don't know whether was it just me or what, that lately, it seemed to me that people are always cutting queues. i mean, come 'on, although we were always encourage to give way to the older people but it doesnt mean they can actually cut queue by pushing u right? they really push you lor!
and for my case, it's always about queuing for the bus at the interchange. people dont want to queue up and waited by the sides. when the bus driver walked up to the bus, people in line went up as well as those by the sides. ok lah if you are those 60s who's having difficulty walking but no! they were young peopple or aunties and uncles who can queue and walk on their own. what do u gain by cutting queues apart from getting a seat? isn't it unfair to others who queued? and they can be so thick skin. are people getting more and more thick skin? damn. its so frustrating to see people who doesn't give a shit about others unless it happened to them (hopefully in a painful way) then they'll know how others feel! just because they were older doesnt gives them the right to abuse that and do whatever they please and think they can get away with it. when the time comes when it gets too frustrating, people dont even a fuk about giving way to them just because they are old since they are abusing it.
im almost to that point where i can just say fuk those old people who think they can just abuse the fact that they are old and we must give way to them and that they can do whatever they want they can get away with it. although it doesnt apply to all but from what i see, its almost like 80% are just doing that. respect the elders? screw it.
how to deal with those uncivilised people? apart from staring at them to make them feel guilty (ya, for a while. those thick skin ones, they dont even give a fuk!). its so irritating to have such people. what are the queues for if people dont queue up?
had read an article on a shop that's giving out free items that had expired. people actually showed their ugly and KIASU face at that scene. wah lau. expired goods leh. if something happened to them after consuming it or something, how? who to blame? blame that shop owner? people like to blame others when they did something wrong themselves (indirectly).
which reminded me of a place im working at. most of the property agents are so damn rude and do not have any basic courtesy at all.
when they are waiting for the elevator doors to open, they can actually PARK themselves in fron of the doors. didnt they realise that there can be people in that lift who's trying to go out? cant they just wait for the lift to be emptied before going in? its not like the lift is going to close its doors after the people walked out and zoom up/down to another levels without letting them get in. the lift is has limited space, if you try to push your way in instead of letting them out, are you just making things worse? you may actually hurt somebody. and it doesnt hurt to wait for a few secs for people to clear the limited space within ya? why must they be so damn KS? rushing for time? no matter what, they still have to wait for the people to get in/out of the lift before reaching their destinated level what. what diff does it make?
acting blur when people are running towards the lift and pressing the 'close' button repeatedly. wah lau. why are they always in such hurry to get to somewhere? not like they are doing stocks or dealing with some life/death matters what. its so damn irritating.
there's 14 floors total that the lifts are serving. you are not the only passenger. if you are going to the lets say 10th floor, do you think the lift will go straight up to your level? you VIP huh? people will come assinate you is it? standing in front of the door not only pose as an obstraction, blocking people's path.
some lagi best. as the lift will announce the floor level once its reaching. people dont listen, stand in front of the door and always made an attempt to walk out the moment the door opens only to realise that its not their level and people are trying to get into the lift. some went straight to the mirror in the elevator to look at themselves (please lah, are you trying to make the lift breakdown with your fugly looks?) thus not noticing the level announcement. some were on the phone - cant you tilt your head up to see the level while on the phone? cant multitask? then either a) dont enter lift while on phone b) dont answer phone till you get out of the lift. oh, the best scenario. people walk straight into the lift and dont press the button. when the last level reached, they realised that and quickly press the number they wanna go to. what are they thinking man? are they from the future? sorry pal, we are not that advance yet. the lifts here cant predict where you wanna stop at, they are unable to remind you that you haven press the button to your stop yet and i bet they are trying to tell you to stop looking at yourself in the mirror because you are making it puke which it cant other than jamming the system only to have the whole passengers blaming it for being untrustworthy and not being thankful that they dont have to climb the staircase till as high as what, 30th level and the mirrors are gonna crack but they cant because they'll get sue if your fugly face gets fuglier by the flying glass.
even taking train is the same thing. people standing in front of the doors. WOTS THE YELLOW LINE FOR?
how to handle those KS people - take a big bag, yes, a big but not empty bag, put it in front of you and use it to push people out of your way. (that's the most common thing people will do it others are blocking you the in-considerate way.)
Friday, March 30, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
oh my god.. please help me.... i'm thinking and craving for the nasi lemak i had w/ alson last wednesday beside Chong Pang Camp. i'm craving for the rice and the yummylicious chicken wing.
would love to bring my lover over to try it out.
its all your fault ys, for bringing me there to eat it. now im hooked onto it. :(
think i dont mind eating there everyday man. it's even much more delicious than the one at changi village. wonder, what did they put in their rice that made it so addicting...
heee, get to see my baby last night. missed him lots man! pity, i forgot to bring mine over. :(
wonder, was it my eyes that were playing tricks on me or was it because i missed him plenty that he was very good looking last night. with his that unshaven face, the way he propped his head inbetween his hands, that...... *drools* sorry, the rest are just for my own knowledge only. heee.
would love to bring my lover over to try it out.
its all your fault ys, for bringing me there to eat it. now im hooked onto it. :(
think i dont mind eating there everyday man. it's even much more delicious than the one at changi village. wonder, what did they put in their rice that made it so addicting...
heee, get to see my baby last night. missed him lots man! pity, i forgot to bring mine over. :(
wonder, was it my eyes that were playing tricks on me or was it because i missed him plenty that he was very good looking last night. with his that unshaven face, the way he propped his head inbetween his hands, that...... *drools* sorry, the rest are just for my own knowledge only. heee.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
