Dajie commented that my posting is very irregular - reminded me of my resolution to do AT LEAST a weekly post yet laziness kicks in.
Bought many games lately and I am too eager to try them out. Completed Lego Harry Potter, a little disappointed as I was expecting it to be as great as Lego Indiana Jones. Cute still yet irritating at some point. Still "suan" to the max because I get to break things up, fly in the air and use magic! Godfather II also constantly reminding me to complete the game before I jump to Mafia II. Fables III, tried and stopped for a while. Kinect is due for launch very soon as he (yes, I decided Kinect's gender is a male) was featured in the news last night and mom was quite excited about it.
Dajie brought her hippo back, my hippo was very excited to see his new friend.

They even made arrangements to have a sleepover last night! Bet they were excited because Dajie's hippo was very noisy (there's a bell in his stomach), all those chattering.. I still managed to sleep anyway. No wonder Cactuar ended up with this pose.