Me: My pen-pal said that she did not receive my letter but I'd mailed it out since last month!
Mom: Did you paste the "by airmail" sticker?
Me: Nope because I'd run out of them but I wrote "BY AIRMAIL" on it. It has not failed me for the past few years....
Me: OH NO! Or the postman had missed that and put it "by SEA"?
Mom: Maybe..
Me: How long does it take to reach Germany by sea? I know it takes just a week to reach Germany by air.
Mom: By sea? One month!
Me: =.="
See, the difference between by sea and by air?? Sigh.......
Anyway I'd woke up specially early (9am) to go to the market with mom today. Mom was still asleep so I just read my outdated newspapers while waiting for her to wake up.
Today, I made WANTON aka Chinese Dumplings! :D
Yes, I washed and chopped the water chestnuts myself while mom seasoned the meat then I filled the "skin" with meat. Yums! Mom let me tried one sample to make sure the meat was "sweet" enough.
There were more but mom had took some to cook. Today was really healthy eating as our wantons were boiled and not fried. So it's wanton with soup, boiled veggies and rice.

On a random note..... Mom took my dog to wash because he's too dirty. She dried it and then placed it on top of my pig. They looked really cute and then I realised that pig was flanked by rabbid and Keroro on either sides. Then Cactuar and Hippo were telling me to take a group photo of them all together. So here it goes. :D

Only Cactuar and Hippo are sleeping on my bed because they have their personal pillows - Shrek and Xbox 360 controller.
And the keeper of my precious books.

Did I mention that Master Lil's green chocobo is still in my cupboard, wrapped in a red plastic bag? I'll take a mugshot of them another time. Ha!
Oh and Douzo Arigatou for being so patient with me and helping me with my erm.. "sms" self study. :P
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