wonder, whether was it he who brought it upon himself to have such a fate or was it his children who are abandoning him. was it his fault that he has to live a life alone. is he blaming his children for causing him to be in such a predictment yet unknowingly, it was his actions that caused him to be in this state? is he still looking for some sense hope?
if you look at him with compassion, you'll find him pitiful. a lonely man whose family left him.
if you look at him with one's conscience, you'll find that he deserve for all that is going to happen to him and he shouldn't be pitied.
anyway, an overseas call from HK with that particular strong MANLY voice just made my evening brighter. :)
*happy? i use MAN instead of BOY leh. ;P
if you look at him with compassion, you'll find him pitiful. a lonely man whose family left him.
if you look at him with one's conscience, you'll find that he deserve for all that is going to happen to him and he shouldn't be pitied.
anyway, an overseas call from HK with that particular strong MANLY voice just made my evening brighter. :)
*happy? i use MAN instead of BOY leh. ;P
wah lau!! how nice i decided to check my other account because of the ebay thingy and saw an email from starhub asking me to go down for the 2nd interview dated on the 16th!! HOW CLOSE MAN! because she asked me to go down on the 21st March at 5pm! heng not early or something or i could have missed it entirely. but funny thing was she said she cant get me through my mobile nor home. cant be ley.. i never receive any calls from her. hmmm.
anyway am gonna be thick skin and just go down for the interview at 5pm today. but.. i'm not prepared - never bring my certs along. hopefully everything will go well.
heeee v(^.^)v
watched 'The History Boys' with vi last night as crystal wasnt free to meet me to go to that QUACK's office. ended up he's not in too. ugh. this friday must make another trip.grrRRR!
anyway am gonna be thick skin and just go down for the interview at 5pm today. but.. i'm not prepared - never bring my certs along. hopefully everything will go well.
heeee v(^.^)v
watched 'The History Boys' with vi last night as crystal wasnt free to meet me to go to that QUACK's office. ended up he's not in too. ugh. this friday must make another trip.grrRRR!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
just had a chat with kc and he sort of summaries the whole thing with 1 word - Bureaucracy.
for its definition, click here.
should they want to try to threaten me (as usual) with the usual threats, i'll fight it with MINE! wots the point of threatening people when the results you'll get is negative or if you'll only make things worse?
me? im making things worse? i just want to do what i want.
for its definition, click here.
should they want to try to threaten me (as usual) with the usual threats, i'll fight it with MINE! wots the point of threatening people when the results you'll get is negative or if you'll only make things worse?
me? im making things worse? i just want to do what i want.
wah.... in a way am kinda touched when i realised that there's some low profile friends who although do not have much action in your life can actually understand you the best. just went msn and through just mere words, she can feel that im in a bad mood.. :P
no wonder she's called master lil... haha.
anyway, these are just my own opinions.
am in a very bad mood. more like frustrated. feel like punching sth to release all the frustration within.
why people always want to feel so comfortable with life that sometimes they cant accept the changes? the world is constantly changing, why people cant adapt to it and change with it? why must some people b ------- when the world is going /\/\/\/\/\/?
then whn sth major happened, they cant adapt to it and kept thinking it must be somebody who changed that person. but have they ever thought that it could be some other factor?
they do not understand the real me, what i want. because all sgns dont speak out their mind, their thoughts. the thoughts i used to have since sec sch surfaced. the thoughts that i used to tell zhiwei. why am i born here? since then, i have always wanted to do this and that and try this and that but they disappear slowly with the period.
now that i have the 'push', i wanted to really do what i want to do and they just cant seem to accept the fact that its what I want to do. why do people like to always push blame to others available? why cant they just accept the big changes in life?
just because i kept quiet for a really long time doesnt mean i can keep doing so. its like feeding water to a bottle, sooner or later it'll be overflow or burst if covered.
it doesnt matter if i'll regret it later if i do this and that. i just wanna try. even if it hurts terribly, at least i know that feeling. i dont wanna regret not trying. i wanna do the things i wan. i want F-R-E-E-D-O-M!
over caring is harmful, not caring is i-dont-care-if-u-die. caring alil here and there is alright. care ok, but dont because i go out till late u have to have a say in it. 25yrs old so what? people 18years old already tried most of the things i have NOT try before. they are already doing something. 25yrs old is SHIT if its empty.
no wonder she's called master lil... haha.
anyway, these are just my own opinions.
am in a very bad mood. more like frustrated. feel like punching sth to release all the frustration within.
why people always want to feel so comfortable with life that sometimes they cant accept the changes? the world is constantly changing, why people cant adapt to it and change with it? why must some people b ------- when the world is going /\/\/\/\/\/?
then whn sth major happened, they cant adapt to it and kept thinking it must be somebody who changed that person. but have they ever thought that it could be some other factor?
they do not understand the real me, what i want. because all sgns dont speak out their mind, their thoughts. the thoughts i used to have since sec sch surfaced. the thoughts that i used to tell zhiwei. why am i born here? since then, i have always wanted to do this and that and try this and that but they disappear slowly with the period.
now that i have the 'push', i wanted to really do what i want to do and they just cant seem to accept the fact that its what I want to do. why do people like to always push blame to others available? why cant they just accept the big changes in life?
just because i kept quiet for a really long time doesnt mean i can keep doing so. its like feeding water to a bottle, sooner or later it'll be overflow or burst if covered.
it doesnt matter if i'll regret it later if i do this and that. i just wanna try. even if it hurts terribly, at least i know that feeling. i dont wanna regret not trying. i wanna do the things i wan. i want F-R-E-E-D-O-M!
over caring is harmful, not caring is i-dont-care-if-u-die. caring alil here and there is alright. care ok, but dont because i go out till late u have to have a say in it. 25yrs old so what? people 18years old already tried most of the things i have NOT try before. they are already doing something. 25yrs old is SHIT if its empty.
Monday, March 19, 2007
tot i'll just bump in here to type something short.
