Today marks day 1 when my mom left.... For chiang mai, thailand. She'll be gone for 2 whole weeks. Ha.
Anyway, did I mention about the nightmare I'd last week?
Well, its very scary and real to me too. But not at scary as the zombies that woke me up suddenly. This time its about some chip that a villian was after. The villian was pretty powerful.
It started at some staircase, and again, at my place again. Someone ran away with the chip but villian caught up to him and touched him. That someone's body turned into pixels before slowly fading away. I so happened to be there and the someone passed me the chip before he disappear away completely and asked me to run.
I ran back and villian was behind chasing. There was this metal ladder (similar to the type used in helicopter with the rope ladder) and I quickly climb down, hopped into a friend's car (always got friend and car standby) and drove away.
Managing to shake the villian away, I asked friend to drive into the paya lebar police station (the big big one) to seek refudge. Seems like they know something about the chip and quickly get the special team to bring me down to their underground headquarters. The underground place was filled with wooden crates, a corner with many cctv screens and some plain clothes officers. Before they get the chance to explain the chip to me, the villian managed to find out where am I (like the chip has some sort of detector), killed everyone who stands in his way and finally reach the underground base.. Pixel-ing some officers to nothing and coming straight for me.
Last part, I tried to run but I can't remember what happened.. Either I ran for the bomb-sheltered liked lift or I infused myself with the chip and villian looked at me in horror.....
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
It's already a more than 2 days old, however, the news of MJ's passing is still fresh in my mind. MTVs now are all paying tributes to him. And now, I'm reminded of a friend who's a big fan of MJ whom I'd lost contact with. Wonder how is she doing now.
Anyways, now that I'm free, I'm posting my bday news. Ha.
Thanks to Dickson (always my bestest friend - he'll always sms me Happy Birthday without fail, no matter where he is). And to those who make time and effort to attend my bday. Hee, also to PP and Buddy for requesting Opening Shift, the cake surprise as well as the pressie!!!! I love it soo much. Heh. I really appreciate all the efforts made and also that everyone did enjoy themselves. :D
I did, ALOT! Heh.
First was with my close friends from work. Paiseh-ly, I'd missed Von out.
We celebrated at Ice Cold Beer, luckily it was a weekday, so not much crowd and we managed to get a table there. Bumped onto Mr 'water', Mr AY as well as a lady who shares the same name as me, almost there only short of a letter. :)

Below are the different faces of buddy. ;)


A Family Pic the moment Father and Hachiko arrives.

Me and my Sephiroth!!!!

Everyone went out on using the "I go smoke" excuse.. Yuan lai, they went to buy a cake for me!!! (T.T) *So touched*

Bday bunny posing with cake and a ribbon.

The usual game, luckily never throw the cake in my face like what happened to father. lol. My strategy? To aim, focus and quickly pick it up before they can react to what I'm gonna do. Heh.




They cant rest till they'd decorated my face. Who enjoyed themselves the most? It'll be Mr AY. Coz he spread the chocolate evenly on my face. =.="
I wasn't crying by the way. haha.

Our signature 'must-take' clown look!

Took with my buddy right after taking a bite of my cake.

our clownish look. heh, with my thick chocolate remains on my tongue.

A doll that i can only hug but can't carry home. Heh.
And a last minute reservation of a table at Molly Marlone's. Jw and Annkia were the first few to reach followed by me. Then Xiaobai, almost gotten lost. See, never do homework. Hehe. At least I never give wrong info, like.. supposed to be at Clarke Quay but text says it's at Boat Quay. End up, annkia and I gotta walk all the way in the humid weather.

