my gratitude page again..
Thought i ought to thank a friend - zh who actually called me up yesterday during his lunchtime and offered to sms eventhough he's very bz when i was feeling superly down + bored + demoralised. Managed to kill 1% of my boredom. imagine lah, stayed there for 2hrs doing nothing.. wagh piang. can die and just sitting alone in a small room.. sigh.
and also to ys & pat! for treating me sooo good! :P
bet they muz be waiting for a perfect moment to strangle the hell outta me! lolx. coz they actually waited up for me till 2.30am (imagine that!!) while i went to sleep liao... (>.<) i v bad hor..... didnt expect them to wait up de.. :(
ANYWAY.. was quite disappointed that some people cant be bother to ask on the current status of some events except for 2 people.. tsk tsk. this shows how 'enthu' they are on gatherings. haiz.
it was great chatting up with ah soon again. long time never talk/meet him liao. coz his 2nd house is now at jurong - CD's academy.
and.. i wanna update my CNY thingy but i dun wanna update without pics!~ plus.. i have lots of my nephew's pix in my mobile! omg... i WANNA UPLOAD ALL OF THEM! see my selfish bf allow me to install nokia's software in his pc or not. NOKIA /= Final Fantasy. shld pass lah. plus, need to get pics from my cousin, my uncle, xiaobai, etc. what to do.. no camera mah. how inconvenient...
anyway.. time to be sleeping beauty. am paid to kill flies in office.. if there's any. even my seaweed flavored potato chips doesnt take good in my mouth anymore.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Happy Lunar New Year to EVERYONE!
shall update after CNY which is... after the 23rd~
Happy Collecting Ang Baos and may u collect more $$ that last year~
Wish u guys body healthy, year year got fish, quick tall grow big (yea.. for shortie like me -.-), fortune rolling rolling!!! Gong Xi Gong Xi!
No Happy Vday coz 1) its long over and 2) coz i din get to celebrate it unless celebrating w/ my boss & vivi by KTV-ing counted as one.. -.-
ok, w vivi still alright. but with my boss... er.. no thanks. *twitch*
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
just some horoscope for the year 2007.
sorry, no pics.
Part 1
4 FEB 2007 - 3 FEB 2008
The world will be ushering in Chinese New Year of the Pig on February 18, 2007. However, the actual marker of a Chinese new year, the first day of Spring, shall make its stealth landing on February 4, 2007. More specifically at 13:18 hours that Sunday afternoon, a new Chinese year characterised by optimal strength begins its influence on us. The new year always offers new hope, though for one who is familiar with Chinese philosophy would know that the description of optimal strength may not be the most desirable because the Chinese way of life is about striking a balance.
Optimal strength does suggest peak performance but it also implies that a downhill slide would follow. The year of the Fire Pig shall provide euphoria and a great sense of satisfaction two third of the time, until the arrival of the 8th Lunar month in September. Then, the superb energy of the year will begin its disintegration, though the real threats of the year come later in the 10th and 11th Lunar months, from November, 2007 to early January, 2008.
The year of the Fire Pig provides auspicious energy and great fortune particularly for people who are born under the animal signs Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Monkey. The rest shall begin the year with a lower base, with the animal signs of Goat and Dog picking things up quicker than the Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Rooster and the Pig.
People born under the last five signs will need to exercise more diligence to emerge unscathed.
The year of the Pig is also characterised by many arguments and verbal disputes all round. Therefore, it will take the effort of everyone to make it a more peaceful year.
Horoscope for the Rat sign
Fire Rat, age 72 (Born between 5/2/1936 07:30 - 4/2/1937 13:25)
Earth Rat, age 60 (Born between 5/2/1948 05:43 - 4/2/1949 11:22)
Metal Rat, age 48 (Born between 5/2/1960 03:23 - 4/2/1961 09:22)
Water Rat, age 36 (Born between 5/2/1972 01:20 - 4/2/1973 07:03)
Wood Rat, age 24 (Born between 4/2/1984 23:19 - 4/2/1985 05:11)
Fire Rat, age 12 (Born between 4/2/1996 21:08 - 4/2/1997 03:01)
The auspicious star is shining brightly over you, bringing great relief from the darkness of the previous year. Benefactors will emerge, and the more exposures you go for the more opportunities you will enjoy. You can expect an improvement in status or a good increment in salary. While it is good for you to take more actions, you must not behave with impatience or become unrealistic. Luck does build up well, but rushing things may cause some hard knocks that will impede your own progress. This is especially true for the Water Rat not to spoil the good luck. The only other drawback is the presence of extra romance luck that may distract one from focusing on work and achievement. On this, a female born under the sign of Rat may suffer a slightly more severe impact. For good health, pay attention to wellbeing of your kidneys.
Wealth - Your good fortune covers the wealth aspect, too. However, the amount of returns will be proportionate to the amount of effort you contribute. With the abundance of peach blossom that represents attraction luck, it certainly suggests that indulgence in relationships may hamper the wealth luck for the year and cause wastages.
Romance - Observe fidelity in order not to spoil both the relationship and your wealth luck if you are married. For one who is still unattached, you can afford some indulgence as long as it does not affect work.
Horoscope for the Ox sign
Fire Ox, age 71 (Born between 4/2/1937 13:26 - 4/2/1938 19:14)
Earth Ox, age 59 (Born between 4/2/1949 11:23 - 4/2/1950 17:20)
Metal Ox, age 47 (Born between 4/2/1961 09:23 - 4/2/1962 15:17)
Water Ox, age 35 (Born between 4/2/1973 07:04 - 4/2/1974 12:59)
Wood Ox, age 23 (Born between 4/2/1985 05:12 - 4/2/1986 11:07)
Fire Ox, age 11 (Born between 4/2/1997 03:02 - 4/2/1998 08:56)
In the year of the Fire Pig, it is time that an Ox person summons all the virtues of the Bovini - steadfastness, perseverance and single-mindedness to rise up to the challenges ahead, because your lucky star will be absent for twelve months. Indeed, the path ahead can be treacherous, filled with obstacles and troubles caused by mean people. On top of the hard working quality, you will also need to build up a strong psychological fortress to withstand the attack of unkind rumours and malicious gossips to avoid wild mood swings. The path ahead may be tough, treading it with mental endurance and willpower, it is but a momentary training in life; walking it without calm and patience, however, the bad features may appear to be worse than they really are. Be more relaxed to avoid muscle stiffness and indigestions.
Wealth - Instability in wealth luck requires the most cautious approach in handling your finance. Do not take any risk in investment and be disciplined in spending. Set out with a mission to protect your hard earn money in the New Year.
Romance - Protect vulnerable relationships with effective communications with your loved ones. It is possible to enhance the cohesiveness in bonding with sincerity and a loving attitude.
Horoscope for the Tiger sign
Earth Tiger, age 70 (Born between 4/2/1938 19:15 - 5/2/1939 01:10)
Metal Tiger, age 58 (Born between 4/2/1950 17:21 - 4/2/1951 23:13)
Water Tiger, age 46 (Born between 4/2/1962 15:18 - 4/2/1963 21:07)
Wood Tiger, age 34 (Born between 4/2/1974 13:00 - 4/2/1975 18:58)
Fire Tiger, age 22 (Born between 4/2/1986 11:08 - 4/2/1987 16:51)
Earth Tiger, age 10 (Born between 4/2/1998 08:57 - 4/2/1999 14:56)
The Fire Pig year provides a great platform for auspiciousness for a tiger person. The actual achievement, however, hinges on how much effort you put it, because the year also sees some tendency of procrastination and a sense of lethargy in work. You may also experience certain constraints in terms of implementation, thus it is necessary to have a thorough and more comprehensive planning beforehand to avoid any hindrance in the executions of plans. Confidence will remain high, though. As long as you do not take others for granted and succumb to excessive greed, it is a great year to collaborate in business and to venture out. Salaried staff can also look forward to great prospects ahead. Your health may suffer some general weakness though.
Wealth - Your finance enjoys good luck, too, though benefactors may be absent. Depending on individual birthdays, some of you who have strong personal wealth luck will benefit from great gambling luck this year.
Romance - Romance remains the weak link for a Tiger person, where frustrations and fickle mindedness are the main causes. For one who is not already in a courtship, it may be a while more before you can find your spark.
Horoscope for the Rabbit sign
Earth Rabbit, age 69 (Born between 5/2/1939 01:11 - 5/2/1940 07:07)
Metal Rabbit, age 57 (Born between 4/2/1951 23:14 - 5/2/1952 04:53)
Water Rabbit, age 45 (Born between 4/2/1963 21:08 - 5/2/1964 03:04)
Wood Rabbit, age 33 (Born between 4/2/1975 18:59 - 5/2/1976 00:39)
Fire Rabbit, age 21 (Born between 4/2/1987 16:52 - 4/2/1988 22:42)
Earth Rabbit, age 9 (Born between 4/2/1999 14:57 - 4/2/2000 20:40)
The inauspicious stars outnumber your auspicious stars for the year. The first rule to observe is to always be righteous and avoid going for unlawful solutions in order to avoid the effect of the Punishment Star. Otherwise, lawsuits will see negative outcomes for you. Be cautious with your work and all paperwork, and beware of fake business deals. Make full use of the alertness and nimbleness of the Rabbit to keep trouble away, and to avoid entrapments. On the brighter side, you are able to cope with your work quite skilfully - do make use of this luck to focus on work and business so that you can excel. Have more confidence in your ability and avoid being trapped by self-created stress in the work place.
Wealth - Wealth management needs caution, and real estate could be the only safe bet for you. Avoid getting involved financially with others to minimise the possibility of a legal tussle. Do not be a guarantor.
Romance - Romance or a planned marriage could be stressful to you due to your own pessimistic attitude. There is no real emotional threat, as long as you do not overspend for your loved ones.
Horoscope for the Dragon sign
Metal Dragon, age 68 (Born between 5/2/1940 07:08 - 4/2/1941 12:49)
Water Dragon, age 56 (Born between 5/2/1952 04:54 - 4/2/1953 10:46)
Wood Dragon, age 44 (Born between 5/2/1964 03:05 - 4/2/1965 08:45)
Fire Dragon, age 32 (Born between 5/2/1976 00:40 - 4/2/1977 06:33)
Earth Dragon, age 20 (Born between 4/2/1988 22:43 - 4/2/1989 04:26)
Metal Dragon, age 8 (Born between 4/2/2000 20:41 - 4/2/2001 02:28)
A person born under the Dragon sign enjoys perhaps the best fortune in the year of the Fire Pig. Get ready to welcome the great sunshine. The benefactors are present. Your endeavours will be successful. Chances of a promotion are high. Get ready to launch your new plans, or prepare to perform your work with excellence, or simply enjoy yourself. The forecast in general is great, and only weak fortune of individual Dragon people will prevent them from reaping as much benefits. The only advice is to be humble and not arrogant so that you can push your luck further. The only weak link is perhaps your health because the Illness Star is also present. Digestive system can pose some problems, and, as the peach blossom luck is blazingly bright, one may tend to over indulge in sexual pleasures that may take a toll on health, too.
Wealth - Wealth will be smooth with strong gains expected. To cap a perfect year, try not to overspend - saving is always a virtue.
Romance - Romance luck is strong - it is easy to start a relationship. Marriage luck is auspicious - it is a good year to tie the knot. Childbirth luck is also good - get ready to welcome a new family member.
Horoscope for the Snake sign
Metal Snake, age 67 (Born between 4/2/1941 12:50 - 4/2/1942 18:48)
Water Snake, age 55 (Born between 4/2/1953 10:47 - 4/2/1954 16:30)
Wood Snake, age 43 (Born between 4/2/1965 08:46 - 4/2/1966 14:37)
Fire Snake, age 31 (Born between 4/2/1977 06:34 - 4/2/1978 12:26)
Earth Snake, age 19 (Born between 4/2/1989 04:27 - 4/2/1990 10:13)
Metal Snake, age 7 (Born between 4/2/2001 02:29 - 4/2/2002 08:41)
The opposite of the great fortune a Dragon person enjoys, inauspiciousness befalls a person born under the Snake sign. In fact, a Snake person will have to withstand the worst impact of the year because it is in direct conflict with Taisui - the Annual God. The path is already a treacherous one to be manoeuvred with great caution, yet a person born in the year of the Snake is also ruled by restlessness and a sense of emptiness in the year of the Pig. One ought to refrain from becoming a headless snake: a systematic approach and balanced solutions to any problem will be very helpful. Take stride, bite on, and forge ahead! Mental strength and patience will help you ride the tide with more ease. Be relaxed to avoid frustrations and stress that could lead to many illnesses. Also, be alert to avoid accidents.
Wealth - Wealth luck is not steady, and it is easy to get into financial woes. Be thrifty. Be prudent. Do not be a guarantor.
Romance - The negative feeling arising from difficult times will have a direct influence on romance and relationships, where luck is also lacking. Work on more mutual understanding and avoid trivial arguments.
Horoscope for the Horse sign
Water Horse, age 66 (Born between 4/2/1942 18:49 - 5/2/1943 00:40)
Wood Horse, age 54 (Born between 4/2/1954 16:31 - 4/2/1955 22:17)
Fire Horse, age 42 (Born between 4/2/1966 14:38 - 4/2/1967 20:30)
Earth Horse, age 30 (Born between 4/2/1978 12:27 - 4/2/1979 18:12)
Metal Horse, age 18 (Born between 4/2/1990 10:14 - 4/2/1991 16:08)
Water Horse, age 6 (Born between 4/2/2002 08:42 - 4/2/2003 14:05)
The strong luck for the Horse sign is epitomised by a Protection Star that is capable of dismissing waves of bad luck before they hit the shore - without a trace. A Horse person should embrace the spell of good fortune to establish a good base for the future, or simple to grasp the opportunity for some grand achievements in the year. Humility and kindness would ensure you enjoy your good fortune fully. Another advice for maximising your fortune is to be selective in your choices of projects or business deals so that nothing of inferior quality slows you down. The only drawback for the year is psychological - you may become complacent from time to time and the feeling of loneliness may creep in, too. Health may be weakened, especially as a result of over working.
Wealth - Wealth fortune in business or work is remarkable. Gains are there for the reaping, but new investments may experience some constraints, therefore gambling may not give rise to much satisfaction.
ROmance - Romance is excellent, though it may cause some wasteful spending. It is an auspicious year to get married and to have kids, too. Faraway places and traveling provide many chances for sexual indulgence, thus a married Horse person has to try hard to remain loyal to your spouse when you are in a foreign land.
Horoscope for the Goat sign
Water Goat, age 65 (Born between 5/2/1943 00:41 - 5/2/1944 06:22)
Wood Goat, age 54 (Born between 4/2/1955 22:18 - 5/2/1956 04:12)
Fire Goat, age 41 (Born between 4/2/1967 20:31 - 5/2/1968 02:07)
Earth Goat, age 29 (Born between 4/2/1979 18:13 - 5/2/1980 00:09)
Metal Goat, age 17 (Born between 4/2/1991 16:09 - 4/2/1992 21:48)
Water Goat, age 5 (Born between 4/2/2003 14:06 - 4/2/2004 19:56)
It is not an auspicious year for a person born under the Goat sign, with obstacles and hurdles aplenty in life. Some of the foreign connections may present nasty surprises, with mean people from faraway places undermining your work. You may also face accusations and gossips in the office. The good news is that a solutions star is present among the many inauspicious ones. However, this star is more effective when you contribute effort in working against the problems. When the effect of the star is activated with your own effort, it will bless you with more and more will power. Thus, not all is lost though the outlook appears bleak at first. The more you take on the problems head on, the more you will be able to summon the power of the auspicious star. Hence, grit, courage and resolve will help you ride through the year.
Wealth - Wealth luck is not entirely negative. The talents you demonstrate in your work or business can protect your wealth flow. However, there are chances of getting summons from the authorities.
Romance - Romance shall encounter many forms of challenges, thus you have to summon the resilient nature of the Goat in order to ride the tide. A sense of hollowness shall rise, but do understand that it is only temporary. Trust, love and care are the weapons to ensure victory over bad luck.
Horoscope for the Monkey sign
Wood Monkey, age 64 (Born between 5/2/1944 06:23 - 4/2/1945 12:19)
Fire Monkey, age 52 (Born between 5/2/1956 04:13 - 4/2/1957 09:54)
Earth Monkey, age 40 (Born between 5/2/1968 02:08 - 4/2/1969 07:58)
Metal Monkey, age 28 (Born between 5/2/1980 00:10 - 4/2/1981 05:55)
Water Monkey, age 16 (Born between 4/2/1992 21:49 - 4/2/1993 03:36)
Wood Monkey, age 4 (Born between 4/2/2004 19:57 - 4/2/2005 01:42)
Another lucky animal birth sign that enjoys great fortune in the year of the Fire Pig, the Monkey people will experience overall smoothness, good progress in work and business, and great romance luck. With a good chance of getting promotion, it pays to avoid complacency and carelessness in order not to ruin your good luck. You may still encounter minor troubles and stoppages, but you can deal with them easily with a clear mind, with the help of good fortune. Only the luck in a foreign place is somewhat weaker, hence, a travelling Monkey will feel constrained by some artificial conditions overseas, and the sense of loneliness can set in quickly when you are there.
Wealth - You can afford to feel more relaxed this year when money is concerned. With a promotion or an elevated status in work place, you may also be tempted to spend more, especially on your romantic interest. Wise planning in financial matters is still advised.
Romance - If the conditions are right, it is a good year to get married. For an unattached person, it is a great year to enjoy some liaisons, but for a married person, a clear head is required in order not to be carried away with the many new romantic encounters due to business or in the work place.
Horoscope for the Rooster sign
Wood Rooster, age 63 (Born between 4/2/1945 12:20 - 4/2/1946 18:03)
Fire Rooster, age 51 (Born between 4/2/1957 09:55 - 4/2/1958 15:49)
Earth Rooster, age 39 (Born between 4/2/1969 07:59 - 4/2/1970 13:45)
Metal Rooster, age 27 (Born between 4/2/1981 05:56 - 4/2/1982 11:45)
Water Rooster, age 15 (Born between 4/2/1993 03:37 - 4/2/1994 09:30)
Wood Rooster, age 3 (Born between 4/2/2005 01:43 - 4/2/2006 07:27)
Some patience is still required for people who are born under the Rooster sign, as the inauspicious stars still outnumber the auspicious ones this year. Success is still hard to come by, while financial well being is still in the doldrums. What helps your luck is that you are able to excel in what you do, especially when dealing with a foreign element, though diligence is required to avoid disputes in deals with foreigners. A huge element that can deplete your thin luck further is the presence of mean people in the work place. If you are in business, beware of business partners and do not take things for granted - always double-check the procedures and the important paperwork.
Wealth - Wealth element is weak. Avoid straining your situation further with risky investments, and do scrutinise your would-be collaborators before taking the plunge. Still, cash is king - the best strategy for money is to keep it.
ROmance - Romance luck is eventful with much bad interference. If you treasure an existing relationship, protect it from gossips and be objective in discerning real problems from emotional ones. The former group is precarious while the latter group is merely vicarious.
Horoscope for the Dog sign
Fire Dog, age 62 (Born between 4/2/1946 18:04 - 4/2/1947 23:50)
Earth Dog, age 50 (Born between 4/2/1958 15:50 - 4/2/1959 21:42)
Metal Dog, age 38 (Born between 4/2/1970 13:46 - 4/2/1971 19:25)
Water Dog, age 26 (Born between 4/2/1982 11:46 - 4/2/1983 17:39)
Wood Dog, age 14 (Born between 4/2/1994 09:31 - 4/2/1995 15:12)
Fire Dog, age 2 (Born between 4/2/2006 07:28 - 4/2/2007 13:17)
The fortune of the Dog people is on the road to recovery from the low base last year. Patience is still required to see darkness dispersing gradually. Negligence can cause unpleasant outcomes especially in the first half of the year. You can afford to breathe better in the second half with the Protection Star helping on your finance, though self-effort is still vital to improve your wealth flow. Two domains will remain weak in the year. One is health. When not attentive in maintaining health, you will be easily susceptible to illness than anyone else. The other is that it is easy for you to feel lonely despite good romantic luck in the year. Thus, it implies that there are physical liaisons but not emotional connections. You may also find it hard to get good assistance in work, thus ending up doing much alone.
Wealth - Wealth luck will improve as the months go by, but you cannot afford to be negligent. Work hard for money and be vigilant.
Romance - It depends on what you want in a romance. Physical pleasure and new encounters are plentiful but spiritual fulfilment can be lacking. It is good news to a Dog person who is married because pregnancy comes easily, but, needless to say, the same occurrence shall bring headache, if not disaster, if you are not married.
Horoscope for the Pig sign
Fire Pig, age 61 (Born between 4/2/1947 23:51 - 5/2/1948 05:42)
Earth Pig, age 49 (Born between 4/2/1959 21:43 - 5/2/1960 03:22)
Metal Pig, age 37 (Born between 4/2/1971 19:26 - 5/2/1972 01:19)
Water Pig, age 25 (Born between 4/2/1983 17:40 - 4/2/1984 23:18)
Wood Pig, age 13 (Born between 4/2/1995 15:13 - 4/2/1996 21:07)
Fire Pig, age 1 (Born between 4/2/2007 13:18 - 5/2/2008 19:00)
Born under the animal birth sign that violates Taisui - the Annual God, a Pig person will experience much unfavourable time. Your finances causes worries, while your career or business easily attracts disputes. Carry out your work with integrity and do not take illegitimate short cut to avoid getting involved in lawsuits. A positive note is that you are able to demonstrate your capacity in work, though luck is lacking. Gossips and accusations may affect you directly, but it helps if you can handle them with grace and wisdom. If you cannot avoid travelling, it is vital that you exercise caution all round during your trip. With good planning and a systematic approach to deal with problems, you are your greatest help in rising up to the challenges.
Wealth - Wealth luck fluctuates in the negative territory, with descriptions ranging from mild shortages to horrible disasters. Prudence is thus useful in keeping your financial status as high as barely below water, while recklessness can really cause it to sink to the abyss.
Romance - Romance is not easily sustainable if you have not built your relationship on a good foundation. Emotional upheavals can be a serious threat to a relationship that is not showered with enough love. Good judgement is also required to separate real issues from those created by rumourmongers.
Part 2
This year is filled with vibrancy and energy for those who are born in the
year of the Rat. The down side is that there is a great tendency that you will get too excited and try to do more things than you can handle. In this year, you will be suited to handle tasks that can be completed quickly. It is best not to start anything that requires long periods of commitment as the excitement may not last for you to see it through. There is a strong sign of over-indulgence in eating and other undesirable vices like gambling, smoking and sexual activities. Although there will be many social activities this year which make it a good year to build rapport and meet new friends, do not get involved in affairs or cross the safety line. The price will be too much to pay for an impulse of excitement.
Career - If your boss or most of your associates are male, it will be easier for you to work with them and the chances of succeeding in your plans are high. When you are planning to implement anything, take note of time lines and always have contingency plans. Obstacles are expected in the career front. A word of caution: Avoid getting into office affairs.
Wealth - Average
