And so, we had shifted out of my old house on the 7th Dec. Felt kinda sad to be moving out after staying in this house for so many years, with so many memories. It stored so much more memories than my old house in Upper East Coast, when we shifted out 5 years back due to my parents separation.
As the new house is not ready, I had made preparations to get a temporary lodging months back. I am not the sort who like to do last minute preparations for something as important as this. Yes, if it is something minor, then I will do it at the last minute but not something like this. I really can't wait for the new house to be ready so that I can move in and hopefully not having to move out until 5 years later, when I can get my own house. Of course, provided the housing price will decrease and not increase.
I realised that for the past 10 years, I had moved around quite a bit. Some was out of my own accord and which I must admit, is something not many people around me can experience the feeling of staying at certain places. It was quite an experience and I am glad that I had that.
Anyway, I kept Friday to pack my whole room and it took longer than expected. Perhaps I had more items now than I use to have. :/
So this is how it looked like while I was still in the midst of packing on Friday.

And how it looked like on Saturday after the movers came to move my mattress and drawers.

And after sending most of the boxes to the temporary lodging.

It definitely felt weird, to be sleeping in the room, knowing for the fact that I will be sleeping there for the last time. That it is my last night. Threw plenty of stuffs and still have many to keep in the storage. Things that I cannot bear to throw, have to go by forcing myself to ask internally "ever look at them for the past year? If your answer is no, throw."
No more drive-thru for McDonalds and KFC. Sigh.
And...... while packing.... someone dropped my piggy bank. He had followed me since my poly days until now, which is almost 10 years! Felt very sad. First sadness was the moving, next was because my new house is not ready yet, thirdly was this, piggy broke. You know, it all felt like some bad omen.

Made 3 trips back and forth from my old house to the temporary place to move my items. Regretted not accepting help from my friends when they offered.. which I will most definitely ask them for help when my new house is ready!
Guess one of the boxes was to heavy, tried to put it down and my thigh was to near the plastic box that it scratched a little bit of the skin off. It still hurts now and is still trying to heal. I guess it will take a long time for I do not have the aloe vera cream with me. I find that cream the most effective cream for they heal wounds like that very fast.

It was a very tiring weekend for me. Saturday to pack the remaining, bringing them over to the temporary place, unpacking them, making trips to ikea to buy some necessities, had dinner and finally home to rest.
And another trip to iKea on Sunday to buy the remaining items and did Christmas shopping in Orchard. So tiring man. Haven't had a good rest and back to work on Monday. Sigh...
Glad to have my last day of leave today. Well, I was supposed to meet up with my 'Family' but father have to stay home and look after his wife. We all insisted on that for we know that he also will not have a peace of mind even if he's out with us and leaving her alone at home.
Anyway, today is the 10th, another 21 days to the end of the month, the mark of the new year, 2014. My wish is to make the best of the remaining days an enjoyable one, a memorable one and to end things on a good note then welcome the new year with a new start. :)
How about you? How have you been doing? How do you plan to end 2013? If you have not make any plans yet, how about setting a day for your family and have a nice dinner with them if you have not done so? Meeting all your close friends whom you have not meet up for months? Been wanting to start / finish something but haven't have the time to do so? How about making time to do it?
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!