Couple #1

Couple #2
Didn't take the 3rd one because he's busy playing with his SLR camera.
Well, it happened to be a rugby match between South Africa and Bri-Irish Lions, so it was packed. We were assigned to a room with a group sitting beside our table watching and another loner behind us. I can say that it was my first time watching a rugby match and it's pretty interesting but no, I'm not gonna watch it on a regular basis because I may get bored of it soon. ha. Anyway, food was so-so, service was really bad. Not forgiven and not going back there eventhough the young waiter was quite cute. Our pint of orange juice arrived much much later when my beer arrived first. It came after xiaobai's "Irish Car Bomb", which he ordered later than us.
So, after all the food and such, we were discussing on one issue - how do we drink the "Irish Car Bomb"? The waiter brought a shot of Bailey's and a pint of Guinness. We came up with solutions based on the drink's name like:
- Drink shot first then quickly drink guinness?
- Pour shot into pint and drink the mixture?
I gave up thinking and decided to search for the solution online.

Found the answer to it!

I tried abit of the mixture. Guinness bitterness got 'neutralised' by the sweet drink, so it doesn't taste that bad.
Here are some of my favourite pictures that jw took.

It made my face looked smaller, for the first time!

This pic reminded me of "Strangers in Paradise". YL looked quite cute in this pic.

We took a pic while waiting for annkia to return. He went to put a coupon to extend the time. We were on the expedition to find the settler's cafe using Jw's GPS. ha. Sounds like lost in SG eh?

Finally found it! They have 2 types of packages. 1st was unlimited drinks for 2 hours and pay $19.90 per pax. The other was drinks plus food for 2 hours at $50+ for 6 people. We decided on the first choice as we just had a filling dinner.

Couple #3 - Finally..

My new jacket!! Its a pity that it's alittle big eventhough it is XS because it's a man's jacket. I wonder if Adidas will do any altering of the sleeves for me. Make it short. :D
The collar looked like Auron's in Final Fantasy X. I love it!!!

xiaobai and I hit each other when we were preparing to pose for a pic.

It was pretty fun and we played quite a number of games during 2 hours. We played a card game with animals and fruits, followed by dirty mind (a bit boring) then a game called something like how well do you know me. The last question posed was "What not to do when you are driving?". Something like that.

These are everyone's answers and guess RH chose whose? hehe. MINE! (BJ)

A group photo before we leave. Heh, it's pretty fun and that we get to stay up late and still enjoy ourselves not feeling tired at all! We'll be back!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, now that I'm free, I'm posting my bday news. Ha.
Thanks to Dickson (always my bestest friend - he'll always sms me Happy Birthday without fail, no matter where he is). And to those who make time and effort to attend my bday. Hee, also to PP and Buddy for requesting Opening Shift, the cake surprise as well as the pressie!!!! I love it soo much. Heh. I really appreciate all the efforts made and also that everyone did enjoy themselves. :D
I did, ALOT! Heh.
First was with my close friends from work. Paiseh-ly, I'd missed Von out.
We celebrated at Ice Cold Beer, luckily it was a weekday, so not much crowd and we managed to get a table there. Bumped onto Mr 'water', Mr AY as well as a lady who shares the same name as me, almost there only short of a letter. :)

Below are the different faces of buddy. ;)


A Family Pic the moment Father and Hachiko arrives.

Me and my Sephiroth!!!!

Everyone went out on using the "I go smoke" excuse.. Yuan lai, they went to buy a cake for me!!! (T.T) *So touched*

Bday bunny posing with cake and a ribbon.

The usual game, luckily never throw the cake in my face like what happened to father. lol. My strategy? To aim, focus and quickly pick it up before they can react to what I'm gonna do. Heh.




They cant rest till they'd decorated my face. Who enjoyed themselves the most? It'll be Mr AY. Coz he spread the chocolate evenly on my face. =.="
I wasn't crying by the way. haha.

Our signature 'must-take' clown look!

Took with my buddy right after taking a bite of my cake.

our clownish look. heh, with my thick chocolate remains on my tongue.

A doll that i can only hug but can't carry home. Heh.
And a last minute reservation of a table at Molly Marlone's. Jw and Annkia were the first few to reach followed by me. Then Xiaobai, almost gotten lost. See, never do homework. Hehe. At least I never give wrong info, like.. supposed to be at Clarke Quay but text says it's at Boat Quay. End up, annkia and I gotta walk all the way in the humid weather.