Relationship - For those who are attached or married, be careful of third parties or getting into affairs. Remember that the fun is too high a price to pay. For singles, there is a higher chance of meeting the right person this year but there are also many pitfalls. Make sure that you give adequate time to observe the other party before committing into a relationship. A proper relationship has to be two ways and be able to withstand the test of time.
Health - Good
People - You do not have to worry about back stabbings and betrayals.
This is a stable year for those who are born in the year of the Ox. Though it is an average year, try to keep a low profile and avoid implementing any major personal
plans such as migrating or changing jobs. This is mainly because there is no lucky star to give you a boost when help is required. The outcome of situations will be solely dependent on an individual’s effort. It can be very tiring. My advice is to stay positive and only pass positive remarks. Avoid gossip and being sarcastic. Positive behavior and words will induce good things to occur. If there are elders at home, please take special care of their health and safety.
Career - In general, it is an average year for your career. This year is not the time to change jobs or switch to another industry. At the same time, avoid getting into arguments with bosses, colleagues or associates. The rapport with others is not as strong compared to previous years. Hence it is more difficult to get support or assistance. It is best to stay on familiar ground then to move into an unfamiliar area. Keep a constant reminder of not to participate in any gossip in the office. It is best to keep things as stable as possible.
Wealth - Side streams of wealth are not strong. Avoid investing.
Relationship - For those who are married or attached, it will be a stable year. For those who are single, the chance of getting attached is slim. However, keeping a positive mindset and being kind in words and gestures will increase the chances of crossing paths with the love of your life.
Health - This year is an accident-prone year. Avoid participating in any dangerous exercises/stunts or traveling to unfamiliar places.
People - Average. You not need to worry about backstabbings and betrayals. As long as you keep away from gossip corners, they will leave you alone.
This is a very good year to launch any plans that you have in mind. It can be in career development, investment, business expansion or buying property. However, it is
not a good year to trust people. As you are riding high up on the wave of fortune, there will be many people suddenly turning up at your front door trying to be your friend. This is the time to remember those who have been there for you in your difficult times and those who abandoned you. For those who you have just gotten to know, keep them at arms-length until they have proven their worth.
Career - There is a year full of promotion opportunities. However, the down side is that together with the glamour brings gossip and jealousy. There will be more people trying to hinder your path to success by finding fault, making life difficult or even providing misleading information. On the other hand, there will be another group of people trying to suck up to you by cooperating with you. You need to balance between these groups of people and make the best out of this year.
Wealth - Good. This is a good time to invest.
Relationship - It will be a quiet year for singles. For those who are attached or married, the relationship will be stable.
Health - Average
People - There will be lots of people problems this year. They can range from back stabbings to direct confrontation. Be aware of this situation and be on your toes. Do not trust people easily this year. There is a higher possibility of getting involved in legal disputes. There will be people who will not like your success and will try to get you into trouble. Pay more attention to details especially before signing any contracts.
This is a good year for those who are born in the year of the Rabbit. There are signs of promotion and you will be given the power to be a leader in your career. There is also strong wealth luck. However, you must remember not to get complacent and not do anything that is against your conscience. In this year, any good deeds or thoughts will amplify your fortune. Avoid contributing to any gossip. There is a high chance of being involved in legal disputes.
Career - This is a good year in terms of career. There are signs of promotion and an increase in salary. It is a good year to implement your dreams. If you are in business, it is a good time to expand your business.
Wealth - Good wealth luck. People who are in sales, this is the time to put in more hard work and to reap the benefits.
Relationship - Average. There is no special breakthrough in terms of relationships.
Health - Bad. For those who are born in the year of the rabbit are prone to fall ill this year. Remember to have enough rest, eat regular meals and exercise.
People - There is a high chance that people who are envious or who want to prey on your complacency will get you involved in legal disputes. Do not push your luck by trying to reap profits through illegal means, as the law will keep you in check.
This year is a much better year compared to the year of the Dog. Life is still in a stabilizing phase this year and many things are still moving in a slow manner. This is especially so in terms of wealth. Hence, it is important to have good financial
planning for the year of the Pig. Career luck is good this year. It is advisable to focus on career and to do your best. In terms of relationships, it is a very good year.
Career - The career aspect is good. People around will help you to achieve your goals. It is best to work in as a team. This is a good year to implement your plans, this is especially so for people who are in business.
Wealth - It is considered average. If in the year of the Dog, there has been too much expenditure than usual, focus more on saving in the year of the Pig to compensate what has been spent. You can also consider having more sources of income.
Relationship - For those who are attached or married, it is a year of sweetness. Sparks of love will rekindle existing relationships. For those who are single, it is time to get out there and socialize as there is a high chance that you will find someone special. Remember to keep a positive mind and a happy smile. You never know who is watching.
Health - Average
People - There is no need to worry about betrayals and back stabbings. This year you will get along well with many.
This is a very unstable year where there are many obstacles on the way. It is best not to implement anything that requires high risk. It will be a busy year that wears
you out but you may not benefit from the busy schedule. Work at hand seems endless. It is best to stay as low profile as possible. In terms of health, those who are elderly and born in the year of the snake have a higher chance of falling sick and meeting with accidents.
Career - Try to stay low profile. Prepare contingency plans and give more time for any implementation, as there are many unexpected obstacles. The issues may arise from technical processes or people. Do not go head-on into arguments with anybody. For those in business, it is not a good time for expansion.
Wealth - There will be unexpected expenses. Avoid overspending. Make a conscious effort to save to avoid running into a financial crisis. Always prepare for a rainy day.
Relationship - Stable year for relationships. For those who are already attached or married, there can be more quarrels and misunderstandings due to stress coming from other aspects of life. Remember to keep your frustration out of the relationship and not to let stress from other areas affect your relationship. For those who are single, there is a slim chance of finding love this year. There will be too many things going on in your life and will distract from relationships.
Health - Not good. This is especially so for those who are older.
People - Average. Due to many obstacles, one can become paranoid and make enemies due to your bad temper. Remember to keep your temper in check.
This is a good year to implement great plans. Even if issues were to arise, they will be resolved in no time. Avoid being too complacent. You still need to take care
of details and make contingency plans. Do not be rude to others and forget the pain that you have suffered through yourself. Treasure the good times and maximize it to the full and keep yourself busy. You will be able to get the support from authorities and will be presented many golden opportunities. Look out for unexpected and sudden problems. Remember to save for a rainy day.
Career - You will be given many opportunities to develop and grow. Promotions and advancements are in the pipeline. Do not get too greedy and push others to the edge. Be gentle and graceful. You will be showered with more if you could remember how you got successful in the first place.
Wealth - Good wealth luck. However do not be too greedy. Grab your winnings and lay off till the next opportunity comes along.
Relationship - Stable. For those who are already in a relationship, things will be stable. Singles have a slim chance of meeting the right person this year. However, this is a good year to increase your social circle.
Health - Be weary about illnesses that attack suddenly such as heart attacks and strokes. You will tend to be more accident-prone. Do not participate in activities that involve high risk.
People - Remember to be humble and do not say things that you will regret later and do not make enemies.
This is a stable year for those who are born in the year of the Goat. You will be quite particular about having your own personal space. Hence, you may not like
anybody to constantly demand attention from you. This year, you will find yourself
attracted to the fields of philosophy, new age (tarot, meditation or alternative healing etc) or human behavior. It is good to keep a low profile because the general year luck is not especially good. You will not get a lot of support or assistance from others. This is not a good year to implement huge changes, especially anything that involves huge risk such as changing careers or setting up businesses.
Career - Stay put. Avoid changing jobs and business expansion. Be conservative in any investment plans.
Wealth - For those who are getting a stable income, it is good. However, it will be more challenging for those who depend on commission or sales.
Relationship - There might be more quarrels or disputes between those who are already in relationships as there will be a strong desire to have your own personal space. You might want to do more things alone than with company. It is more difficult than previous years for those who are single to find the right partner.
Health - Average. Be more cautious if there are elders at home. Elders at home are more prone to have health problems or being accident-prone. Look out for them.
People - Though there is no significant increase of betrayals or backstabbings this year, do be careful of your own behavior. Do not be rude to others even when you wish to be left alone.
This is a good year for those born in the year of the Monkey. It is a good time to implement any of your plans and truly enjoy yourself. The most prominent area to
be concerned about is gossip, betrayals and back-stabbings. I strongly advise that you do not contribute or participate in any gossip as these will come back to bite you.
Career - This is a good year for career. It is a good time to focus on implementing any plans that you have in mind. It can be to take up a more challenging task, pursuing a larger role or expanding your business. You do not need to shy away from the limelight. Simply give your best and your efforts will be recognized. Remember not to participate in gossip and be gentle when commenting about others.
Wealth - Good. There are many opportunities in earning money this year. Grab the opportunities and enjoy the thrill of watching your bank account grow. You can consider having more sources of income. However, do not believe in everything people tell you. Check out the details and do some research before commencing any investment plans.
Relationship - Be careful about rumors that will rock those who are already in relationships. For those who are single, if you really like someone, ensure that you have clear communication with the parties involved to avoid any misunderstanding.
Health - Average for health. Try to relax and not get too tense. If there are elders at home, take special care of their health and safety.
People - Bad. Take care of not offending people unknowingly. Try not to give too many comments when not asked. If you are asked for your comments, only give diplomatic answers.
This year is a good year for learning and increasing your knowledge. It is a stable year. The help that comes from others is very limited. A lot of the time you will
have to depend on yourself. It can be tiring in that way. Do not be too impatient this year. Let things go by its own pace while you focus on learning and self-improvement.
Career - It is a stable year in terms of career. You can only depend on yourself this year. It can be tiring.
Wealth - If you are on a stable income, this is an average year in terms of wealth. If you are in business, it can be rather unstable. Do have proper financial planning to take care of a rainy day.
Relationship - For those who are in relationships, there will be more quarrels this year due to stress. Try to be more tolerant and patient. Communicate with your partner about what you are going through and ask for understanding. As you will need to cope with many things yourself this year, your patience will be thinner than usual.
Health - Be careful of gastric problems and accidents. Remember to have regular meals and enough rest.
People - No need to worry about betrayals and back stabbings this year.
This year is better than 2006. Life starts to stabilize. The social aspect is
very good this year. You can spend more time in building rapport and knowing people
who can help you. You will have lots of fun this year. For those who are not in a
relationship, there is also a strong sign that you will meet the right person this year. There are signs of marriage and getting attached.
Career - Good year in terms of career. You will enjoy working in teams. You can easily get by without really needing to work as there are many people volunteering to do your work for you. If you are in sales, this is a good year for you. Though many enjoy doing business with you, your communication skills and persistency will have the final say of whether are you able to clinch the deal.
Wealth - Good year for wealth. A word of caution is not to indulge in over-spending. Though you have a good year for wealth, your stream of wealth is not limitless. Do not over-spend. Take this year to earn money and keep it.
Relationship - If you are attached or married, you will find the love grow stronger this year. If you are single, there is a great possibility that you will find new love this year. Go out and start to meet new people or spend more time with friends. You never know where the chemistry will strike.
Health - Bad. Be careful in terms of health this year. You are more prone to falling ill this year. Be careful of food poisoning. While you are enjoying extensive social activities, be careful in what you eat and where you eat. If you fall ill, you will take a longer period to recover.
People - You do not need to take special attention. This year, people simply love you. Remember not to push your luck, but embrace it.
This is a very unstable year for those born in the year of the Pig. It is best to keep a low profile and not to implement any major changes in your life. Although
there is a lucky star shining at you to reduce the speed of a free fall in fortune, you will still need to be wary this year. Be careful in terms of safety. Do not compromise safety for convenience. Also, do not go into dark alleys.
Career - Avoid changing jobs. Keep a low profile. Be polite and avoid any arguments. Tolerance is a virtue this year. Do not let others to push you into a corner.
Wealth - Avoid investments. If you are in sales, there is a high likelihood to experience a low period. You will need to depend on Feng Shui or other items to increase your wealth luck.
Relationship - If you are in a relationship, you will expect more quarrels and misunderstandings this year. If you are single, this is not a good year to rush into a relationship. Take some time to observe and focus other areas of your life.
Health - Not good. You will be more prone to fall sick, be accident-prone and there may be signs of needing an operation.
People - Avoid participating in any gossip corners. Remember to focus on yourself.
Part 3
Rat in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Bing Fu (病符), Xiong Shen (凶神), Mo Yue (陌越).
Do not visit the sick and observe mourning. Health is unsatisfactory.
The Rat is intelligent and knowledgeable. He enjoys peace and joy. He possesses political skills and is low profiled. Some people cannot tolerate his eye for details. He enjoys all kinds of social gatherings and likes making friends. It is hard for him to find a close friend. Their point of view is realistic and he has a precise judgment. With the rich imagination, they will become good critics.
They are socially active. When they are young, they have attained some achievements. Before starting out on a career, they would plan and execute step by step. As for finance, they would utilize their capital with care. In Love aspect, the female Rat possesses intelligence and she works vigilantly. As for the male Rat, he has some feminine side of the female Rat which is careful and gentle.
The Rat and the Dragon is an ideal match. The Rat is intelligent and vigilant and in turn helps the Dragon’s judgment. The Rat and the Cow is also a good match as it may strengthen belief and security sense between the both of them. Together with a Monkey will cause an insane love relationship. Avoid the Rat and the Horse as the Horse cannot tolerate the Rat’s opportunistic character. It is not ideal match with the Rabbit as the Rat cannot endure the Rabbit’s arrogance.
Luck is average for those born in the year of Rat. It is difficult to succeed in career. Even if it is in a new trade, it is not ideal. Do not attend funerals and visit the sick. It will clash with the horoscope as it will inflict sickness and unexpected financial loss to oneself. Do not overwork and remember to maintain a good energetic condition. It is best to stay conservative for this year. Carry out more outdoor activities.
Spring season seems to be the unfavorable for the Rat. They will meet villains and suffer a financial loss. Wealth is prosperous in Summer season. You should make a quick decision and execute the plans in order not to let a golden opportunity slip away. There is an arrival of the benefactor in Autumn season, it is extremely favorable for those who want a career change or a new business venture.
Fortune Luck
Money making luck is not very good. Do consider cautiously if you have a big business investment as you will need a steady fund. Avoid gambling. In Summer season, there is unexpected wealth (lucky draw,4D, Toto), you can place some bets on numbers relating to house, car license, telephone, etc.
Health condition is not favorable. You must do more outdoor sports. Watch your food hygiene. Do not consume food which is not properly cooked. It is best not to travel to far for holiday or business. It is alright to make short trips, but do remember to bring along those necessary medications. Be extra careful in Spring season as it is easy to contract common sickness like flu, etc.
Romance is smooth for the Rat this year. Dealing disputes with care will lead to a harmonious relationship. Do not yield high expectations in your partner as nobody is perfect. Spend more quality time with the family. If you are still single and unattached, do not have to feel disappointed. Grab hold of the golden opportunity when the Peach Blossom Constellation appears in lunar calendar August.
The bad constellation will cause health destruction. Due to this, one must not forget to take care of the well being while studying hard. Should you fall ill, treat it immediately to avoid inconvenience to your year end examinations.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, July, November and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, May, June and August
Cow in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellation (Stars)
Tian Gou (天狗), Ba Zuo(八座), Diao Ke(吊客)
Avoid long distance travel. Guard against bloodshed and rumours.
The character of the Cow is steady, conservative with strong inner self and has a sense of responsibility. He has a good creditability and honors his word. He is loyal and worships one principle. He enjoys being in a serene environment and has the temperament of the Cow. Sometimes, it is hard to get along with them. He will be able to listen when he has calm down. He is diligent at work, but will only be able to finish his task only under instructions. He does not have the courage to try out new ventures.
They are inborn leaders and have big aspirations. In addition, they have certain abilities, their development space is big. They do not have the patience and courage to earn too much money. Hence, the Cow works hard and silently. He is not the opportunistic type. With his character, he is often being recognized in the society. Whether men or women, they are both conservative and do not know how to create romantic atmospheres.
The Cow and the Rooster gets along very well. Both are conservative and they understand each other well. The Cow and the Rat, is loyal to each other. The Cow and the goat cannot unify as they are prejudice with each other. A match with the Monkey is not ideal because the sly monkey likes to play tricks on him/her that makes them incompatible.
With the absence of auspicious stars, it makes it an unfavorable year for those born in the year of Cow. There are obstacles in career and human relationships. Conflicts will arise among friends and colleagues. It is best to keep a low profile. Avoid long distance travel especially towards the end of the year.
This is not a suitable year for career advancement. If you have the intention of partnership, look for those who are born in the year of Snake, Rooster and Rat. They will bring luck to your business. There will be a benefactor in Summer. It will be a good opportunity to execute any plans. Beware of villains in Autumn as they may lead to unexpected financial losses. There will be abundance wealth in Winter.
Fortune Luck
There is wealth and occasional unexpected wealth (lucky draw, Toto, 4D) for those born in the year of Cow. Pay attention to house numbers, car plates and telephone.
Health is not favorable. There will be bodily aches and guard against bloodshed. Elders in the family are not advisable to do long distance travel. Traveling to nearby countries is still permissible. Pay extra attention in Spring Time.
There will be turbulence in the Cow’s love life this year. Be truthful and tolerant to each other. It would prevent relationship breakups. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar May.
There will be obstacles and do not give up studies due to relationships. Have a discussion with parents if you meet problems. Studies are stable at the beginning of the year but need to work doubly hard in autumn. Avoid disputes with classmates.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April, August, November and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, May and June
Tiger in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Fu De (福德), Juan She (卷舌), Tian De (天德).
There will be unexpected wealth and career is smooth. There is assistance of Benefactor.
The Tiger is stubborn but he possesses courage and is not submissive. They like stimulating challenges and they have strong fighting spirit. They are gentle on the exterior but tough in the inside. Handles matters seriously and they set high expectations for themselves. Very often, they use the attack strategy rather than defend which results in disappointments. Although their interest in money is not obvious but they know how make use of opportunity to increase their income. In the early years, the Tiger has already aspires to do business. Their management attitude is quite strong. When he is friendly, he gets bullied and taken advantage of.
The Tiger’s mind is always advancing boldly and that is why they may become military leaders or big business entrepreneurs. It may be due to their persistence that led them to road of the success. Business partnership is not advisable for the Tiger as there will be disputes that results parting on bad terms. In love aspect, they are filled with rich sentiments. Their over sensitive and rash attitudes always put them in trouble. They are impulsive and tend to speak without due consideration often results in bad outcomes.