haiz, have had been missing clift since last night. although he'll be away for 5days and we wun be meeting till sunday when he returns and i cant see him off tomorrow and he'll be going to bangkok to find girl..... :(((((((((((
anyway most prolly wun be moving in till april i hope since im bloody broke, it'll be good if that Dr QUACK guy can actually give me my salary which is 3months overdued le! hope his magazines will close down since everyone's complaining that its a very boring one while others who subscribe to it to support their friends who USED to work there and the 1% who are xxx deprived idiots who cant get any females in life. pui. oh and lastly, that fella to burn in hell. yes, KARMA for him please.
ys's in japan enjoying his honeymoon, vi got a job that he enjoyed, me, praying for a job that i'd applied to be given to me. ASAP!
lastly, wish i could just fast forward the days to the weekends because i just lost the 'looking forward' to work part. instead, i just dragged myself to toa payoh, couting time and wondering when will friday come soon followed by saturday while i push sunday away.
life sux but there's always something in life that makes me find it wonderful. for instance.. my friends and my lover. not forgetting food.
haiz, have had been missing clift since last night. although he'll be away for 5days and we wun be meeting till sunday when he returns and i cant see him off tomorrow and he'll be going to bangkok to find girl..... :(((((((((((
anyway most prolly wun be moving in till april i hope since im bloody broke, it'll be good if that Dr QUACK guy can actually give me my salary which is 3months overdued le! hope his magazines will close down since everyone's complaining that its a very boring one while others who subscribe to it to support their friends who USED to work there and the 1% who are xxx deprived idiots who cant get any females in life. pui. oh and lastly, that fella to burn in hell. yes, KARMA for him please.
ys's in japan enjoying his honeymoon, vi got a job that he enjoyed, me, praying for a job that i'd applied to be given to me. ASAP!
lastly, wish i could just fast forward the days to the weekends because i just lost the 'looking forward' to work part. instead, i just dragged myself to toa payoh, couting time and wondering when will friday come soon followed by saturday while i push sunday away.
life sux but there's always something in life that makes me find it wonderful. for instance.. my friends and my lover. not forgetting food.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
well.. and finally, my LATEST POST. phew.. too many things to update but my pc just doesnt allow me to update. sianz.
i wanna say a huge THANK YOU to jiawei, annkia, dickson, alson and clifton! for helping me to move my stuffs and the 2 sofa beds at such timing! (10pm lor)
and a big THANK YOU to clifton's friend though he wouldn't be reading this for donating the beds and helping to wrap the mattress up in plastic, helping to move the beds out to the carpark and even offering to help to send one over to the flat should alson's pickup cant fit them in. so paiseh, he give bed still make sure they are 'protected' and do labour job.
we spilt into 2 groups when the beds are in place. clift went with alson, i went with the rest. we were practically 'touring' tiong bahru while clift n alson were on the way to the flat... lol. it was fun though and we were laughing all the way. hope annkia wouldn't feel offended by our remarks. :P
sigh, after the whole moving thingy then i realised that... i'd missed out 2 boxes! wtf?! haiz, will have to ferry them again when the room is more or less missing.
i wanna say a huge THANK YOU to jiawei, annkia, dickson, alson and clifton! for helping me to move my stuffs and the 2 sofa beds at such timing! (10pm lor)
and a big THANK YOU to clifton's friend though he wouldn't be reading this for donating the beds and helping to wrap the mattress up in plastic, helping to move the beds out to the carpark and even offering to help to send one over to the flat should alson's pickup cant fit them in. so paiseh, he give bed still make sure they are 'protected' and do labour job.
we spilt into 2 groups when the beds are in place. clift went with alson, i went with the rest. we were practically 'touring' tiong bahru while clift n alson were on the way to the flat... lol. it was fun though and we were laughing all the way. hope annkia wouldn't feel offended by our remarks. :P
sigh, after the whole moving thingy then i realised that... i'd missed out 2 boxes! wtf?! haiz, will have to ferry them again when the room is more or less missing.
was packing stuffs earlier. while clearing some of the drawers, i saw lots of letters n especially photos. brought back gd memories such as the trip to beijing during secondary five (i believe). the candid shots - how 'on' everyone were then, and also a friend who's from china called his chauffeur to fetch him to buy a cake for a surprise early bday for me. so touched. very stupid hor? got rich kid after me i also dun wan. haha.and also the pics taken during my nyp year. during my 21st bday, amir and anwar were the most helpful. they practically helped to bbq everything for my friends. wah lau.. so paiseh. but it was super fun man. they bbq and ate at the same time. sigh, to think we were very close as a group with hairul, shahrul and maz! where they used to come to my house during chinese new year, had potluck and the times when maz n i finished our project till quite late and asking anwar n amir out at the last minute for dinner. haha.
those were the times and also get to see how much everyone had changed. serge had became more grownup, more mature especially since he's married and have a family to look after. :)
would love to ask friends over to look at the pics together and LOL over it. it'll be fun!
well, there's a total of 3 big boxes and 4 small ones. mayb need another small one to pack remaining items. (yes, its confirmed!)
CONGRAZ to xiaobai for getting a job!!
now i pray hard that i'll get my dream job too!
okies... found out my pc cant post anything up in blogger.. so gotta do the hard way - set a draft, find another pc and post the body up into blogger. sigh... *smack my itchy hand*first of all, CONGRAZ to vivi~ he got a job at Fish & Co. yummy, next time....
me: i request your cook by the name of elvin to cook new york fish & chips for me.
HAHAHAHAHAH! mayb.. should add this: i requset your crew by the name of elvin to serve me and cook for me. HAHAHAHAHHAH!
ok, i wouldn't do that of coz~ i dont want him to 'drop' the fish on the floor and step on it before coating it.. *twitch*
and.... board the bus, i saw.... president nathan going for his haircut at the barber shop outside my house. :)
very low profile, only 1 car ferry him over and 2 bodyguards was with him.
last sunday, went to attend a friend's wedding. not naming names coz i dont know if he wants me to. but i felt really VIP then. heee.
oh, i took a cab over to Furama hotel and as i walked up the stairs towards the main entrance. i felt alittle weird, looked around for signs that says i'm in the right hotel. saw this sign "Furama City Square". me: (o.o?)
luckily i was smart enough to walk over to the receptionist to ask. but the lady wasn't helpful at all. >: (
