So it has been a month since I started work at my new company. It has been good, I am still learning new things, learning how to go about doing it, still need more research.
What was the first thing I did was to add some designs my on nails - which was forbidden by my previous co. Took me close to 3 hours to find what I want and I chanced upon this Japanese complementary nail art.
What else did I do? I cooked of course! :)
I was craving for macaroni soup for a long time and decided to cook it. :) Turns out well.
Ever since I saw Jeremy's mom cooking bee hoon, I have this goal to cook my own bee hoon as well. So I tried.. my first attempt! Although the ingredients were easy to prepare, it was the cooking part that was the toughest! Cooking bee hoon was so tiring that I think my hands and arms actually gained some muscles! Haha.. Now I know why some bee hoon are so oily because they compensate water for oil. Mine, I just added water so that the bee hoon won't be too dry but it was alright because the bee hoon were consumed after cooking. If you are going to keep it longer, then yes, you'll need to add more oil instead. Well, that's my theory. Haha. Let me know whether am I correct or not. Even though it was tiring, I don't mind cooking bee hoon again. I love bee hoon! Actually, I love bee hoon and mee! Anyway my next dish in mind will be mee tai mak (mouse tail)! I want to do a soup base instead.

Aton and I had been planning to cook at my place and the one thing we wanted to cook was Chicken Rendang! We got the recipe from her sister and it turns out well! Just that... it tasted a bit sweet.. heh. Most probably because I prepared too much gula melaka for her. So with the rest of the gula melaka, I'm thinking of doing ondeh ondeh. The last time I made that was when I was still in secondary school. So now, I would like to try doing it again. :)

I received a surprised call from WH one day asking whether will I be working on the eve of the long weekends (06/08/15, Thurs) which I said yes. The outlet he was working at was having a team outing and asked whether would I want to join them for 2 rounds of bowling which should end around 1am. I agreed immediately! Haha. Although I had left the company but it doesn't mean I don't miss my ex-teammates. Actually, I do missed working with them at times.. it was quite different between office hours and retail hours but I certainly did not regret doing a 360 career switch. My network expands, my contacts expanded as well.
Anyway, I enjoyed myself during the outing and I was really really glad that they did not forget me and invited me along for this night!
This is the view taken from the boardroom.. it was a beauty isn't it? I always felt so relax and comfortable whenever I look at this view.. it was so peaceful.
Finally!! My stationaries arrived and I began to beautify my workstation more. Next up will be an air diffuser for the room! Really, the room need a woman's touch! Haha.
Anyway, I was listening to L'arc en Ciel's songs while typing this blog post. I really like their songs a lot as well as Gackt and sometimes I wish they will stop growing old so that they can keep singing great songs for us to listen to, to love and to enjoy. I was glad that I made it to their L'arc en Ciel's concert because that was the first and I guess, only concert in Singapore.