The Tiger and the Horse is an ideal match as the Horse is honest and reliable. The Horse is able to win the Tiger’s affection. Do not marry a Snake as the intelligent Snake will never understand the Tiger’s style of handling matters. The Tiger with the Monkey match is not ideal as the Tfears the sly Monkey. The Tiger and the Pig match is average as the Pig hasthe spirit of being able to withstand hardships and tolerance. It enables tTiger to respect and accept the Pig.
Those born in the year of Tiger will flourish in this year. Fortune will be good for career, business and family. If one has the intention to develop business, you may wish to worship Fu De God or Golden Boy on the 1st or 15th of every month in the lunar calendar to pray for fortune blessings. Summer time will be good for planning and ideal to execute plans in Spring season. Beware of villains destroying luck in Summer season. You will strike a small wealth in Winter season.
There is opportunity for career development this year. There will be some setbacks but do not give up as there is a lucky constellation that will shine on you. It will turn danger into safety. The advantageous directions are North, East, Southeast, Southwest and Northeast. If you have the intention of partnership, look for those who are born in the year of Pig, Horse and Dog. Avoid those born in the year of Monkey.
Fortune Luck
There is wealth and the unexpected wealth (lucky draw, Toto, 4D) for those born in the year of Tiger. But remember, God of Wealth will not bless a lazy person, you should work diligently. You can give a small loan to a friend or colleague. Please think twice if it is a big amount of loan.
Health is good. Elders in the family are not advisable to travel long distance especially when that country is in an Autumn season. You will recover very fast if you have health problems.
Love life is exciting this year. There may be small interference along the way but tackling it with care will promise a good ending. Those who have dated for years would possibly find marriage this year. For those who are still single, pay extra attention at the end of the year as he/she may find the ideal partner. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar February.
There is an appearance of a lucky constellation. Study hard and you will be rewarded with good results. Do not act arrogant and help classmates if they have problems in their school work.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, May, September and October
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April and July
Rabbit in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Bai Hu(白虎), Tian Xiong(天雄), Di Sha(地杀).
Guards against damages, bodily operations and traffic accidents.
The Rabbit is noble and elegant. They handle matters with care. When it comes to emotions, they are fickle minded and cannot stay faithful to their partner. They are down to earth and do not like taking risks. They are willing to undertake a project provided the terms are 100% secure. The Rabbit’s human relations are good and friendly. Their finance managing is average. They lack discipline in punctuality. The female rabbit loves to read and is full of empathy. When someone needs helps, they are very glad to extend a helping hand. They have always yearned for a tranquil life.
The Rabbit is full of emotions; they get over broken relationships very fast. This is where they get attraction from the opposite sex. Their six senses are strong and it is their protective amulet. They seemed to predict what is going around them and they are well prepared in advance. For the love aspect, men and women are romantic but the female is especially gentle and careful. In their marriage, there are not much of conflicts.
The Rabbit and the Goat is an ideal match as they appreciate each other’s virtues. A match with the Dog and Pig is logical as the Dog is sensitive and the Pig can endure hardships. Avoid the match with the Rooster as the Rabbit cannot tolerate the Rooster’s arrogant and conceited character.
Rabbit’s luck is not favorable this year. There is a presence of bad constellation. All business plans will be slowed down. With the assistance of business partners born in the year of Pig, Dog and Goat, it is able to eliminate danger for the Rabbit. Human relationship is also a big headache. It is unfavorable in Autumn season. You can hope for better luck in Winter season. This is the year where White Tiger constellation appears, one must pay extra attention as disasters of bloodshed will happen. With the Unicorn Amulet or having a pregnant woman at home, it is able to ward off the ill effects.
There will be obstacles to career advancement for the Rabbit. For those who want to invest in a business will feel that he/she has the ability but lack of strength. It is best to make plans in Summer and Autumn season. The most feasible time to execute the plan will be in Winter season.
Fortune Luck
The Rabbit will suffer unexpected financial losses and accidents. Do not take risk in investments or visit gambling establishments. There is a possibility to fall into financial crisis in Summer and Autumn season. With careful finance management, one may meet the benefactor in Winter season which will in turn help the Rabbit tide through difficulties. Do not act as a guarantor for anyone athis may lead you to incur monetary losses.
There are bad constellations this year, threateningly leads the Rabbit to be prone to bloodshed incidents. Pay attention to diet to avoid being sick. Do not drive after liquor consumption as there is a likelihood of traffic accidents. For those who are involved in high risk career, be extra cautious when executing jobs. Be more cautious in Autumn season.
This year, the Rabbit has a lucky constellation in love life. It attracts more choices for him/her. You will be able to find your ideal partner through participation in social events. Marriage may take place this year. The Peach Blossom constellation appears in lunar calendar November. Do not let the golden opportunity slip away.
The Rabbit student will not excel in studies this year. To break through, one must study diligently. If you encounter problems with schoolwork, do not hesitate to consult your parents, teacher and classmates. During school vacation, one must revise and refrain from going out to play.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, June, September and October
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, May, August and November
Dragon in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Tian Wei(天危), Long De(龙德), Zi Wei(紫微).
Grasps hold of the golden opportunity, let riches and treasures into the house, career development is favorable.
The Dragon is energetic and possesses superb leadership qualities. He is over suspicious and do not trust people easily. Perhaps, he has been faced betrayal before. When dealing with problems, they dare to take risk and strive for success. They are independent and have a sharp analytical mind. Have own thinking. He is inquisitive and keen to learn new things. In life, they pay attention to fame, fortune and outlook. Their management skills are good especially dealing with human
Most Dragons are witty and courageous. Generous is nature. In their life, they are abounding in gifts of nature. No matter which profession he engages in, is always a smooth success. If they make a reckless move, it may sometimes be successful or otherwise. As for love aspect, men and women have plentiful of admirers or suitors. In finance managing, money utilization is weak but they have their own principle of making money.
The best union is the Dragon and the Rat. The Rat admires the Dragon’s achievement and can endure the Dragon’s arrogant character. The Rat’s judgment will help the Dragon to make very good decisions. The Dragon with the Snake is a good combination as the Snake’s sense of humor can soften the Dragon’s arrogance. The Dragon can borrow the Monkey’s sly character and things will be smooth as well. It is not a good match between the pessimistic dog and the Dragon as the Dog does not trust the Dragon.
The outlook for the Dragon’s luck is good this year. There is chance for career development. Friends will give assistance to you. When there is a good opportunity, you may borrow friends’ luck to move forward. These friends must be born in the year of Monkey, Rat and Rooster. You must start saving some funds now, otherwise when opportunity strikes; you will be lack of capital.
In this Pig year, there is a benefactor in Dragon’s life. There would be a major breakthrough in career advancement. Spring season would the best to reap profits. The most favorable positions to develop your career are in places like the South, North, Southwest and Northeast.
Fortune Luck
Money luck is good for the Dragon. It is a pity that there is a bad constellation present. If you do not handle your finances well, you may end up loosing a small wealth. The unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) will be favorable in the Winter season. Place some bets on personal numbers like house, car license, telephone and etc.
The well being of the Dragon is overall fine. Pay attention to the diet. Excessive wine and dine is not encouraged as it may bring damages to the body. Do more outdoor sports. Luck will naturally come to you once you are healthy and fit.
Social life for the Dragon will be more active this year. There will be outstanding performance in social gatherings. The Peach Blossom Constellation appears in Lunar calendar August. For the singles, you are able to meet your ideal partner. A word of caution, married Dragons should know your limits and not flirt around or else when the boat capsized, you would end up with nothing.
There will be excellent performance in the studies. Do not overwork. Pay attention to your health. While taking vacations, do not forget to make new friends and enhance your general knowledge.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar July, August and November
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, March, September and December
Snake in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Shui Po (岁破), Da Hao(大耗), Yue En(月恩).
Avoid marriage, losing personal items and financial losses.
The Snake has an amiable personality and he is loyal. He value family traditions and handles matters fast and their attitude is rapid and intense. He likes to take risk and not going through the proper channels. In order to achieve his goal, he will go to the extreme. He has a mind of agility and he moves swiftly like a snake. During youth time, he is very active and he does not like monotonous jobs. Instead, energetic work is able to arouse their interest just like using their skills to source for their prey.
In the younger days, luck is average for the Snake. He can live independently and build a career from scratch. The female Snake is a good wife and loving mother. He is not a generous kind of person base on the relationship and finance. But when, his sympathy is aroused, he will do his best to help. In relationships, he is a possessive person and it is like a real snake that twines tightly to their prey. The male Snake likes to flirt and get into trouble whereas the female Snake has a possibility to seek extra-maritial affairs.
The Snake and the Cow is an ideal match. Cow works hard in silence and he/she is able to endure the Snake’s selfish and possessive character. Avoid the match with the Pig as it will lead to unfavorable results. It is a bad match with the Tiger as he/she will destroy the Snake.
This year the Snake clashes indirectly with the God Of Year. There are bad constellations. All investment plans must slow down and endure patiently. Avoid groundbreaking and marriage ceremonies. If one must marry this year, you need to wear a unicorn phoenix amulet to ward off ill effects. Be careful of loosing personal items and financial losses. Small investments activities are feasible in Spring and Autumn. Beware of lawsuits in Winter. Friends will not assist much therefore one has to work doubly hard to achieve success. It is best to stay put this year and wait for a better opportunity to come in the next year.
Stay conservative this year. Business partnerships may turn out unsuccessful. Beware of conflicts which will result in financial and friendship loss. The situation for this year is like an illusion, empty and not solid. In the end, there is nothing. Do not be blinded by greed.
Fortune Luck
Luck is not favorable in Winter season for those born in the year of Snake. The appearance of the bad constellation secretly causes financial imbalance. There will be unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) in Autumn season. You may want to bet on some numbers. If you decide to do some gambling on board the ship or casinos. It is advisable to find out the auspicious positions and numbers.
As the Snake indirectly clashes with God Of Year this year, one has to pay attention to the health. If you have small ailments, do not ignore and have it treated immediately. Avoid activities like swimming and mountain trekking. Do not feast during business entertainment. It is best to do more exercise and take more nutritious food. Going on a tour is good as it helps to relieve stress.
There will be a lot of obstacles in the relationship for Snake this year. You must be able to give and take. Maintain an amiable temperament and both of you will get along well or not, you will end up loosing the relationship. It is very difficult to seek a bosom partner so treasure the relationship. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar May.
The Snake student must work doubly hard this year. Do not linger with friends around night entertainment places as it may lead to neglected sSeek advice from teachers if you encounter difficulties in studies. There is lucky constellation that will help in the year end examinations and it is possible to yield good results if you put in more effort.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April, July, August and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January and October
Horse in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Shi Fu (死符), Xiao Hao(小耗), Yue De(月德).
Do not observe mourning and sick visiting. Guard against injuries and lawsuits.
The Horse is a happy and loyal person. Sometimes, he/she is nervous and pays great attention to their appearance. They love movies, music and all kinds of social gatherings. They are open minded and optimistic people. They are well loved by friends because of their easygoing and friendliness character. Whether they are in political or business circle, they possess leadership qualities. They are talented and their brains are very agile. On the exterior, they seened to be full of confidence; in fact, they lack of self assurance.
He is full of vigor and vitality but there is no patience. He is hot tempered and subjective. These are their shortcomings and it will interfere wtheir work. In career and relationships, he possesses the energy of that will help him reach his goals.
The Horse and the Goat is the most ideal match. They can understand each other well. A match will be good with the Horse, Tiger or Dog would be ideal too. But do not neglect the Horse’s fickle minded and sentimental shortcomings. Avoid the marriage with a Rat as in the beginning; love wbe good and full of enthusiasm but after a period of time, the Horse cannot tolerate the Rat’s character.The Rat will destroy and humiliate the Horse and cause a separation in the end.
The Horse's luck is not favorable this year. There is a gathering of bad constellations. It is a bad year for business. There will be disagreements family. Beware of villain among friends. Fortunately, there is a lucky constellation that will ward off those ill effects. Stay away from mischifriends as they may implicate and get you into trouble. If you are not cautious enough, you may land yourself in lawsuits and imprisonment. Avoid attending wakes and guard against bloodshed. Possessing a heart of righteousness will help you achieve great this year.
The Horse is blessed with good fortune this year. With a pure mind, friends will lend a helping hand. It is not advisable to carry out business venture in Winter season. The ideal time will be Spring and Autumn season. During this period of time, the lucky constellation shines the strongest therefore is able to draw support from it. This support helps the Snake to achieve good results with half the effort contributed.
Fortune Luck
Money luck is average. Small business venture is still permissible. If you have abundant funds, it is favorable to invest in real estates during Autumn season. There will be unexpected wealth (lucky dr4D, Toto) in Autumn season, therefore you may consider betting on some numbers. Small gambling cheers the heart but excessive will get you into trouble.
Well being of the Horse is not good. It is possible to ward off bad luck and turn into good. Pay attention to diet. Do not feast too much and do more outdoor exercises. There will be mood swiand mental stress. Remember to relax and take a short vacation.
The Horse has excellent human relationships this year. Friends are helpful. You will be able to find your ideal partner. There is high possibility of marriage and it will benefit you in your career and family. Do not let a golden opportunity slip by. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar February.
Study luck is average. You should pay attention in class and study hard. You are able to get good results. If you encounter problems in your studies, lay down your books temporary and take a waloutside. This will help you to relieve stress. Be nice to your classmates as they may help you in your school work.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, une and September
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, November and December
Goat in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Wu Gui (五鬼), Guan Fu (官符), San Tai (三台).
Beware of villains and being framed. Unexpected financial losses.
The Goat does not want to disappoint people around him. He is sensitive to things happening around him. He loves nature and is generous. Possess a making for cultural art. He has a subjective approach to problems thus hesitating during analysis. When he meets with serious matters, he will be thrown into confusion. He leads a simple and peaceful life and can easily adapt to any environment.
Most Goats have no courage. He enjoys being appreciated by others. The personality is gentle. Although he is intelligent, his analytical mind is weak. First year luck is average and there is no accomplishment. In the middle age, if he has a capable and wise partner, he will be able to establish a successful business. The Goat has a sense of responsibility towards work and no matter how much work they have, they are willing to undertake without complaints. In life or mentally, they have always hoped that their future will be stable, and have lots of children. In the marriage life, they can endure silently when they meet obstacles.
Best ideal union with the Goat is the Pig or the Horse. The Horse is obedient in nature and the Goat can rely on him/her. The Pig may also tolerate the Goat’s complaining character. Avoid the Goat and the Cow union as Cow is inborn with hardworking nature and do not like the Goat’s way of work. If they were to marry, it will result in arguments and finally a divorce.
Luck for those born in the year of Goat is 50%-50% good and bad. The bad constellation causes a lot of trouble with words. There is a need to guard against friends as they may frame you and land you in financial loss. To get rid of ill effects, one should place an auspicious item “五鬼运横财” (Five ghost transporting unexpected wealth) to usher good luck. There is a lucky constellation that will assist you in career development. Even if you face obstacles, it will all be resolved. Health would be good. As for emotions aspect, do not argue over minor problems.
It is not suitable for business partnership this year. There is a disagreement in human relationships. In a situation where a partnership is inevitable, look for those born in the year of Horse, Rabbit and Pig. It is not advisable for a career change. To stay in an old trade is still better than learning a new trade.
Fortune Luck
Luck for the Goat will be like an illusion. When you want it, you will not get it. For unexpected wealth, a prize winning ticket for example, the numbers you bet on will not appear in the right order. If you want to curb this ill effect, you can use the auspicious item “五鬼运横财” (Five ghost transporting unexpected wealth) to usher good luck. Always maintain a smiling face and it will welcome the God of Wealth into your home naturally and everything will be smooth sailing.
This year, worries and mental stress will cause ill effects on the Goat’s health. Generally, the problem arises from finance. Be cautious when driving on the road or operations due to injuries. Try to arrange relaxing leisure trips in Summer season to nearby countries. Do not travel in Spring season.
Do not pin too much hopes in the relationship this year. The possible problem lies in the friends around you. He/She may be your rival in love. If you have a clear mind, you may be able to break through the tight encirclement and win the battle. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar November.
Studies will not be favorable for the Goat. But with adequate hard work, he/she will have a small achievement. Although, it does not look favorable this year, do not give up a ray of hope.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, May and October
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar November and December
Monkey in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Tai Yin (太阴), Gou Jiao (勾绞), Yang Ren (羊刃).
Health is unfavorable for the gentleman, disputes caused by gossip and leads to hatred.
The Monkey belongs to a sly kind. Have the capability of making people like them. Possess a rich sense of humor and likes social activities. He enjoys good human relationships and leaves a good impression on anyone. He makes people feel welcome and comfortable like at home. On the other hand, the Monkey likes to exaggerate and they are very vain.
They are smart and inquisitive. Towards anything, they are very knowledgeable and their memory is good. Their sensitivity is not weak and they are creative. The brain is agile and usually survives well in difficult times. The Monkey’s life is not orderly therefore there are times where they lead themselves or other people into misunderstandings.
The Monkey is an inborn diplomat. With their clever character, he can survive in any dreadful environment. In order to achieve any goals, he may tell lies to deceive people and still remain calm without batting an eyelid. Has the ingenuity, therefore he can succeed. As for love, most of them get tired of relationship easily and always looking for new love. He gets easily distracted, therefore, hard to have a stable relationship.
The Monkey and the Dragon is an ideal match. With the monkey’s quick-witted mind, he can share the Dragon’s dignity and authority. A Rat match is good too as the Rat is confuse by the monkey, and accepts his all. Do not match a Monkey with a Tiger as the Monkey likes to ridicule and look down on the Tiger. This will cause a separation in the end as the Tiger cannot tolerate the Monkey’s nonsense.
There are 50% good and 50% bad constellations appearance. For the ladies, everything is smooth sailing and successful. She will meet benefactors and joyous occasions this year. She will yield good results in business investments this year. Participate in more social events as it will improve human relations.
For the gentleman, the luck is entirely opposite. Beware of health problems and avoid disputes caused by words. Be cautious of friends around you as they may betray you.
It is an optimistic year for business investments. Career advancement is good. Progress in summer is slow but results will yield in Autumn. It is not stable in Winter and be cautious of villains. Business partnership would be advantage in Autumn. Look for those born in the year of snake, dragon and rat.
Fortune Luck
There is abundance wealth this year. If financial permits, it is best do some investments in real estates during Spring and Autumn. Wealth is unfavorable in Summer. There will unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) windfall in Spring. Unexpected wealth for the gentleman is good in Winter Time. Bet on numbers associated with house, car plate or license, telephone, etc. You might get a lucky windfall. For the ladies, fortune luck is average.
