sounds hardcore huh? but no, did not drink that much. did not drink till drunk.. well, maybe only once, when i was alittle high but still can think, can walk, can talk.
Lat (my favourite) and Tao (Von's favourite) had returned to thailand. that was quite fast, considering that i'd only get to see them the first time was on.. feb 24th? saw and know them for less than a month and they gotta leave. how i wish i get to know NANA earlier. :(
at least i get to know Rene, one of the female singers who stayed behind in SG.
GM or NANA? i'd prefer NANA. but it seemed alittle pointless to go because Lat's not there. if rene's gone, i think i'll stop going there.
oh well, was thinking whether to post all the old or the new pics then i decided the latter. update latest stuffs, old stuffs i'll post once i have the time to. cant wait to post my ubin trip - it was fun!
as i was saying, that alot of things had happened to me, esp at work. felt so demoralised to the extend that i feel like a) taking a week long of holiday or b) quit this job. but i have yet to save up money, how to quit?
guessed i need to start sleeping early, like wot kai had said. slept late often, very tiring. its affecting my work performance. am quite affected by work, that i guessed at times i kinda showed my attitude to friends who were close to me without realising it.
hmmm, pics up next.
below photos are taken with a N95 8GB with focus on Night Protrait. haha. courtesy of father wong's camera. so next time you are planning on getting a camera phone, you know what to buy le. :)
it was my first time entering ex-momo (so i heard) or the now Nana. my virgin step on 24.02.2008. went to GM the first time, cousin koh aka malet buddy said she'll bring me to Nana one fine day.. and that night was that 'fine day'.
it brought back memories of those nights before i changed job.
anyway, it was also my first time going to such place with von. daniel joined us later and also left early.. we began horsing around. took pics, listen to the band performing, rene & gang singing, performing, drinking, toasting to one another.. it was fun..
then later, one of the waiters brought a jug of beer over, saying it was from another department under the same company.. uncle pang went over to them and chatted up with them. such coincidence man!
anyways, that was the night when i first saw... Lat. hahah.

dis guy reminded me of chun chun - they looked quite alike. even my malet buddy agreed!

the girls

the boys

funny shot. funny tht all stick out their tongue in 1 direction. -.-"

everyone behave shot..

father wong tempted to kiss uncle pang's wife..

uncle pang claimed his 'territory' first. father wong disappointed.

father wong decided to surprise auntie jo & pushed uncle pang away. tsk tsk..

family portrait

nice shot

candid shot.. dajie couldn't recognise me in the pic... -.-"

me & father wong

cousin koh with uncle wong

buddy with her papa pang

father wong trying to act cute..

father wong trying to act cute again.. does that 'V' sign he did look familar?

resting for 2nd round of pics....

buddy, me and rene :)
she's pretty ya?

joe w/ his scandal.. haha. *juz kidding*

me and my Lat!! :D

buddy with MY Lat. hahah :P

joe drunk liao..

me trying to take advantage of him.. hur hur hur

last pic before we go home
went to boat quay to eat the 'zi char'. it was quite tasty, reminded me of the supper we had with kelvin ang and some others. it was the night before the shufflement took place and CNY was around the corner..
walked over to have some drinks across the road - Raining pub? cant remember the name.
had some beer and beer sux badly.. unless its paulaner's. haha. :P
chilled out by the steps, played around.. took some pics..

night scenery by the river

lonely bird

kai went over to accompany it

imagine a skinny boy carrying a heavy and fat uncle!! O.O!

some random pics

my fav pic and was my hp's wallpaper then
yet another night at nana..

joe with his scandal again..

von and her Tao, her fav bassist.

pp looked like uncle that night with his fugly shirt.. hee

ali didnt want to take any pics at first.. but we 'force' him to.
another night at Nana (again) was last friday. went with nicole, cy, buddy, uncle pang,von, shiling, ah li and joe (wasted, no group photo). place was really crowded and the performance was totally different, it was good. saw some fresh faces at the same time, singers who will be replacing those who are leaving SG. there's 1 who's quite cute but both von and i felt that he's kinda sissy.. but cute. songs sang were quite nice and though it was a pity that i didnt take a video of the time when Lat came over to our side and sang the Meteor Garden's song by Harlem Yu.. but like what uncle pang and my buddy said, juz keep it in my memory, it'll be more special that way.. though am still feeling the regret there of not taking any last pic with him, but am glad that i did get to see their 2nd last performance and took a pic with Tao. haha.
shall always rememeber that performance.. that special performance. :D
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