Detroit Metal City Anime
And found this nice song.... by chance. :D
yes, am gonna upload the some parts of my pictures taken in Japan. :)
Nov 10, 2008
Meet up with American boy and gang to..... yep! TOKYO DISNEYLAND! Hee, very excited and too bad Clifton can't go. :P
Waited for them to pick me up at my lobby in the morning with much anticipation. xD
It was at leats 2hours ride from Shinjuku to Tokyo Disneyland, and the 1st carpark was already packed! WHy? Because people from other cities came down with their families. We assumed that those people actually applied off on Friday since Monday is a Public HOliday (Sports Day). But.. to think of it again, cant be EVERYONE right? ANyways, the 1st carpark which happened to be cuter with the signboards putting Donald Duck's picture under the 'D' category, etc. We we drove on to the 2nd also very big open air carpark, there's alot of carpark attendents to direct us. And you can't choose your own parking space, fyi.
We were lucky that it was sunny & cloudy for the earlier part of the day and drizzles when we were more or less done.

Yes, its a long way from the carpark to the main gate... but its worth it!

not long Q? coz there's alot of ticket booths! We got ours pretty fast though and my guess for the short Q is that, most of the people were already there in the morning. Perhaps, morning was even worse?

That's real pumpkins ok! American boy went to check it out. Yes, they went to knock on the pumpkin, to test it. (=.=")
The theme was Halloween, seemed like this "festival" is pretty popular in Japan because everywhere we go, like markets, shopping malls, food stalls, almost all of them have the Halloween theme. Halloween cookies, decorations, etc.

Nope, I didn't see Mickey and his girlfriend. Heard that its very difficult to catch them, plus they make special appearances now and then. Usually in DisneySea.

My ticket!

The interior that greeted me. This cover just the shops only.

See!! That's the LONG Q!~ But because we were in big groups, we talked as we waited in line for our turn. The waiting time was pretty short too as the Q went pretty fast.. oh wait. Its because that was the outdoor Q that snakes into the building.. Yes. There's more queuing in the building itself!

Most of these buildings have sponsors, like Meiji Chocolate, etc.

Aliens taking photos.. :D

Carpark for strollers. Funny huh, they dare to park their strollers there. No scare that people may steal something from there leh.

Mickey Mouse themed waffles, which don't taste that fantastic and looked abit disgusting to me.

Johnny Depp!! Nope, not him. But looked like him. There was a window behind him, with the scenery of girls with cameras. They were calling out for him, and when he turned and did that Jack Sparrow's pose, they were screaming lor. Its like, he's some superstar. Lol.

Night view... PIty that the day ended so fast. Can't remember which was Cinderella's Castle already..

Somehow, Clifton got pretty excited when he saw this picture.. So i'm gonna post it up, to excite him further. lol.

Very Cute lor!

Even the mineral water were in Disney Packaging and we bought it outside DisneyLand.
We drove back to Shinjuku and have dinner at some place.. can't remember where is it exactly.
I was brought to an authentic style restaurant and now i understand why the restaurants have so many hangers there, for the working people to hang their coat.
Felt abit paiseh, because i don't eat seafood, don't eat sashimi and they actually ordered things that i can eat. :P

The fish on the bottom left, contains ALOT of fishbones which can be eaten too but you have to chew really carefully.

The menu, to order the food.

There's alot of vending machines, along the streets, everywhere! There's even a vending machines for food and cigarettes!

Night view at a certain part of Shinjuku, near the JR station.
Nov 11, 2008
Today was the day i walked about myself. Decided to dropby Takashimaya at Shinjuku since it's nearby and i wanna search for a cardholder. Am pretty interested in Paul Smith's because of their cute and unique designs. It was evening time when i was done with my day event and i quickly rushed down to Takashimaya. This time, i tried walking from my hotel to Shinjuku station. It's about 5-10mins walk and the night was rather cooling so it's a breeze to walk with my hair down. There, they close pretty early. Around 8pm. I was having alittle trouble finding Takashimaya and by the time im there, it was around 7.30pm already. Quickly see look. There, as long as you walk pass their stores, the staffs would greet you whether you patronise their store or not. Went up to the 9th or 10th storey to HMV. Yes, the Taka there goes as high up to 14 storeys. Big eh? But their surface area ain't as big as ours, hence the high storeys. Anyways, found a whole lot of Little Children cds and i was so tempted to buy all of them. But i thought i could buy it when im back from my Osaka-Kyoto trip. Sadly, i did not due to the lack of time.
Went up to the 13th level for food. First time eating by myself. Abit awkward but what to do, bf's busy with work.

