Yes... This post is long overdue. Being busy and lazy at the same time.
I wanted to drop a short post on 01 Jan 2014.. Oh well, better late than never. At least before Chinese New Year!
So, Happy 2014 everyone! May this year be a motivating year for everyone to do GOOD and not he opposite. Wishing everyone good health (most important), if you have not been spending quality time with your family members and love ones, please start doing so! Let this year be a wealthy year for all!
So, what's your new year resolution? Mine is to spend more time with my family member, continue reminding myself to be appreciative of the little things.
Guess this will be a long post although I intend to keep it short. I am down with throat infection that made it hard for me to talk plus a combo of slight fever. Even so, it did not dampen my mood to go out today! I must admit though, I was feeling very tired.
I will update the happenings in December 2013, and leave the rest for another day.
I had left my last post at my house moving part. The new house is still under renovation, toilet walls are lined with tiles already, tomorrow they will be installing the lights. Soon it will be toilet and kitchen stuffs and lastly furnitures I hope. Most likely the renovations will be completed after CNY. I was hoping to have my annual steamboat dinner with friends at my new place. Seems like it will not happen.
Saw this wallpaper at one of the mrt stations and I was like O.O!!! Omg!
It was so cool and I really hope to see more of this! Or even wallpapers of new consoles launch, etc. so kudos to Ubisoft for making my start and end day a superbly pleasant one because I will always see it and it will never fail to bring a smile to my face! Just can't wait for Watch Dogs to be launch!

Bought Call of Duty Ghosts finally and they were asking me whether do I want the poster. I said YES. I can't wait to frame all my gaming posters up and hang them in my wall. Had wanted to draw Master Chief from Halo on one of my bedroom walls but I did not because I am bad at drawing.

I can't remember which day was it but it so happened that Mr D and my day off are the same. So we made arrangements to visit Pulau Ubin. I wanted to take some photos but I realized that I had left all my cameras in the storage room! So I did not take much but just some of my lousy mobile phone camera. Brunch was good and someone treated me because he was late! Made me waited for quite some time... It can't be helped anyway because he was working late the day before.
I had the chicken burger meal while he had just a burger.

I really looked forward to this trip because it had been a really long time since I last visited Pulau Ubin. The place really brought back fond memories. Really missed cycling with the old gang. During the boat ride, we saw some sites on the sea and this uncle who was sitting outside with us told us that those were fish rearing farms. As we talked more, I found out that he was from Pulau Ubin and he's returning there to run after visiting the people there. I did not get to find out more because the boat reached our destination not long. I wonder, whether are his friends still staying on the island?
We rented bicycles and began to plan our route. We decided to travel all the way to the east, which is good thing because it began raining heavily after we had reached the house museum there.

We were just walking to the pier and I saw the dark clouds were coming towards our direction. A group of guys asked Mr D to take a group photo for them. So while he's doing that, I heard the sound of heavy rainfall coming our way, getting louder and louder. The image was not helping. So once Mr D was done, I told him to quickly get back to the house. We ran back and was hit by the heavy rainfall halfway through. That feeling felt almost like it came from a movie. Something like heavy rain accompanied by a tornado was coming, closing on us while we ran for our lives to safely.
The rain brought the mosquitoes in and soon we could see some flying around us. We sprayed some repellents - luckily Mr D brought them along. It was semi effective because we had some mosquito bites, still better to have 2 or 3 rather than 10s or more.

We returned earlier than expected because while our boat ride was leaving the island, because it rained for the second round. It was quite interesting to see the cloud spraying water from the sky while moving.
We had our dinner at Changi Hawker Centre. I was just craving for Ipoh hor fun but did not know where to get it and just nice, Mr D said that there's a stall that sells pork cutlet hor fun. So I was thinking, wasn't it weird to have such combination? Like, normal hor fun and that cutlet.. I decided to give it a try anyway without the cutlet. When he brought the food over, I was sooooooooo happy that I just gobble the food down. It was my Ipoh hor fun and not the normal hor fun! Yum yum!

So my conclusion of this outing? I am too old to take risks. 5 years back, I could just ride fast and tried all the steep slopes including the one with stones. No worries about the steep road sign. Now, I was so scared that I think I had kinda spoilt Mr D's day because of me, he couldn't ride all the downslopes. :(
Last time I could ride all the upslopes without problem, now I was huffing and puffing and I need to get down and push my bike up. Old liao.
I guess my next trip to Pulau Ubin would be a more leisure one. I want to capture the beauty of the place before it is transform into a commercialized place. Why can't THEY just leave this quiet place alone? Why do THEY have to destroy everything and turn it into a money making place? The mainland is stressful and polluted enough, why can't we have a nice and short getaway that doesnot involve anything from the mainland. See those hdb buildings till sick, Pulau Ubin is so .. Peaceful.
So, last year was the launch of Playstation 4. People are queuing up for it. Not many games are available on the new console yet but the graphics, could simply blow you away! Yup! I got it! Or rather, I got it for someone as a Christmas gift. So for now, it is BF4 ftw. Haha.
See the queue. No, I did not queue for it. Walked in and bought it although it cost a lot more than what most place are selling but I guess they marked up the price because all the stores are out of stock for walk ins.

We, my "family" finally met up and we celebrated Christmas together! We decided to make it an annual event, Christmas and CNY. And of course, we will still meet up inbetween. It was good seeing them again, this time with a mini father waiting to see the world this year. I got an umbrella. PP was considerate enough to think of the practical use. Like it was a foldable umbrella so it can fit into most bags. Think of it as the size of a spectacles case.

This year we celebrated mom's birthday and CNY reunion lunch at the Eight Treasures Vegetarian Restaurant which was located in Chinatown. It was an early CNY lunch because dajie is due on end Jan. baby Mark can't wait to see the world. I am so excited to welcome my second nephew!
Lunch was not too bad. :)

Ok, it is 12:23am now and I'm feeling very tired. Good night all and have a good weekdays!