Couple #1

Couple #2
Didn't take the 3rd one because he's busy playing with his SLR camera.
Well, it happened to be a rugby match between South Africa and Bri-Irish Lions, so it was packed. We were assigned to a room with a group sitting beside our table watching and another loner behind us. I can say that it was my first time watching a rugby match and it's pretty interesting but no, I'm not gonna watch it on a regular basis because I may get bored of it soon. ha. Anyway, food was so-so, service was really bad. Not forgiven and not going back there eventhough the young waiter was quite cute. Our pint of orange juice arrived much much later when my beer arrived first. It came after xiaobai's "Irish Car Bomb", which he ordered later than us.
So, after all the food and such, we were discussing on one issue - how do we drink the "Irish Car Bomb"? The waiter brought a shot of Bailey's and a pint of Guinness. We came up with solutions based on the drink's name like:
- Drink shot first then quickly drink guinness?
- Pour shot into pint and drink the mixture?
I gave up thinking and decided to search for the solution online.

Found the answer to it!

I tried abit of the mixture. Guinness bitterness got 'neutralised' by the sweet drink, so it doesn't taste that bad.
Here are some of my favourite pictures that jw took.

It made my face looked smaller, for the first time!

This pic reminded me of "Strangers in Paradise". YL looked quite cute in this pic.

We took a pic while waiting for annkia to return. He went to put a coupon to extend the time. We were on the expedition to find the settler's cafe using Jw's GPS. ha. Sounds like lost in SG eh?

Finally found it! They have 2 types of packages. 1st was unlimited drinks for 2 hours and pay $19.90 per pax. The other was drinks plus food for 2 hours at $50+ for 6 people. We decided on the first choice as we just had a filling dinner.

Couple #3 - Finally..

My new jacket!! Its a pity that it's alittle big eventhough it is XS because it's a man's jacket. I wonder if Adidas will do any altering of the sleeves for me. Make it short. :D
The collar looked like Auron's in Final Fantasy X. I love it!!!

xiaobai and I hit each other when we were preparing to pose for a pic.

It was pretty fun and we played quite a number of games during 2 hours. We played a card game with animals and fruits, followed by dirty mind (a bit boring) then a game called something like how well do you know me. The last question posed was "What not to do when you are driving?". Something like that.

These are everyone's answers and guess RH chose whose? hehe. MINE! (BJ)

