had a really big surprise on last monday! received a big package from Japan and its contents were... Japan's snacks! well.. had tried ALL of each (chocolate, mashmallows, finished 2 packets of snacks, the sticky mini sweets).. YUMMY!
SO.. now i need a help from you guys.. any idea on what's our local snacks? so that i can send some back over to my japanese friend? seriously man, i do not have any clue on what to get for her.. sigh. clift gave a very good suggestion - kaya (hope she'll like it), dajie suggested our very own 8-days, and.. what else? help me!
well.. was feeling rather pissed for the past few days and no thanks to that fella! oh well, no more of him, thank god! just so cant wait to start packing and bringing my stuffs over. no thoughts of returning to that place to stay with them..
was watching mtv earlier and found some rather nice videos that i'd like to share with you.
today was the last day of our training, sad. ended up, only jackson went to watch 'blades of glory' with me. raymond needs to collect his car, the rest have dates with their other half.. oh well, shall organise another gathering or mayb i'll dropby their workplace to say hi hi.
James Morrison - You Give Me Something: US Version
Christina Aguilera - Candyman
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
this guy is irritating the hell outta me. mayb its just because im baised against him, somehow he just gave me an impression that's so superly negative. laugh ugly-ly, talked monotonous, and now, he eat so LOUD! for god's sake! why cant he close his mouth while eating? why cant he be more 'si wen' when eating, like clift?
anyway, enough about him. just bear another few more days and he'll begone!
oh yea! am sooo proud of my baby!! heee, im gonna be a tai tai soon! *juz kidding* ;)
and.. he's going to thailand this week again.. to find girls - like real! :(
anyway, enough about him. just bear another few more days and he'll begone!
oh yea! am sooo proud of my baby!! heee, im gonna be a tai tai soon! *juz kidding* ;)
and.. he's going to thailand this week again.. to find girls - like real! :(
Sunday, May 27, 2007
found this rather nice game, and quite meaningful if you are able to read traditional chinese. a hint: remember your first number.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
sigh.. super love this mtv by Gwen Stefani, she's sooo pretty!!
today's CSI: Las Vegas was super exciting! its kinda sad that Mike has got to go.. :(
though they sacrifice him in an honourable way.
today was my 1st cable training, learnt alot though i seriously need to bring the book back to read up!
just looked back on my previous posts and realised that... it'd been a really LONGGGGG time since i last post up pics.. :P
and also found out that my pics posted last time.. was GONE! damnit!!
Dated: 21/05/07
a lunchdate w/ clift brightens up my day~~~
finally managed to syn and get the pics from bel's shared folder. met up for lunch at parkway's thai restaurant on the 20th may. surprisingly chris was there, it was good to see him there though aint as close to him as we were last time. as xiaobai has yet to upload the pics taken on that day, so.. my pics are gonna be all outdated ones..
below are the ones we took during our dinner at fish & co @ changi airport. heee, i'll bet that most of the girls would love to go there as there's one cute waiter working there. throughout the dinner, we were lik teasing about him indirectly.. :P
i have a feeling that vi's gonna puke if he sees this pics..

our food and drinks.. my drink sux. its the yellow one in the centre, forgot what's the name of the drink but its a mixture of tequila and some other stuffs...

fooling around while waiting for the food to come.

me enjoying my fries!

2 chiobus eating @ fish & co!

our lone ranger.. not exactly but he's the only guy and its either he or me sit alone. I triumph!!

i looked lik some passerby who went over to sneak a pic w/ bel n xiaobai.

our super delicious dessert!!

the ride home....
saw this camera while waiting for san last tuesday and it was love at first sight!

