Okayyyy, I'd did something that I have not done before! That is taking part in a Halo Fan's competition! Partly was thanks to Clifton for urging me to just try and also reminding me of the end date.
So, I'd took a picture of my collections, it looked very "small" as compared to those who had been collecting for years! Imagine when Halo started.. on Xbox - the big black box. And my 30 words.. not very creative but I ought to give Halo: ODST some credit because it was through ODS that I started on this Halo journey.
Wish me luck! Praying that I'll win! It's going to be some experience!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Today, or rather, yesterday was the day that I'd been waiting for!
Clutching my receipt, I noticed this sentence "collect your redemption card after 20 August 2010". So I decided to call in to double check whether I can collect it today or after today and yes!! I CAN collect it TODAY! WOOHOOOO!! You can imagine me grinning all the way and checking my wallet to make sure the receipt is with me, placed securely in my wallet and also taking extra care to make sure my wallet is still in my bag. xD
I rode up the escalator with a silly grin stuck on my face and my eyes went as big as a pair of saucers when I was greeted with a HALO Shrine!!!! Although it's a small area of Halo's exhibits but it's enough to make one go ga-ga over it. There were 4 standing displays on the front. Starting from the right was the Halo Reach Limited Edition controller *Believe me when I said that I was very tempted to make the controller go missing*, followed by the Halo Figurine you'll get from the Legendary Limited Edition package, Spartan's helmet *salivating over it* and an impressive array of Spartans and Covenants. With Four Spartans guarding both sides of the Halo Shrine made it even harder to be missed. A TV was mounted at the back playing video - I'm sorry but I did not notice what the TV was playing because the display glass beside containing mini figurines, Halo Legends DVD and Halo Helljumper hardcover comic book by Marvel were simply too distracting. How I wish it was MY collection that I was looking at. However, thanks to the exhibits, I went out to source for the DVD and comic today. Mission was a mixture of success and failure as I was rewarded with the DVD found in a cd shop in Funan and I couldn't find the comic book in the bookstores from Raffles City to Plaza Singapura!
Anyway, I headed on to section 12 - that's where you redeem your card. My initial thought was the redemption card should be a credit card size. I was totally wrong and was awestruck by the real deal. It's half the size of an A4 paper with gloss finish and Spartans covering the front!!! I was totally speechless but managed to recover in time to stop the guy from stapling the receipt to the card. *Phew* It was too beautiful to be disfigured!
Did I mention that section 12 is a gaming area with plenty of xbox 360 games? OH! And before I forget, there's this super big wallpaper of HALO at the back of the xbox section. How I wish I could have that in my future gaming room. There's one glass showcase with the blackbox (if you play Halo Wars, you'll know what that is). Again, my jaws dropped because I thought it was just a small box, and I didn't realised that it's such a big box! Hey hey! I'm not complaining ok and I left the place with a silly grin plastered all over my face. I was so tempted to shout "WOOHOO!!!!!!”, jump about and do that silly dance. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! I can't believe that I have the card in my hands! While checking out this small area filled with xbox 360 controllers and batteries, something down in the corner caught my eye - Halo ODST cover for xbox 360 consoles! You guessed it! I'm a proud owner of that cover, Halo Legends DVD and coming-soon blackbox. Suddenly, I became very protective of my redemption card, checking my carrier to make sure the card is still there with every step I take.
Now, I'm contemplating whether should I queue up early on the 14th September for the signed copy Halo poster or should I give it a miss.
And also task with guarding my receipt and redemption card because you can't get your order should you lose one of them! >.<
Maybe Impossible to get: Halo Helljumper Hardcover comics, Spartan Helmet, Spartan armor and mini figurines! Not forgetting the Energy Sword!
On a side note, it'll also be cool to have Gears of War's Lancer Assault Rifle. Zannnnnnn!!!!!!! Slash the Locust in to pieces!
Halo Redemption Card - Front