A group photo before we leave. Heh, it's pretty fun and that we get to stay up late and still enjoy ourselves not feeling tired at all! We'll be back!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wow! A friend whom I made over an online game suddenly email me! I'm so glad that I'd checked my email otherwise it may be lost somewhere in the sea of emails that I seldom check and will become moldy and forgotten till years later. She's kinda like a sister to me in game, that was like... 6 years back? It was very fun then and we were like a family in the game. Haha. Which I had adopted a 'son' there too. We stopped playing the game and still managed to keep in touch via msn. However, due to time difference (she's in Florida, last that I remember) and also due to work that kept me away from going online (the reason why I don't create a facebook and rather use others' to play games. Haha), we had not chat up for almost half a year or perhaps more than that. I'm so happy that she still remember me, funnily, I was thinking of her too while scrolling through my msn list. :D
As I was scrolling through the list, I was thinking, out of 100%, I only keep in touch with like.. maybe just 50% of them? Out of the 50% of them, only 30% are those really close ones? As for those long forgotten and suddenly pop out of nowhere, sometimes just to ask for favours, I'll tend to have this habit of ignoring them. Now, that is USING you.
Oh well, I was thinking too, who would ever read this boring blog of mine, filled with crappy thoughts, perhaps disgusting at times (you should be glad that I'm still too lazy to put up pictures of disgusting female toilets). Only ones who'll read should be.. Master Lil. Heh, to keep her sanity there as well as to make sure I don't say anything bad about her. Which.... I STILL WILL! Muawhahahhahahahhaha. But I'm glad too, that she's my bestest female friend who still bother keeping in touch with me. Hehe. She just loves me disturbing her, only that she don't wanna admit it! I'M RIGHT YA?? Hehe.
In case you are reading this now, I'm planning to study JP back, just for you. Haha. I'm starting to pester a friend on translating JP words for me. He's like a walking JP dictionary. Hahahha. Who ask him to be an American JP who still remember his JP?? Clifton should know whom I'm referring to ya? *Superly evil laugh*
To side track abit. I was watching this darn crappy show called "Prince plus Princess 2". Sorry to those fans of this show who happened to chance upon my blog. I was watching the show with my mei. The more we watch as the story progress, the angrier we became. I know that it was just a show, but ... the show can't be so 'li bu' until the 2nd sister wouldn't even consider her elder sister's feeling right? Those shows and in real life, even good friends will not fight with each other for a girl they both love. What about blood ties? Sisters?! If my sister is in love with the guy, the guy and I are in love with each other, I'd rather give the guy up for my sister's sake. To speak the truth, there's always other guys out there. Furthermore, to fight for that useless guy in that show? I'd rather go for the .. what's his name? Li Chen xi izzit? He's better looking, more experience in work and knows how to take care of the one he love, maturely. That show is just CRAP man! Whoever hired that scriptwriter sure has very bad taste in dramas.
My mei and I agreed that "Coffee Prince" is a much better show than that... P+P2. Though I'm not really a fan of Korean dramas.
As I was scrolling through the list, I was thinking, out of 100%, I only keep in touch with like.. maybe just 50% of them? Out of the 50% of them, only 30% are those really close ones? As for those long forgotten and suddenly pop out of nowhere, sometimes just to ask for favours, I'll tend to have this habit of ignoring them. Now, that is USING you.
Oh well, I was thinking too, who would ever read this boring blog of mine, filled with crappy thoughts, perhaps disgusting at times (you should be glad that I'm still too lazy to put up pictures of disgusting female toilets). Only ones who'll read should be.. Master Lil. Heh, to keep her sanity there as well as to make sure I don't say anything bad about her. Which.... I STILL WILL! Muawhahahhahahahhaha. But I'm glad too, that she's my bestest female friend who still bother keeping in touch with me. Hehe. She just loves me disturbing her, only that she don't wanna admit it! I'M RIGHT YA?? Hehe.
In case you are reading this now, I'm planning to study JP back, just for you. Haha. I'm starting to pester a friend on translating JP words for me. He's like a walking JP dictionary. Hahahha. Who ask him to be an American JP who still remember his JP?? Clifton should know whom I'm referring to ya? *Superly evil laugh*
To side track abit. I was watching this darn crappy show called "Prince plus Princess 2". Sorry to those fans of this show who happened to chance upon my blog. I was watching the show with my mei. The more we watch as the story progress, the angrier we became. I know that it was just a show, but ... the show can't be so 'li bu' until the 2nd sister wouldn't even consider her elder sister's feeling right? Those shows and in real life, even good friends will not fight with each other for a girl they both love. What about blood ties? Sisters?! If my sister is in love with the guy, the guy and I are in love with each other, I'd rather give the guy up for my sister's sake. To speak the truth, there's always other guys out there. Furthermore, to fight for that useless guy in that show? I'd rather go for the .. what's his name? Li Chen xi izzit? He's better looking, more experience in work and knows how to take care of the one he love, maturely. That show is just CRAP man! Whoever hired that scriptwriter sure has very bad taste in dramas.
My mei and I agreed that "Coffee Prince" is a much better show than that... P+P2. Though I'm not really a fan of Korean dramas.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Got some of these random photos while browsing through PP's thumbdrive. Luckily he managed to tame his virtual pet - the horse.
Look who's that! so young then.. but now..

Really pig and dog friend lor. LOL.

Then... i found a folder named: Pulau Ubin Trip 2!
It was very memorable because we did a 'blair witch pjt' alike and it was really funny, with those videos, taken with N95 8GB camera! Quality wasn't too bad. :)
1st pic b4 cycle

bai pose..

grp pic in front of hse, father was taking the pic for us, so i need to 'edit' and 'paste' him in.. ha. hardwork man!!!!!
Look who's that! so young then.. but now..