Health is average for ladies. For the gentleman, beware of bloodshed and pay attention to physical condition. Do not focus too much on your work as it may affect your well being. Be more family oriented and enjoy short vacations to revitalize.
There will be many social gatherings and you are able to meet a prospective partner from there. Being emotional, do not rush into a relationship and be careful with words and deeds you say or do. Control your temper. Separation is usually due to your intolerance. Your future happiness depends entirely on your self cultivation. Misunderstanding arises from listening to rumors spread by friends and unnecessary suspicions. You must trust your partner and treat him/her with due respect. With a sincere heart, you will be able to have an everlasting relationship. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar August.
Study hard and you may yield good results. Avoid disputes with classmates and friends. With efforts put in, you will have a bountiful harvest. Consult your teachers when you encounter difficulties in studies.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, April, July and November
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January and October
Rooster in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Sang Meng (丧门), Di Zhi (地雉), Di Sang (地丧)
Avoid visiting the sick and do not observe mourning
The Rooster is good-hearted and gentle. Handles matters honestly and does not like stirring up trouble. They often neglects feeling of other people and speak without caution. Very often, he does not know what he says and do has already offended people thus causing him to have bad human relations. On the exterior, he likes to start something new just in order to be different. In reality, he is quite conservative.
Life for the Rooster is calm and steady without having to worry about clothing and food. The female rooster is virtuous and looks after the household, takes care of the husband and teaches the children well. He is a decisive person and do not believes in others easily. He likes to exaggerate and very often, more talk than work. Therefore, he is advisable seek employment rather than running their own business. He should not do complicated work as it may throw them into confusion making him feels helpless. He is good at dealing with difficult situations and it is where they are successful. For love aspect, opposite party dare not be too intimate with the Rooster because of their exaggerating character and high expectations.
The Rooster and the Cow is a perfect match because both are conservative in nature and gets along well. The Snake match is good because the Snake can offer their wisdom. The Rooster and Rooster or Dragon will be an ideal match too. Avoid matches with Rabbit as the Rabbit cannot tolerate Rooster’s exaggerated character and not down to earth actions causing separation in the end.
There are bad constellations and no benefactor’s assistance. Luck is not favorable therefore do not invest as it will lead to financial losses. It is not advisable to go into business partnership as it will fail. Too many disagreements will happen thus causing a disharmony during the business operations. Spend within your means and watch your expenses. Avoid visiting the sick and do not observe mourning as it will lead to loosing money or falling ill.
Career advancement is unfavorable this year, stay put at where you are. Do not be adventurous. If you want a career change, the favorable month is in Spring or Autumn season. Avoid Summer as it is the worst season. Think twice if there are friends who want to set up a business partnership with you.
Fortune Luck
Fortune constellation is destroyed this year; therefore the luck is not smooth. Spending is more than earnings. Financial appears to be imbalance. The auspicious seasons will be in Spring and Autumn. Avoid gambling in Summer and Winter.
Health is average. Watch the diet and eat well will keep you in good shape. Take good care of elder’s health.
A word of caution for those in a relationship: do not quarrel over trivial matters. Treat each other with due respect and politeness. There will be marriage this year. For those who are still single, the Peach Blossom constellation appears in lunar calendar May. You may find your ideal partner.
There is presence of bad constellation. The morale is low and it affects the studies this year. Go outdoors and have a breather. It may help to uplift your moods. Do not be worried over school work. Relax and be jovial while spending time with friends. Seek help from classmates or teachers if you encounter difficulties in your studies.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, April and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, September and November
Dog in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Sun (太阳), Sky (天空), JieSha(劫杀).
Avoid disputes, rumours and loss wealth and loss of personal items
The Dog has the sense of responsibility and very loyal to the boss. The female is most loyal to the husband and dotes on the children. Due to environmental influence, their dedicated character is ever changing. They are quiet with slight stubbornness. The Dog’s strong point lies in their careful thinking and fights steadily. Therefore, very often, they can evade the crisis and move towards the successful path. They are enterprising business minded. But there will be risk involved if the sprint is too great as he is not careful enough to notice the risk around him.
Most Dogs are loyal, honest and have a sense of duty. Their sense of responsibility is very heavy and has a lot of friends. In the Dog’s life, luck has always been good. It is due to a fact that they cannot recognize their strong and weak points that causes a slow response and leading to a late success. In love aspect, whether it is male or female, they are always firm and faithful. Once falling in love with opposite party, they do not break faith. In the beginning, if he/she discovers that they do not suitable for each other, he/she will stop the relationship.
A match between the Dog and Horse is good because the horse obeys the Dog. With the Tiger, they will share long-time onset and retreat. Matching with Rabbit will lead to tranquil and stable life. Avoid matches with the Dragon as the Dragon is too arrogant. With the Dog’s liking to criticize and mock makes it difficult to get along with the Dragon.
For the Dog, the female has an average luck this year. She has to depend on herself to work hard, then she will reap profits otherwise, she will have a hard time this year. Be cautious of what you say or do as this may cause arguments and misunderstandings to arise. Guard against losing personal items. There will be disputes between husband and wife. Do not interfere in matters that are not related to your family. For the gentleman, there is an auspicious constellation that denotes good career advancement.
It is a favorable year for career development for the gentleman and he needs to work diligently. As for the ladies, you should stay put and watch. No matter how much effort you have put in, you will not succeed. It is advisable to plan this year and execute next year 2008. If you need to venture in a business partnership, you can look for those born in the year of Tiger, Horse and Rabbit as their luck will assist you.
Fortune Luck
Unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) for the gentleman is good in Winter Time. Bet on numbers associated with house, car plate or license, telephone, etc. You might get a lucky windfall. For the ladies, fortune luck is average.
There are many ill-omened matters this year. Tend to minor ailment to avoid bigger problems. Do more outdoor exercises and eat a balanced diet. Avoid traveling to countries with epidemic diseases. Luck is the weakest in Spring, so be extra cautious.
Those who are currently in a relationship must learn to be tolerant to each other as their interpersonal relationship is not too good this year. Avoid human disputes. You will meet new friends this year. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar February.
There will be mood swings. Spend more effort and time enriching your studies. Engage yourself in outdoor activities to relieve stress. You may achieve good results. Avoid disputes with classmates. Do consult parents, guardians or teachers if you encounter problems in your schoolwork.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, February, May and September
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, June and August
Pig in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
God of year (太岁),Jin Tian (惊天),Jian Feng (剑锋)
Avoid groundbreaking ceremonies
The Pig is sociable and gets along well with others. They have a good creditability and can be trusted. Although hardworking, their patience level is limited. In nature, Pigs are intelligent but is a little lazy. They possess good analytical skills. Their goal is to enjoy life and freedom, therefore they try very hard to achieve as much as they can when they are young. When they reach middle age, they will reap results and enjoy life.
Being helpful is a virtue of the Pig, but friends take advantage and bully them. The Pig loves leisure life and most of them like liquor drinking. There is a saying that goes like this: few glasses of liquors are joyful, excessive will harm the body. Pay attention to the health!
They all have very good ambitions. Whether it is work or running a business, they would try their best to accomplish. No difficulties would stop them from their faith. They are optimistic and happy. As they have potential skills in literature and arts, they can further develop their career in these two areas. They are bad managers when it comes to finances.
The Pig and the Rabbit is a perfect match as both are domestic animals. Rabbit is good natured. As both have no temper, they get along very well. The Pig and the Sheep match are also ideal as the Sheep will obey the Pig and they will lead a peaceful life. Avoid matches with the Snake because he/she will make the Pig a slave and that will end up with undesirable results.
It is a direct conflict with the God Of Year (Tai Shui) thus causing the presence of unfavorable constellations. Therefore, you must pay special attention, guard against mishaps and unexpected misfortune. However, there is a lucky constellation present to transform danger into safety. Just a word of caution, avoid groundbreaking ceremonies.
It is not a favorable year for career development. Do not act as a guarantor for other people. Spring season seems to be the unfavorable for the Pig. They will meet villains and suffer a financial loss. Wealth is prosperous in Summer season. You should make a quick decision and execute the plans in order not to let a golden opportunity slip away. There is an arrival of the benefactor in Autumn season, it is extremely favorable for those who want a career change or a new business venture.
Fortune Luck
The wealth constellation is not performing well this year for those born in the year of Pig. There is not much luck for making money and it is not suitable for business speculations. To prevent financial loss, one must be careful in Spring. However, there is unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) in Summer. Bet on numbers associated with house, car plate or license, telephone, etc. You might get a lucky windfall. Overall, you should not be too greedy this year and be conservative.
There are many ill-omened matters this year. Avoid interfering with colleague's disputes. Do not drink and drive. Those who are in high risk professions must be extra careful while working to avoid bloodshed incidents.
Those who are currently in a relationship must learn to be tolerant to each other as their interpersonal relationship is not too good this year. Avoid human disputes. You will meet new friends this year. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar November.
Spend more effort and time enriching your studies. You may achieve good results. Avoid disputes with classmates. Do consult parents, guardians or teachers if you encounter problems in your schoolwork. Do not participate in dangerous extracurricular activities.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, February and June
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April and July
my word: so.. its telling me that i will not be enjoying good luck for this year as im a female dog plus i have to put up w/ an arrogant bf who i'll criticize and mock? hmmm... plus human clashes w/ him. we'll see. heng im not one pessimistic dog for once. :P
hopefully we'll tide through this yr. seems lik dog and dragon is a bad match. BUT.. we'll prove 'em wrong!!! hor hor? *nudge clift*
hur hur.. he may flirt this yr.. becareful hor. wait ur boat capsize.
sorry, no pics.
Part 1
4 FEB 2007 - 3 FEB 2008
The world will be ushering in Chinese New Year of the Pig on February 18, 2007. However, the actual marker of a Chinese new year, the first day of Spring, shall make its stealth landing on February 4, 2007. More specifically at 13:18 hours that Sunday afternoon, a new Chinese year characterised by optimal strength begins its influence on us. The new year always offers new hope, though for one who is familiar with Chinese philosophy would know that the description of optimal strength may not be the most desirable because the Chinese way of life is about striking a balance.
Optimal strength does suggest peak performance but it also implies that a downhill slide would follow. The year of the Fire Pig shall provide euphoria and a great sense of satisfaction two third of the time, until the arrival of the 8th Lunar month in September. Then, the superb energy of the year will begin its disintegration, though the real threats of the year come later in the 10th and 11th Lunar months, from November, 2007 to early January, 2008.
The year of the Fire Pig provides auspicious energy and great fortune particularly for people who are born under the animal signs Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Monkey. The rest shall begin the year with a lower base, with the animal signs of Goat and Dog picking things up quicker than the Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Rooster and the Pig.
People born under the last five signs will need to exercise more diligence to emerge unscathed.
The year of the Pig is also characterised by many arguments and verbal disputes all round. Therefore, it will take the effort of everyone to make it a more peaceful year.
Horoscope for the Rat sign
Fire Rat, age 72 (Born between 5/2/1936 07:30 - 4/2/1937 13:25)
Earth Rat, age 60 (Born between 5/2/1948 05:43 - 4/2/1949 11:22)
Metal Rat, age 48 (Born between 5/2/1960 03:23 - 4/2/1961 09:22)
Water Rat, age 36 (Born between 5/2/1972 01:20 - 4/2/1973 07:03)
Wood Rat, age 24 (Born between 4/2/1984 23:19 - 4/2/1985 05:11)
Fire Rat, age 12 (Born between 4/2/1996 21:08 - 4/2/1997 03:01)
The auspicious star is shining brightly over you, bringing great relief from the darkness of the previous year. Benefactors will emerge, and the more exposures you go for the more opportunities you will enjoy. You can expect an improvement in status or a good increment in salary. While it is good for you to take more actions, you must not behave with impatience or become unrealistic. Luck does build up well, but rushing things may cause some hard knocks that will impede your own progress. This is especially true for the Water Rat not to spoil the good luck. The only other drawback is the presence of extra romance luck that may distract one from focusing on work and achievement. On this, a female born under the sign of Rat may suffer a slightly more severe impact. For good health, pay attention to wellbeing of your kidneys.
Wealth - Your good fortune covers the wealth aspect, too. However, the amount of returns will be proportionate to the amount of effort you contribute. With the abundance of peach blossom that represents attraction luck, it certainly suggests that indulgence in relationships may hamper the wealth luck for the year and cause wastages.
Romance - Observe fidelity in order not to spoil both the relationship and your wealth luck if you are married. For one who is still unattached, you can afford some indulgence as long as it does not affect work.
Horoscope for the Ox sign
Fire Ox, age 71 (Born between 4/2/1937 13:26 - 4/2/1938 19:14)
Earth Ox, age 59 (Born between 4/2/1949 11:23 - 4/2/1950 17:20)
Metal Ox, age 47 (Born between 4/2/1961 09:23 - 4/2/1962 15:17)
Water Ox, age 35 (Born between 4/2/1973 07:04 - 4/2/1974 12:59)
Wood Ox, age 23 (Born between 4/2/1985 05:12 - 4/2/1986 11:07)
Fire Ox, age 11 (Born between 4/2/1997 03:02 - 4/2/1998 08:56)
In the year of the Fire Pig, it is time that an Ox person summons all the virtues of the Bovini - steadfastness, perseverance and single-mindedness to rise up to the challenges ahead, because your lucky star will be absent for twelve months. Indeed, the path ahead can be treacherous, filled with obstacles and troubles caused by mean people. On top of the hard working quality, you will also need to build up a strong psychological fortress to withstand the attack of unkind rumours and malicious gossips to avoid wild mood swings. The path ahead may be tough, treading it with mental endurance and willpower, it is but a momentary training in life; walking it without calm and patience, however, the bad features may appear to be worse than they really are. Be more relaxed to avoid muscle stiffness and indigestions.
Wealth - Instability in wealth luck requires the most cautious approach in handling your finance. Do not take any risk in investment and be disciplined in spending. Set out with a mission to protect your hard earn money in the New Year.
Romance - Protect vulnerable relationships with effective communications with your loved ones. It is possible to enhance the cohesiveness in bonding with sincerity and a loving attitude.
Horoscope for the Tiger sign
Earth Tiger, age 70 (Born between 4/2/1938 19:15 - 5/2/1939 01:10)
Metal Tiger, age 58 (Born between 4/2/1950 17:21 - 4/2/1951 23:13)
Water Tiger, age 46 (Born between 4/2/1962 15:18 - 4/2/1963 21:07)
Wood Tiger, age 34 (Born between 4/2/1974 13:00 - 4/2/1975 18:58)
Fire Tiger, age 22 (Born between 4/2/1986 11:08 - 4/2/1987 16:51)
Earth Tiger, age 10 (Born between 4/2/1998 08:57 - 4/2/1999 14:56)
The Fire Pig year provides a great platform for auspiciousness for a tiger person. The actual achievement, however, hinges on how much effort you put it, because the year also sees some tendency of procrastination and a sense of lethargy in work. You may also experience certain constraints in terms of implementation, thus it is necessary to have a thorough and more comprehensive planning beforehand to avoid any hindrance in the executions of plans. Confidence will remain high, though. As long as you do not take others for granted and succumb to excessive greed, it is a great year to collaborate in business and to venture out. Salaried staff can also look forward to great prospects ahead. Your health may suffer some general weakness though.
Wealth - Your finance enjoys good luck, too, though benefactors may be absent. Depending on individual birthdays, some of you who have strong personal wealth luck will benefit from great gambling luck this year.
Romance - Romance remains the weak link for a Tiger person, where frustrations and fickle mindedness are the main causes. For one who is not already in a courtship, it may be a while more before you can find your spark.
Horoscope for the Rabbit sign
Earth Rabbit, age 69 (Born between 5/2/1939 01:11 - 5/2/1940 07:07)
Metal Rabbit, age 57 (Born between 4/2/1951 23:14 - 5/2/1952 04:53)
Water Rabbit, age 45 (Born between 4/2/1963 21:08 - 5/2/1964 03:04)
Wood Rabbit, age 33 (Born between 4/2/1975 18:59 - 5/2/1976 00:39)
Fire Rabbit, age 21 (Born between 4/2/1987 16:52 - 4/2/1988 22:42)
Earth Rabbit, age 9 (Born between 4/2/1999 14:57 - 4/2/2000 20:40)
The inauspicious stars outnumber your auspicious stars for the year. The first rule to observe is to always be righteous and avoid going for unlawful solutions in order to avoid the effect of the Punishment Star. Otherwise, lawsuits will see negative outcomes for you. Be cautious with your work and all paperwork, and beware of fake business deals. Make full use of the alertness and nimbleness of the Rabbit to keep trouble away, and to avoid entrapments. On the brighter side, you are able to cope with your work quite skilfully - do make use of this luck to focus on work and business so that you can excel. Have more confidence in your ability and avoid being trapped by self-created stress in the work place.
Wealth - Wealth management needs caution, and real estate could be the only safe bet for you. Avoid getting involved financially with others to minimise the possibility of a legal tussle. Do not be a guarantor.
Romance - Romance or a planned marriage could be stressful to you due to your own pessimistic attitude. There is no real emotional threat, as long as you do not overspend for your loved ones.
Horoscope for the Dragon sign
Metal Dragon, age 68 (Born between 5/2/1940 07:08 - 4/2/1941 12:49)
Water Dragon, age 56 (Born between 5/2/1952 04:54 - 4/2/1953 10:46)
Wood Dragon, age 44 (Born between 5/2/1964 03:05 - 4/2/1965 08:45)
Fire Dragon, age 32 (Born between 5/2/1976 00:40 - 4/2/1977 06:33)
Earth Dragon, age 20 (Born between 4/2/1988 22:43 - 4/2/1989 04:26)
Metal Dragon, age 8 (Born between 4/2/2000 20:41 - 4/2/2001 02:28)
A person born under the Dragon sign enjoys perhaps the best fortune in the year of the Fire Pig. Get ready to welcome the great sunshine. The benefactors are present. Your endeavours will be successful. Chances of a promotion are high. Get ready to launch your new plans, or prepare to perform your work with excellence, or simply enjoy yourself. The forecast in general is great, and only weak fortune of individual Dragon people will prevent them from reaping as much benefits. The only advice is to be humble and not arrogant so that you can push your luck further. The only weak link is perhaps your health because the Illness Star is also present. Digestive system can pose some problems, and, as the peach blossom luck is blazingly bright, one may tend to over indulge in sexual pleasures that may take a toll on health, too.
Wealth - Wealth will be smooth with strong gains expected. To cap a perfect year, try not to overspend - saving is always a virtue.
Romance - Romance luck is strong - it is easy to start a relationship. Marriage luck is auspicious - it is a good year to tie the knot. Childbirth luck is also good - get ready to welcome a new family member.
Horoscope for the Snake sign
Metal Snake, age 67 (Born between 4/2/1941 12:50 - 4/2/1942 18:48)
Water Snake, age 55 (Born between 4/2/1953 10:47 - 4/2/1954 16:30)
Wood Snake, age 43 (Born between 4/2/1965 08:46 - 4/2/1966 14:37)
Fire Snake, age 31 (Born between 4/2/1977 06:34 - 4/2/1978 12:26)
Earth Snake, age 19 (Born between 4/2/1989 04:27 - 4/2/1990 10:13)
Metal Snake, age 7 (Born between 4/2/2001 02:29 - 4/2/2002 08:41)
The opposite of the great fortune a Dragon person enjoys, inauspiciousness befalls a person born under the Snake sign. In fact, a Snake person will have to withstand the worst impact of the year because it is in direct conflict with Taisui - the Annual God. The path is already a treacherous one to be manoeuvred with great caution, yet a person born in the year of the Snake is also ruled by restlessness and a sense of emptiness in the year of the Pig. One ought to refrain from becoming a headless snake: a systematic approach and balanced solutions to any problem will be very helpful. Take stride, bite on, and forge ahead! Mental strength and patience will help you ride the tide with more ease. Be relaxed to avoid frustrations and stress that could lead to many illnesses. Also, be alert to avoid accidents.
Wealth - Wealth luck is not steady, and it is easy to get into financial woes. Be thrifty. Be prudent. Do not be a guarantor.
Romance - The negative feeling arising from difficult times will have a direct influence on romance and relationships, where luck is also lacking. Work on more mutual understanding and avoid trivial arguments.
Horoscope for the Horse sign
Water Horse, age 66 (Born between 4/2/1942 18:49 - 5/2/1943 00:40)
Wood Horse, age 54 (Born between 4/2/1954 16:31 - 4/2/1955 22:17)
Fire Horse, age 42 (Born between 4/2/1966 14:38 - 4/2/1967 20:30)
Earth Horse, age 30 (Born between 4/2/1978 12:27 - 4/2/1979 18:12)
Metal Horse, age 18 (Born between 4/2/1990 10:14 - 4/2/1991 16:08)
Water Horse, age 6 (Born between 4/2/2002 08:42 - 4/2/2003 14:05)
