Met up with Matty last night!!! YAY to FREE ride and bonus for him entertaining me! hahahaha. so funny lor that I actually laugh to myself the whole day today. Next time I feel tired or sian, I'll just imagine Matty making laughing sounds at.. hur hur.
Matty came to pick me up after work, soon bian psycho him to send me home to change to something more comfortable. Imagine wearing that polo tee and parade myself around the safari.. omg. No thanks lor! And have to keep walking in shoes, too hot!! Hahaha. Very fussy right? It was also through this trip that I realised.. Matty and I cannot go Free & Easy trekking together! We'll get lost in nowhere lor!!!!!!
Our Virgin Trip to the NIGHT SAFARI! Macham like bring Matty around singapore. Hahah. The girl behind the counter asked where are we from. I think she's being polite lah huh.. And in order to enjoy the "Tourist" rates, you need to present your boarding pass. So, any foreigners who are in Singapore and planning to visit the Night Safari, do remember to bring your pass!

There was alot of tourist and i think we were the only locals there lor. We started on foot first, and came to this particular spot where the spotted hyenas were. Matty began making funny sounds "Ha ha ha" at them. Which he later explained that they made laughing sounds (later then we realised that it was the striped hyenas that do that. imagine how paiseh matty was lor).
The trek was pretty fun and interesting as you get to take your own sweet time to see all the animals and take time to spot them. It's pretty fun!! There was some parts where you get to walk inside an enclosed area where there's harmless flying animals like bats, flying squrriels, etc. On our second trail, it happened to be the bats' cage. Matty was being kaypo and lean over too much while looking at one of the bats at the bottom. The bats suddenly flew away and Matty got frightened by it. GAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!
We rode on the tram after half of our journey is over. No choice, either walk all the way or take tram as it was quite late, about 11pm. Last tram leaving from the main entrance was at 1130pm, which we cannot make it in time. Confirm plus chop! After looking at the route that the tram will be taking and weighing our options carefully, we decided to take the tram instead. Resting legs. Heh. Air was very cooling, it was so cooling and comfortable that I nearly fall asleep, luckily there were very interesting animals. WHO SAYS NIGHT SAFARI WAS BORING?????
Finished tram ride which lasted for about 15mins, we went to the famous suspension bridge. It's just a bridge lor. Nothing much as compare to those cages and animals and the walk in the safari. FUN!
As we began heading towards the exit, Matty suddenly walk the opposite direction.
Me: *startled* Where are you going?
Matty: *so confidently* Finding the entrance (and points toward the direction - entrance into the safari).
Me: Its the other way...
Keke. it may not sound funny here but it was really funny when it happened.
We had decided to skip dinner so not to miss the night safari and imagine lah. My makan time started from 1130am and lasted the whole day not eating anything till after 12am... So when we were thinking of where to eat, I'd tried but failed to trick matty into going Jurong. heh, i wanna try the SLOPES there!!!!!!!
Our stomachs were already filled with gas from the stomach acid because it's so empty! Even matty with his 'i can eat anytime' also melt when he started to feel the hunger too. So after much thought, we decided to to Killiney for prata. Thought can let Matty try the yummy mee goreng and pratas there. However, we'd forgotten the time and it was already closed. We ended up at Cuppage's prata.
our conversation while on the way to killiney.
Me: I feel lik farting leh. My stomach alot of gases.
Matty: Me too leh. We fart together lah.
Me: Cannot lah. Wait we die from our smelly farts.
Hahahhahaha! Sorry, when i suddenly thought of this convo, i really lol to myself.
It was a very fun night! Thanks Matty! For the FOC RIDE and also for entertaining me. Heh heh. Now I know, Matty also has very bad directional sense.
Well, when I mentioned that I'm going to the Night Safari, most of my friends have negative stuffs about it!
- Night Safari is very boring (NO! Its not! It's super fun lor!!!!! Maybe it depends on who are you with. Haha)
- Animals are sleeping, nothing to see, cant see anything. (Actually not really leh. Most of them are pretty active, except for the leopards. heh)
- Can finish in 2hours time. No more! (WRONG! If you walk the trek and try the cages, it was really fun! If you go earlier, you can try the tram rides first as they go a slightly different route and you may see different stuffs. Then followed by the walk. Walking half of the journey will take about 1.5hours. Do your maths bah.)
Pity that we never take any pictures.
*Do the blame on you thingy* MATTY's FAULT LAH! Got 8mp phone never whip out and ask "Hey! Wanna take pic?"
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