Really pig and dog friend lor. LOL.

Then... i found a folder named: Pulau Ubin Trip 2!
It was very memorable because we did a 'blair witch pjt' alike and it was really funny, with those videos, taken with N95 8GB camera! Quality wasn't too bad. :)
1st pic b4 cycle

bai pose..

grp pic in front of hse, father was taking the pic for us, so i need to 'edit' and 'paste' him in.. ha. hardwork man!!!!!

Monday, June 08, 2009
Had a really horrible dream last night that I suddenly woke up to check if it's true. woke up partly is because of the need to visit the toilet. However, it felt so real that I actually walked over to my bedroom's window to check if its true and started devising a plan should it be true. Ha.
What did I dream about? Dreamt of zombies of course! It may sound silly to you but it was really scary then. As it felt too real for me. I dreamt that the zombies were coming round my neighbourhood and it was late at night, I was trying to wake my family up and get them to run before the zombies catch up with us. That's why I check out the window after I returned from the toilet. Too real. Went back to sleep and continued my dream. It came naturally lor. This time we were armed and by the time we tried to run, some of the zombies were already at my level. Neighbours were either fighting them or being bitten. We slided down the pipe (yes, sound very jacky chan right?) and quickly hopped into the cab. Called my dad to check where he was and to meet him so we can run somewhere else to hide.
I was already praying silently in my heart by the time I returned to sleep with the 2nd dream. Yup, one of the scary dream. >.<
Oh, I'd deleted my account with Friendster by the way. Serves no purpose to me. No point keeping it and letting their newsletter bombarding my email.
Also, completed Rock Band. It was really cool, the ending. As they put up pictures of those involved in the project along with their name and their role. It's really funny as they pose their 'rock' artist pose. Niceeeee.
What did I dream about? Dreamt of zombies of course! It may sound silly to you but it was really scary then. As it felt too real for me. I dreamt that the zombies were coming round my neighbourhood and it was late at night, I was trying to wake my family up and get them to run before the zombies catch up with us. That's why I check out the window after I returned from the toilet. Too real. Went back to sleep and continued my dream. It came naturally lor. This time we were armed and by the time we tried to run, some of the zombies were already at my level. Neighbours were either fighting them or being bitten. We slided down the pipe (yes, sound very jacky chan right?) and quickly hopped into the cab. Called my dad to check where he was and to meet him so we can run somewhere else to hide.
I was already praying silently in my heart by the time I returned to sleep with the 2nd dream. Yup, one of the scary dream. >.<
Oh, I'd deleted my account with Friendster by the way. Serves no purpose to me. No point keeping it and letting their newsletter bombarding my email.
Also, completed Rock Band. It was really cool, the ending. As they put up pictures of those involved in the project along with their name and their role. It's really funny as they pose their 'rock' artist pose. Niceeeee.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Ahhh, thought I'd blog before I go khoon. Abit sleepy now and the cooling weather (first time in god knows how many months!) is making me feel drowsy.
Met up with Matty last night!!! YAY to FREE ride and bonus for him entertaining me! hahahaha. so funny lor that I actually laugh to myself the whole day today. Next time I feel tired or sian, I'll just imagine Matty making laughing sounds at.. hur hur.
Matty came to pick me up after work, soon bian psycho him to send me home to change to something more comfortable. Imagine wearing that polo tee and parade myself around the safari.. omg. No thanks lor! And have to keep walking in shoes, too hot!! Hahaha. Very fussy right? It was also through this trip that I realised.. Matty and I cannot go Free & Easy trekking together! We'll get lost in nowhere lor!!!!!!
Our Virgin Trip to the NIGHT SAFARI! Macham like bring Matty around singapore. Hahah. The girl behind the counter asked where are we from. I think she's being polite lah huh.. And in order to enjoy the "Tourist" rates, you need to present your boarding pass. So, any foreigners who are in Singapore and planning to visit the Night Safari, do remember to bring your pass!

