mom: isn't it weird that why indians have such big, beautiful eyes and nice nose but they are just dark in colour..
ver: just like us, not nice eyes and nose but are fair (in a way)
me: yea, then like those ang mohs, sharp nose, beautiful eyes, fair skin and have the height and all.... BUT! they are just 'hao kan but hao chi'. its too bad that they look good overall but have very bad characteristics. well, for the majority.
so my conclusion? ang moh are just for viewing purpose only.
anyway, thought i might as well update some of the photos before they start to have mold and spiderwebs growing on them!
Was unable to attend ah li's bday dinner as i'd decided to swap my shift with cy. ima proud to say that i did 2 full shifts in a row! haha, though its no biggie as compared to last year. those poor boys.. hah. changed my offday to sunday instead of sticking to sat so that i can enjoy myself and rest the next day. =D
good idea right? haha.
went over to pan pacific hotel immediately once im done with my work. no duties for that night, so.. its a relief for me.
i wasted no time taking some pictures the moment i made myself comfortable. had some nice cookies to eat.. heng ar! was feeling kinda hungry then. somehow work has made me a hungry person very fast!

tang ge & his missus, karen who's gonna be part of our family soon! haha. wonder who is her coach gonna be.. hmmmm.

managed to get the bz star to take pic with us.. haha
oh, there was her group of friends in the room too.. we aint the only ones there

tried with flash...

and without.. the colour looks nicer but.. its blur if we move a tiny weeny bit.. yes, till now i have yet to figure out how to optimise the camera's many features.. abit wasted right? to be used by me.... gah.

my jiu gui

poor star, she was forced to drink the glass.. of 50% vodka and 30% sprite? am glad im not the girl throwing a bday party.. hee. managed to siam.

a heated argument on who's responsible for it.. heeee
yes.. its made up by me lah..

my father and uncle 'fat'
too blurry le!!! RETAKE!

thats... er.. better

who's sluttier?

took a last group photo before we leave the room for supper....
it was kinda fun, that we moved out in 3 cars, big group and gathered at kallang mac to chit chat. was glad that i went for ah li's bday. get to see ah goh - my old lover, lien ho - the pervert, hee.. and chee wah.. the super white guy. (that's how i describe him to dajie). would love to meet up again in such a big group one day. most prolly will be on fridays since those white collar guys will be resting on the weekends. =)
buddy, von, joe and i happened to have the same off day together so we decided to go to .. MALAYSIA!
it was a horrible day for me.. as it just finished raining and the grounds were wet. but i wasn't aware that the passageway will be flooded! left the house late and quickly went out to take a bus to the mrt station. by the time i reached the bus stop, the bottom of my jeans were wet as well as my birks, was wet on the toe area. the air was humid after the rain, so.. there i was, hot, bothered and wet = uncomfortable! bus finally came and board the bus and..... to realise that i'd forgotten to bring my most important possession out... my P-A-S-S-P-O-R-T!!!
quickly alighted from the bus and that was like 2 bus stops away. the distance were quite far ok!! have to walk back all the way, and the passageway were flooded 80% of them that i have to thread lightly most of the time. sigh..
went home, took passport and have to flag for a cab since i was at least an hour late. they were having their breakfast by the time i reached and i had no appetite for food.
I'm glad though, that the rest of the day went fine. went over to city square and i think they were having some holiday, youth day maybe? and were having an event, quite similar to Singapore's Project Superstar. All kids were dressed up, i tell you. it was like attending some kind of fashion fiesta~! I'll daresay you most prolly wouldn't find that here in Orchard road.
spent almost half the day there walking about, exploring every corner, not giving any spot a miss. and... decided to rest at the mac. we were kinda surprised with one thing there..
clever us sent joe on a mission to retrieve food for us while we waited at a safe corner, making sure those mobs will not breed there. initially ordered a medium size coke and small ice lemon tea i think.. joe came up with the drinks and later, we realised that.. the coke were small size (think of it in singapore's mac drinks size). joe, being the only fella with the longest legs and was very thirsty, went down, planning to start a dispute with them (maybe he'll say "i want to speak to your floor manager") for being given the wrong size of drink came up defeated.
*below converse were not 100% word by word, its more or less ok? agar agar lah*
us: what happened to your drink? never change?
joe: *bewildered* this is their MEDIUM (sg's small size) size drink... haha..
us: *twitched*
-pity i didnt take picture to illustrate the above-
very li hai hor? maybe their government is trying to discourage the youngsters from drinking too much unhealthy sweet sodas? hmm
which then reminded me... what about america? their meals are so supersized that... maybe that's how.. the people's size come about? (O.o)
back to story.. next, we were deciding where to go. initially planned to go holiday plaza but i opt out of it.. coz there's nothing to see there!! and i'd been going there too often for my own good. so.. we agreed to go to... JUSTCO! i remembered reading the newspaper some time back that they'd built a very BIG supermart - JUSTCO that it became the so-called one stop place for tourist to go.
haha, tried to flag for a cab and as we were unsure of how much is the average rate to go to justco, we decided to ask around - the drivers!
we sent joe again, our representative to check the price.
1st driver: 50 ringgit
us: *stunned!*
joe rejected the 2nd driver and flagged for the 2nd one. inbetween, we had some discussions, which were quite hilarious but i wouldn't be putting the conversations up here as it funnier when you are there.
2nd driver: 50 ringgit
joe rejected him again, flatly.
we began counting our costs and we still trying to recover from the first and second piece of news..
2nd driver pulled down window and said: 15 ringgits...
us: *quickly scramble into the cab*
then a thought hit us..
were the 1st driver trying to tell us the same thing?
just imagine what if, what he'd said was 15 instead of 50? and imagine the look or what he'll be thinking.. to see us getting into the 2nd cab?

