ah.. got this fella who added me in msn.. think is a girl bah. at first thought she was a player fr an old game.. but she used this singlish "gong gong ani how ...." ley. so muz b fr sg. wanted to ask her but she offline liaoz. -.-
weird.. lately been getting some requests fr ppl whom either i dunno or dont remember talking to them.. or did i? hence.. rejected em all.. scare virus mah.. haven do backups on my pc yet.
yay! juz did some settings to my pc thx to master lil (her friends called her official hacker le.. LOLx!). now i can type jp / eng le. didnt know chee chung learnt some on his own. so clever. can share half of your brain with me?
glad to hear that zoey's fine there. *phew*
no nd shy la girl. wah! which pri school? hmmm, sounds interesting thou.
stupid chris... OL never msg me... *kicks his butt*
thought i'll give some lessons on Singlish (kinda lik our Singapore Slang bah?) to friends who's outta this country.
as u can see, sometimes i'll use shortcuts otherwise known as BAD eng (this reminded me of chris daddy... my mom once scolded us for the many slangs... that reminded me of chris daddy again..) or broken eng or added "extra sounds that carries no meaning" lik LAH, LEH, LOH, LOR, etc.. dun pay any heed to it. juz sounds nice. ^^ oh, and words that doesnt even appear in dictionary.. also makeup by me coz i feel lik it.
hahahahhaha.. cant wait for next monday. coz that's our completion date + approaching PUBLIC HOLIDAYS! (deepavali + hari raya).
ooo, cant wait for this weekend.. coz lil + friends will b online! they funny sia. LOLx, all cows.. lol. =P
.. wait.. that makes me sound v old.. noooOO..
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
ah! missed me? =P
ok, this mth really sux.
- been working overtime for.. 3weeks! (including this week). not only that, i'd to return to work on sat/sun! sux! totally sux. anyway hopefully my nightmare will end this week.
- missed the october fest held @ far east square (if i didnt remember wrongly.)
- mised TWO of my japenese lessons (no frikking makeup classes wher lil n i heard that fella said there is!)
- missed my yoga class too
- cant update blogs for u guys
- argh.. cant sleep till late on sunday!!
BUT!! looking @ the message in my tagboard really really brighten up my night. (gonna have a good night slp together with sweet dreams). saw zoey's message!!! ahhh! *HUGGIES* cant stay up too late as im already very exhausted. get to go off early today, hence the chance to update alil something for my loyal "fans" to read. ah.. all craps but we love it! =P
oh, and belinda's too! hey! didnt know u still keep my webbie! btw, how ya doin babe?
oh oh oh! zoey sis, pls keep me update on your side ok? juz saw the news.. hurricane hits mexico.. (wrote wrongly in my mail - miami -.-") and possibly florida.
and chris dear, SO SORRY about last night as i was doing some important quest there. SORRY!! see ya online on wednesday night (most prolly wun be online tmr) ok? will b online earliest midnight (your time) coz i fin work @ 7pm (yes.. stupid OT), reached home shower, eat dinner, blah blah. pending stuffs to settle: most importantly: renewal of passport which is expiring in 6 months time! >.<
*HUGZ* for u k? dun be angry. show me the thing on wed ^^ i wanna see d CUTE GUY!! oh.. i'd yet to call ur mom.. v embarrassed.. coz the vcr's left with your mom for a really long time.......
okies. gotta go. ~.~ am very tired.
ps: chris, i missed u k. XD think of me.
ok, this mth really sux.
- been working overtime for.. 3weeks! (including this week). not only that, i'd to return to work on sat/sun! sux! totally sux. anyway hopefully my nightmare will end this week.
- missed the october fest held @ far east square (if i didnt remember wrongly.)
- mised TWO of my japenese lessons (no frikking makeup classes wher lil n i heard that fella said there is!)
- missed my yoga class too
- cant update blogs for u guys
- argh.. cant sleep till late on sunday!!
BUT!! looking @ the message in my tagboard really really brighten up my night. (gonna have a good night slp together with sweet dreams). saw zoey's message!!! ahhh! *HUGGIES* cant stay up too late as im already very exhausted. get to go off early today, hence the chance to update alil something for my loyal "fans" to read. ah.. all craps but we love it! =P
oh, and belinda's too! hey! didnt know u still keep my webbie! btw, how ya doin babe?
oh oh oh! zoey sis, pls keep me update on your side ok? juz saw the news.. hurricane hits mexico.. (wrote wrongly in my mail - miami -.-") and possibly florida.
and chris dear, SO SORRY about last night as i was doing some important quest there. SORRY!! see ya online on wednesday night (most prolly wun be online tmr) ok? will b online earliest midnight (your time) coz i fin work @ 7pm (yes.. stupid OT), reached home shower, eat dinner, blah blah. pending stuffs to settle: most importantly: renewal of passport which is expiring in 6 months time! >.<
*HUGZ* for u k? dun be angry. show me the thing on wed ^^ i wanna see d CUTE GUY!! oh.. i'd yet to call ur mom.. v embarrassed.. coz the vcr's left with your mom for a really long time.......
okies. gotta go. ~.~ am very tired.
ps: chris, i missed u k. XD think of me.