The strong luck for the Horse sign is epitomised by a Protection Star that is capable of dismissing waves of bad luck before they hit the shore - without a trace. A Horse person should embrace the spell of good fortune to establish a good base for the future, or simple to grasp the opportunity for some grand achievements in the year. Humility and kindness would ensure you enjoy your good fortune fully. Another advice for maximising your fortune is to be selective in your choices of projects or business deals so that nothing of inferior quality slows you down. The only drawback for the year is psychological - you may become complacent from time to time and the feeling of loneliness may creep in, too. Health may be weakened, especially as a result of over working.
Wealth - Wealth fortune in business or work is remarkable. Gains are there for the reaping, but new investments may experience some constraints, therefore gambling may not give rise to much satisfaction.
ROmance - Romance is excellent, though it may cause some wasteful spending. It is an auspicious year to get married and to have kids, too. Faraway places and traveling provide many chances for sexual indulgence, thus a married Horse person has to try hard to remain loyal to your spouse when you are in a foreign land.
Horoscope for the Goat sign
Water Goat, age 65 (Born between 5/2/1943 00:41 - 5/2/1944 06:22)
Wood Goat, age 54 (Born between 4/2/1955 22:18 - 5/2/1956 04:12)
Fire Goat, age 41 (Born between 4/2/1967 20:31 - 5/2/1968 02:07)
Earth Goat, age 29 (Born between 4/2/1979 18:13 - 5/2/1980 00:09)
Metal Goat, age 17 (Born between 4/2/1991 16:09 - 4/2/1992 21:48)
Water Goat, age 5 (Born between 4/2/2003 14:06 - 4/2/2004 19:56)
It is not an auspicious year for a person born under the Goat sign, with obstacles and hurdles aplenty in life. Some of the foreign connections may present nasty surprises, with mean people from faraway places undermining your work. You may also face accusations and gossips in the office. The good news is that a solutions star is present among the many inauspicious ones. However, this star is more effective when you contribute effort in working against the problems. When the effect of the star is activated with your own effort, it will bless you with more and more will power. Thus, not all is lost though the outlook appears bleak at first. The more you take on the problems head on, the more you will be able to summon the power of the auspicious star. Hence, grit, courage and resolve will help you ride through the year.
Wealth - Wealth luck is not entirely negative. The talents you demonstrate in your work or business can protect your wealth flow. However, there are chances of getting summons from the authorities.
Romance - Romance shall encounter many forms of challenges, thus you have to summon the resilient nature of the Goat in order to ride the tide. A sense of hollowness shall rise, but do understand that it is only temporary. Trust, love and care are the weapons to ensure victory over bad luck.
Horoscope for the Monkey sign
Wood Monkey, age 64 (Born between 5/2/1944 06:23 - 4/2/1945 12:19)
Fire Monkey, age 52 (Born between 5/2/1956 04:13 - 4/2/1957 09:54)
Earth Monkey, age 40 (Born between 5/2/1968 02:08 - 4/2/1969 07:58)
Metal Monkey, age 28 (Born between 5/2/1980 00:10 - 4/2/1981 05:55)
Water Monkey, age 16 (Born between 4/2/1992 21:49 - 4/2/1993 03:36)
Wood Monkey, age 4 (Born between 4/2/2004 19:57 - 4/2/2005 01:42)
Another lucky animal birth sign that enjoys great fortune in the year of the Fire Pig, the Monkey people will experience overall smoothness, good progress in work and business, and great romance luck. With a good chance of getting promotion, it pays to avoid complacency and carelessness in order not to ruin your good luck. You may still encounter minor troubles and stoppages, but you can deal with them easily with a clear mind, with the help of good fortune. Only the luck in a foreign place is somewhat weaker, hence, a travelling Monkey will feel constrained by some artificial conditions overseas, and the sense of loneliness can set in quickly when you are there.
Wealth - You can afford to feel more relaxed this year when money is concerned. With a promotion or an elevated status in work place, you may also be tempted to spend more, especially on your romantic interest. Wise planning in financial matters is still advised.
Romance - If the conditions are right, it is a good year to get married. For an unattached person, it is a great year to enjoy some liaisons, but for a married person, a clear head is required in order not to be carried away with the many new romantic encounters due to business or in the work place.
Horoscope for the Rooster sign
Wood Rooster, age 63 (Born between 4/2/1945 12:20 - 4/2/1946 18:03)
Fire Rooster, age 51 (Born between 4/2/1957 09:55 - 4/2/1958 15:49)
Earth Rooster, age 39 (Born between 4/2/1969 07:59 - 4/2/1970 13:45)
Metal Rooster, age 27 (Born between 4/2/1981 05:56 - 4/2/1982 11:45)
Water Rooster, age 15 (Born between 4/2/1993 03:37 - 4/2/1994 09:30)
Wood Rooster, age 3 (Born between 4/2/2005 01:43 - 4/2/2006 07:27)
Some patience is still required for people who are born under the Rooster sign, as the inauspicious stars still outnumber the auspicious ones this year. Success is still hard to come by, while financial well being is still in the doldrums. What helps your luck is that you are able to excel in what you do, especially when dealing with a foreign element, though diligence is required to avoid disputes in deals with foreigners. A huge element that can deplete your thin luck further is the presence of mean people in the work place. If you are in business, beware of business partners and do not take things for granted - always double-check the procedures and the important paperwork.
Wealth - Wealth element is weak. Avoid straining your situation further with risky investments, and do scrutinise your would-be collaborators before taking the plunge. Still, cash is king - the best strategy for money is to keep it.
ROmance - Romance luck is eventful with much bad interference. If you treasure an existing relationship, protect it from gossips and be objective in discerning real problems from emotional ones. The former group is precarious while the latter group is merely vicarious.
Horoscope for the Dog sign
Fire Dog, age 62 (Born between 4/2/1946 18:04 - 4/2/1947 23:50)
Earth Dog, age 50 (Born between 4/2/1958 15:50 - 4/2/1959 21:42)
Metal Dog, age 38 (Born between 4/2/1970 13:46 - 4/2/1971 19:25)
Water Dog, age 26 (Born between 4/2/1982 11:46 - 4/2/1983 17:39)
Wood Dog, age 14 (Born between 4/2/1994 09:31 - 4/2/1995 15:12)
Fire Dog, age 2 (Born between 4/2/2006 07:28 - 4/2/2007 13:17)
The fortune of the Dog people is on the road to recovery from the low base last year. Patience is still required to see darkness dispersing gradually. Negligence can cause unpleasant outcomes especially in the first half of the year. You can afford to breathe better in the second half with the Protection Star helping on your finance, though self-effort is still vital to improve your wealth flow. Two domains will remain weak in the year. One is health. When not attentive in maintaining health, you will be easily susceptible to illness than anyone else. The other is that it is easy for you to feel lonely despite good romantic luck in the year. Thus, it implies that there are physical liaisons but not emotional connections. You may also find it hard to get good assistance in work, thus ending up doing much alone.
Wealth - Wealth luck will improve as the months go by, but you cannot afford to be negligent. Work hard for money and be vigilant.
Romance - It depends on what you want in a romance. Physical pleasure and new encounters are plentiful but spiritual fulfilment can be lacking. It is good news to a Dog person who is married because pregnancy comes easily, but, needless to say, the same occurrence shall bring headache, if not disaster, if you are not married.
Horoscope for the Pig sign
Fire Pig, age 61 (Born between 4/2/1947 23:51 - 5/2/1948 05:42)
Earth Pig, age 49 (Born between 4/2/1959 21:43 - 5/2/1960 03:22)
Metal Pig, age 37 (Born between 4/2/1971 19:26 - 5/2/1972 01:19)
Water Pig, age 25 (Born between 4/2/1983 17:40 - 4/2/1984 23:18)
Wood Pig, age 13 (Born between 4/2/1995 15:13 - 4/2/1996 21:07)
Fire Pig, age 1 (Born between 4/2/2007 13:18 - 5/2/2008 19:00)
Born under the animal birth sign that violates Taisui - the Annual God, a Pig person will experience much unfavourable time. Your finances causes worries, while your career or business easily attracts disputes. Carry out your work with integrity and do not take illegitimate short cut to avoid getting involved in lawsuits. A positive note is that you are able to demonstrate your capacity in work, though luck is lacking. Gossips and accusations may affect you directly, but it helps if you can handle them with grace and wisdom. If you cannot avoid travelling, it is vital that you exercise caution all round during your trip. With good planning and a systematic approach to deal with problems, you are your greatest help in rising up to the challenges.
Wealth - Wealth luck fluctuates in the negative territory, with descriptions ranging from mild shortages to horrible disasters. Prudence is thus useful in keeping your financial status as high as barely below water, while recklessness can really cause it to sink to the abyss.
Romance - Romance is not easily sustainable if you have not built your relationship on a good foundation. Emotional upheavals can be a serious threat to a relationship that is not showered with enough love. Good judgement is also required to separate real issues from those created by rumourmongers.
Part 2
This year is filled with vibrancy and energy for those who are born in the
year of the Rat. The down side is that there is a great tendency that you will get too excited and try to do more things than you can handle. In this year, you will be suited to handle tasks that can be completed quickly. It is best not to start anything that requires long periods of commitment as the excitement may not last for you to see it through. There is a strong sign of over-indulgence in eating and other undesirable vices like gambling, smoking and sexual activities. Although there will be many social activities this year which make it a good year to build rapport and meet new friends, do not get involved in affairs or cross the safety line. The price will be too much to pay for an impulse of excitement.
Career - If your boss or most of your associates are male, it will be easier for you to work with them and the chances of succeeding in your plans are high. When you are planning to implement anything, take note of time lines and always have contingency plans. Obstacles are expected in the career front. A word of caution: Avoid getting into office affairs.
Wealth - Average
Relationship - For those who are attached or married, be careful of third parties or getting into affairs. Remember that the fun is too high a price to pay. For singles, there is a higher chance of meeting the right person this year but there are also many pitfalls. Make sure that you give adequate time to observe the other party before committing into a relationship. A proper relationship has to be two ways and be able to withstand the test of time.
Health - Good
People - You do not have to worry about back stabbings and betrayals.
This is a stable year for those who are born in the year of the Ox. Though it is an average year, try to keep a low profile and avoid implementing any major personal
plans such as migrating or changing jobs. This is mainly because there is no lucky star to give you a boost when help is required. The outcome of situations will be solely dependent on an individual’s effort. It can be very tiring. My advice is to stay positive and only pass positive remarks. Avoid gossip and being sarcastic. Positive behavior and words will induce good things to occur. If there are elders at home, please take special care of their health and safety.
Career - In general, it is an average year for your career. This year is not the time to change jobs or switch to another industry. At the same time, avoid getting into arguments with bosses, colleagues or associates. The rapport with others is not as strong compared to previous years. Hence it is more difficult to get support or assistance. It is best to stay on familiar ground then to move into an unfamiliar area. Keep a constant reminder of not to participate in any gossip in the office. It is best to keep things as stable as possible.
Wealth - Side streams of wealth are not strong. Avoid investing.
Relationship - For those who are married or attached, it will be a stable year. For those who are single, the chance of getting attached is slim. However, keeping a positive mindset and being kind in words and gestures will increase the chances of crossing paths with the love of your life.
Health - This year is an accident-prone year. Avoid participating in any dangerous exercises/stunts or traveling to unfamiliar places.
People - Average. You not need to worry about backstabbings and betrayals. As long as you keep away from gossip corners, they will leave you alone.
This is a very good year to launch any plans that you have in mind. It can be in career development, investment, business expansion or buying property. However, it is
not a good year to trust people. As you are riding high up on the wave of fortune, there will be many people suddenly turning up at your front door trying to be your friend. This is the time to remember those who have been there for you in your difficult times and those who abandoned you. For those who you have just gotten to know, keep them at arms-length until they have proven their worth.
Career - There is a year full of promotion opportunities. However, the down side is that together with the glamour brings gossip and jealousy. There will be more people trying to hinder your path to success by finding fault, making life difficult or even providing misleading information. On the other hand, there will be another group of people trying to suck up to you by cooperating with you. You need to balance between these groups of people and make the best out of this year.
Wealth - Good. This is a good time to invest.
Relationship - It will be a quiet year for singles. For those who are attached or married, the relationship will be stable.
Health - Average
People - There will be lots of people problems this year. They can range from back stabbings to direct confrontation. Be aware of this situation and be on your toes. Do not trust people easily this year. There is a higher possibility of getting involved in legal disputes. There will be people who will not like your success and will try to get you into trouble. Pay more attention to details especially before signing any contracts.
This is a good year for those who are born in the year of the Rabbit. There are signs of promotion and you will be given the power to be a leader in your career. There is also strong wealth luck. However, you must remember not to get complacent and not do anything that is against your conscience. In this year, any good deeds or thoughts will amplify your fortune. Avoid contributing to any gossip. There is a high chance of being involved in legal disputes.
Career - This is a good year in terms of career. There are signs of promotion and an increase in salary. It is a good year to implement your dreams. If you are in business, it is a good time to expand your business.
Wealth - Good wealth luck. People who are in sales, this is the time to put in more hard work and to reap the benefits.
Relationship - Average. There is no special breakthrough in terms of relationships.
Health - Bad. For those who are born in the year of the rabbit are prone to fall ill this year. Remember to have enough rest, eat regular meals and exercise.
People - There is a high chance that people who are envious or who want to prey on your complacency will get you involved in legal disputes. Do not push your luck by trying to reap profits through illegal means, as the law will keep you in check.
This year is a much better year compared to the year of the Dog. Life is still in a stabilizing phase this year and many things are still moving in a slow manner. This is especially so in terms of wealth. Hence, it is important to have good financial
planning for the year of the Pig. Career luck is good this year. It is advisable to focus on career and to do your best. In terms of relationships, it is a very good year.
Career - The career aspect is good. People around will help you to achieve your goals. It is best to work in as a team. This is a good year to implement your plans, this is especially so for people who are in business.
Wealth - It is considered average. If in the year of the Dog, there has been too much expenditure than usual, focus more on saving in the year of the Pig to compensate what has been spent. You can also consider having more sources of income.
Relationship - For those who are attached or married, it is a year of sweetness. Sparks of love will rekindle existing relationships. For those who are single, it is time to get out there and socialize as there is a high chance that you will find someone special. Remember to keep a positive mind and a happy smile. You never know who is watching.
Health - Average
People - There is no need to worry about betrayals and back stabbings. This year you will get along well with many.
This is a very unstable year where there are many obstacles on the way. It is best not to implement anything that requires high risk. It will be a busy year that wears
you out but you may not benefit from the busy schedule. Work at hand seems endless. It is best to stay as low profile as possible. In terms of health, those who are elderly and born in the year of the snake have a higher chance of falling sick and meeting with accidents.
Career - Try to stay low profile. Prepare contingency plans and give more time for any implementation, as there are many unexpected obstacles. The issues may arise from technical processes or people. Do not go head-on into arguments with anybody. For those in business, it is not a good time for expansion.
Wealth - There will be unexpected expenses. Avoid overspending. Make a conscious effort to save to avoid running into a financial crisis. Always prepare for a rainy day.
Relationship - Stable year for relationships. For those who are already attached or married, there can be more quarrels and misunderstandings due to stress coming from other aspects of life. Remember to keep your frustration out of the relationship and not to let stress from other areas affect your relationship. For those who are single, there is a slim chance of finding love this year. There will be too many things going on in your life and will distract from relationships.
Health - Not good. This is especially so for those who are older.
People - Average. Due to many obstacles, one can become paranoid and make enemies due to your bad temper. Remember to keep your temper in check.
This is a good year to implement great plans. Even if issues were to arise, they will be resolved in no time. Avoid being too complacent. You still need to take care
of details and make contingency plans. Do not be rude to others and forget the pain that you have suffered through yourself. Treasure the good times and maximize it to the full and keep yourself busy. You will be able to get the support from authorities and will be presented many golden opportunities. Look out for unexpected and sudden problems. Remember to save for a rainy day.
Career - You will be given many opportunities to develop and grow. Promotions and advancements are in the pipeline. Do not get too greedy and push others to the edge. Be gentle and graceful. You will be showered with more if you could remember how you got successful in the first place.
Wealth - Good wealth luck. However do not be too greedy. Grab your winnings and lay off till the next opportunity comes along.
Relationship - Stable. For those who are already in a relationship, things will be stable. Singles have a slim chance of meeting the right person this year. However, this is a good year to increase your social circle.
Health - Be weary about illnesses that attack suddenly such as heart attacks and strokes. You will tend to be more accident-prone. Do not participate in activities that involve high risk.
People - Remember to be humble and do not say things that you will regret later and do not make enemies.
This is a stable year for those who are born in the year of the Goat. You will be quite particular about having your own personal space. Hence, you may not like
anybody to constantly demand attention from you. This year, you will find yourself
attracted to the fields of philosophy, new age (tarot, meditation or alternative healing etc) or human behavior. It is good to keep a low profile because the general year luck is not especially good. You will not get a lot of support or assistance from others. This is not a good year to implement huge changes, especially anything that involves huge risk such as changing careers or setting up businesses.
Career - Stay put. Avoid changing jobs and business expansion. Be conservative in any investment plans.
Wealth - For those who are getting a stable income, it is good. However, it will be more challenging for those who depend on commission or sales.
Relationship - There might be more quarrels or disputes between those who are already in relationships as there will be a strong desire to have your own personal space. You might want to do more things alone than with company. It is more difficult than previous years for those who are single to find the right partner.
Health - Average. Be more cautious if there are elders at home. Elders at home are more prone to have health problems or being accident-prone. Look out for them.
People - Though there is no significant increase of betrayals or backstabbings this year, do be careful of your own behavior. Do not be rude to others even when you wish to be left alone.
This is a good year for those born in the year of the Monkey. It is a good time to implement any of your plans and truly enjoy yourself. The most prominent area to
be concerned about is gossip, betrayals and back-stabbings. I strongly advise that you do not contribute or participate in any gossip as these will come back to bite you.
Career - This is a good year for career. It is a good time to focus on implementing any plans that you have in mind. It can be to take up a more challenging task, pursuing a larger role or expanding your business. You do not need to shy away from the limelight. Simply give your best and your efforts will be recognized. Remember not to participate in gossip and be gentle when commenting about others.
Wealth - Good. There are many opportunities in earning money this year. Grab the opportunities and enjoy the thrill of watching your bank account grow. You can consider having more sources of income. However, do not believe in everything people tell you. Check out the details and do some research before commencing any investment plans.
Relationship - Be careful about rumors that will rock those who are already in relationships. For those who are single, if you really like someone, ensure that you have clear communication with the parties involved to avoid any misunderstanding.
Health - Average for health. Try to relax and not get too tense. If there are elders at home, take special care of their health and safety.
People - Bad. Take care of not offending people unknowingly. Try not to give too many comments when not asked. If you are asked for your comments, only give diplomatic answers.
This year is a good year for learning and increasing your knowledge. It is a stable year. The help that comes from others is very limited. A lot of the time you will
have to depend on yourself. It can be tiring in that way. Do not be too impatient this year. Let things go by its own pace while you focus on learning and self-improvement.
Career - It is a stable year in terms of career. You can only depend on yourself this year. It can be tiring.
Wealth - If you are on a stable income, this is an average year in terms of wealth. If you are in business, it can be rather unstable. Do have proper financial planning to take care of a rainy day.
Relationship - For those who are in relationships, there will be more quarrels this year due to stress. Try to be more tolerant and patient. Communicate with your partner about what you are going through and ask for understanding. As you will need to cope with many things yourself this year, your patience will be thinner than usual.
Health - Be careful of gastric problems and accidents. Remember to have regular meals and enough rest.
People - No need to worry about betrayals and back stabbings this year.
This year is better than 2006. Life starts to stabilize. The social aspect is
very good this year. You can spend more time in building rapport and knowing people
who can help you. You will have lots of fun this year. For those who are not in a
relationship, there is also a strong sign that you will meet the right person this year. There are signs of marriage and getting attached.