I ordered Pork Cutlet. Pretty big serving for me, as you can see from the picture, its very presentable, the servings were very big and the breadcrumbs were extremely crunchy!
After dinner, decided to walk back too. I really love walking especially at night in Japan because of the cool weather. You know in Singapore, there's some performance by elderly or by handicapped people right? In Japan, there's only youngster performing. Some comes in groups of 4, with their guitars, mic, speakers. Some will be solo, with their mic and guitar only.
As I walked further down, I saw this...

yep! a roadside Ramen stall!!! Though people says it everywhere and is very common but that's the first time i saw it!!! Eventhough its night time, you'll still see alot of people walking about, going KTV, drinking (some got drunk as early as 10pm lor), sitting by the buildings and talk. Smokers will have a smoking corner to smoke and are not allowed to smoke when they are walking along the street. Some streets / areas are no smoking areas. YOu'll be fine if you are caught smoking there. People smoke everywhere!
In Singapore's arcade, you'll see lotsa youngsters playing right? In Japan, it's mostly working class people going there after work to play and smoke. Their games are very different from what we have here. I just saw recently in the arcade @ PS, they have this soccer game that comes with controllers. Yep, that is common in Japan. Do not expect your clothes to smell nice after you leave the arcade.
Restaurants & Fast Food Restaurants, they have a smoking corner. So everytime you entered one, they'll asked whether you want a smoking or non-smoking area. Some restaurants do no have that facilities and you can just sit anywhere and smoke.
Even in convention hall, they have a room for smokers to smoke inside!
Nov 12, 2008
Am feeling kinda sad, because time seemed to pass pretty fast and it felt that, I still have alot of places to see, to walk in Tokyo.. Today is the so-called last day in Tokyo. We moved out to the Century Hotel, decided to take a cab over instead. Me too lazy to walk and it's quite near our previous hotel. There, it's different. Alittle difference in price = big difference to me. The lobby's on the 3rd level, hence no bellboy to help you with your luggages. We quickly placed our bags in our room and headed back to meet up with Jin San.
While on the way out, we saw this performance, which i have no idea what is it about.

Cute little girl watching the frogs in the bucket.

And we saw THIS while waiting to cross the road. Damn cute so i quickly steal a snapshot of it!
He's bringing out for lunch! It's my first time meeting up with Jin San and Kozawa San, but they were really funny. From Shinjuku, we headed down to Chiba, through the tunnel under the sea. Throughout certain parts of the journey, i began to doze off, no idea why i felt so tired. Was it because of the long journey or because i woke up very early.
We drove past the rainbow bridge and stopped at a rest station which was a man-made mini-island, if im not wrong. The GPS system in their car was super cool! They will prompt you to speak out where you wanna go and they'll search the route for you. Li-hai right?! THen when you do reverse parking, you'll see this...

So whenever you turn your steering wheel, it'll move along with it.
We walked up and saw an egg-like hotel far out in the sea, opposite us. It was really windy there, and the chilling wind blew past my jeans and into my bones.

One of the many views, its pretty big there, there's an amusement arcade, shopping markets with their local products. Bought some snacks there. :)
Yes, with plenty of self-constraint.

They were selling those big buns, really big! I didn't buy because i was saving my stomach for lunch..

So.. after driving around some rural area, we agreed that we were lost, somewhere in Chiba. So, we were thinking of where to go.. And we decided on.. Yokohama! Somehow, when you entered a different city, you'll feel that the air/atmosphere is different there. We went to one of the famous Chinatown in Yokohama, how i envy the x generation of Chinese, being able to speak fluent Japanese and Chinese. Sigh.

AS we can't think on what to eat and i mentioned about having this ramen craving, they decided on.. .. yes, ramen! We walked around, and they brought us to this Toriyaki restaurant for 1/2 dinner. I was very full by the time we were done because.. its all meat!! And they ordered quite alot. Jin san was very stubborn, lol. He stopped eating as he wanted to save his stomach for ramen.

Jin san & Kowaza San

The meat was really good lor, of coz can't compare them with Singapore's food right?
After a filling 1/2 dinner, we went on to continue the other half. And its my first time and not gonna be my last time, eating at a place which has a vending machine outside the stall, for you to place your order and to wait for an available seat.

You don't get to see the waiter/waitress, and they'll pull a mini blind down so that you can eat in peace. I realised that alot of the Japanese ate alone.. So i guess its their culture bah.
We parked nearby and the carpark really amuses me lor. They don't have any barriers in front of the entrance, instead.. its like this.

Left: The original way before a car was parked.
Right: The yellow portion will raise up, so you gotta pay before you can claim your car. There's a number in every slots, so you just have to press that number your car is parked at and.. viola!

Making payment at the .. carpark machine. :P
Sigh, time passes so fast when you were enjoying yourself that.. by the time we return to our hotel, and the next morning we woke up, it'll be.. time for Osaka, which also means.. our holiday is ending soon.
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