Friday, September 23, 2011

Final Destination

Somehow, all my plans to travel this month were thwart one way or another. My plans to travel to:-

- Japan in Sept was cancelled due to leave freeze and my travel partner wasn't able to apply for leave.

- Korea instead in early Sept was dropped because I really don't feel comfortable travelling with my cousin when I still have to face his parents every year plus I'd love to explore Korea with my travel partner instead.

- Japan alone to find a friend was cancelled too because my dear friend wasn't in town during that period.

- Australia with Clifton and celebrate his birthday in Australia (something different for a change) was also not fulfilled because my booking via Qantas wasn't complete. Maybe I didn't click till the end after keying in my credit card information. All attempts to get an air ticket to Australia now was futile because SIA tickets cost $7k (no idea why it was showned as $900+ on the website when I selected my flight schedule), Qantas kept showing "the flight you'd chosen is not available".

So, I'm taking it as a sign that I really ought to stay on land this month. Kind of reminded me of the show "Final Destination" because the main lead just kept 'siaming' his death.

Once or twice if my plans were changed, I can try again but if it just keep happening, like something is preventing me from travelling, I better be a good girl and stay here. Most to most, I will just meet up my friends for dinner, play my games (pity Dance Central 2 will only be released in Oct) and slack at home for almost 2 weeks.

On a side note, I'd went for my interview with the Dean of School of Business and it all went well. I'm looking forward to school next year - Jan 2012. Maybe I could use this time to think of what I want to do - career wise.

I understand that life is going to be tough ahead especially when I'm doing part time studies and full time work but I just need to bear with it and get my degree. Hopefully my plan this time will go the way I want it to be.

 頑張って アンナさん!!!!! (^.^)V

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