instead, as i was leaving the counter, there was a guy who must have overheard my question, waved at me and took out a map to show me my exact destination and location. wah, if i'm the boss, i'll fire the woman instead. so unhelpful. kns, if im an AM, i think she'll be smiling all over and cant wait to answer all my questions.
anyway, walked out of the building and the doorman asked if i want a cab. me nodded and noticed that there's a guy who's waiting there too. first thought that came to my head "Shit". anyway, while waiting for a cab to come (its almost like.. no cab will enter that lane lor), the guy asked if im going to furama riverside. i nodded my head and from there, i got to learn that he's attending a wedding dinner too! but different level from mine. haha. such coincidence. we shared a cab (heng!) and he paid for it. so paiseh.. i wanted to pay half at least, but he insisted on him paying. haha, (heng! got free ride!). waited for a friend there before going up together. overall, dinner wasn't too bad. :)
and as i was leaving the hotel to find a bus stop to ride over to cine, i saw the guy who shared a cab with me earlier! such coincidence. haha. he offered me a ride but as he's going to jurong plus.. i dont know him, so i just told him that i'll take a bus instead.
heee, felt kinda weird to witness a friend's wedding but it was good.
Friday, March 09, 2007
hahaha! found this Singlish in Wikipedia after clift told me about it. went to check it out out of curiousity. very interesting. mayb i'll print out for my friends to understand it better whenever i use that lah, leh, meh, etc.
go, check it out. Singlish
in fact, im rather proud of it.. haha. to think this even appear in places like that.
go, check it out. Singlish
in fact, im rather proud of it.. haha. to think this even appear in places like that.
had a super strange dream today.. it was soooo real! and i could almost feel it. i hope it isnt gonna happen anytime coz it'll means.. *shook head furiously*
that reminded me of a dream i had few nights back. seemed kinda funny that i had actually dreamt of that before but this time, it was too tragic that i actually woke up with crying.
dunno why, i find it harder to smile now. instead, i seemed to be always trying to hold back a bunch of leaking water. damn. mayb stop meeting people for the time being after sunday. must look happy. just for his sake. :)
that reminded me of a dream i had few nights back. seemed kinda funny that i had actually dreamt of that before but this time, it was too tragic that i actually woke up with crying.
dunno why, i find it harder to smile now. instead, i seemed to be always trying to hold back a bunch of leaking water. damn. mayb stop meeting people for the time being after sunday. must look happy. just for his sake. :)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
yes.. am still in the office. supposed to help search for some stuffs which will take very fast but... due to some questions raised and having no answers yet, i am still stucked here.
oh well, hows my moving thingy going on? many headaches that came to a point where i'll just 'mai hiam' and take anything that is being offered as long as its usable and is clean. as for the rest, perhaps i'll try to think of ways to get it.
but on the bright side, at least i get to taste how is it like now! rather than not tasting, not getting own butt burnt, not knowing anything at all till i'm grandmother years old and definitely not until when i get married! (well, that is still not in my list of plans yet, so dont look forward to it alright and yes.. i know im not getting any younger anymore. stop reminding me-self.)
okies, just gotten my answers. back to work. this week is gonna be a busy one.
oh well, hows my moving thingy going on? many headaches that came to a point where i'll just 'mai hiam' and take anything that is being offered as long as its usable and is clean. as for the rest, perhaps i'll try to think of ways to get it.
but on the bright side, at least i get to taste how is it like now! rather than not tasting, not getting own butt burnt, not knowing anything at all till i'm grandmother years old and definitely not until when i get married! (well, that is still not in my list of plans yet, so dont look forward to it alright and yes.. i know im not getting any younger anymore. stop reminding me-self.)
okies, just gotten my answers. back to work. this week is gonna be a busy one.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
originally to be posted on: 04.03.07
sigh.. so many things happened in a day. who's fault? mine lor.. why? due to my misjudgement and calculations and forever assuming things. unless im a super lucky person who always have things that go my way, mayb i can just assume all i want, plan all i want and things will just happen. ha.
did some thinking last night and though all along i knew that he was very good to me but somehow it just hit me hard that how very very good he was, that made me suddenly felt very lucky to have met him, know him and to love him. sigh, anyhow, that realisation made me treasure him even more. he's a gem, to me. thank you darling.
also felt extremely horrible last night till today, still feel alittle bit bad. wonder whether was he disappointed in me. sigh.. sometimes i'll feel that im actually Ms Trouble. always bringing trouble to him and this time, its really a BIG one. from already headache w/ work.. and i brought another load of headache to him.
though.. im more or less prepared for something bad to happen to me.
sigh.. so many things happened in a day. who's fault? mine lor.. why? due to my misjudgement and calculations and forever assuming things. unless im a super lucky person who always have things that go my way, mayb i can just assume all i want, plan all i want and things will just happen. ha.
did some thinking last night and though all along i knew that he was very good to me but somehow it just hit me hard that how very very good he was, that made me suddenly felt very lucky to have met him, know him and to love him. sigh, anyhow, that realisation made me treasure him even more. he's a gem, to me. thank you darling.
also felt extremely horrible last night till today, still feel alittle bit bad. wonder whether was he disappointed in me. sigh.. sometimes i'll feel that im actually Ms Trouble. always bringing trouble to him and this time, its really a BIG one. from already headache w/ work.. and i brought another load of headache to him.
though.. im more or less prepared for something bad to happen to me.
originally to be posted on: 03.03.07
decided not to wait for the rest of the pics to be send over to be edited together and upload.
edited whatever i have had on hand now.
on the eve of Chinese New Year, Reymus was the centre of attention because 1) he's the only baby (6months old only) 2) he's the cutest and funnest to play with. hey, u can only carry babies around ya? Oh, we get to see Cheryl who's stucked in London and was unable to return in time for CNY due to school. Had a so-called tele-conference with her. it was kinda funny.. to see that it was so bright (daytime) over there and while over at our side, it was nightfall and was very dark.
anyway, 1st day of CNY, we went to Kong Meng Shan Temple to pray to our grandmother. A yearly routine, to pay our respect to her. Followed by a round of phototaking sessions. Felt kinda weird that i didnt have any camera with me to take photos with.

