Thursday, May 30, 2013

Superficial or just sincere, plain love?

My apologise first if some of my posts seemed repetitive because I seriously cannot remember what I'd wrote and I am lazy to refer to the older posts for references.

Anyway I do believe that things happened for a reason. It can be anything. From enemies to friendship, from breakup to makeup, etc.

Met up with my friends today and they were asking one of the friend to quickly find a girlfriend and settle down because he has been single for too long. And I was saying that it is still alright for him because he is a guy and is in no hurry to find a partner since he is not the one who is giving birth.

And I'm sharing the below song. Young and Beautiful. Just listening to the lyrics, I guess most people could relate to that be it male or female. One tends to feel the insecurities of whether will their partner still be with them when they grow old and wrinkly while the partner is still young. I guess that is where faith comes into play and how strong it is.

Sidetrack a bit. I am currently on training for some backend stuff for 4 days and now I understand how my friends felt whenever I asked to go out and they would want to retire early because they were feeling tired. I could like feel sleepy by 10pm and still can't wake up even though it is 7.30am. And I could fight the ZZZ monster in the noon especially after lunch time. I had been eating quite a bit, like chocolates especially to keep myself awake.... Sigh. Luckily tomorrow is the last day but as my friends said, I have to get use to it.

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