Friday, October 07, 2005
ah.. forgot what i wanna put here..
anyway.... went for so-called supper (-.-" alson n ah soon both see that we r meeting at 10pm, so tot its dinner... both complaining of hunger. lik i torturing them nia...) @ changi village with dajie, jer, vernice, ah soon n alson. ate and jer came fr his workplace. wah, see him eat d meepok soup lik very nice.. u can get alot for $4. seems alot to me of coz!
they said its quite nice.. gonna try another time. after that, we were discussing on wher to go. ah soon suggested d "Bark xxx" forgot the word behind.. went there to drink.. fruit punch.. heh. crap, chat, etc and then.. the waiters informed us that they are closing in 10mins time. its not even 0030hr. ah soon v unreliable.. said that they close at 0100hr.. soon, we were chased out by them b4 0100hr. for me, i find d place ok but dajie dont really lik the place + thou they r selling erdinger @ 12bucks but its not as smooth as d one at timbre. timbre bring over d bottle and pour drink in fr there but not @ d place we went to. BUT plus point, toilet is VERY clean + more cubicles. better than timbre nia. anyway, we'll try other place once alson's recourse is over. ^^
oh~ took some pics. enjoy~ ^^

alson, me and ah soon

again.. coz they said my head looks kinda small. now its bigger.. but still.. it look more lik from BIG head to SMALL head (starting fr the right lol)

me + vernice ^^
time flies. its lik.. 7 weeks to chris arrival? ^^ cant wait. chris, im BOOKING you first~! oh.. need to call ur mom.. T_T din know she has such good memory...
and.. was talking to dajie.. then we were counting the years im with dear.. so fast. next yr apr is our 2nd yr liaoz. kinda surprised since non of my relationship last for more than 1.5yrs? ^^
anyway.... went for so-called supper (-.-" alson n ah soon both see that we r meeting at 10pm, so tot its dinner... both complaining of hunger. lik i torturing them nia...) @ changi village with dajie, jer, vernice, ah soon n alson. ate and jer came fr his workplace. wah, see him eat d meepok soup lik very nice.. u can get alot for $4. seems alot to me of coz!
they said its quite nice.. gonna try another time. after that, we were discussing on wher to go. ah soon suggested d "Bark xxx" forgot the word behind.. went there to drink.. fruit punch.. heh. crap, chat, etc and then.. the waiters informed us that they are closing in 10mins time. its not even 0030hr. ah soon v unreliable.. said that they close at 0100hr.. soon, we were chased out by them b4 0100hr. for me, i find d place ok but dajie dont really lik the place + thou they r selling erdinger @ 12bucks but its not as smooth as d one at timbre. timbre bring over d bottle and pour drink in fr there but not @ d place we went to. BUT plus point, toilet is VERY clean + more cubicles. better than timbre nia. anyway, we'll try other place once alson's recourse is over. ^^
oh~ took some pics. enjoy~ ^^

alson, me and ah soon

again.. coz they said my head looks kinda small. now its bigger.. but still.. it look more lik from BIG head to SMALL head (starting fr the right lol)

me + vernice ^^
time flies. its lik.. 7 weeks to chris arrival? ^^ cant wait. chris, im BOOKING you first~! oh.. need to call ur mom.. T_T din know she has such good memory...
and.. was talking to dajie.. then we were counting the years im with dear.. so fast. next yr apr is our 2nd yr liaoz. kinda surprised since non of my relationship last for more than 1.5yrs? ^^
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
okiez.. my IE got something wrong.. mayb tio invaded by some of my admirers (ha! thick skin, i know =P ) or some viruses that r attracted to me. ey.. take note. my entries may have LOTS of vocab/grammar/spelling errors... but.. I DONT CARE ok. coz as long as people understand can liaoz. =P
now whenever i wanna post something... it juz wun go to the next page for me to republish my post!! so damn ley chey.. -.-"
lately.. getting tired of smsing.. ok.. not tired. fingers tired. dunno y. its lik suddenly friends all sms me at this certain period. then after that peak period is over.. hp quiet like hell.. so quiet that i'll even considering txting this girl (who's a damn damn vixen! lolx. did i forget to tell u that i love badmouthing people? haha.. now u'd learnt something NEW about me ^.< )
before i forget.. chris was telling about this cute guy ( oh oh..!! i saw his roomie! he's a head taller than chris.. O M G!! chris was lik.. tall enough n he's taller.. -.-" lucky i aint there b4 he moved out.. ha. reason y he moved out? he cant stand chris crapping + flirting with males..).. back to story. this cute guy who happened to be his erm, close friend? and is a mixed, 22yr old (LADIES .. take note) and... lives in BUKIT TIMAH area.. he's rich, good looking and has a bright future. so.. anyone who wanna know MORE about him.... DONT MSG ME!! im keeping him.. k. CHRIS is keeping him.. k.. im crapping. lolx.
