Finally gotten my ass off the lazy couch and start editing the 2007 pics so that i can post them up instead of procrastinating. So, it's gonna be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG post with plentiful pictures.
Our first KTV outing when i joined the company for almost 5 mths.

Uncle pang too excited over the snacks that he left his slipper on the seat...

joe acting serious?!

OMG!!! father's trying to relieve himself in the room!!!!!

uncle pang trying to prove that he's light by sitting on their laps


kungfu joe?

jeremy already getting drunk

took a picture before we board the cab
Supper @ Chomp Chomp

ah goh trying to enjoy his meal..

food for 5 people. filling enough man!

yu gan zhe dai jiu

Jeremy the thinker

girly father. haha
Seeing this picture reminded me of how long since we had last meet up with Ah Goh. Perhaps, its time to start ringing him up.
Msia Trip Part 2 - least people in a group.
Deciding to be alittle more adventurous, we headed to City Square to walk see. It can get kinda boring to keep going to 1 stop only - Holiday Plaza you know? Although there were rumors about City Square being dangerous, it sure is. I mean, there wasn't much crowd then since we went on a weekday where everyone was busy making money. It can be quite intimidating, especially so when there were just 3 of us there. What happen if we get mob by a big group? *yes, i have very good imagination, let's not elaborate further shall we?*
Back to the story, so, the first stop that we were looking for was a restaurant. Found this chinese restaurant and thought we can try the food there.

Joe looking distracted by the food.

Joe's thought: QUickly get over with this so that i can tuck in the food!!!!!!

CW kinda pissed that i wanted to take pictures that he decided to focus on himself instead, making us look like some extras. (=.=")
no... on a second thought.. its MORE like CW's the one who butt in. ha! CW the extra. i like!

Me: Hey! Lets take a "IM VERY FULL" picture ok?

"FULL & Sleepy CW"

"FULL & Burping Joe"

"FULL & Happy Me"
Gotten scolded by CW for looking too.. nice in the picture when they looked kinda unglam.

CW gamely did pedicure after much persuasion by me. Joe stood firmly on his "no to pedi & mani-cure".

a very bored joe.. hahaha

see how shiny and clean our feet were!

sleepy joe. we were just on our way back.

CW & I went for durian after dinner. Yum YUM!!
Eileen's Bday!!!! See see, i took almost a year to post the pictures up!! Shame on me!!!!!!
It was held at Aloha Resorts which coincidentally Samuel held his ROM party there and at the same unit too!!

me with lien ho!!

buddy looked scared.

me with my buddy! could see the difference, on her having long hair and short. She looked sweeter with long hair but cute with short.

Joe's so reddddddddddd

nico-leh trying to feed a hungry PP with a loaf of brick!

guys trying to be macho and lift father up...
the two boys: Quick take pic!!! i cannot hold him up any longer!! fasterrrrrrrrrrr

and immediately after the pic was taken, the above took place. tsk tsk. was father too heavy or the guys just lack the strength to carry him up?

buddy looked so small beside pp

us with our scandals.. hahah (just kidding loh)

the star of the night. cake was nice coz its a MANGO cake!!

ah goh trying to feed eileen cake..
not much text but more pictures partly was because im feeling too full now. just ate mooncake with chocolate inside with ver then mom fed me with a mug of tea with some herbs in it and also a roll of bread covered with seaweed almost 10cm long. cant leave it till tomorrow since the seaweed will be very dry and harder to chew by then. Ugh.. luckily im doing the later shift tomorrrow. hey, 1hour makes a difference hor!!!!!
Sigh, and i need to edit lotsa pictures taken on the last PS gathering @ the rooftop since something was exposed..
Did something clever today. Instead of putting the email syn always on, i turn it off so that i can enjoy my offday in peace. Till the end of the day then i start to check via my pc so that i can delete all at one go.. kyayayayayaya.
anyways, was listening to the radio and heard this song. 2 things that i quite like was the band's title. ha, interesting and also 2ndly was the lyrics.
as well as this mtv. i used to love her lor.. coz she looked really exotic & pretty then. kinda like a Madonna's flashback man. listening and watching her old mtvs.
loved this MTV coz of the hunks in it! esp the starting part, wah lau eh! washboard stomachs! wee-eee-weeee!! something which PP will NEVER obtain. hahahah!
Last (mtv) but not the least... for those who were in my 'nian dai' de, should have heard of New Kids On The Block aka NKOTB (yes.. i used to own their cassette tape), they have reunited and started with new album.
quite like this song and i still remembered that it was kanesh who get me to listen to this song the moment its out.
ok, tired liao. need to go sleep liao. お休み people.
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