today's CSI: Las Vegas was super exciting! its kinda sad that Mike has got to go.. :(
though they sacrifice him in an honourable way.
today was my 1st cable training, learnt alot though i seriously need to bring the book back to read up!
just looked back on my previous posts and realised that... it'd been a really LONGGGGG time since i last post up pics.. :P
and also found out that my pics posted last time.. was GONE! damnit!!
Dated: 21/05/07
a lunchdate w/ clift brightens up my day~~~
finally managed to syn and get the pics from bel's shared folder. met up for lunch at parkway's thai restaurant on the 20th may. surprisingly chris was there, it was good to see him there though aint as close to him as we were last time. as xiaobai has yet to upload the pics taken on that day, so.. my pics are gonna be all outdated ones..
below are the ones we took during our dinner at fish & co @ changi airport. heee, i'll bet that most of the girls would love to go there as there's one cute waiter working there. throughout the dinner, we were lik teasing about him indirectly.. :P
i have a feeling that vi's gonna puke if he sees this pics..

our food and drinks.. my drink sux. its the yellow one in the centre, forgot what's the name of the drink but its a mixture of tequila and some other stuffs...

fooling around while waiting for the food to come.

me enjoying my fries!

2 chiobus eating @ fish & co!

our lone ranger.. not exactly but he's the only guy and its either he or me sit alone. I triumph!!

i looked lik some passerby who went over to sneak a pic w/ bel n xiaobai.

our super delicious dessert!!

the ride home....
saw this camera while waiting for san last tuesday and it was love at first sight!

i simply adore the one on the left, with black rings. nice........ aiming for that! *drools*
AHEM!! my bday coming le hor... so u know what to do hor? hee.
well, u KNOW that im just kidding right? O.o
Dated: 18/05/07
yessh... clift brought his guitar back last wednesday. didnt try it out as i was as inconsiderate as him - for his dad was sick that day. :P
well, now the song 'surrender' kept running through my head and cant stop thinking about wanting to unlock those that are within my means. i wanna 'touch' the guitar, feel how is it like in my hands..
oh well, its my 3rd day of work at Plaza Singapura basement 2. get to know more people especially so after having a late night supper after closing with some of my colleagues. learnt more names and everyone agreed upon one thing - that i looked like Goldie, our trainer. luckily its her as she's quite pretty. heee. so i looked like Goldie = i'm PRETTTY! okies, enough of that, dont want you guys to start moving your pointer to the 'X' button on the top right hand.
the first person who took very good care and whom i have a very good impression of was my in charger - Christina. She's also quite petite like me, quite pretty n was as well as IS extremely helpful. she's very patient with me though im already on my third day and am still making some serious mistakes. am trying hard not to be too dependent on her for she's a very busy girl and she'd always get someone to look after me just in case i need help. am very lucky that she's quite nice, otherwise, i think i'll be stress-er than i am now. everyone was very helpful, sometimes i felt kinda bad for always disturbing others just to check what i'd typed, etc when they wer busy with their stuffs themselves.
all is well, am starting to get used to my job which i think, its the best-er than my previous one for its really fun. though its just the start but people there are very fun to be with, have already met some kind of people and learning to put what i'd learnt into use as well as trying hard not to get 'hooked' with irritations - remembering what my other trainer, Serene had taught. am always busy, time practically flew and i still missed my fellow trainees.
am now feeling very.. whats the word for it.. hmm.. not sure but its definitely not a very good feeling. am just hoping that all will pass and nothing will happen.. no complains.. i hope, about the mistake i did. :(
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