Chinese New Year this year, no matter how routine it is, I still LOVE it. I get to see my grandparents, my aunties and uncles, my cousins and my nieces and nephews! Boy! How time flies especially when seeing the little ones, where they were babies and now, walking and talking!
First day (03/04) was slightly different as my dad did not see any of his brothers at all. We met up with Darren bro and family at Guan Ming San to pay our respect to our late grandmother. Seeing the date craved on her "tomb" which was 2002... it hit upon me that she had passed away for almost 12years. It had been too long and memories of her were slowly erasing itself from my memories saved for the photo of her on her "tomb".
Big brother and Little Sister

With da sao and her four children

Louis the new father!

The proud father of FOUR kids!

Helping himself to food

Just curry and Extra Rice please!

Full on games.. no need to eat

Fatherhood really toned him down alot! Seeing the change in him and him being a responsible parent makes me proud of him!

So, our plan for Chu Yi is to Guan Ming San then to Louis' house and bai nian to our grandpa who is 99 this year and going 100 next year. Seeing him so weak and feeble makes my heart ache and pray that he will live a long life. After which, we head to Pandan Gardens.. in Jurong. *Faint*
Uncle Garick teaching them boys how to play the Human Jackpot. haha. It was funny and refreshing. Also something which cannot be played for too long as it will get boring.

Them boys trying to understand the game's mechanic

There you go!

Everyone takes their turn to be the human Jackpot. heh

Mummies power!!

Children's playroom

After which, we had a last minute plan for some cousins gathering. FUN! :)
Next day, we went to Dua Kim's house to give our respects to our ancestors and to mom's late parents.
Dajie playing with the children.

With Sheraddin, every year must take with her! :)

Chichi! He's quite old le.. about 7years old.

Yu Sheng again

My poor feet.. after 2 days of walking around in this shoes.. but I still love it! Ahh.. the price of vainity.. hah

Managed to take a photo with Wesley... He is so cute that I cannot stop looking at this photo!! xD

Our "Chuan Jia Fu" although not everyone is present.

KTV night!! Sang till 4am?

On the Third day of CNY, JW and RH invited us to their place for lunch. Food, Wine and games are provided! Wahaha, we are so xin fu! And I am glad that I was able to make it because Darren bro changed the date to Sunday instead.

The hungry guests

The food!! Yummy!!

Xiaobai was the crafty one.. kept making us think he had the character "Plum" which he did not have..

The murder took place there?

CNY group photo! :D

After which, it is time to head over to Cheryl's place for dinner. Had yu sheng again and brought kinect over to play. No idea why and when, Wesley started to stick to me. He said "Oh my god" together with his hand gesture and "Cool man"! He's only 4years old and is already saying stuffs like that. So cute! :D Pity I did not get to take a Cool photo with him.
Lunch at Darren bro's place. We watched movies and had super good food provided by da sao. Her cooking skills were superb!!
Ahhhh, she is so cute! Everything about her is small, her body frame, her hands and legs. Aiyo.. so cute!

See! The size of her hand to my finger!

All in all, 2011 CNY was FUN and memorable. :)
Next up... Japan 2010 photos. heh. :P
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