Halo Redemption Card - Back

ODST xbox cover

Halo Legends DVD

Met up with Clifton and he brought me to this French restaurant for dinner. Thanks baby! It was really cool to see him speak french and also to try something different yet yummy. Now I know I can tahan some French Food. It was not only a very filling dinner but a very expensive one too! It is a pity I used the iPhone to take pictures of the place because... I have yet to figure out how to do data transfer. Sigh..
Before I forget, I saw this young girl playing Hard on Guitar Hero! WOW!!! m(_._)m
Clutching my receipt, I noticed this sentence "collect your redemption card after 20 August 2010". So I decided to call in to double check whether I can collect it today or after today and yes!! I CAN collect it TODAY! WOOHOOOO!! You can imagine me grinning all the way and checking my wallet to make sure the receipt is with me, placed securely in my wallet and also taking extra care to make sure my wallet is still in my bag. xD
I rode up the escalator with a silly grin stuck on my face and my eyes went as big as a pair of saucers when I was greeted with a HALO Shrine!!!! Although it's a small area of Halo's exhibits but it's enough to make one go ga-ga over it. There were 4 standing displays on the front. Starting from the right was the Halo Reach Limited Edition controller *Believe me when I said that I was very tempted to make the controller go missing*, followed by the Halo Figurine you'll get from the Legendary Limited Edition package, Spartan's helmet *salivating over it* and an impressive array of Spartans and Covenants. With Four Spartans guarding both sides of the Halo Shrine made it even harder to be missed. A TV was mounted at the back playing video - I'm sorry but I did not notice what the TV was playing because the display glass beside containing mini figurines, Halo Legends DVD and Halo Helljumper hardcover comic book by Marvel were simply too distracting. How I wish it was MY collection that I was looking at. However, thanks to the exhibits, I went out to source for the DVD and comic today. Mission was a mixture of success and failure as I was rewarded with the DVD found in a cd shop in Funan and I couldn't find the comic book in the bookstores from Raffles City to Plaza Singapura!
Anyway, I headed on to section 12 - that's where you redeem your card. My initial thought was the redemption card should be a credit card size. I was totally wrong and was awestruck by the real deal. It's half the size of an A4 paper with gloss finish and Spartans covering the front!!! I was totally speechless but managed to recover in time to stop the guy from stapling the receipt to the card. *Phew* It was too beautiful to be disfigured!
Did I mention that section 12 is a gaming area with plenty of xbox 360 games? OH! And before I forget, there's this super big wallpaper of HALO at the back of the xbox section. How I wish I could have that in my future gaming room. There's one glass showcase with the blackbox (if you play Halo Wars, you'll know what that is). Again, my jaws dropped because I thought it was just a small box, and I didn't realised that it's such a big box! Hey hey! I'm not complaining ok and I left the place with a silly grin plastered all over my face. I was so tempted to shout "WOOHOO!!!!!!”, jump about and do that silly dance. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! I can't believe that I have the card in my hands! While checking out this small area filled with xbox 360 controllers and batteries, something down in the corner caught my eye - Halo ODST cover for xbox 360 consoles! You guessed it! I'm a proud owner of that cover, Halo Legends DVD and coming-soon blackbox. Suddenly, I became very protective of my redemption card, checking my carrier to make sure the card is still there with every step I take.
Now, I'm contemplating whether should I queue up early on the 14th September for the signed copy Halo poster or should I give it a miss.
And also task with guarding my receipt and redemption card because you can't get your order should you lose one of them! >.<
Maybe Impossible to get: Halo Helljumper Hardcover comics, Spartan Helmet, Spartan armor and mini figurines! Not forgetting the Energy Sword!
On a side note, it'll also be cool to have Gears of War's Lancer Assault Rifle. Zannnnnnn!!!!!!! Slash the Locust in to pieces!
Halo Redemption Card - Front

