So, I went to check up on the players for both teams and..... I saw Matthew Stevenson. Yes, I became the stalker and check up on the matches he took part in and suddenly he stopped participating in WCG and there's no news on him.
This is the fella.

Cute eh? So I was looking through some really old pictures especially those taken with Cat, Vivi, "Claire", Master Lil, etc. Pictures taken while playing FFXI (it was so fun and damn hilarious too when I saw the so-called romantic story that I want to make with Keigo. Somehow I can't remember which folder did I place it in and can't find it now). And I saw that photo again. Matt Stevenson. *Gasp!*
My stalker instinct returned and I decided to dig further. And then I found out WHY did he stop playing in WCG. That was because he'd gone PRO and joined Chicago Chimera instead! That's why. And which also explains why the new player's surname was similar to Matt's in WCG! They are brothers. Further digging reveals his "more recent" photos. Boy did he not change much except for his older and mature look. Wo Xi Huan!! Lol. Decided to do something since an inspiration just popped up. Photoshopped the photos (though it wasn't done well enough, lazy + tired) and came up with this! Gahahahahahahahaaaa!!!

Just nice hor? I happened to be carrying baby Giselle and the angle was just nice. Niceeeeeee. I think I'm gonna add one more wishlist. Ha! Hmm, my stalking continues? Nah, I think I have enough info for a night. Either he's pretty low profile or there's not much coverage on gaming issues, I can't even find him on wiki! If I get to see him in person, I'll definitely GRILL him and post up a wiki for him! Lalalalalalala~*
Right.. I guess I'll be too nervous to even open my mouth! :\
And yesssss, sweet dreams for me tonight, tomorrow night and the night after, and the night after after, ...... *Skip to bed*
Oh right, Wishing Everyone Gong Xi Fa Cai, Xin Nian Kuai Le!!
I'm happy because I'll on long leave. Yay! Back to work on next Monday. Ha!!
I'm happy beacuse I'm able to paint my nails and leave it to last for a week!\
I'm happy whenever I think of Wen-di sleeping because... it's a secret. Keke. Arghhh so cute!!!! *Thinking about the night we had sleepover*
I'm happy because I found Matthew Stevenson again and I saw the recent photo of him!! :D
A lot of photos yet to be posted up. Still waiting to meet Matty for the pictures.
I wonder, what does a pro gamer do? I mean, they play games competitively, but how do they earn $ from there? If you win a match, you earn $ or ? How do they split the money up then? I mean, it's similar to the people taking part in sports meet, football players, etc?
Oh oh! I'm happy because I know where to go during my Japan trip! All thanks to a customer who gave me an idea. I shall try the open jaw journey and to start from South! :D
So can't wait to tell Wen-di about this when she's back from visiting!!!!!
Another sleepover with her, another chance to see her sleep, another chance to sniffle a LOL on the pillow. hehee.
Hmm... I wonder how Master Lil sleep. Must be the same.. but wait. She's a light sleeper! Which means she'll get woken up very easily. Oh no....
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