I was really glad that I stayed at home last Sunday instead of trying to go out again. It has been a really long time since I last stayed home on my day off. Thinking that I will save money if I don't go out was WRONG! I spent money at home.. on my xbox live account. Sigh.
Feeling really guilty everytime I looked at my xbox for I have not accompanied him for a really long time. I mean, I used to play with him almost on my every off day unless I'm going out. So I could almost feel him jumping in joy, beaming away his green light when I picked up my controller. Haha. We misses each other.
I had decided to renew my xbox Gold membership so that I could play online again and enjoy the perks again. Ok... I just missed being on the Gold account. I was hoping that Xbox will have the promotion for renewal programme just like what I'd gotten 3 years back where they offered a 3 years promotion for $X. It was really convenient and cheaper plus I do not have to renew it for 3 years! I removed my card details because I do not want Xbox to do the auto renewal in case they are having some good promotions for Gold membership.
Here comes my Gold Membership again!! Oh, this screen shot was taken with my Asus Transformer! Isn't that cool? Hell, it makes things going a lot easier for me now! :D

I also bought some points at the same time. I was calculating whether was it cheaper to buy more points or just what I need. In the end, I realised that they all costs the same. Perhaps the Xbox team might want to consider doing some promotion for buying more points instead of just making them cost all the same whether you buy 500 points only or 5000 points. Like some perks you know? Buying more points = buying more xbox arcade / Online games. Anyway, I went ahead and bought the 5000 points one because there are quite a number of arcade games I wanted to get.

So it was a good Sunday for me. Stayed home, relax and played games. Oh! And my mom gotten someone to paint the ceiling for they were peeling off like mad. So until now, the room still smell like it's been renovated, like fresh paint smell. :)
Anyway, I was wondering, why do people say mean things to the person they care for the most and best part is, they do not mean it. It just spew out of their mouth.
Is it because they are being hurt and angry?
Why huh?
If someone mean to change, will they really change? Can they? Or was it just a temporary phase only and will return to their old self?
Do they mean it?
Or they stay because they feel comfortable only and nothing more?
So many uncertainties.
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