i simply adore the one on the left, with black rings. nice........ aiming for that! *drools*
AHEM!! my bday coming le hor... so u know what to do hor? hee.
well, u KNOW that im just kidding right? O.o
Dated: 18/05/07
yessh... clift brought his guitar back last wednesday. didnt try it out as i was as inconsiderate as him - for his dad was sick that day. :P
well, now the song 'surrender' kept running through my head and cant stop thinking about wanting to unlock those that are within my means. i wanna 'touch' the guitar, feel how is it like in my hands..
oh well, its my 3rd day of work at Plaza Singapura basement 2. get to know more people especially so after having a late night supper after closing with some of my colleagues. learnt more names and everyone agreed upon one thing - that i looked like Goldie, our trainer. luckily its her as she's quite pretty. heee. so i looked like Goldie = i'm PRETTTY! okies, enough of that, dont want you guys to start moving your pointer to the 'X' button on the top right hand.
the first person who took very good care and whom i have a very good impression of was my in charger - Christina. She's also quite petite like me, quite pretty n was as well as IS extremely helpful. she's very patient with me though im already on my third day and am still making some serious mistakes. am trying hard not to be too dependent on her for she's a very busy girl and she'd always get someone to look after me just in case i need help. am very lucky that she's quite nice, otherwise, i think i'll be stress-er than i am now. everyone was very helpful, sometimes i felt kinda bad for always disturbing others just to check what i'd typed, etc when they wer busy with their stuffs themselves.
all is well, am starting to get used to my job which i think, its the best-er than my previous one for its really fun. though its just the start but people there are very fun to be with, have already met some kind of people and learning to put what i'd learnt into use as well as trying hard not to get 'hooked' with irritations - remembering what my other trainer, Serene had taught. am always busy, time practically flew and i still missed my fellow trainees.
am now feeling very.. whats the word for it.. hmm.. not sure but its definitely not a very good feeling. am just hoping that all will pass and nothing will happen.. no complains.. i hope, about the mistake i did. :(
today's CSI: Las Vegas was super exciting! its kinda sad that Mike has got to go.. :(
though they sacrifice him in an honourable way.
today was my 1st cable training, learnt alot though i seriously need to bring the book back to read up!
just looked back on my previous posts and realised that... it'd been a really LONGGGGG time since i last post up pics.. :P
and also found out that my pics posted last time.. was GONE! damnit!!
Dated: 21/05/07
a lunchdate w/ clift brightens up my day~~~
finally managed to syn and get the pics from bel's shared folder. met up for lunch at parkway's thai restaurant on the 20th may. surprisingly chris was there, it was good to see him there though aint as close to him as we were last time. as xiaobai has yet to upload the pics taken on that day, so.. my pics are gonna be all outdated ones..
below are the ones we took during our dinner at fish & co @ changi airport. heee, i'll bet that most of the girls would love to go there as there's one cute waiter working there. throughout the dinner, we were lik teasing about him indirectly.. :P
i have a feeling that vi's gonna puke if he sees this pics..

our food and drinks.. my drink sux. its the yellow one in the centre, forgot what's the name of the drink but its a mixture of tequila and some other stuffs...

fooling around while waiting for the food to come.

me enjoying my fries!

2 chiobus eating @ fish & co!

our lone ranger.. not exactly but he's the only guy and its either he or me sit alone. I triumph!!

i looked lik some passerby who went over to sneak a pic w/ bel n xiaobai.

our super delicious dessert!!

the ride home....
saw this camera while waiting for san last tuesday and it was love at first sight!

