and cat! never take care of my god chocobo!! letting her run away! sigh....
oh well, login to ffxi last night, get to chat w/ some of people whom i know - HUMAN! and sil aka shortie as wot uncle aka chys used on him (poor fella. he's actually quite tall - 175cm at least u know?)
uncle was looking for people to help him on his coffer quest for his AF. i soon bian tag along though i aint high level enough (yes, i still need snk/invis). kinda fun and get some free experience points. :P
uncle finally got his key and found his coffer (chest) got his item and... was slained by the mob nearby. haha. me, still around, went over to find him, hoping i can raise his tiny ass. unfortunately, i tractored him over x2, din realised that the mob was nearby (tot it was safe le), raised him. shld have tractor him all the way to a safe point.. hahahahah! drag his weeny body around the whole map before raising him. sigh. anyway, raised him, casted Chainspell (to hasten casting of mag) and d moment i cast Escape, uncle raised and was killed by mob. ended up, me outside of dungeon and uncle still dead inside. he homepoint-ed himself. so paiseh..
by the time we were done and everything, i was sooooo tired and unwell. think i was running a mini fever w/ flu and cough. sigh.. again. i hate FLU! coz it'll jam my nose and i cant sleep properly de..
anyway, sick as i was, i went to quickly finish up the pics that i wanna edit before i go to sleep. it'd been left lying for too long, time i upload some pics.
Pics taken during my Bintan Trip - Angsana Resort

hotel corridor - looked almost like some chalet thingy.

room balcony - didnt really stay at the balcony for long as there's always some insect trying to fly into our room for love + warmth not forgetting the blood suckers - mosquitoes.

room inside - nice huh? i quite like the relax feeling of that room. (though its quite common in most resort but so what? its a getaway for busy + stressed people) the only thing i dont really like was that it was rather warm even though there's a ceiling fan (which i dont dare to on too high, scare the fan might detach itself from the ceiling and swoosh! our heads are flying!). air con? tried to on till the max.. ended up, it spew ice.. -.-"

the beach - not as nice as compared to thailand's of course!

swimming pool - if im not wrong, its taken from my room balcony.

we took this pic on our last day at Bintan. Kinda 'ser bu de' when we were leaving as i quite like the 'slack' moments there.
there's actually more pictures however clift's pc was still down so i just post some on my side first.
Christmas Events!
started going to celebrations on the 23rd le. First was fiffy's. she's having this rooftop party and the theme was Goth Christmas.. which clift and i didnt know and we dressed up in colors except for black. didnt take pics there thou i wanted to take pic of the pinata de.. poor horse, was hung on one of the wooden roof by a string, waiting for people to 'whip' it open and.. and...
drank some alcohol before heading to cineleisure to meet up w/ john and gang - which i didnt know he had SOOO many people with him!
haiz.. i went up to find them there sitting and waiting for me before we went down again.. -.-
perhaps next time i shld ask him first - catching movie? staying upstairs or going down?
cant really remember everyone's name except for some:

if my memory didnt fail me, on the left were 1 couple (who's name i forgot. :( not that im not sincere ok! its because i had too much to drink and wasnt able to concentrate and was alittle moody....) john, ndy, vasha. on the right end was wellington, linda and felicia (who's very pretty!).
by the way, Linda's gonna be feature in FHM, if you buy FHM, please vote for her alright? she'll look very different on that pic so lookout for her name! thanks!!
thomas' bbq was schedule on the 24th. it was raining then.. worried whether will the bbq beable to carry out as plan. which i think Mr Rain heard our request and stopped peeing and happy us that we were able to BBQ!

one of the guys there (i think he was squating on the extreme front left) reminded me of this character in 'Hana Yori Dango' otherwise known as 'Meteor Garden' - Hanazawa Rui. the very soft looking guy.

sex deprive dog who kept humping the little boy and his mom and anything that he can get his paws on. clever dog who ATE the chocolate when everyone of us were outside taking xmas picture!

love this picture, dunno y.
we actually took more pics but.. high-expectation thomas felt that they were either not nice or blurred.
edited some pics while scouting IGN for some images when i suddenly felt inspired to do something.
took a lone picture of clift before we head out to fiffy's party. edited it after helping uncle (pushed myself to the max as i wasnt feeling too good mind u. that was the first time i really wanna shutdown everything and go to bed and have a good rest).
currently playing 'The Godfather' and whenever i closed my eyes, that game will popby and i'll think of the game... grrR! took screenshots of Me & My Katamari and The Godfather.

me n my cliftamari

waitg at dock for prince to pick him up

clift instead of katamari?!

love this pic most. as if he's really there, resting his arm.
okies, gotta run now. take care and wish u guys a Happy New Year! start making your NY resolution! i'll share w/ u once i manage to sit down n think of mine.
uncle clift.. where's my presents? keke.
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