Career - Good year in terms of career. You will enjoy working in teams. You can easily get by without really needing to work as there are many people volunteering to do your work for you. If you are in sales, this is a good year for you. Though many enjoy doing business with you, your communication skills and persistency will have the final say of whether are you able to clinch the deal.
Wealth - Good year for wealth. A word of caution is not to indulge in over-spending. Though you have a good year for wealth, your stream of wealth is not limitless. Do not over-spend. Take this year to earn money and keep it.
Relationship - If you are attached or married, you will find the love grow stronger this year. If you are single, there is a great possibility that you will find new love this year. Go out and start to meet new people or spend more time with friends. You never know where the chemistry will strike.
Health - Bad. Be careful in terms of health this year. You are more prone to falling ill this year. Be careful of food poisoning. While you are enjoying extensive social activities, be careful in what you eat and where you eat. If you fall ill, you will take a longer period to recover.
People - You do not need to take special attention. This year, people simply love you. Remember not to push your luck, but embrace it.
This is a very unstable year for those born in the year of the Pig. It is best to keep a low profile and not to implement any major changes in your life. Although
there is a lucky star shining at you to reduce the speed of a free fall in fortune, you will still need to be wary this year. Be careful in terms of safety. Do not compromise safety for convenience. Also, do not go into dark alleys.
Career - Avoid changing jobs. Keep a low profile. Be polite and avoid any arguments. Tolerance is a virtue this year. Do not let others to push you into a corner.
Wealth - Avoid investments. If you are in sales, there is a high likelihood to experience a low period. You will need to depend on Feng Shui or other items to increase your wealth luck.
Relationship - If you are in a relationship, you will expect more quarrels and misunderstandings this year. If you are single, this is not a good year to rush into a relationship. Take some time to observe and focus other areas of your life.
Health - Not good. You will be more prone to fall sick, be accident-prone and there may be signs of needing an operation.
People - Avoid participating in any gossip corners. Remember to focus on yourself.
Part 3
Rat in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Bing Fu (病符), Xiong Shen (凶神), Mo Yue (陌越).
Do not visit the sick and observe mourning. Health is unsatisfactory.
The Rat is intelligent and knowledgeable. He enjoys peace and joy. He possesses political skills and is low profiled. Some people cannot tolerate his eye for details. He enjoys all kinds of social gatherings and likes making friends. It is hard for him to find a close friend. Their point of view is realistic and he has a precise judgment. With the rich imagination, they will become good critics.
They are socially active. When they are young, they have attained some achievements. Before starting out on a career, they would plan and execute step by step. As for finance, they would utilize their capital with care. In Love aspect, the female Rat possesses intelligence and she works vigilantly. As for the male Rat, he has some feminine side of the female Rat which is careful and gentle.
The Rat and the Dragon is an ideal match. The Rat is intelligent and vigilant and in turn helps the Dragon’s judgment. The Rat and the Cow is also a good match as it may strengthen belief and security sense between the both of them. Together with a Monkey will cause an insane love relationship. Avoid the Rat and the Horse as the Horse cannot tolerate the Rat’s opportunistic character. It is not ideal match with the Rabbit as the Rat cannot endure the Rabbit’s arrogance.
Luck is average for those born in the year of Rat. It is difficult to succeed in career. Even if it is in a new trade, it is not ideal. Do not attend funerals and visit the sick. It will clash with the horoscope as it will inflict sickness and unexpected financial loss to oneself. Do not overwork and remember to maintain a good energetic condition. It is best to stay conservative for this year. Carry out more outdoor activities.
Spring season seems to be the unfavorable for the Rat. They will meet villains and suffer a financial loss. Wealth is prosperous in Summer season. You should make a quick decision and execute the plans in order not to let a golden opportunity slip away. There is an arrival of the benefactor in Autumn season, it is extremely favorable for those who want a career change or a new business venture.
Fortune Luck
Money making luck is not very good. Do consider cautiously if you have a big business investment as you will need a steady fund. Avoid gambling. In Summer season, there is unexpected wealth (lucky draw,4D, Toto), you can place some bets on numbers relating to house, car license, telephone, etc.
Health condition is not favorable. You must do more outdoor sports. Watch your food hygiene. Do not consume food which is not properly cooked. It is best not to travel to far for holiday or business. It is alright to make short trips, but do remember to bring along those necessary medications. Be extra careful in Spring season as it is easy to contract common sickness like flu, etc.
Romance is smooth for the Rat this year. Dealing disputes with care will lead to a harmonious relationship. Do not yield high expectations in your partner as nobody is perfect. Spend more quality time with the family. If you are still single and unattached, do not have to feel disappointed. Grab hold of the golden opportunity when the Peach Blossom Constellation appears in lunar calendar August.
The bad constellation will cause health destruction. Due to this, one must not forget to take care of the well being while studying hard. Should you fall ill, treat it immediately to avoid inconvenience to your year end examinations.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, July, November and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, May, June and August
Cow in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellation (Stars)
Tian Gou (天狗), Ba Zuo(八座), Diao Ke(吊客)
Avoid long distance travel. Guard against bloodshed and rumours.
The character of the Cow is steady, conservative with strong inner self and has a sense of responsibility. He has a good creditability and honors his word. He is loyal and worships one principle. He enjoys being in a serene environment and has the temperament of the Cow. Sometimes, it is hard to get along with them. He will be able to listen when he has calm down. He is diligent at work, but will only be able to finish his task only under instructions. He does not have the courage to try out new ventures.
They are inborn leaders and have big aspirations. In addition, they have certain abilities, their development space is big. They do not have the patience and courage to earn too much money. Hence, the Cow works hard and silently. He is not the opportunistic type. With his character, he is often being recognized in the society. Whether men or women, they are both conservative and do not know how to create romantic atmospheres.
The Cow and the Rooster gets along very well. Both are conservative and they understand each other well. The Cow and the Rat, is loyal to each other. The Cow and the goat cannot unify as they are prejudice with each other. A match with the Monkey is not ideal because the sly monkey likes to play tricks on him/her that makes them incompatible.
With the absence of auspicious stars, it makes it an unfavorable year for those born in the year of Cow. There are obstacles in career and human relationships. Conflicts will arise among friends and colleagues. It is best to keep a low profile. Avoid long distance travel especially towards the end of the year.
This is not a suitable year for career advancement. If you have the intention of partnership, look for those who are born in the year of Snake, Rooster and Rat. They will bring luck to your business. There will be a benefactor in Summer. It will be a good opportunity to execute any plans. Beware of villains in Autumn as they may lead to unexpected financial losses. There will be abundance wealth in Winter.
Fortune Luck
There is wealth and occasional unexpected wealth (lucky draw, Toto, 4D) for those born in the year of Cow. Pay attention to house numbers, car plates and telephone.
Health is not favorable. There will be bodily aches and guard against bloodshed. Elders in the family are not advisable to do long distance travel. Traveling to nearby countries is still permissible. Pay extra attention in Spring Time.
There will be turbulence in the Cow’s love life this year. Be truthful and tolerant to each other. It would prevent relationship breakups. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar May.
There will be obstacles and do not give up studies due to relationships. Have a discussion with parents if you meet problems. Studies are stable at the beginning of the year but need to work doubly hard in autumn. Avoid disputes with classmates.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April, August, November and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, May and June
Tiger in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Fu De (福德), Juan She (卷舌), Tian De (天德).
There will be unexpected wealth and career is smooth. There is assistance of Benefactor.
The Tiger is stubborn but he possesses courage and is not submissive. They like stimulating challenges and they have strong fighting spirit. They are gentle on the exterior but tough in the inside. Handles matters seriously and they set high expectations for themselves. Very often, they use the attack strategy rather than defend which results in disappointments. Although their interest in money is not obvious but they know how make use of opportunity to increase their income. In the early years, the Tiger has already aspires to do business. Their management attitude is quite strong. When he is friendly, he gets bullied and taken advantage of.
The Tiger’s mind is always advancing boldly and that is why they may become military leaders or big business entrepreneurs. It may be due to their persistence that led them to road of the success. Business partnership is not advisable for the Tiger as there will be disputes that results parting on bad terms. In love aspect, they are filled with rich sentiments. Their over sensitive and rash attitudes always put them in trouble. They are impulsive and tend to speak without due consideration often results in bad outcomes.
The Tiger and the Horse is an ideal match as the Horse is honest and reliable. The Horse is able to win the Tiger’s affection. Do not marry a Snake as the intelligent Snake will never understand the Tiger’s style of handling matters. The Tiger with the Monkey match is not ideal as the Tfears the sly Monkey. The Tiger and the Pig match is average as the Pig hasthe spirit of being able to withstand hardships and tolerance. It enables tTiger to respect and accept the Pig.
Those born in the year of Tiger will flourish in this year. Fortune will be good for career, business and family. If one has the intention to develop business, you may wish to worship Fu De God or Golden Boy on the 1st or 15th of every month in the lunar calendar to pray for fortune blessings. Summer time will be good for planning and ideal to execute plans in Spring season. Beware of villains destroying luck in Summer season. You will strike a small wealth in Winter season.
There is opportunity for career development this year. There will be some setbacks but do not give up as there is a lucky constellation that will shine on you. It will turn danger into safety. The advantageous directions are North, East, Southeast, Southwest and Northeast. If you have the intention of partnership, look for those who are born in the year of Pig, Horse and Dog. Avoid those born in the year of Monkey.
Fortune Luck
There is wealth and the unexpected wealth (lucky draw, Toto, 4D) for those born in the year of Tiger. But remember, God of Wealth will not bless a lazy person, you should work diligently. You can give a small loan to a friend or colleague. Please think twice if it is a big amount of loan.
Health is good. Elders in the family are not advisable to travel long distance especially when that country is in an Autumn season. You will recover very fast if you have health problems.
Love life is exciting this year. There may be small interference along the way but tackling it with care will promise a good ending. Those who have dated for years would possibly find marriage this year. For those who are still single, pay extra attention at the end of the year as he/she may find the ideal partner. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar February.
There is an appearance of a lucky constellation. Study hard and you will be rewarded with good results. Do not act arrogant and help classmates if they have problems in their school work.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, May, September and October
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April and July
Rabbit in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Bai Hu(白虎), Tian Xiong(天雄), Di Sha(地杀).
Guards against damages, bodily operations and traffic accidents.
The Rabbit is noble and elegant. They handle matters with care. When it comes to emotions, they are fickle minded and cannot stay faithful to their partner. They are down to earth and do not like taking risks. They are willing to undertake a project provided the terms are 100% secure. The Rabbit’s human relations are good and friendly. Their finance managing is average. They lack discipline in punctuality. The female rabbit loves to read and is full of empathy. When someone needs helps, they are very glad to extend a helping hand. They have always yearned for a tranquil life.
The Rabbit is full of emotions; they get over broken relationships very fast. This is where they get attraction from the opposite sex. Their six senses are strong and it is their protective amulet. They seemed to predict what is going around them and they are well prepared in advance. For the love aspect, men and women are romantic but the female is especially gentle and careful. In their marriage, there are not much of conflicts.
The Rabbit and the Goat is an ideal match as they appreciate each other’s virtues. A match with the Dog and Pig is logical as the Dog is sensitive and the Pig can endure hardships. Avoid the match with the Rooster as the Rabbit cannot tolerate the Rooster’s arrogant and conceited character.
Rabbit’s luck is not favorable this year. There is a presence of bad constellation. All business plans will be slowed down. With the assistance of business partners born in the year of Pig, Dog and Goat, it is able to eliminate danger for the Rabbit. Human relationship is also a big headache. It is unfavorable in Autumn season. You can hope for better luck in Winter season. This is the year where White Tiger constellation appears, one must pay extra attention as disasters of bloodshed will happen. With the Unicorn Amulet or having a pregnant woman at home, it is able to ward off the ill effects.
There will be obstacles to career advancement for the Rabbit. For those who want to invest in a business will feel that he/she has the ability but lack of strength. It is best to make plans in Summer and Autumn season. The most feasible time to execute the plan will be in Winter season.
Fortune Luck
The Rabbit will suffer unexpected financial losses and accidents. Do not take risk in investments or visit gambling establishments. There is a possibility to fall into financial crisis in Summer and Autumn season. With careful finance management, one may meet the benefactor in Winter season which will in turn help the Rabbit tide through difficulties. Do not act as a guarantor for anyone athis may lead you to incur monetary losses.
There are bad constellations this year, threateningly leads the Rabbit to be prone to bloodshed incidents. Pay attention to diet to avoid being sick. Do not drive after liquor consumption as there is a likelihood of traffic accidents. For those who are involved in high risk career, be extra cautious when executing jobs. Be more cautious in Autumn season.
This year, the Rabbit has a lucky constellation in love life. It attracts more choices for him/her. You will be able to find your ideal partner through participation in social events. Marriage may take place this year. The Peach Blossom constellation appears in lunar calendar November. Do not let the golden opportunity slip away.
The Rabbit student will not excel in studies this year. To break through, one must study diligently. If you encounter problems with schoolwork, do not hesitate to consult your parents, teacher and classmates. During school vacation, one must revise and refrain from going out to play.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, June, September and October
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, May, August and November
Dragon in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Tian Wei(天危), Long De(龙德), Zi Wei(紫微).
Grasps hold of the golden opportunity, let riches and treasures into the house, career development is favorable.
The Dragon is energetic and possesses superb leadership qualities. He is over suspicious and do not trust people easily. Perhaps, he has been faced betrayal before. When dealing with problems, they dare to take risk and strive for success. They are independent and have a sharp analytical mind. Have own thinking. He is inquisitive and keen to learn new things. In life, they pay attention to fame, fortune and outlook. Their management skills are good especially dealing with human
Most Dragons are witty and courageous. Generous is nature. In their life, they are abounding in gifts of nature. No matter which profession he engages in, is always a smooth success. If they make a reckless move, it may sometimes be successful or otherwise. As for love aspect, men and women have plentiful of admirers or suitors. In finance managing, money utilization is weak but they have their own principle of making money.
The best union is the Dragon and the Rat. The Rat admires the Dragon’s achievement and can endure the Dragon’s arrogant character. The Rat’s judgment will help the Dragon to make very good decisions. The Dragon with the Snake is a good combination as the Snake’s sense of humor can soften the Dragon’s arrogance. The Dragon can borrow the Monkey’s sly character and things will be smooth as well. It is not a good match between the pessimistic dog and the Dragon as the Dog does not trust the Dragon.
The outlook for the Dragon’s luck is good this year. There is chance for career development. Friends will give assistance to you. When there is a good opportunity, you may borrow friends’ luck to move forward. These friends must be born in the year of Monkey, Rat and Rooster. You must start saving some funds now, otherwise when opportunity strikes; you will be lack of capital.
In this Pig year, there is a benefactor in Dragon’s life. There would be a major breakthrough in career advancement. Spring season would the best to reap profits. The most favorable positions to develop your career are in places like the South, North, Southwest and Northeast.
Fortune Luck
Money luck is good for the Dragon. It is a pity that there is a bad constellation present. If you do not handle your finances well, you may end up loosing a small wealth. The unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) will be favorable in the Winter season. Place some bets on personal numbers like house, car license, telephone and etc.
The well being of the Dragon is overall fine. Pay attention to the diet. Excessive wine and dine is not encouraged as it may bring damages to the body. Do more outdoor sports. Luck will naturally come to you once you are healthy and fit.
Social life for the Dragon will be more active this year. There will be outstanding performance in social gatherings. The Peach Blossom Constellation appears in Lunar calendar August. For the singles, you are able to meet your ideal partner. A word of caution, married Dragons should know your limits and not flirt around or else when the boat capsized, you would end up with nothing.
There will be excellent performance in the studies. Do not overwork. Pay attention to your health. While taking vacations, do not forget to make new friends and enhance your general knowledge.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar July, August and November
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, March, September and December
Snake in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Shui Po (岁破), Da Hao(大耗), Yue En(月恩).
Avoid marriage, losing personal items and financial losses.
The Snake has an amiable personality and he is loyal. He value family traditions and handles matters fast and their attitude is rapid and intense. He likes to take risk and not going through the proper channels. In order to achieve his goal, he will go to the extreme. He has a mind of agility and he moves swiftly like a snake. During youth time, he is very active and he does not like monotonous jobs. Instead, energetic work is able to arouse their interest just like using their skills to source for their prey.
In the younger days, luck is average for the Snake. He can live independently and build a career from scratch. The female Snake is a good wife and loving mother. He is not a generous kind of person base on the relationship and finance. But when, his sympathy is aroused, he will do his best to help. In relationships, he is a possessive person and it is like a real snake that twines tightly to their prey. The male Snake likes to flirt and get into trouble whereas the female Snake has a possibility to seek extra-maritial affairs.
The Snake and the Cow is an ideal match. Cow works hard in silence and he/she is able to endure the Snake’s selfish and possessive character. Avoid the match with the Pig as it will lead to unfavorable results. It is a bad match with the Tiger as he/she will destroy the Snake.
This year the Snake clashes indirectly with the God Of Year. There are bad constellations. All investment plans must slow down and endure patiently. Avoid groundbreaking and marriage ceremonies. If one must marry this year, you need to wear a unicorn phoenix amulet to ward off ill effects. Be careful of loosing personal items and financial losses. Small investments activities are feasible in Spring and Autumn. Beware of lawsuits in Winter. Friends will not assist much therefore one has to work doubly hard to achieve success. It is best to stay put this year and wait for a better opportunity to come in the next year.
Stay conservative this year. Business partnerships may turn out unsuccessful. Beware of conflicts which will result in financial and friendship loss. The situation for this year is like an illusion, empty and not solid. In the end, there is nothing. Do not be blinded by greed.
Fortune Luck
Luck is not favorable in Winter season for those born in the year of Snake. The appearance of the bad constellation secretly causes financial imbalance. There will be unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) in Autumn season. You may want to bet on some numbers. If you decide to do some gambling on board the ship or casinos. It is advisable to find out the auspicious positions and numbers.
As the Snake indirectly clashes with God Of Year this year, one has to pay attention to the health. If you have small ailments, do not ignore and have it treated immediately. Avoid activities like swimming and mountain trekking. Do not feast during business entertainment. It is best to do more exercise and take more nutritious food. Going on a tour is good as it helps to relieve stress.
There will be a lot of obstacles in the relationship for Snake this year. You must be able to give and take. Maintain an amiable temperament and both of you will get along well or not, you will end up loosing the relationship. It is very difficult to seek a bosom partner so treasure the relationship. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar May.
The Snake student must work doubly hard this year. Do not linger with friends around night entertainment places as it may lead to neglected sSeek advice from teachers if you encounter difficulties in studies. There is lucky constellation that will help in the year end examinations and it is possible to yield good results if you put in more effort.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April, July, August and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January and October