Halo Redemption Card - Back

ODST xbox cover

Halo Legends DVD

Met up with Clifton and he brought me to this French restaurant for dinner. Thanks baby! It was really cool to see him speak french and also to try something different yet yummy. Now I know I can tahan some French Food. It was not only a very filling dinner but a very expensive one too! It is a pity I used the iPhone to take pictures of the place because... I have yet to figure out how to do data transfer. Sigh..
Before I forget, I saw this young girl playing Hard on Guitar Hero! WOW!!! m(_._)m
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Gah! I can't contain myself any longer!!
*jump scream dance !!!!!*
Okay, its the pre-order, I do not have the actual set yet but! It means I'd secured a set, which I'll have to go down this Fri to collect my card and wait VERY patiently for 14 Sept to get it! Omg omg omg omg!!!!!!! How I wish it is bundle with Spartan-117's suit and helmet!
Next I shall conquer the limited edition console! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
How I wish I can repeat the jump shout dance again but I'm in the bus and I'm grinning madly to myself!
So, Bungie is going to Activision, what's going to happen to Halo? Will there be a Halo 4 or something? Will there be a continuation of Halo?
I'd just completed Halo Wars (thanks to Clifton who urge me to try myself) and Halo 3 (sigh, I played easy mode so my ending was pretty "easy" too....). That seemed to be the end of Halo where John-117 was separated and its unknown whether is he still alive or not... The threat (covenant and flood) is still very much there, what ever happened to the forerunners, nobody seemed to have an answer to that. If they start another round of war, its going to be like a repetition of the original Halo (when covenant and flood made their presence known ). To continue the story seemed ... Not advisable since they'd left a lot unknown and such. But! There was this war going on within humanity, the rebels and unsc. Will they do a story for that?
Sigh, how I wish the spartans don't have to die. Why only 1 spartan left???? WHY???
*jump scream dance !!!!!*
Okay, its the pre-order, I do not have the actual set yet but! It means I'd secured a set, which I'll have to go down this Fri to collect my card and wait VERY patiently for 14 Sept to get it! Omg omg omg omg!!!!!!! How I wish it is bundle with Spartan-117's suit and helmet!
Next I shall conquer the limited edition console! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
How I wish I can repeat the jump shout dance again but I'm in the bus and I'm grinning madly to myself!
So, Bungie is going to Activision, what's going to happen to Halo? Will there be a Halo 4 or something? Will there be a continuation of Halo?
I'd just completed Halo Wars (thanks to Clifton who urge me to try myself) and Halo 3 (sigh, I played easy mode so my ending was pretty "easy" too....). That seemed to be the end of Halo where John-117 was separated and its unknown whether is he still alive or not... The threat (covenant and flood) is still very much there, what ever happened to the forerunners, nobody seemed to have an answer to that. If they start another round of war, its going to be like a repetition of the original Halo (when covenant and flood made their presence known ). To continue the story seemed ... Not advisable since they'd left a lot unknown and such. But! There was this war going on within humanity, the rebels and unsc. Will they do a story for that?
Sigh, how I wish the spartans don't have to die. Why only 1 spartan left???? WHY???
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
A conversation between mom and I came about when I received a message from a snail pal online that she did not receive my letter which I'd mailed out since the 15th of July.
Me: My pen-pal said that she did not receive my letter but I'd mailed it out since last month!
Mom: Did you paste the "by airmail" sticker?
Me: Nope because I'd run out of them but I wrote "BY AIRMAIL" on it. It has not failed me for the past few years....
Me: OH NO! Or the postman had missed that and put it "by SEA"?
Mom: Maybe..
Me: How long does it take to reach Germany by sea? I know it takes just a week to reach Germany by air.
Mom: By sea? One month!
Me: =.="
See, the difference between by sea and by air?? Sigh.......
Anyway I'd woke up specially early (9am) to go to the market with mom today. Mom was still asleep so I just read my outdated newspapers while waiting for her to wake up.
Today, I made WANTON aka Chinese Dumplings! :D
Yes, I washed and chopped the water chestnuts myself while mom seasoned the meat then I filled the "skin" with meat. Yums! Mom let me tried one sample to make sure the meat was "sweet" enough.
There were more but mom had took some to cook. Today was really healthy eating as our wantons were boiled and not fried. So it's wanton with soup, boiled veggies and rice.

On a random note..... Mom took my dog to wash because he's too dirty. She dried it and then placed it on top of my pig. They looked really cute and then I realised that pig was flanked by rabbid and Keroro on either sides. Then Cactuar and Hippo were telling me to take a group photo of them all together. So here it goes. :D

Only Cactuar and Hippo are sleeping on my bed because they have their personal pillows - Shrek and Xbox 360 controller.
And the keeper of my precious books.

Did I mention that Master Lil's green chocobo is still in my cupboard, wrapped in a red plastic bag? I'll take a mugshot of them another time. Ha!
Oh and Douzo Arigatou for being so patient with me and helping me with my erm.. "sms" self study. :P
Me: My pen-pal said that she did not receive my letter but I'd mailed it out since last month!
Mom: Did you paste the "by airmail" sticker?
Me: Nope because I'd run out of them but I wrote "BY AIRMAIL" on it. It has not failed me for the past few years....
Me: OH NO! Or the postman had missed that and put it "by SEA"?
Mom: Maybe..
Me: How long does it take to reach Germany by sea? I know it takes just a week to reach Germany by air.
Mom: By sea? One month!
Me: =.="
See, the difference between by sea and by air?? Sigh.......
Anyway I'd woke up specially early (9am) to go to the market with mom today. Mom was still asleep so I just read my outdated newspapers while waiting for her to wake up.
Today, I made WANTON aka Chinese Dumplings! :D
Yes, I washed and chopped the water chestnuts myself while mom seasoned the meat then I filled the "skin" with meat. Yums! Mom let me tried one sample to make sure the meat was "sweet" enough.
There were more but mom had took some to cook. Today was really healthy eating as our wantons were boiled and not fried. So it's wanton with soup, boiled veggies and rice.

On a random note..... Mom took my dog to wash because he's too dirty. She dried it and then placed it on top of my pig. They looked really cute and then I realised that pig was flanked by rabbid and Keroro on either sides. Then Cactuar and Hippo were telling me to take a group photo of them all together. So here it goes. :D

Only Cactuar and Hippo are sleeping on my bed because they have their personal pillows - Shrek and Xbox 360 controller.
And the keeper of my precious books.

Did I mention that Master Lil's green chocobo is still in my cupboard, wrapped in a red plastic bag? I'll take a mugshot of them another time. Ha!
Oh and Douzo Arigatou for being so patient with me and helping me with my erm.. "sms" self study. :P
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