i simply adore the one on the left, with black rings. nice........ aiming for that! *drools*
AHEM!! my bday coming le hor... so u know what to do hor? hee.
well, u KNOW that im just kidding right? O.o
Dated: 18/05/07
yessh... clift brought his guitar back last wednesday. didnt try it out as i was as inconsiderate as him - for his dad was sick that day. :P
well, now the song 'surrender' kept running through my head and cant stop thinking about wanting to unlock those that are within my means. i wanna 'touch' the guitar, feel how is it like in my hands..
oh well, its my 3rd day of work at Plaza Singapura basement 2. get to know more people especially so after having a late night supper after closing with some of my colleagues. learnt more names and everyone agreed upon one thing - that i looked like Goldie, our trainer. luckily its her as she's quite pretty. heee. so i looked like Goldie = i'm PRETTTY! okies, enough of that, dont want you guys to start moving your pointer to the 'X' button on the top right hand.
the first person who took very good care and whom i have a very good impression of was my in charger - Christina. She's also quite petite like me, quite pretty n was as well as IS extremely helpful. she's very patient with me though im already on my third day and am still making some serious mistakes. am trying hard not to be too dependent on her for she's a very busy girl and she'd always get someone to look after me just in case i need help. am very lucky that she's quite nice, otherwise, i think i'll be stress-er than i am now. everyone was very helpful, sometimes i felt kinda bad for always disturbing others just to check what i'd typed, etc when they wer busy with their stuffs themselves.
all is well, am starting to get used to my job which i think, its the best-er than my previous one for its really fun. though its just the start but people there are very fun to be with, have already met some kind of people and learning to put what i'd learnt into use as well as trying hard not to get 'hooked' with irritations - remembering what my other trainer, Serene had taught. am always busy, time practically flew and i still missed my fellow trainees.
am now feeling very.. whats the word for it.. hmm.. not sure but its definitely not a very good feeling. am just hoping that all will pass and nothing will happen.. no complains.. i hope, about the mistake i did. :(
Sunday, May 20, 2007
did closing yesterday and i was sooo hungry. headed to carrefour to buy sushi for dinner as i'll be meeting dajie n friends to eat alittle after work. as i was walking in towards the food section, i could smelt SUSHI immediately! so.. i was practically floating over, like in the cartoon where the sylvester the cat was floating over to the food.. bought some of the yummys and 1 small carton of fruit juice.
time passed really fast as it was weekend = BUSY period. soon, i was heading over to city hall to meet dajie, ah neo and ailing for my late night dinner. couldnt recognised ah neo man!!! she looked prettier in her short hair and it was my first time seeing her in makeup.. hee.
we went to the Gotham Penthouse to see... guys dancing. it wasnt much of what i'd expected - guys strip dancing, u know, like always how the girls would dance. it wasnt like that. damn, why such a big diff between girls and guys?! think: crazy horse (jw said 'mad horse' lol) however, overall wasnt too bad. given that their dance were nice, body kinda tone (they have to be!), ok looking, and not doing just 'strip' tease, but a mixture of strip/dance tease.
saw some crazy women who macham never see hunks before, were wildly trying to grab/touch the dancers. poor fellas. i'd bet that the dxxk were the one that they wanna touch most.
oh well, it was an experience.
am looking forward to organising pulau ubin. :)
Life is great!!
as usual, good life, good job, good family, good friends, good boyfriend. what more can i ask for?
time passed really fast as it was weekend = BUSY period. soon, i was heading over to city hall to meet dajie, ah neo and ailing for my late night dinner. couldnt recognised ah neo man!!! she looked prettier in her short hair and it was my first time seeing her in makeup.. hee.
we went to the Gotham Penthouse to see... guys dancing. it wasnt much of what i'd expected - guys strip dancing, u know, like always how the girls would dance. it wasnt like that. damn, why such a big diff between girls and guys?! think: crazy horse (jw said 'mad horse' lol) however, overall wasnt too bad. given that their dance were nice, body kinda tone (they have to be!), ok looking, and not doing just 'strip' tease, but a mixture of strip/dance tease.
saw some crazy women who macham never see hunks before, were wildly trying to grab/touch the dancers. poor fellas. i'd bet that the dxxk were the one that they wanna touch most.
oh well, it was an experience.
am looking forward to organising pulau ubin. :)
Life is great!!
as usual, good life, good job, good family, good friends, good boyfriend. what more can i ask for?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
had just started my 1st day of OJT 1 yesterday. kinda started late at Plaza Sing as we had some briefing as well as some short trainings. it was kinda.. well, i shall keep my comments to myself but that day, it made me realised how much i missed my fellow trainees!!!!! oh gosh.. i missed seeing them, chatting and eating with them! or mayb i missed being comfortable with them. do hope that we'll still keep in touch despite our busy schedules!
and.. i just heard one very very nice piece of news from cat... :D
CONGRAZ!!!! this year seemed kinda.. 'happening' huh? suddenly all my friends seemed to be ...
and.. i just heard one very very nice piece of news from cat... :D
CONGRAZ!!!! this year seemed kinda.. 'happening' huh? suddenly all my friends seemed to be ...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
OMG! i'd just received WCG's newsletter and... YESSS! Singapore is once again to host WCG Asian Championship and this time... Korea is taking part! OMG!
"The WCG Asian Championship will run for 4 days from August 2nd to 5th in Suntec City, Singapore" quoted from WCG
though.. of course it'd be better if WCG 2007 itself is here.. i wanna see that canadian guy again. *blushes* i wonder whether is he taking part in this year's tournament.
oh yea! next tuesday will be my 1st On-the-Job-Training (OJT) at Plaza Singapura (SP). ahem.. admirers of mine, dont have to go there peek, just come up and say HI will do. HAHAH! (super THICK SKIN!) am kinda looking forward to OJT and yet at the same, am not looking forward to the last day of our training.. felt kinda "ser bu de" to be seperated from my fellow trainees. I mean, yea, though good things will come to an end eventually, but i do hope that we'll all keep in touch always as batch H26!
