I was glad to have indirectly arranged the meet up because I felt that it has been quite a while since the group has their last meet up and the only time everyone could make it was on a special occasion. And I was glad that I could make it. It was really fun playing under the sun, getting burn (and feel the pain later. haha), getting tan and playing beach volleyball!!!!!!! It has been ages since I last played it.. that would be 4 years back? Haha. It is a pity that I did not get to play in the water, I would love to take a dip in the sea water. When a separate group asked us to join them while we were waiting for the rest to arrive, I was feeling very nervous because I am a NOOB and they were like, season players. My thoughts went: What if I screw up and made my team lose? What if I can't hit the ball? What if.... Many what ifs. I felt stress to perform and sometimes I couldn't 'feel' which direction is the ball coming. Will it be coming to my side? It was all good, they were really patient with me and I felt that I really sucked.
Frankly speaking, I felt really relieved when the rest arrived and our game was coming to an end soon. We played on our own and they were really really patient with me by letting me do a take 3 on serving the ball. Somehow no matter how hard I try, I couldn't get the ball over or it gets served over to the other side but it was all out of court. All in all, the event was quite fulfilling, I learned some things about volleyball and learned to serve although I need many more practices which means more beach outing!!
So many things I want to do. I want to hike again (missed the time where I hiked for 2 hours up a mountain in Japan), I want to bike around in Pulau Ubin again, I want to play badminton again, I want to play in the beach again.

Got burned on the day itself! Loving it!!! Now the skin is peeling and I wished my burns are on a more... easily accessible area so that I can peel them off!

Ate yummy ramen. It was a small shop just like those in Japan and I loved it! The place was quite similar to the one I had near the Gallery Hotel.
S was so sweet to have remembered my birthday and went to buy a gift for me during her trip to U.S.A!! I couldn't bear to use my two new gifts because I do not want to dirty it and such coincidence was, both gifts are from the same brand and are from two of the nicest people I love. This year would be my best birthday because I'd received gifts from the sweetest people as well as some taking time to celebrate with me! :)

I had a movie/supper date with D! Finally, after one year then we meet up and he still has the cheek to say our next meet up will be a year later, like some annual event. =.= So exclusive huh.
We went to watch 'Pee Mak'. I can't say I enjoyed the show because it was quite boring, although there were some funny parts. The ferris wheel scene would be the one that I paid quite a bit of attention to. Perhaps it was the music that caught my attention, meaningful lyrics that matches what the female character was feeling then or the dialogue between the two of them. That, no matter in life or death, their love towards each other was so strong that nothing can keep them apart. The character in the show was scared of ghosts, and when he saw her true self, he did not turn away, he did not exorcist her, he did not shun her because he loved her. Instead, he accepted her the way she was. It was quite touching.

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