There was alot of tourist and i think we were the only locals there lor. We started on foot first, and came to this particular spot where the spotted hyenas were. Matty began making funny sounds "Ha ha ha" at them. Which he later explained that they made laughing sounds (later then we realised that it was the striped hyenas that do that. imagine how paiseh matty was lor).
The trek was pretty fun and interesting as you get to take your own sweet time to see all the animals and take time to spot them. It's pretty fun!! There was some parts where you get to walk inside an enclosed area where there's harmless flying animals like bats, flying squrriels, etc. On our second trail, it happened to be the bats' cage. Matty was being kaypo and lean over too much while looking at one of the bats at the bottom. The bats suddenly flew away and Matty got frightened by it. GAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!
We rode on the tram after half of our journey is over. No choice, either walk all the way or take tram as it was quite late, about 11pm. Last tram leaving from the main entrance was at 1130pm, which we cannot make it in time. Confirm plus chop! After looking at the route that the tram will be taking and weighing our options carefully, we decided to take the tram instead. Resting legs. Heh. Air was very cooling, it was so cooling and comfortable that I nearly fall asleep, luckily there were very interesting animals. WHO SAYS NIGHT SAFARI WAS BORING?????
Finished tram ride which lasted for about 15mins, we went to the famous suspension bridge. It's just a bridge lor. Nothing much as compare to those cages and animals and the walk in the safari. FUN!
As we began heading towards the exit, Matty suddenly walk the opposite direction.
Me: *startled* Where are you going?
Matty: *so confidently* Finding the entrance (and points toward the direction - entrance into the safari).
Me: Its the other way...
Keke. it may not sound funny here but it was really funny when it happened.
We had decided to skip dinner so not to miss the night safari and imagine lah. My makan time started from 1130am and lasted the whole day not eating anything till after 12am... So when we were thinking of where to eat, I'd tried but failed to trick matty into going Jurong. heh, i wanna try the SLOPES there!!!!!!!
Our stomachs were already filled with gas from the stomach acid because it's so empty! Even matty with his 'i can eat anytime' also melt when he started to feel the hunger too. So after much thought, we decided to to Killiney for prata. Thought can let Matty try the yummy mee goreng and pratas there. However, we'd forgotten the time and it was already closed. We ended up at Cuppage's prata.
our conversation while on the way to killiney.
Me: I feel lik farting leh. My stomach alot of gases.
Matty: Me too leh. We fart together lah.
Me: Cannot lah. Wait we die from our smelly farts.
Hahahhahaha! Sorry, when i suddenly thought of this convo, i really lol to myself.
It was a very fun night! Thanks Matty! For the FOC RIDE and also for entertaining me. Heh heh. Now I know, Matty also has very bad directional sense.
Well, when I mentioned that I'm going to the Night Safari, most of my friends have negative stuffs about it!
- Night Safari is very boring (NO! Its not! It's super fun lor!!!!! Maybe it depends on who are you with. Haha)
- Animals are sleeping, nothing to see, cant see anything. (Actually not really leh. Most of them are pretty active, except for the leopards. heh)
- Can finish in 2hours time. No more! (WRONG! If you walk the trek and try the cages, it was really fun! If you go earlier, you can try the tram rides first as they go a slightly different route and you may see different stuffs. Then followed by the walk. Walking half of the journey will take about 1.5hours. Do your maths bah.)
Pity that we never take any pictures.
*Do the blame on you thingy* MATTY's FAULT LAH! Got 8mp phone never whip out and ask "Hey! Wanna take pic?"
Met up with Matty last night!!! YAY to FREE ride and bonus for him entertaining me! hahahaha. so funny lor that I actually laugh to myself the whole day today. Next time I feel tired or sian, I'll just imagine Matty making laughing sounds at.. hur hur.
Matty came to pick me up after work, soon bian psycho him to send me home to change to something more comfortable. Imagine wearing that polo tee and parade myself around the safari.. omg. No thanks lor! And have to keep walking in shoes, too hot!! Hahaha. Very fussy right? It was also through this trip that I realised.. Matty and I cannot go Free & Easy trekking together! We'll get lost in nowhere lor!!!!!!
Our Virgin Trip to the NIGHT SAFARI! Macham like bring Matty around singapore. Hahah. The girl behind the counter asked where are we from. I think she's being polite lah huh.. And in order to enjoy the "Tourist" rates, you need to present your boarding pass. So, any foreigners who are in Singapore and planning to visit the Night Safari, do remember to bring your pass!