Horse in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Shi Fu (死符), Xiao Hao(小耗), Yue De(月德).
Do not observe mourning and sick visiting. Guard against injuries and lawsuits.
The Horse is a happy and loyal person. Sometimes, he/she is nervous and pays great attention to their appearance. They love movies, music and all kinds of social gatherings. They are open minded and optimistic people. They are well loved by friends because of their easygoing and friendliness character. Whether they are in political or business circle, they possess leadership qualities. They are talented and their brains are very agile. On the exterior, they seened to be full of confidence; in fact, they lack of self assurance.
He is full of vigor and vitality but there is no patience. He is hot tempered and subjective. These are their shortcomings and it will interfere wtheir work. In career and relationships, he possesses the energy of that will help him reach his goals.
The Horse and the Goat is the most ideal match. They can understand each other well. A match will be good with the Horse, Tiger or Dog would be ideal too. But do not neglect the Horse’s fickle minded and sentimental shortcomings. Avoid the marriage with a Rat as in the beginning; love wbe good and full of enthusiasm but after a period of time, the Horse cannot tolerate the Rat’s character.The Rat will destroy and humiliate the Horse and cause a separation in the end.
The Horse's luck is not favorable this year. There is a gathering of bad constellations. It is a bad year for business. There will be disagreements family. Beware of villain among friends. Fortunately, there is a lucky constellation that will ward off those ill effects. Stay away from mischifriends as they may implicate and get you into trouble. If you are not cautious enough, you may land yourself in lawsuits and imprisonment. Avoid attending wakes and guard against bloodshed. Possessing a heart of righteousness will help you achieve great this year.
The Horse is blessed with good fortune this year. With a pure mind, friends will lend a helping hand. It is not advisable to carry out business venture in Winter season. The ideal time will be Spring and Autumn season. During this period of time, the lucky constellation shines the strongest therefore is able to draw support from it. This support helps the Snake to achieve good results with half the effort contributed.
Fortune Luck
Money luck is average. Small business venture is still permissible. If you have abundant funds, it is favorable to invest in real estates during Autumn season. There will be unexpected wealth (lucky dr4D, Toto) in Autumn season, therefore you may consider betting on some numbers. Small gambling cheers the heart but excessive will get you into trouble.
Well being of the Horse is not good. It is possible to ward off bad luck and turn into good. Pay attention to diet. Do not feast too much and do more outdoor exercises. There will be mood swiand mental stress. Remember to relax and take a short vacation.
The Horse has excellent human relationships this year. Friends are helpful. You will be able to find your ideal partner. There is high possibility of marriage and it will benefit you in your career and family. Do not let a golden opportunity slip by. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar February.
Study luck is average. You should pay attention in class and study hard. You are able to get good results. If you encounter problems in your studies, lay down your books temporary and take a waloutside. This will help you to relieve stress. Be nice to your classmates as they may help you in your school work.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, une and September
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, November and December
Goat in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Wu Gui (五鬼), Guan Fu (官符), San Tai (三台).
Beware of villains and being framed. Unexpected financial losses.
The Goat does not want to disappoint people around him. He is sensitive to things happening around him. He loves nature and is generous. Possess a making for cultural art. He has a subjective approach to problems thus hesitating during analysis. When he meets with serious matters, he will be thrown into confusion. He leads a simple and peaceful life and can easily adapt to any environment.
Most Goats have no courage. He enjoys being appreciated by others. The personality is gentle. Although he is intelligent, his analytical mind is weak. First year luck is average and there is no accomplishment. In the middle age, if he has a capable and wise partner, he will be able to establish a successful business. The Goat has a sense of responsibility towards work and no matter how much work they have, they are willing to undertake without complaints. In life or mentally, they have always hoped that their future will be stable, and have lots of children. In the marriage life, they can endure silently when they meet obstacles.
Best ideal union with the Goat is the Pig or the Horse. The Horse is obedient in nature and the Goat can rely on him/her. The Pig may also tolerate the Goat’s complaining character. Avoid the Goat and the Cow union as Cow is inborn with hardworking nature and do not like the Goat’s way of work. If they were to marry, it will result in arguments and finally a divorce.
Luck for those born in the year of Goat is 50%-50% good and bad. The bad constellation causes a lot of trouble with words. There is a need to guard against friends as they may frame you and land you in financial loss. To get rid of ill effects, one should place an auspicious item “五鬼运横财” (Five ghost transporting unexpected wealth) to usher good luck. There is a lucky constellation that will assist you in career development. Even if you face obstacles, it will all be resolved. Health would be good. As for emotions aspect, do not argue over minor problems.
It is not suitable for business partnership this year. There is a disagreement in human relationships. In a situation where a partnership is inevitable, look for those born in the year of Horse, Rabbit and Pig. It is not advisable for a career change. To stay in an old trade is still better than learning a new trade.
Fortune Luck
Luck for the Goat will be like an illusion. When you want it, you will not get it. For unexpected wealth, a prize winning ticket for example, the numbers you bet on will not appear in the right order. If you want to curb this ill effect, you can use the auspicious item “五鬼运横财” (Five ghost transporting unexpected wealth) to usher good luck. Always maintain a smiling face and it will welcome the God of Wealth into your home naturally and everything will be smooth sailing.
This year, worries and mental stress will cause ill effects on the Goat’s health. Generally, the problem arises from finance. Be cautious when driving on the road or operations due to injuries. Try to arrange relaxing leisure trips in Summer season to nearby countries. Do not travel in Spring season.
Do not pin too much hopes in the relationship this year. The possible problem lies in the friends around you. He/She may be your rival in love. If you have a clear mind, you may be able to break through the tight encirclement and win the battle. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar November.
Studies will not be favorable for the Goat. But with adequate hard work, he/she will have a small achievement. Although, it does not look favorable this year, do not give up a ray of hope.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, May and October
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar November and December
Monkey in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Tai Yin (太阴), Gou Jiao (勾绞), Yang Ren (羊刃).
Health is unfavorable for the gentleman, disputes caused by gossip and leads to hatred.
The Monkey belongs to a sly kind. Have the capability of making people like them. Possess a rich sense of humor and likes social activities. He enjoys good human relationships and leaves a good impression on anyone. He makes people feel welcome and comfortable like at home. On the other hand, the Monkey likes to exaggerate and they are very vain.
They are smart and inquisitive. Towards anything, they are very knowledgeable and their memory is good. Their sensitivity is not weak and they are creative. The brain is agile and usually survives well in difficult times. The Monkey’s life is not orderly therefore there are times where they lead themselves or other people into misunderstandings.
The Monkey is an inborn diplomat. With their clever character, he can survive in any dreadful environment. In order to achieve any goals, he may tell lies to deceive people and still remain calm without batting an eyelid. Has the ingenuity, therefore he can succeed. As for love, most of them get tired of relationship easily and always looking for new love. He gets easily distracted, therefore, hard to have a stable relationship.
The Monkey and the Dragon is an ideal match. With the monkey’s quick-witted mind, he can share the Dragon’s dignity and authority. A Rat match is good too as the Rat is confuse by the monkey, and accepts his all. Do not match a Monkey with a Tiger as the Monkey likes to ridicule and look down on the Tiger. This will cause a separation in the end as the Tiger cannot tolerate the Monkey’s nonsense.
There are 50% good and 50% bad constellations appearance. For the ladies, everything is smooth sailing and successful. She will meet benefactors and joyous occasions this year. She will yield good results in business investments this year. Participate in more social events as it will improve human relations.
For the gentleman, the luck is entirely opposite. Beware of health problems and avoid disputes caused by words. Be cautious of friends around you as they may betray you.
It is an optimistic year for business investments. Career advancement is good. Progress in summer is slow but results will yield in Autumn. It is not stable in Winter and be cautious of villains. Business partnership would be advantage in Autumn. Look for those born in the year of snake, dragon and rat.
Fortune Luck
There is abundance wealth this year. If financial permits, it is best do some investments in real estates during Spring and Autumn. Wealth is unfavorable in Summer. There will unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) windfall in Spring. Unexpected wealth for the gentleman is good in Winter Time. Bet on numbers associated with house, car plate or license, telephone, etc. You might get a lucky windfall. For the ladies, fortune luck is average.
Health is average for ladies. For the gentleman, beware of bloodshed and pay attention to physical condition. Do not focus too much on your work as it may affect your well being. Be more family oriented and enjoy short vacations to revitalize.
There will be many social gatherings and you are able to meet a prospective partner from there. Being emotional, do not rush into a relationship and be careful with words and deeds you say or do. Control your temper. Separation is usually due to your intolerance. Your future happiness depends entirely on your self cultivation. Misunderstanding arises from listening to rumors spread by friends and unnecessary suspicions. You must trust your partner and treat him/her with due respect. With a sincere heart, you will be able to have an everlasting relationship. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar August.
Study hard and you may yield good results. Avoid disputes with classmates and friends. With efforts put in, you will have a bountiful harvest. Consult your teachers when you encounter difficulties in studies.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, April, July and November
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January and October
Rooster in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Sang Meng (丧门), Di Zhi (地雉), Di Sang (地丧)
Avoid visiting the sick and do not observe mourning
The Rooster is good-hearted and gentle. Handles matters honestly and does not like stirring up trouble. They often neglects feeling of other people and speak without caution. Very often, he does not know what he says and do has already offended people thus causing him to have bad human relations. On the exterior, he likes to start something new just in order to be different. In reality, he is quite conservative.
Life for the Rooster is calm and steady without having to worry about clothing and food. The female rooster is virtuous and looks after the household, takes care of the husband and teaches the children well. He is a decisive person and do not believes in others easily. He likes to exaggerate and very often, more talk than work. Therefore, he is advisable seek employment rather than running their own business. He should not do complicated work as it may throw them into confusion making him feels helpless. He is good at dealing with difficult situations and it is where they are successful. For love aspect, opposite party dare not be too intimate with the Rooster because of their exaggerating character and high expectations.
The Rooster and the Cow is a perfect match because both are conservative in nature and gets along well. The Snake match is good because the Snake can offer their wisdom. The Rooster and Rooster or Dragon will be an ideal match too. Avoid matches with Rabbit as the Rabbit cannot tolerate Rooster’s exaggerated character and not down to earth actions causing separation in the end.
There are bad constellations and no benefactor’s assistance. Luck is not favorable therefore do not invest as it will lead to financial losses. It is not advisable to go into business partnership as it will fail. Too many disagreements will happen thus causing a disharmony during the business operations. Spend within your means and watch your expenses. Avoid visiting the sick and do not observe mourning as it will lead to loosing money or falling ill.
Career advancement is unfavorable this year, stay put at where you are. Do not be adventurous. If you want a career change, the favorable month is in Spring or Autumn season. Avoid Summer as it is the worst season. Think twice if there are friends who want to set up a business partnership with you.
Fortune Luck
Fortune constellation is destroyed this year; therefore the luck is not smooth. Spending is more than earnings. Financial appears to be imbalance. The auspicious seasons will be in Spring and Autumn. Avoid gambling in Summer and Winter.
Health is average. Watch the diet and eat well will keep you in good shape. Take good care of elder’s health.
A word of caution for those in a relationship: do not quarrel over trivial matters. Treat each other with due respect and politeness. There will be marriage this year. For those who are still single, the Peach Blossom constellation appears in lunar calendar May. You may find your ideal partner.
There is presence of bad constellation. The morale is low and it affects the studies this year. Go outdoors and have a breather. It may help to uplift your moods. Do not be worried over school work. Relax and be jovial while spending time with friends. Seek help from classmates or teachers if you encounter difficulties in your studies.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, April and December
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, September and November
Dog in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
Sun (太阳), Sky (天空), JieSha(劫杀).
Avoid disputes, rumours and loss wealth and loss of personal items
The Dog has the sense of responsibility and very loyal to the boss. The female is most loyal to the husband and dotes on the children. Due to environmental influence, their dedicated character is ever changing. They are quiet with slight stubbornness. The Dog’s strong point lies in their careful thinking and fights steadily. Therefore, very often, they can evade the crisis and move towards the successful path. They are enterprising business minded. But there will be risk involved if the sprint is too great as he is not careful enough to notice the risk around him.
Most Dogs are loyal, honest and have a sense of duty. Their sense of responsibility is very heavy and has a lot of friends. In the Dog’s life, luck has always been good. It is due to a fact that they cannot recognize their strong and weak points that causes a slow response and leading to a late success. In love aspect, whether it is male or female, they are always firm and faithful. Once falling in love with opposite party, they do not break faith. In the beginning, if he/she discovers that they do not suitable for each other, he/she will stop the relationship.
A match between the Dog and Horse is good because the horse obeys the Dog. With the Tiger, they will share long-time onset and retreat. Matching with Rabbit will lead to tranquil and stable life. Avoid matches with the Dragon as the Dragon is too arrogant. With the Dog’s liking to criticize and mock makes it difficult to get along with the Dragon.
For the Dog, the female has an average luck this year. She has to depend on herself to work hard, then she will reap profits otherwise, she will have a hard time this year. Be cautious of what you say or do as this may cause arguments and misunderstandings to arise. Guard against losing personal items. There will be disputes between husband and wife. Do not interfere in matters that are not related to your family. For the gentleman, there is an auspicious constellation that denotes good career advancement.
It is a favorable year for career development for the gentleman and he needs to work diligently. As for the ladies, you should stay put and watch. No matter how much effort you have put in, you will not succeed. It is advisable to plan this year and execute next year 2008. If you need to venture in a business partnership, you can look for those born in the year of Tiger, Horse and Rabbit as their luck will assist you.
Fortune Luck
Unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) for the gentleman is good in Winter Time. Bet on numbers associated with house, car plate or license, telephone, etc. You might get a lucky windfall. For the ladies, fortune luck is average.
There are many ill-omened matters this year. Tend to minor ailment to avoid bigger problems. Do more outdoor exercises and eat a balanced diet. Avoid traveling to countries with epidemic diseases. Luck is the weakest in Spring, so be extra cautious.
Those who are currently in a relationship must learn to be tolerant to each other as their interpersonal relationship is not too good this year. Avoid human disputes. You will meet new friends this year. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar February.
There will be mood swings. Spend more effort and time enriching your studies. Engage yourself in outdoor activities to relieve stress. You may achieve good results. Avoid disputes with classmates. Do consult parents, guardians or teachers if you encounter problems in your schoolwork.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, February, May and September
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar March, June and August
Pig in the Year of Pig 2007
Constellations (Stars)
God of year (太岁),Jin Tian (惊天),Jian Feng (剑锋)
Avoid groundbreaking ceremonies
The Pig is sociable and gets along well with others. They have a good creditability and can be trusted. Although hardworking, their patience level is limited. In nature, Pigs are intelligent but is a little lazy. They possess good analytical skills. Their goal is to enjoy life and freedom, therefore they try very hard to achieve as much as they can when they are young. When they reach middle age, they will reap results and enjoy life.
Being helpful is a virtue of the Pig, but friends take advantage and bully them. The Pig loves leisure life and most of them like liquor drinking. There is a saying that goes like this: few glasses of liquors are joyful, excessive will harm the body. Pay attention to the health!
They all have very good ambitions. Whether it is work or running a business, they would try their best to accomplish. No difficulties would stop them from their faith. They are optimistic and happy. As they have potential skills in literature and arts, they can further develop their career in these two areas. They are bad managers when it comes to finances.
The Pig and the Rabbit is a perfect match as both are domestic animals. Rabbit is good natured. As both have no temper, they get along very well. The Pig and the Sheep match are also ideal as the Sheep will obey the Pig and they will lead a peaceful life. Avoid matches with the Snake because he/she will make the Pig a slave and that will end up with undesirable results.
It is a direct conflict with the God Of Year (Tai Shui) thus causing the presence of unfavorable constellations. Therefore, you must pay special attention, guard against mishaps and unexpected misfortune. However, there is a lucky constellation present to transform danger into safety. Just a word of caution, avoid groundbreaking ceremonies.
It is not a favorable year for career development. Do not act as a guarantor for other people. Spring season seems to be the unfavorable for the Pig. They will meet villains and suffer a financial loss. Wealth is prosperous in Summer season. You should make a quick decision and execute the plans in order not to let a golden opportunity slip away. There is an arrival of the benefactor in Autumn season, it is extremely favorable for those who want a career change or a new business venture.
Fortune Luck
The wealth constellation is not performing well this year for those born in the year of Pig. There is not much luck for making money and it is not suitable for business speculations. To prevent financial loss, one must be careful in Spring. However, there is unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) in Summer. Bet on numbers associated with house, car plate or license, telephone, etc. You might get a lucky windfall. Overall, you should not be too greedy this year and be conservative.
There are many ill-omened matters this year. Avoid interfering with colleague's disputes. Do not drink and drive. Those who are in high risk professions must be extra careful while working to avoid bloodshed incidents.
Those who are currently in a relationship must learn to be tolerant to each other as their interpersonal relationship is not too good this year. Avoid human disputes. You will meet new friends this year. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar November.
Spend more effort and time enriching your studies. You may achieve good results. Avoid disputes with classmates. Do consult parents, guardians or teachers if you encounter problems in your schoolwork. Do not participate in dangerous extracurricular activities.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar January, February and June
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar April and July
my word: so.. its telling me that i will not be enjoying good luck for this year as im a female dog plus i have to put up w/ an arrogant bf who i'll criticize and mock? hmmm... plus human clashes w/ him. we'll see. heng im not one pessimistic dog for once. :P
hopefully we'll tide through this yr. seems lik dog and dragon is a bad match. BUT.. we'll prove 'em wrong!!! hor hor? *nudge clift*
hur hur.. he may flirt this yr.. becareful hor. wait ur boat capsize.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Rainforest World Music Festival 2007
Darling just told me about this event happening at Sarawak.
It reminded me of Glastonbury where musicians from all over perform on the stage for the whole day.
This event includes musicians from Madagascar, Vietnam, Poland, UK, Malaysia, Italy, etc. They do have workshops, jamming sessions, mini concerts and sets up a variety of food and drink stalls, souvenirs and CDs by the performing artists.
Sounds exciting to me though and its something that i can experience for myself. do lemme know if you are interested alright? coz muz book asap as clift's friend is sort of organising it. bring friends along lah. it will be fun!
think my next aim wil be to attend the glastonbury festival next year!
it'll be cool if SG organise some sort of a festival for local indie bands to perform whole day at some place, lik the fort canning park, the botanical gardens, etc. but.. i think it'll be quite.. BO KOR LENG lor. its just me thinking only. people enjoying the music under the sun, singing and dancing to it (not me dancing since i cant dance), humming to their tunes, with friends around, .. something i quite like i guess.
spent some time editing the pics taken since last yr till now. was waiting for some pics from some others but.. it didnt reach me. in the end, i'll just make do with what i have for now. damn. how inconvenient not having a camera around.
San's early bday celebration before she flys to Thailand: 19.12.2006
While waiting for the bill to come..

