Sunday, April 28, 2013

I anything. (Not!)

Just taking a break from my studies (I'm studying Econs now by the way. First paper is on coming Thursday) to write this post as it popped into my head while I was in the showers.

^5 if the below sounds familiar to you, do change if you're the one doing this.

When you're out with friends and was thinking of where to eat. Naturally you'd ask this question "What would you like to have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?" correct?

So it goes like this:

Me: What would you like to eat?
Friend: Anything
Me: hmm ok, shall we eat Mac then?
F: huh, can don't eat fast food?
Me: OK.. no fast food. How about dim sum then?
F: don't want.
Me: OK, what do you feel like having? Western? Chinese?Japanese? What?
F: don't know.. I anything.
Me: OK, there's a Japanese restaurant nearby. Let's eat there then.
F: don't want Japanese.
Me: ........... there's a western restaurant nearby. Let's eat there?
F: don't want to eat that either..

Feels like slapping your forehead?

If the person says anything, that means they eat anything with no particular food in mind and will go along with whatever you'd suggested right?

Or if there's something they don't feel like having, can just say don't feel like eating what and what so correct?

This is one frustrating person whom I would really not like to eat with.

 If you really don't know what to eat, but there's something that you don't feel like having, just list then out so that it will be easier for the person to narrow the type of food or cuisine down right?

And if you're trying out some new place, and it is not nice and blame the person for bringing you to that place, you jolly well go eat shit instead.

I think so far the only person who drives me crazy with their "I anything" is you know who you are, BUT that person really eats anything that I'd suggested.

The next popular word is Up to You.
What the fish?

Want to meet? Up to you.

Me: want to meet tonight?
 F: up to you. I anything.
Me: want to meet or not?
F: up to you later, I anything.

Huh, asking you want to meet or not means I want to meet you or I'm free to meet you right? If you want to meet or want to see me then say meet. If don't feel like meeting just say no. Can show some enthusiasm or not?

 I think I should just ignore people who says "I eat anything" but rejects all frikking suggestions and not meet those who says up to me when I ask want to meet or not. 

OK back to my revision. I'm seriously considering repeating my Econs which I will fail anyway for I understand shit about it.


TP said...

lol. what an idiot. i hope I do not know who the person is.

Now u know who really can eat "Anything". =p

J said...


Will drive you even nuts!

ohime nana said...

@TP - Lol ya lah! I almost wanted to strangle you and leave you in Japan. Haha.

@J - that sound so insincere!