There was alot of tourist and i think we were the only locals there lor. We started on foot first, and came to this particular spot where the spotted hyenas were. Matty began making funny sounds "Ha ha ha" at them. Which he later explained that they made laughing sounds (later then we realised that it was the striped hyenas that do that. imagine how paiseh matty was lor).
The trek was pretty fun and interesting as you get to take your own sweet time to see all the animals and take time to spot them. It's pretty fun!! There was some parts where you get to walk inside an enclosed area where there's harmless flying animals like bats, flying squrriels, etc. On our second trail, it happened to be the bats' cage. Matty was being kaypo and lean over too much while looking at one of the bats at the bottom. The bats suddenly flew away and Matty got frightened by it. GAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!
We rode on the tram after half of our journey is over. No choice, either walk all the way or take tram as it was quite late, about 11pm. Last tram leaving from the main entrance was at 1130pm, which we cannot make it in time. Confirm plus chop! After looking at the route that the tram will be taking and weighing our options carefully, we decided to take the tram instead. Resting legs. Heh. Air was very cooling, it was so cooling and comfortable that I nearly fall asleep, luckily there were very interesting animals. WHO SAYS NIGHT SAFARI WAS BORING?????
Finished tram ride which lasted for about 15mins, we went to the famous suspension bridge. It's just a bridge lor. Nothing much as compare to those cages and animals and the walk in the safari. FUN!
As we began heading towards the exit, Matty suddenly walk the opposite direction.
Me: *startled* Where are you going?
Matty: *so confidently* Finding the entrance (and points toward the direction - entrance into the safari).
Me: Its the other way...
Keke. it may not sound funny here but it was really funny when it happened.
We had decided to skip dinner so not to miss the night safari and imagine lah. My makan time started from 1130am and lasted the whole day not eating anything till after 12am... So when we were thinking of where to eat, I'd tried but failed to trick matty into going Jurong. heh, i wanna try the SLOPES there!!!!!!!
Our stomachs were already filled with gas from the stomach acid because it's so empty! Even matty with his 'i can eat anytime' also melt when he started to feel the hunger too. So after much thought, we decided to to Killiney for prata. Thought can let Matty try the yummy mee goreng and pratas there. However, we'd forgotten the time and it was already closed. We ended up at Cuppage's prata.
our conversation while on the way to killiney.
Me: I feel lik farting leh. My stomach alot of gases.
Matty: Me too leh. We fart together lah.
Me: Cannot lah. Wait we die from our smelly farts.
Hahahhahaha! Sorry, when i suddenly thought of this convo, i really lol to myself.
It was a very fun night! Thanks Matty! For the FOC RIDE and also for entertaining me. Heh heh. Now I know, Matty also has very bad directional sense.
Well, when I mentioned that I'm going to the Night Safari, most of my friends have negative stuffs about it!
- Night Safari is very boring (NO! Its not! It's super fun lor!!!!! Maybe it depends on who are you with. Haha)
- Animals are sleeping, nothing to see, cant see anything. (Actually not really leh. Most of them are pretty active, except for the leopards. heh)
- Can finish in 2hours time. No more! (WRONG! If you walk the trek and try the cages, it was really fun! If you go earlier, you can try the tram rides first as they go a slightly different route and you may see different stuffs. Then followed by the walk. Walking half of the journey will take about 1.5hours. Do your maths bah.)
Pity that we never take any pictures.
*Do the blame on you thingy* MATTY's FAULT LAH! Got 8mp phone never whip out and ask "Hey! Wanna take pic?"
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