lucky fella.. got 3 pretty girls swooning over cutie.

cousins only

"Jie Mei Hua"

Time flies.. to think the Red and the Blue used to be carried on our arms..

Wee-ee-Wee! Models~ haha

sigh.. charmer of the day. he's our main focus man. imagine, 4 'gu-jies' playing with him leh! wher can u find 4 girls 'cooing' with 1 boy right?

took alot of pics and videos of him but these 2 are the goodest. 6 months old only but already know how to turn his attention over whenever a camera is facing him. very li-hai at bai pose.

me and dajie took a pic while on the way to grandma's place
Afterwards, went over to Louis' house for bai nian first. Saw some lion dance performance before we began to make our way over to our mom's mommy's place for dinner. It was quite a difference switching from my dad's over to my mom's because of the increased no. of people in a house. We'd counted. Mom's side has 11 female cousins, 13 male cousins. (if i didnt recall wrongly). Dad's is only 7 female cousins, 6 male cousins. And there were more kids at mom's side. heee, 2 new babies born, 2 cycles after me. it was very noisy at that side and fun too. haaa. uncle garick would plugin the pics and zoom in at the faces to see who's 'sleeping' during phototaking session, whoever suay, tio pimples, etc.

the brothers and sisters + wives & husbands of the 'Heng' family. Not all are present though. :(

Cousins only aka the younger generation

picked this out of many because the kids looked very natural esp Jinny's daughter. Nan de hor, she get the 'V' sign up.

