some of the pics taken randomly while resting from the phototaking session.

thanks to friends who made it happened. Cheers~~~!
looking forward to halloween!
cant help but to take pic of this.. see! so many stats!! but always happened after i'd finished casting my enfeebles or.. mob's dying.. why cant cast when mob gets pulled in??!

this party not i form one.. its still alright lah. though the party tht i'd formed could tahan Valley of Sorrows (harder place) with the same lvls of people.
pld gotta leave and found a replacement for himself. that pld.. i superly dulan w/. he really cannot make it lor. so wot if he has those golden armor and saying those 'big talk' thingy. end up, he's lik sai lor! kill slower than our previous pld, no black staff to heal w/, and... dont voke when ranger pulled in the mob. wah piang! even i not tank i also know that, at least voke when ranger pulled in mob lah! so he wun get hit mah!!! he's def not as high as yours ok!!!!! most of the tanks i saw, are really good. dis one ah, i think i give him 'hei ming tan' liao lah. kns. made me so sian that i decided to go skillup w/ claire, cat and kei.

we gathered at jeuno. me wearing the verMILLION cloak which cost lik 3million bucks? dont freak out.. its in game.. in game... lol. he loan me and i see the stats.. nothing fantastic about it.. i think nobles looked better. wait kei buy it and i try take pic of it. gold linings hor! only white mage can wear de.

cant help it but to take pic of this. LOL! i find it very funny lor. casten love to take long cuts and get himself lost or sth de.. LOL! and i juz noticed the 'shout' thingy where d people in that area can more or less see it. asked cat to take a pic of that 'shout'. hehehe. damn funny! and his chocobo cost the most too. HAHAHHAHAHAH! ok lah, casten rich man mah hor? *nudge*
really enjoyed myself lor and it was fun lah. after kei gotta leave, me, initially thought of skilling up my sword.. ended up skillup my enhancement magic and healing.. coz i bz healing that 2 fellas. -.-"
wei wei, where's my skillup sia. anyway that place too tough liao. muz go somewhere where it's EP i guess. where i can at least hit and that 2 fellas, no cure also wun die kinda thing.
after last night, my heart grew weaker liao... coz they giving me heart attack most of the time... -.-
not i have no faith w/ u 2 fellas but hor, if u 2 die i how? i defenseless leh! its INCREDIBLY TOUGH to me leh!!!! how i kill it? w/ my staff or my sword w/ 10+dmg if im lucky or missed it all d time. or mayb w/ my 'if im lucky' 111dmg w/ elemental magic? sigh, but they made it lah. kill fast fast when they had links. me ah, convert and rest dunno how many times. dunno who skilling up sia.. -.-"
and idiot wildfire.. come show off his high level jobS after i announced to him happily that i touched lvl60 liao. IDIOT!!!!!!!!! muz take pic of my FULL GEAR!! keke. so happy!
the part II of our date at Bibiki (aka Bikini) Bay.. thanks to casten for the pics!

very funny lor.. he actualy renamed all of them... -.-"

dis one very nice. he named it as "Healing Touch" i think.

casten's new hat.
thats if folks!
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