I'd managed to clean, pack, threw away 2 big plastic bags of stuffs (time to clear some which I once held dearly), moved my furnitures, washed my carpet and a mat and rewired my extended cord.
From before:

Everyone who saw that photo went "anna! are you a girl? is this a girl's room?!"
Even Germermaid who came to my house cannot stand my room and walked out almost immediately. hehe
And the new look:

I'd just put my carpet and mat in place and shifted the low table to where my carton boxes were.
Carton boxes containing my trophies! Halo below - damn 舍不得 to let another box to be stack on top but the top was already opened so i need to "seal" it with my Gears of War box.

And it's time to throw my precious away..... letters dating as long as 2002! No point keeping since we ain't writing to each other. One of my hobby - letter writing the snail mail way!

I had my 'talk' with one of my boss and he told me that I did not quite make the mark and was dropped from the probation list for promotion. Later he added that the management had decided not to have any promotion for this year. So.. it sounded like the first reason was a weak one and the MAIN reason why I was dropped was because there'll be NO promotion for EVERYONE! If he stopped at "I did not make the mark", I'll have accepted it.. but to add the second sentence behind was..
At times I can't help but be angry at the newly hired senior staff for he just applied and get the role while I was under probation for 7 months! It's like they're making of us to take over the duties of the missing senior staffs and remove us once they are fully trained! I was hoping to decorate my resume with my new title but oh well.. there's no reason for me to stay anymore and funny that they'll say that we are still an asset to the company and not to quit because of this setback. =.="
Just checked my timetable and I'll be starting my first day of school on 4th Feb!! I'm so excited and I'll be comparing my timetable with my girls' to see when are the days they can wait for me to finish school! My dear MxL already asking me not to slack.. hehe.
Don't think I'll have time to blog after today - preparing for CNY, hence wishing everyone:
新年快乐 :: 身体健康 !!
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