Monday, September 19, 2011

Why so unhelpful?

Why wouldn't you answer my calls?

Why do you reply my questions with spikes?

Why do you not offer help?

Why can't you be patient with me?

Do you think I can or even will remember all the things you've been doing everyday?

I'm still learning and am trying my best to learn and remember, how can I improve if you're not giving me a chance? At least act that you're patient with me and answer my questions then. I don't care if you want to say anything behind my back after.

Do you think I know where did you keep all the things when I don't use them everyday?

Do you think I know what was done earlier when you're the one doing it?

If you feel or think that you're too busy, having too many things to do, ASK. I'd offered my help but you're the one who pushes me away. And you still can tell everyone that you're doing everything.

Maybe now, you're adding that I'm not helping, I'm not doing anything, I'm useless and you feeling like slapping me for asking stupid or obvious questions. For repeating my questions, for not checking my emails before asking, for forgetting.

Sometimes the reasons why I want to give up is because of you! Ganging up with another when I'd just started on my role.

Maybe what you're best at is complaining how busy you're, how no one is helping and you're doing everything yourself.

Times when I called you, I know for sure that you WILL NOT pick it up. When I message you, you WILL NOT reply. So when I'm doing one of the above, I knew that there's going to be 100% ZERO response from you.

Instead of feeling dread when I'm with someone whom most people dislike, I'm feeling that when I'm with you! I'd rather be with that someone for no matter what, that person will still act nice and help me. Or even fought back for me.

Suck ass!

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