CHIO BUs and 1 extra. :P

cousins again.. at a different pos. erm.. again, not all are present.
2nd day of CNY,
went to su-ling's house. erm, forgot what's that auntie's rank liao.. :P
looking forward to the food as usual and this time, saw the 2nd baby! she's v cute!! ok, she's mixed. mom's a jp. baby has mom's features, looked abit jap. kawaii desu ne~! think i still prefer an asian mixed baby than eurasian baby because its unique to me. eurasian see till sian. nowadays see AMs here n there... -.-"
back to my CNY, this year's CNY was quite bz. as after going to my aunt's house, i gotta rush down to fort canning park for 'Good Vibrations' concert. pity, my camera's spoilt.. oh well. it was raining before that and i kinda like it.. abit like the 'concert' feel. stand under rain (it was raining that heavy then), listen to them sing while some will dance to the music. stopped raining afterwards. met up w/ san & sandy there too~
get to see Electrico perform LIVE! haaaa, it was fun though i felt alil weird. mayb i watched too many of those shows and well, we are in singapore.. so, it tend to be different. BUT, overall, it was a refreshing feel~ nice.
3rd day, gotta run many places. boss' boss, darren bro's place n finally aunt linda's but i skipped the first as that's mainly for managers and above. kinda fun and abit ser bu de to leave darren bro's place because of.. baby reymus the star~!
so.. imagine, ate lunch around 3plus, rushed to aunt linda's place for dinner around 6plus. stomach how to digest?!
4th day, kelvin invited us to his place for bai nian.. his son was very cute! smiles easily, let people carry around!
saturday, went to boss' place to bai nian.. his daughter (another 2 cycles after me, heeee) was sooooo CUTE and chubby! very nice to carry and only 5months old. not bad, let people carry around and not cry. haiz... very cute. :P
and sorry, not hinting anything. only find babies are very cute and fun to play with but.. as they grow older, they're like little devils.
okies, cant think of anything now. v tired and sian from all the packing. shall update today's (sat, 03.03.07) another time. damn wasted.. no pics were taken. sigh.
damn.. i hate this new blogger. why change? not i wanted to. muz be that time i too tired and never notice or something, ended up went to switch over to the new blogger because i cant find the link to the old blogger. OLD blogger better.. no problems and this new blogger is giving me alot of dulan-ness. Cant post my stuffs.. grrrRRRR.
decided not to wait for the rest of the pics to be send over to be edited together and upload.
edited whatever i have had on hand now.
on the eve of Chinese New Year, Reymus was the centre of attention because 1) he's the only baby (6months old only) 2) he's the cutest and funnest to play with. hey, u can only carry babies around ya? Oh, we get to see Cheryl who's stucked in London and was unable to return in time for CNY due to school. Had a so-called tele-conference with her. it was kinda funny.. to see that it was so bright (daytime) over there and while over at our side, it was nightfall and was very dark.
anyway, 1st day of CNY, we went to Kong Meng Shan Temple to pray to our grandmother. A yearly routine, to pay our respect to her. Followed by a round of phototaking sessions. Felt kinda weird that i didnt have any camera with me to take photos with.

lucky fella.. got 3 pretty girls swooning over cutie.

cousins only

"Jie Mei Hua"

Time flies.. to think the Red and the Blue used to be carried on our arms..

Wee-ee-Wee! Models~ haha

sigh.. charmer of the day. he's our main focus man. imagine, 4 'gu-jies' playing with him leh! wher can u find 4 girls 'cooing' with 1 boy right?

took alot of pics and videos of him but these 2 are the goodest. 6 months old only but already know how to turn his attention over whenever a camera is facing him. very li-hai at bai pose.

me and dajie took a pic while on the way to grandma's place
Afterwards, went over to Louis' house for bai nian first. Saw some lion dance performance before we began to make our way over to our mom's mommy's place for dinner. It was quite a difference switching from my dad's over to my mom's because of the increased no. of people in a house. We'd counted. Mom's side has 11 female cousins, 13 male cousins. (if i didnt recall wrongly). Dad's is only 7 female cousins, 6 male cousins. And there were more kids at mom's side. heee, 2 new babies born, 2 cycles after me. it was very noisy at that side and fun too. haaa. uncle garick would plugin the pics and zoom in at the faces to see who's 'sleeping' during phototaking session, whoever suay, tio pimples, etc.

the brothers and sisters + wives & husbands of the 'Heng' family. Not all are present though. :(

Cousins only aka the younger generation

picked this out of many because the kids looked very natural esp Jinny's daughter. Nan de hor, she get the 'V' sign up.

