Wendy was cute enough to wait for me at Raffles City Shopping Centre when we were supposed to meet at Raffles Place.. haha. We managed to change our moolah to Japanese Yen and get our JR pass done. Not much difference in prices so its cool! :D
After which, we just walk and shop and viola! We are in Borders and I suddenly remembered what I needed to buy. Bought and it wasn't the whole series and we went over to Kinokuniya to complete my series.. hee. Spent a total of $400 (yes i know abut its an annual thingy you see...) on these!!! SO HAPPY ESPECIALLY WHEN I FOUND THE ENCYCLOPEDIA! WOOHOO!!!

My full set of Halo series plus encyclopedia! So cant wait to tear open the plastic and slowly devour the beautiful book! And time to start reading the story of Halo. I salute to the person who thought of the Halo storyline and universe.

Gears of Wars caught my eye too and I can't help it but to pick it up.. Since it's my favourite game and I'd played through GoW 1 & 2 and knowing its storyline..
And yes I agree with the author of "The Art of Video Game". Video Game is art too! Look at the drawings! The landscape, the figures, the details!

Abit heartpain when I found this (top right corner)..... ouch.
Who said its not money well spent?
Okies, had managed to edit some photos taken last month... Will post up again when I'm free. Its 0042hr and I gotta get up like 0745hr due to some meeting... Tired.. Good night!!
Counting down.. 12days to Japan!!