oh oh.. had actually forwarded this particular message some nights back .. or was it monday night? wait. its tues today right? (DAMNNIT!! i used d hair mask.. -.-" )
k, sunday night it is i think. wher it says xxxx. those who'd received it knows wht im talking about. was really surprised to see some (who din scroll DOWN to read the whole txt...) actually offered to help so readily. i mean.. not d offense side lah but its lik.. wow! esp those who's not even that close to me offered without a qualm. wah.. suddenly felt very lucky... heh.. thank u guys.. m(-.-)m
now whenever i wanna post something... it juz wun go to the next page for me to republish my post!! so damn ley chey.. -.-"
lately.. getting tired of smsing.. ok.. not tired. fingers tired. dunno y. its lik suddenly friends all sms me at this certain period. then after that peak period is over.. hp quiet like hell.. so quiet that i'll even considering txting this girl (who's a damn damn vixen! lolx. did i forget to tell u that i love badmouthing people? haha.. now u'd learnt something NEW about me ^.< )
before i forget.. chris was telling about this cute guy ( oh oh..!! i saw his roomie! he's a head taller than chris.. O M G!! chris was lik.. tall enough n he's taller.. -.-" lucky i aint there b4 he moved out.. ha. reason y he moved out? he cant stand chris crapping + flirting with males..).. back to story. this cute guy who happened to be his erm, close friend? and is a mixed, 22yr old (LADIES .. take note) and... lives in BUKIT TIMAH area.. he's rich, good looking and has a bright future. so.. anyone who wanna know MORE about him.... DONT MSG ME!! im keeping him.. k. CHRIS is keeping him.. k.. im crapping. lolx.
oh oh.. had actually forwarded this particular message some nights back .. or was it monday night? wait. its tues today right? (DAMNNIT!! i used d hair mask.. -.-" )
k, sunday night it is i think. wher it says xxxx. those who'd received it knows wht im talking about. was really surprised to see some (who din scroll DOWN to read the whole txt...) actually offered to help so readily. i mean.. not d offense side lah but its lik.. wow! esp those who's not even that close to me offered without a qualm. wah.. suddenly felt very lucky... heh.. thank u guys.. m(-.-)m
juz a thought...
sometimes when you thought you know that someone well enough but when they said or did something unexpectedly, you'll think that they'd changed. cause its not lik them to say / do that. or their behaviour towards you changed.
wher the fact is.. its juz a part of their 'behind' behaviour. you'll notice it when u know them longer. it might not surfaced in 2 ~ 3 years time (sometimes it'll show within 1yr) but perhaps.. 6 ~ 7 years later. it may not appear under normal circumstances.. unless the env makes them perform that behaviour. well, that's when u really learnt something about / from them.
you may wonder.. why some people, though are constantly complaining about their particular friend's character/attitude and yet, still hang out with them or even are best buds with them. well... mayb its coz.. they are friends? close friends that they'll overlook that 'undesirable' behaviour as its only part of their shortcoming?
sometimes when you thought you know that someone well enough but when they said or did something unexpectedly, you'll think that they'd changed. cause its not lik them to say / do that. or their behaviour towards you changed.
wher the fact is.. its juz a part of their 'behind' behaviour. you'll notice it when u know them longer. it might not surfaced in 2 ~ 3 years time (sometimes it'll show within 1yr) but perhaps.. 6 ~ 7 years later. it may not appear under normal circumstances.. unless the env makes them perform that behaviour. well, that's when u really learnt something about / from them.
you may wonder.. why some people, though are constantly complaining about their particular friend's character/attitude and yet, still hang out with them or even are best buds with them. well... mayb its coz.. they are friends? close friends that they'll overlook that 'undesirable' behaviour as its only part of their shortcoming?
