Wednesday, December 08, 2010

I was trying to get a new blogskin for my blog.. Especially after looking at the same skin for almost 2years (?), one would sure get tired of it right? Found a really nice skin and to my dismay, I couldn't get it to work. Too much codings and got me lost. It was pretty frustrating. Just like you found the perfect top to wear for your special night be it prom, wedding, etc and to realise that no matter how you try, it just wouldn't fit. Sigh.

Anyway, I was qutie happy that office politics do not happened at my workplace. That was my initial thoughts when I started working for 3years. However, things changed and there, office politics do happen EVERYWHERE!

Someone had quitted. And something about Master Lil said makes sense.. No one will leave - especially before bonus (althought we don't have) unless the person is being treated really badly by the colleagues or the working environment is unbearable. For the "someone" (let's call her "CN") who had quitted, I guess it's both as people makes the environment, so both are equally negative. CN quitted just as she was going for her second interview, to me, it was a relief that she'd quitted and also wished her all the best (mentally of course). Why a relief?

The reason why she was so unpopular because:-
- she do not think before she speaks,
- do not apologise at all eventhough she was at fault and she knew it
- as long as she'd worked longer than others, she's considered a senior and the new hires must listen to her
- she do not give her seniors face even to her supervisor
- everyone is incompetent except for her
- thinks is fun to have a "boyfriend" when she's on the verge of divorcing her husband and decided to get back together with her husband
- badmouth everyone to a certain department
- feels that people are looking at her chest because they are all perverts and whoever touches her "yi keng harm mao" is considered molest

CN complained that she was treated very badly there as everyone outcast her, even her two closest friends had betrayed her.

The last that I'd heard was she failed the second interview.

That had gotten me pondering, whether are we all bullies? Did we create such a bad working environment for her? How is it that the rest can work in harmony?

PS: no photos yet although I took ALOT... Been lazy to post. Shall find a day to do so.. and yes.. please forgive me for the lack of postings because... I AM LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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