CHIO BUs and 1 extra. :P

cousins again.. at a different pos. erm.. again, not all are present.
2nd day of CNY,
went to su-ling's house. erm, forgot what's that auntie's rank liao.. :P
looking forward to the food as usual and this time, saw the 2nd baby! she's v cute!! ok, she's mixed. mom's a jp. baby has mom's features, looked abit jap. kawaii desu ne~! think i still prefer an asian mixed baby than eurasian baby because its unique to me. eurasian see till sian. nowadays see AMs here n there... -.-"
back to my CNY, this year's CNY was quite bz. as after going to my aunt's house, i gotta rush down to fort canning park for 'Good Vibrations' concert. pity, my camera's spoilt.. oh well. it was raining before that and i kinda like it.. abit like the 'concert' feel. stand under rain (it was raining that heavy then), listen to them sing while some will dance to the music. stopped raining afterwards. met up w/ san & sandy there too~
get to see Electrico perform LIVE! haaaa, it was fun though i felt alil weird. mayb i watched too many of those shows and well, we are in singapore.. so, it tend to be different. BUT, overall, it was a refreshing feel~ nice.
3rd day, gotta run many places. boss' boss, darren bro's place n finally aunt linda's but i skipped the first as that's mainly for managers and above. kinda fun and abit ser bu de to leave darren bro's place because of.. baby reymus the star~!
so.. imagine, ate lunch around 3plus, rushed to aunt linda's place for dinner around 6plus. stomach how to digest?!
4th day, kelvin invited us to his place for bai nian.. his son was very cute! smiles easily, let people carry around!
saturday, went to boss' place to bai nian.. his daughter (another 2 cycles after me, heeee) was sooooo CUTE and chubby! very nice to carry and only 5months old. not bad, let people carry around and not cry. haiz... very cute. :P
and sorry, not hinting anything. only find babies are very cute and fun to play with but.. as they grow older, they're like little devils.
okies, cant think of anything now. v tired and sian from all the packing. shall update today's (sat, 03.03.07) another time. damn wasted.. no pics were taken. sigh.
damn.. i hate this new blogger. why change? not i wanted to. muz be that time i too tired and never notice or something, ended up went to switch over to the new blogger because i cant find the link to the old blogger. OLD blogger better.. no problems and this new blogger is giving me alot of dulan-ness. Cant post my stuffs.. grrrRRRR.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
well... finally get to edit the pics taken on xiaobai's bday. v(^o^)v
met up at city hall since it was raining and we gotta make some last minute changes to our initial plan - super low budget bday dinner @ East Coast Hawker!! Sounds fun to me though for some people it may sound cheap. doh..
ANYWAY, start from the start. it was Friday which means.. its CHinese New Year (CNY)'s Eve eve. Most companies will give u halfday off right? me? NO! coz boss last minute asked me to set up his newly bought printer and laptop up. =.=
great way to start CNY's eve eve..
somehow, i have not had my lunch yet.. and YS n PAT had their halfday off.. yes.. even xxxxx gets better treatment than me. oh well, they reached around 3plus. went over for lunch at the building opposite and was kinda full and as usual, hungry pat ate my share of food. hahahaha.
as the printer was kinda too big and heavy for a petite person like me to carry, i asked for their help. They were kind enough to go up and helped me setup everything. felt kinda bad lah.. coz they actually wasted their halfday (where they can go FF liao or do some of their own stuffs) on me... :(
By the time we had finished everything, it was around 5plus. As the last item took around 30mins to finish loading, we went to Ya Kun for drinks. Though i'm already super poor, but i wanna treat them drinks to thank them.. ended up, as usual, YS treated me again. haiz.. he spent a bomb on his new house, his honeymoon and now ..
(T.T) felt even worse...
finished and left office building by 6pm. haiz.. very bad hor.. somemore, YS dropped me at Raffles City since im meeting the guys there and he's sending pat back. aiyo... so just wanna say a super duPER BIG T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U to Pat & YS!
Was walking over to the mrt station, i saw this bamboo walking in front of me.. looked very familar.. OH! its annkia! went up beside him, wah piang eh.. wore specs liao but still didnt notice that there's a CHIOBU walking SO CLOSE beside him. *smack head* so i purposely kept staring at him till he noticed me. sigh....
together, we continued our journey and.. saw.. clift! omg!!! CAUGHT CHEATING BY HIM! ok.. thats not funny. oh well, he hung around with us.. no, ME till it was about time for him to meet his friend.
Xiaobai called not long to report his position... he's at marina square liao and 4 of us were waiting like goon dos. flew over to meet him and ended up at this restaurant "Spagetties". i didnt really eat because im still feeling quite full from my heavy lunch + tea break.
While jiawei was placing his orders.. Dickson went to poke fun of almost everything. like..
Jiawei: ... 'super meal' or something like that.. (cant really remember the exact sentence)
dickson: huh?! superman?
waiter serving us was trying to contain his laughter.
jiawei continues.. : can i have 3 combos .....
dickson: wah! ... 3 combos! u know the street fighter, got the combos thingy... (again, cant remember the exact sentence)
AND dickson was talking to the waiter !
waiter buay tahan, L-O-L-ed together with the whole bunch of us. pity, din get to take shots of that moment. waiter teared lor.
anyway, that was fun. :)

a pic before 'raping' the food~

dishes we ordered.. not bad, the pizza too, thin and crispy crust.
later, we ordered a slice of cake for xiaobai since it was included into the 'birthday' treat.