Sunday, October 02, 2005
geez... xiaobai juz sent me a drawing that he'd juz completed.
on norm glance.. its juz lik any other drawing u'll see on animes.. but on a closer look + d sentences attached to it.. d char in d drawing seems... in very pain? k, i cant find any words to describe it. but its really in tally with the description in d drawing.. meaningful i'll say yet heartbreaking too? i seriously cant think of any words.. but its very nicely drawn. with emotions with it.
on norm glance.. its juz lik any other drawing u'll see on animes.. but on a closer look + d sentences attached to it.. d char in d drawing seems... in very pain? k, i cant find any words to describe it. but its really in tally with the description in d drawing.. meaningful i'll say yet heartbreaking too? i seriously cant think of any words.. but its very nicely drawn. with emotions with it.
woot~! back from my show @ marina square. ok.. there is no way, NO WAY that im goin back to MS~!!!!! its damn frikking crowded (well, as towns always are. can b forgiven) and its bloody CONFUSING!!!! cant go through here n there and there's no decent directory nor are there any through route to get from point A to b! so frustrating!
anyway, watched "The Corpse Bride". while some of u guys who have had caught it and find it boring. BUT do take note, this movie isnt like your normal CG (Computer Graphics) movies lik Final Fantasy, AppleSeed or etc.. its made from puppets. yes.. their set/studio is the small lil sets. everything is made to size for the lil puppets and painstakingly recorded. so its thumbs up for their efforts. storyline isnt too bad though its kinda short - 75mins only. well, u may find them kinda stiff but its due to - puppets instead of CG. girls may sniff a tear or two on certain parts. i love the music sung by them. very cute and its lik a mixture of the puppets cum broadway~. telling stories throu musics. nice. so... overall: thumbs up and worth your 9.50 bucks. (no spoilers ^^)
anyway, watched "The Corpse Bride". while some of u guys who have had caught it and find it boring. BUT do take note, this movie isnt like your normal CG (Computer Graphics) movies lik Final Fantasy, AppleSeed or etc.. its made from puppets. yes.. their set/studio is the small lil sets. everything is made to size for the lil puppets and painstakingly recorded. so its thumbs up for their efforts. storyline isnt too bad though its kinda short - 75mins only. well, u may find them kinda stiff but its due to - puppets instead of CG. girls may sniff a tear or two on certain parts. i love the music sung by them. very cute and its lik a mixture of the puppets cum broadway~. telling stories throu musics. nice. so... overall: thumbs up and worth your 9.50 bucks. (no spoilers ^^)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
haiz... shouldnt have go down simlim last wed... had 50++ bucks with me initially... by the time i returned home. im left with less than ... 20bucks?
bought ethernet card for my new modem, extension cable for office use (lucky can claim that $$ back) and 100pcs bank cds. u should know d price for all bah. forgot to check current price for 512 ram and p4 3.6 (?) or 3.8? dunno to change cover too not. so bloody dusty inside.. ah. mayb upgrade next year. hahah.. after i finish paying for my jp course.
ah well. saw my previous post. kao.. so damn frikking depressing girl. *kicks her away* dunno what came over me. remembered ric saying that im d sunshine girl. wait till he read my post... wonder what will he think nia..
supposed to go for d october fest last night @ paulaners. dajie said its v packed to d extend that ppl will stand n drink outside. omg!!
ended up @ timbre and d same rugged guy was singing again. quite alot of ppl considering the last time we went werent that packed. lucky for us, we managed to get a table to fit all 6 of us. sad.. thought i'll get to see how its like.. *sigh*
oooOOO!!! saw sensei's wife!! (d temp jp sensei coz our original sensei was busy at d moment) wah she looked very young n pretty sia! hair cute to d typical jp look and towing a baby pram in front. v cute baby~ XD
bought ethernet card for my new modem, extension cable for office use (lucky can claim that $$ back) and 100pcs bank cds. u should know d price for all bah. forgot to check current price for 512 ram and p4 3.6 (?) or 3.8? dunno to change cover too not. so bloody dusty inside.. ah. mayb upgrade next year. hahah.. after i finish paying for my jp course.
ah well. saw my previous post. kao.. so damn frikking depressing girl. *kicks her away* dunno what came over me. remembered ric saying that im d sunshine girl. wait till he read my post... wonder what will he think nia..
supposed to go for d october fest last night @ paulaners. dajie said its v packed to d extend that ppl will stand n drink outside. omg!!
ended up @ timbre and d same rugged guy was singing again. quite alot of ppl considering the last time we went werent that packed. lucky for us, we managed to get a table to fit all 6 of us. sad.. thought i'll get to see how its like.. *sigh*
oooOOO!!! saw sensei's wife!! (d temp jp sensei coz our original sensei was busy at d moment) wah she looked very young n pretty sia! hair cute to d typical jp look and towing a baby pram in front. v cute baby~ XD
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