Wanted to wish everyone on the first day of Chinese New Year.. but it slipped my mind. Old liao.. sigh. Lol.
Anyway, now is still the CNY period, so I want to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!
Although most people would say may one collect lots of ang baos however, this time I would want to say have a good CNY because this is one of the times where you will see almost all of your relatives whom you won't meet often. Maybe not for some people but for me, Chinese New Year is one of the few festive where I look forward to. Not because of the ang bao collection but the meeting of all of my relatives! This is one of the moments where we meet up for more than just a day. Not just that, it is also the time where I get to see my cousin, Cheryl who is currently based in London. I also get to see her other half, whom they are planning to get engage this year!
I did not really have a good CNY last year so I am glad that this year is better plus the arrival of my baby nephew, Mark!
He is soooo cute!
Here's me and my nephew who was 1 day old only. I had nearly forgotten how to carry a new baby, but I am glad that I did not forget that baby's neck and back are the most vital parts that needed to be supported. I only get to see him once a week due to my work's schedule and that is the time when i get to notice how much he has grown. Although he is just weeks old, but his face and body is changing. He is simply adorable! He is very expressive, doesn't cry a lot although he makes a lot of noise such as when he was just stretching himself. Sometimes when he made some noise that sounded like he was crying, we would just wait awhile to see if his cry will escalate to the next level, which he would usually quieten down by then. :D
His sleeping pose are very cute too! Sometimes I would see his tiny feet stretched out of the blanket, or sometimes he would stretched so much that his body will be curved to the right/left.

Look at his tiny feet!

This year I skipped my annual reunion dinner. It felt different this year, and I must admit that I felt a bit.. depress. Every year, we would gather at my uncle's place, have dinner and play the sparkles. I always bundle them together and make patterns with it. Such as linking them together so that when sparkle 1 burns halfway, it will 'transfer' the fire to the next one and it will burn from the middle to the top and the bottom then somewhere it will burn the last one.
As I said, this year is a little different. Dajie is doing her confinement and even if she is not, she will have to go to her in-laws for dinner, mei is not going this year and that left me. Guess I decided to skip this year because it just felt different for me although I would very much like to go. The starting of Chinese New Year was bad.. and I looked forward to Day 1, which turned out well.
My usual CNY routine would be to temple to pay respect to my grandma first then to my uncle's house and lastly will be to my cousin (mom's side) place. This year, we managed to spend some time with them at uncle's because they returned from their visiting early. :D
We rushed over to my cousin's, which is like from one end of Singapore to the other end and still managed to see them all. Just in time for lou hei - they were waiting for us to arrive. Heh.
Wore my new pair of heels and I had forgotten to 'wax' my feet to reduce friction. Luckily Cheryl found some plasters for me. Haha. My feet suffered. Partly was because the padding weren't enough and so it was quite hard. The plasters made the shoe even tighter but it was better than no plasters at all! Too bad I did not get to soak them in a pail of hot water to make them feel really comfortable.

Second day of CNY, we went to my dua kim's place and as usual, I looked forward to the chicken wings and curry! Did not get to eat the limited tong shui and the otah was quite a disappointment this year. They tried something new and instead of peeling the meat from the banana leaves, they were wrapped and steamed in aluminium foil. That really kills the taste and it was very watery. Guess it was because the water were stuck in the foil during the steaming of the otah.
This year was also quite special because I get to see my other two nephews! The last time I saw them was like.. when they were really young? The kindergarten stage? It has been too long and now they had grown taller and .. older? Lol. It feels like.. time flies you know? The older one still remember us. Haha!
Day 3, was a last minute plan on day 1 when we asked AP bro whether will he be hosting the annual lunch at his place this year. And since day 3 happened to be on Sunday, which is a non-working day and he checked that he still had food in his refrigerator, so yup! Off we go to his place! 6th aunt did not host this year round because they found it too tiring to prepare the food and to do the cleaning up after.
Although there is no soup (da sao is really good at cooking and her soup is the best!), but the rest of the food were still yummy especially the curry! I had round two with bread and we kept snacking off the dining table even after we had our lunch. Haha.

AP bro then said "let's play MJ together! It has been too long since us, cousins play together."
It was good, it was fun and the biggest winner of the game? It was mei. Omg... she was just as noob as me but guess that 2014 is her lucky year. Must ask her to give me numbers to buy 4D. Lol.

I had just returned from my annual Heng's family dinner at the same restaurant we go to every year. I was seated at the same table as my cousins and this time, Joel brought his new girlfriend along. As I did not see her face when I approach the table and even after I'd sat down. He tried to introduce her to me and I still did not look at her and I said "Oh! I met her before already!" thinking that she was the same as last year's.. because when I asked him on day 1 about his girlfriend, he just said he did not bring her along but never did it occur to me to ask whether was it still the same one.. The look on his face was priceless, the twins and Gab tried to tell me that it was different and when I FINALLY look at her then I know.... I'd MADE A GRAVE MISTAKE... It was really funny lah and I laughed it out. I picked myself together and made the introduce. After that, I scolded Gab why didn't he update me about the change of girlfriend....
Remembered my big piggy bank were murdered during house shifting? Last Christmas, I received this during our annual family gift exchange. White pig is smaller, doesn't feel as shiok as the pink one. I am still planning to look out for the bigger size and once I have that, I will feed this pig something lighter, something that fits the name on his body. ;)
Remembered my big piggy bank were murdered during house shifting? Last Christmas, I received this during our annual family gift exchange. White pig is smaller, doesn't feel as shiok as the pink one. I am still planning to look out for the bigger size and once I have that, I will feed this pig something lighter, something that fits the name on his body. ;)

Even though it was just for almost two months, but I was quite well taken care of by the people in the temporary location, especially a person whom I can call Mr Nice Guy. He is the first friend I made and will always request to go for lunch with me. :)
And on my last day, he treated me lunch. I felt so bad and I really ought to return the favour to him.
The liang teh he bought for me when I was just recovering from my sore throat, the packaging looks like some soy sauce bottle hor?
The liang teh he bought for me when I was just recovering from my sore throat, the packaging looks like some soy sauce bottle hor?

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