the lucky fella, with a girl on each of his side... tsk tsk
forced by the 2 ladies ... to take pic... haiz. surprising right? that for the first time i dont wanna take pics.. dunno wot that toy is..

over there, we realised that the parents are quite.. supportive is not the word.. but its like, the parents do not stop their kids from playing arcarde i tell you. every time the kids GAME OVER on a particular game, the mom will actually offered them with MORE coins! never once they'll say "Stop playing and lets go home and study". good hor this kind of parents? dont think you'll get to see much here.
after touring around the whole building - its GIGANTIC i tell you!! feels almost like we were in IMM but its a whole lot bigger and they have this candy store that sells.... the candy tin that was in this anime - grave of the fireflies (*.*)
bought it without a second thought. soon bian bought this sweet where it'll 'pop' in your mouth the moment it touched water. loved that! yummy!!!! bought another 2 packets for my friends in germany & japan to try. =D
dinner... von was suggesting this place where she ate before.. a seafood restaurant and.. we managed to find our way there as she wasn't really sure of the exact route. it was fun lah, in a way.


looks like joe cant wait to attack the food, after doing so many missions.. haha

von is more interesed in the Beggar's Chicken broth..
it was quite late by the time we started heading back.. it was fun and there's no rush to return to SG, just to beat the peak period.. fun and tiring.. yet enjoyable
sigh... had realised one thing... the more you try to avoid doing something, the more it'll come to you.
since secondary school, i hated Business studies, partly was because of my dad's business and also it sounded too dry to me. avoided taking up that course in poly. yet.. now, after working for some time, i realised that i cant avoid business forever, as its everywhere!
did i mention that im planning to study? to return to school? what do i have in mind huh? after thinking for a really long time, it came to light.. that i still need to do a Degree in Business Management / studies... sigh. guess that sounds the most logical thing to do. ey, degree leh. unlike when i was younger, where i can afford to study whatever course i want. degree = long time commitment + costly. so i dont wish to waste my money to study a course that will not be useful in future.
tried avoiding ang mohs.. and ended up. they just proved one thing to me.
they are not to be trusted. this statement is not for all but just the majority out there, esp those in sg. they just sux and lack that sincerity. kns. they are.
and... just heard a piece of news from someone.. i knew there was a major transfer coming up and i wished with all my heart that i will not go to oub.... but.. my source told me that there is a high chance that i'll be transferred over.. haiz.. i'd love to pull my father and my fave fat uncle along with me.. can?
last but not the least.. was watching tv and saw this mv... how true.. for some people.
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