it and the first door I saw was Final Fantasy 7! Played and unlocked "Cloud's" character and then all about FF7 came flooding back to me.. The songs, the game, the movies, the characters especially about Aerith/Aeris. She died on me and I was hoping that she would be revive but that did not happen. The game did not give me enough time to mourn on her death and I had to move on after Cloud buried her in the pool. I couldn't let go of her after all the handwork I had put in on levelling her up and making Cloud bringing her out on a date at the Golden Saucer. Ah.. those memories.

I super love the game and up till now, I cannot forget it.

All along I only remember the main characters on FF7 the game and I didn't pay much attention to the other character - Zack. I didn't really get to spend much time with him for he practically does not exist in the game as a playable character for he died before the gameplay. I went to watch the movie - Crisis Core which focus on Zack.

That was when I started to feel for him, he was feeling torn between his friends, seeing them die and going crazy. He fighting alone to protect another, he meeting Aeris which made sense when Aeris dropped hints about Cloud looking like Zack. I kinda felt sad for Zack in that story.