I was craving for nasi lemak and we decided to head down to Chinatown to try since Stickman said there's one particular stall that sells really good Nasi Lemak.. Which turns out.. to be ok and quite pricey. It cost you at least 4 bucks to get a decent plate of rice and that does no include DRINKS ok!!

So tired, my room is getting messier and messier with each passing day. NO matter how much I tried to clean it up, it just stack up magically!! Okies, I'd just went on a spree to buy some books.. But.. But.. they were there and I was like reading Hellgate London Book 1 and I can't possibly stop there right?? So, I saw Book 2 and Book 3 by accident!!! I was quite tempted to get Gears of Wars but managed to stop myself fromy buying with the reason "Since I'd already completed GoW 1 & 2, I should have know how the story goes right?". And yes, I saw Halo too and was convinced myself not to get that as well with the same reason I gave to myself for not buying GoW. And..... there! Mitch Albom's latest book was there! BAM! Right in front of my face!! How could I not buy that right? I mean, he's a darn good write and I have all of his books. This, ought to go into my collection right??? So, yes.. I have plenty of books to read and I'd just finished Jeffery Deaver's "The Sleeping Doll", now going on to Mitch Albom's and then it'll be a choice between "The High Lord" which is the last book of that series, or I'll go with Hellgate London! Sigh.. Choices. At least I managed to get them wrapped up with the plastic sheets though. :D
I guess they are just collecting dust for now. Just like my games, why is it that I have no time to play them now? Kinda itching to play .... DJ Hero but I guess I'll just try it out with Hachiko's set first. Wonder how it's gonna be like, DJ-ing with a guitar! WOOHOO! Hope we get the same offday again!
I'm also torn between which set to get, if I'm EVER buying it!
I mean, the Renegade version looked damn cool! However, the price difference between Renegade and the normal one was about 100+! I mean, sure it looked nice for renegade but.. most of the people felt that it was not worth buying.. *Sigh*
Show you the chio-ness (beauty) of Renagade VS Normal edition.
Right, and the next Question is.. where should I park my DJ Stand? Packing of Drum is already causing me a headache.. How I wish Dajie and Xiao Mei will quickly get their new nest so that I can convert one of the rooms to my ULTIMATE gaming room!! Then I'll have no reason to fret over where to put my lovely toys and games. HOHOHOHOHOHOHO!

Time to park myself in front Mr AY's PS3 when FFXIII Versus is out! And to play when he's not playing his game.. Which Clifton and Panda are hooked onto now.. Just look at the message below..

Tsk tsk.. Boys...
And another thing that made me H-A-P-P-Y was.... I'd managed to update my software for my Blackberry and............. YESSSSSSH! It can support JAPANESE language now!!!! So yes, I guess the only person I'll practise with is.. Master Lil! Though she now cannot msn while at work.. That sucks!
Oh, Master Lil, in case if you are reading this and not in the land of Vanadiel, REMEMBER to check out the compact CPU that I was telling you about ok???? Maybe we can get our pc fixed up together. I more or less knows what specs I want, except for the graphics card. Gotta do some research on that. Online forum is too technical, don't understand a word of it!
WAN ANN Mina San!