did learn alot in this 1week's time - cant believe it man, especially the books were kinda thick. am definitely gonna JIAYOU!!
hmm, about my fellow trainees, there about 2 who reminded me of my friends, and especially one, who made me realised that im still missing her and wonder how is she doing now, whether is she still at Night Safari?
tried Guitar Hero II last night, its was AWESOME!!! (imagine again, katamari's colourful words) the whole concept changed, alot much difference from the old guitar hero on Playstation (if im not wrong, its called that i guess). played from 10pm till 2am, was totally hooked, songs are nice, there's a mixture of fast and soft, rock and country genres. i nearly do not wish to sleep which i did in the end - getting ready for bed.. alone, as clift was out entertaining his overseas colleagues. BUT the moment i hit the bed, i heard the main door unlocking. hee..
vivi, clarence, JIAYOU wor!! ;)
and.. just remembered something minor happened to me last friday..
i fell on the MRT's escalator while going down the steps. yea, coz it happened to rain that morning and i guess the soles of my canvas shoe was slippery. the chances of slipping increased as half of my foot was on the edge of the steps, slipped down a few steps. luckily i was wearing jeans and it kinda protected my skin, so instead of having open wounds, its just some scratches. funny thing, the lady beside me just looked down, no one came over to help or something. or maybe they did but i was having my earphones on, cant hear if she did ask any questions. nope, didnt feel awkward. was just surprised by the whole thing and instead, i was thanking my lucky stars that i didnt fall headfirst nor did my back get hit by the edge (as u know, its quite sharp) otherwise.. i think u guys wouldnt be reading this and will be at the hospital visiting me. lolx.
"The WCG Asian Championship will run for 4 days from August 2nd to 5th in Suntec City, Singapore" quoted from WCG
though.. of course it'd be better if WCG 2007 itself is here.. i wanna see that canadian guy again. *blushes* i wonder whether is he taking part in this year's tournament.
oh yea! next tuesday will be my 1st On-the-Job-Training (OJT) at Plaza Singapura (SP). ahem.. admirers of mine, dont have to go there peek, just come up and say HI will do. HAHAH! (super THICK SKIN!) am kinda looking forward to OJT and yet at the same, am not looking forward to the last day of our training.. felt kinda "ser bu de" to be seperated from my fellow trainees. I mean, yea, though good things will come to an end eventually, but i do hope that we'll all keep in touch always as batch H26!
did learn alot in this 1week's time - cant believe it man, especially the books were kinda thick. am definitely gonna JIAYOU!!
hmm, about my fellow trainees, there about 2 who reminded me of my friends, and especially one, who made me realised that im still missing her and wonder how is she doing now, whether is she still at Night Safari?
tried Guitar Hero II last night, its was AWESOME!!! (imagine again, katamari's colourful words) the whole concept changed, alot much difference from the old guitar hero on Playstation (if im not wrong, its called that i guess). played from 10pm till 2am, was totally hooked, songs are nice, there's a mixture of fast and soft, rock and country genres. i nearly do not wish to sleep which i did in the end - getting ready for bed.. alone, as clift was out entertaining his overseas colleagues. BUT the moment i hit the bed, i heard the main door unlocking. hee..
vivi, clarence, JIAYOU wor!! ;)
and.. just remembered something minor happened to me last friday..
i fell on the MRT's escalator while going down the steps. yea, coz it happened to rain that morning and i guess the soles of my canvas shoe was slippery. the chances of slipping increased as half of my foot was on the edge of the steps, slipped down a few steps. luckily i was wearing jeans and it kinda protected my skin, so instead of having open wounds, its just some scratches. funny thing, the lady beside me just looked down, no one came over to help or something. or maybe they did but i was having my earphones on, cant hear if she did ask any questions. nope, didnt feel awkward. was just surprised by the whole thing and instead, i was thanking my lucky stars that i didnt fall headfirst nor did my back get hit by the edge (as u know, its quite sharp) otherwise.. i think u guys wouldnt be reading this and will be at the hospital visiting me. lolx.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
am back! yep! had just started on my training since monday the 7th. class size was about 10 people altogether and it was really fun as all of us clicked on the first day, the trainer - goldie was really nice an friendly, in fact she reminded me of my secondary school maths teacher Mr Tan Teck Hock (if i didnt get the name wrong, who was quite patience and always answer our questions patiently) and the managers welcomed us. the class was full of laughter most of the time and somehow i dont feel really shy when it comes to Q&A - which i will be unless the person im asking is my maths teacher or my trainer.
the managers and Goldie reminded us though, that training will be very fun but it'll be the exact opposite when it comes to the real thing which we have to be prepared for. throughout my 3days of training, i did learn ALOT of things and more or less understand how things work. tomorrow will be my test and hopefully i'll do it well! am planning on using more of my memory and less of book referencing. next tuesday will be my On-Job-Training aka internship at Plaza Singapura for a week before returning to Har Par Centre. will finish the whole course by end may.
abit stress but i'll make it!! GANBATTE!!!!
ok lah, update more again. got BIG distraction here, cant remmeber wot i wanna type here le. shall tell more about my fellow trainees this weekend. ciao and take care!~
the managers and Goldie reminded us though, that training will be very fun but it'll be the exact opposite when it comes to the real thing which we have to be prepared for. throughout my 3days of training, i did learn ALOT of things and more or less understand how things work. tomorrow will be my test and hopefully i'll do it well! am planning on using more of my memory and less of book referencing. next tuesday will be my On-Job-Training aka internship at Plaza Singapura for a week before returning to Har Par Centre. will finish the whole course by end may.
abit stress but i'll make it!! GANBATTE!!!!
ok lah, update more again. got BIG distraction here, cant remmeber wot i wanna type here le. shall tell more about my fellow trainees this weekend. ciao and take care!~
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