ended up, no one wanna touch the cake because it tasted quite dry and hard. not nice... :(
oh yah, for UOB Credit Card holders, if you are celebrating your bday, you can consider there. They have this one-for-one promotion for UOB CC holders only including one free dessert. Food is not too bad and it just cost us like 70bucks in total. well. and the staffs are quite friendly though i hope the waitress wouldnt get offended by dickson's teasing. he siao one..
met up a girlfriend for dinner today. glad that we met up and did find out more about her. :)
sigh, why must good people always have bad things happened to them even if they didnt invite trouble? whereas for bad people, they find trouble and still, trouble avoided them.
am looking forward to getting new furnitures. exciting!!
met up at city hall since it was raining and we gotta make some last minute changes to our initial plan - super low budget bday dinner @ East Coast Hawker!! Sounds fun to me though for some people it may sound cheap. doh..
ANYWAY, start from the start. it was Friday which means.. its CHinese New Year (CNY)'s Eve eve. Most companies will give u halfday off right? me? NO! coz boss last minute asked me to set up his newly bought printer and laptop up. =.=
great way to start CNY's eve eve..
somehow, i have not had my lunch yet.. and YS n PAT had their halfday off.. yes.. even xxxxx gets better treatment than me. oh well, they reached around 3plus. went over for lunch at the building opposite and was kinda full and as usual, hungry pat ate my share of food. hahahaha.
as the printer was kinda too big and heavy for a petite person like me to carry, i asked for their help. They were kind enough to go up and helped me setup everything. felt kinda bad lah.. coz they actually wasted their halfday (where they can go FF liao or do some of their own stuffs) on me... :(
By the time we had finished everything, it was around 5plus. As the last item took around 30mins to finish loading, we went to Ya Kun for drinks. Though i'm already super poor, but i wanna treat them drinks to thank them.. ended up, as usual, YS treated me again. haiz.. he spent a bomb on his new house, his honeymoon and now ..
(T.T) felt even worse...
finished and left office building by 6pm. haiz.. very bad hor.. somemore, YS dropped me at Raffles City since im meeting the guys there and he's sending pat back. aiyo... so just wanna say a super duPER BIG T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U to Pat & YS!
Was walking over to the mrt station, i saw this bamboo walking in front of me.. looked very familar.. OH! its annkia! went up beside him, wah piang eh.. wore specs liao but still didnt notice that there's a CHIOBU walking SO CLOSE beside him. *smack head* so i purposely kept staring at him till he noticed me. sigh....
together, we continued our journey and.. saw.. clift! omg!!! CAUGHT CHEATING BY HIM! ok.. thats not funny. oh well, he hung around with us.. no, ME till it was about time for him to meet his friend.
Xiaobai called not long to report his position... he's at marina square liao and 4 of us were waiting like goon dos. flew over to meet him and ended up at this restaurant "Spagetties". i didnt really eat because im still feeling quite full from my heavy lunch + tea break.
While jiawei was placing his orders.. Dickson went to poke fun of almost everything. like..
Jiawei: ... 'super meal' or something like that.. (cant really remember the exact sentence)
dickson: huh?! superman?
waiter serving us was trying to contain his laughter.
jiawei continues.. : can i have 3 combos .....
dickson: wah! ... 3 combos! u know the street fighter, got the combos thingy... (again, cant remember the exact sentence)
AND dickson was talking to the waiter !
waiter buay tahan, L-O-L-ed together with the whole bunch of us. pity, din get to take shots of that moment. waiter teared lor.
anyway, that was fun. :)

a pic before 'raping' the food~

dishes we ordered.. not bad, the pizza too, thin and crispy crust.
later, we ordered a slice of cake for xiaobai since it was included into the 'birthday' treat.

ended up, no one wanna touch the cake because it tasted quite dry and hard. not nice... :(
oh yah, for UOB Credit Card holders, if you are celebrating your bday, you can consider there. They have this one-for-one promotion for UOB CC holders only including one free dessert. Food is not too bad and it just cost us like 70bucks in total. well. and the staffs are quite friendly though i hope the waitress wouldnt get offended by dickson's teasing. he siao one..
met up a girlfriend for dinner today. glad that we met up and did find out more about her. :)
sigh, why must good people always have bad things happened to them even if they didnt invite trouble? whereas for bad people, they find trouble and still, trouble avoided them.
am looking forward to getting new furnitures. exciting!!
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