xiao mei mei killer.. hur hur hur.
Juz kidding. :P

group pic. i point, i point, i pointx3!

all dunno wher to look at.. too many photographers wanna take their pics liao.

1.. 2.. 3.. Say KawaiiI!

some background photos..

aiyo.. act cute hor!

candid shot.. -.-"
dig my nose somemore.

come! take a nice one!

with papa bart~
... after paying the bill...
play the make-people-drunk game.

leon kena sabo.

2 drunk monkeys w/ 1 innocent girl. tsk tsk.

smell MY armpit alvin!

drunk people do funny things - licking faces
ended up, some people drunk, some people sober and some left early, some stayed over, but 1 gave me a big scared.
LS Gathering before John leaves SG for Indo: 01.01.2007
Dinner at Waraku, Cuppage Building.
Kinda like the room they gave though its alittle small but its very japanese style. love it!

rest of the food photos are with john.. and he's not online always..

dunno how to describe how the room is lik but ther's a low table and the 'chairs' were actually seats? with wooden backrest and mats to rest your butts. but ther's a not-so-deep hole below the table for u to rest your feet at.

pat.. first to finish it clean. and.. yes, he's very hungry. 'ren xiao xiao but du zhi da da'. tsk tsk.

some shots taken while waiting for our food to come.

my tuna mayo~~

WE love this shot! xD
---sigh.. i have a really nice group photo but its in john's camera!---
after dinner.. we headed over many places before settling down at Coffee Club, Clarke Quay.

ys actually tot this is sugar. -.-"

shy liao..

wots happening at d other side of the table from where i was sitting at.

opposite seaters were LOLing, but they are not. mayb they tio laughed at.

couple no. 1: cat w/ doris

couple no. 2: me w/ clift

some stylo milo guy we saw sitting behind me. asked doris to steal a pic for me. wonder how long does he take to style that up and... wot happened if ther's a strong wind? mayb the hair too stiff, wun get blown by the wind.

ys w/ andy.
2 cuties. which one will you vote for?

i choose you! Pikachu!
*ahem* i mean.. clifton *ahem*

the famous mud pie that everyone will CONFIRM + CHOP order de. everyone share it coz its kinda big and they are 'girls'.

d yummylicious chocolate fondue~
ys, clift, me, cat and doris shared this.
thats the top view.

side view.
Total Mud Pies ordered: 5
(the aboved was estimated only)
LS Gathering Organised by Kai: 09.02.2007
really wasted.. took 1 bloody pic only. first time took so little and all macham standing quite far away. tsk tsk. ya, only me look damn extra, sitting there. lik the guys beside ARE either extras or gays. and the rest are celebrating their 'mother's' bday. ya, 'mother' who doesnt look old de.

from left back row: donoven, kai, nitric, michelle, adrian, edward, fries
from left front row: ME, uncle and pat.
sorry, but i prefer calling ppl by their names instead of nicknames in game.
claire's taking pics for us. he shy. to show his now bloated face.
heng i'd made an effort to go edit pics.. coz.. i'd just remembered that CNY sure take lots of pics and my bloody camera aint repaired yet! omg.....
nearly got heart attack when my text suddenly lost when blogger informed me of broken link.. wah lau eh. imagine i muz retype ALL of these again.. i think.. i'll juz post up pic and say, there. see yourself.
Darling just told me about this event happening at Sarawak.
It reminded me of Glastonbury where musicians from all over perform on the stage for the whole day.
This event includes musicians from Madagascar, Vietnam, Poland, UK, Malaysia, Italy, etc. They do have workshops, jamming sessions, mini concerts and sets up a variety of food and drink stalls, souvenirs and CDs by the performing artists.
Sounds exciting to me though and its something that i can experience for myself. do lemme know if you are interested alright? coz muz book asap as clift's friend is sort of organising it. bring friends along lah. it will be fun!
think my next aim wil be to attend the glastonbury festival next year!
it'll be cool if SG organise some sort of a festival for local indie bands to perform whole day at some place, lik the fort canning park, the botanical gardens, etc. but.. i think it'll be quite.. BO KOR LENG lor. its just me thinking only. people enjoying the music under the sun, singing and dancing to it (not me dancing since i cant dance), humming to their tunes, with friends around, .. something i quite like i guess.
spent some time editing the pics taken since last yr till now. was waiting for some pics from some others but.. it didnt reach me. in the end, i'll just make do with what i have for now. damn. how inconvenient not having a camera around.
San's early bday celebration before she flys to Thailand: 19.12.2006
While waiting for the bill to come..

xiao mei mei killer.. hur hur hur.
Juz kidding. :P

group pic. i point, i point, i pointx3!

all dunno wher to look at.. too many photographers wanna take their pics liao.

1.. 2.. 3.. Say KawaiiI!

some background photos..

aiyo.. act cute hor!

candid shot.. -.-"
dig my nose somemore.

come! take a nice one!

with papa bart~
... after paying the bill...
play the make-people-drunk game.

leon kena sabo.

2 drunk monkeys w/ 1 innocent girl. tsk tsk.

smell MY armpit alvin!

drunk people do funny things - licking faces
ended up, some people drunk, some people sober and some left early, some stayed over, but 1 gave me a big scared.
LS Gathering before John leaves SG for Indo: 01.01.2007
Dinner at Waraku, Cuppage Building.
Kinda like the room they gave though its alittle small but its very japanese style. love it!

rest of the food photos are with john.. and he's not online always..

dunno how to describe how the room is lik but ther's a low table and the 'chairs' were actually seats? with wooden backrest and mats to rest your butts. but ther's a not-so-deep hole below the table for u to rest your feet at.

pat.. first to finish it clean. and.. yes, he's very hungry. 'ren xiao xiao but du zhi da da'. tsk tsk.

some shots taken while waiting for our food to come.

my tuna mayo~~

WE love this shot! xD
---sigh.. i have a really nice group photo but its in john's camera!---
after dinner.. we headed over many places before settling down at Coffee Club, Clarke Quay.

ys actually tot this is sugar. -.-"

shy liao..

wots happening at d other side of the table from where i was sitting at.

opposite seaters were LOLing, but they are not. mayb they tio laughed at.

couple no. 1: cat w/ doris

couple no. 2: me w/ clift

some stylo milo guy we saw sitting behind me. asked doris to steal a pic for me. wonder how long does he take to style that up and... wot happened if ther's a strong wind? mayb the hair too stiff, wun get blown by the wind.

ys w/ andy.
2 cuties. which one will you vote for?

i choose you! Pikachu!
*ahem* i mean.. clifton *ahem*

the famous mud pie that everyone will CONFIRM + CHOP order de. everyone share it coz its kinda big and they are 'girls'.

d yummylicious chocolate fondue~
ys, clift, me, cat and doris shared this.
thats the top view.

side view.
Total Mud Pies ordered: 5
(the aboved was estimated only)
LS Gathering Organised by Kai: 09.02.2007
really wasted.. took 1 bloody pic only. first time took so little and all macham standing quite far away. tsk tsk. ya, only me look damn extra, sitting there. lik the guys beside ARE either extras or gays. and the rest are celebrating their 'mother's' bday. ya, 'mother' who doesnt look old de.

from left back row: donoven, kai, nitric, michelle, adrian, edward, fries
from left front row: ME, uncle and pat.
sorry, but i prefer calling ppl by their names instead of nicknames in game.
claire's taking pics for us. he shy. to show his now bloated face.
heng i'd made an effort to go edit pics.. coz.. i'd just remembered that CNY sure take lots of pics and my bloody camera aint repaired yet! omg.....
nearly got heart attack when my text suddenly lost when blogger informed me of broken link.. wah lau eh. imagine i muz retype ALL of these again.. i think.. i'll juz post up pic and say, there. see yourself.
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