was kinda pissed off with last night's party in game. mayb really suay lik wht lil had said. super suay lol i'd say.
pt in the day:
- x2 skill chain, fun and exciting.
- party is v cooperative. jp, na work well together.
- managed to xp chain at least 3. max 4 i think.
- kill mandys n gobs, problem free.
- managed to level x2! haha, at first we decided to make it the last mob, but i realised im leveling w 1 more, so i asked to stay for 1 last one. coz of that. they agreed.
- overall? absolutely wonderful, FUN and enjoyable! pity, i gotta makan dinner, NA wanna sleep and JP wanna makan or whatever too.
pt in the night:
- think its communication breakdown? they dont really bother trying. NA n JP.
- stupid nin, asked him go pull mob, he stand here stupidly. my poor pld muz do dbl work. cant rest his mp. got a new war n get him to pull. wonder how he get his R9 when he dunno how to pull... (i think lil's right. dont really believe in ranks.. even lower ranks do better than higher ranks!)
- skill chain, experience chain all unsuccessful.
- took a long time to fin off a mob, even got problem killing a gob.
- smn dunno how he waste his mp by curing... -.-"
- nin again. did his 2hr and there, hp without informing us he's quitting pt. that goes the same for another few. dulan, i told em im disbanding pt.
- overall? made me wish i could get the old pt back. wasted my empress band (supposed to "double your exp earned") and din lvl at all. omg. first time.
anyway bL all of them liao, esp NIN - GORN. 5 lvls to go.
haha, vent frustrations with lil. =P
sorry, u gotta listen to my complains. m(_ _)m
went to kill 'jenova' with lil. killed 2. lol. fun~
Monday, February 27, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
well, thought of posting this.
met this japanese player last night. he asked whether do i speak japanese because he mentioned something that i dont quite get it and i said alittle but no kanji. then he put it to words with alil of eng behind. dbl chk w lil and was lik.. O I C. haha, then started a small conversation. first time nia! but coz abit of communication barrier.. so cant really talk much. >.<
and.. he still remembers me! hahah. asked him to join party today, he was like, good to see u again. at first was in jap but abit of kanji.. translated to eng after i didnt reply.. lol.
met this japanese player last night. he asked whether do i speak japanese because he mentioned something that i dont quite get it and i said alittle but no kanji. then he put it to words with alil of eng behind. dbl chk w lil and was lik.. O I C. haha, then started a small conversation. first time nia! but coz abit of communication barrier.. so cant really talk much. >.<
and.. he still remembers me! hahah. asked him to join party today, he was like, good to see u again. at first was in jap but abit of kanji.. translated to eng after i didnt reply.. lol.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
hmmm, did i mention that dajie, jer and i went to KK Hosp to visit a friend of hers? fortunately for her, she found a lump in her breast by chance. and it was a kid who helped her found it. yep.
lucky it was just a lump not a breast cancer. otherwise it'll b real bad coz hers was lik.. 3cm big? forgot.. there was this pamplet mentioning the different sizes of the lumps and it was really big. ah, u know the hotel has those pamplets wher u can place outside ur door with the no disturb sign? that big.
after seeing it happened to one of our friends in real life.. it hit upon us.. to make sure we do some checkups. so, i'd decided, ima gonna get a breast screening next yr, when i hit mid twenties. (>.<) then it'll b 5yrs to 30yrs... omg...
lol, hopefully my doc checking me will b a female one.. if its a male.. then HE better be SINGLE and handsome hahahah. nah.. female pls. =P
i have a feeling that that "Somebody" in my tag board is hy. is that u? anyway thanks but.. im not looking for love or that someone right now. so.. hahah. when i really am looking for one, then wish me again bah.
last night was supposed to go out with a friend... waited for his call but no msg or reply so can only guess its not convenient for him. then saw nadya online (hey i think im more comfortable calling him that instead of his real name. sad leh, he quitted ff sigh...) and we almost lik.. switched roles. i didnt go out and his friends last min called him out for supper. wah lau.......
it seems like when u are getting older, ur circle of friends will become smaller. even though there's alot of names in your phonebook, but the ones whom you really meet up with more often are in fact, quite little. mayb for guys it'll be different, i dont know. guys seems to hit off quite easily and well. or mayb coz i have no common topic with girls? dont know. i tried but i cant find anything to talk to them about. oh hoho, lil's a different case. fate mayb? =P
anyway back to story. when i started listing out the friends whom i met more often, it'll be lik.. less than 10 people? minus 1, who went to aust to study. minus more when they have a partner. yep. their partners hold more priority.
kinda similar to poly's case. yr1 - u'll hang out in a BIG group(min 10peps). yr2 - smaller liao (like 5~10?). yr3 - even smaller. mayb juz 2~3 people bah.
sian.. i really no mood to study jap... now already inter liao leh. dunno how i managed to go till so far nia. till now i cant even form a decent sentence lor and alot of things left forgotten in my small skull. ya.. coz i din practice everday bah. but practice to ownself v sian one leh.
anyway.... gtg liao. either continue my chapters or... study or.. play flash games. keke.
lucky it was just a lump not a breast cancer. otherwise it'll b real bad coz hers was lik.. 3cm big? forgot.. there was this pamplet mentioning the different sizes of the lumps and it was really big. ah, u know the hotel has those pamplets wher u can place outside ur door with the no disturb sign? that big.
after seeing it happened to one of our friends in real life.. it hit upon us.. to make sure we do some checkups. so, i'd decided, ima gonna get a breast screening next yr, when i hit mid twenties. (>.<) then it'll b 5yrs to 30yrs... omg...
lol, hopefully my doc checking me will b a female one.. if its a male.. then HE better be SINGLE and handsome hahahah. nah.. female pls. =P
i have a feeling that that "Somebody" in my tag board is hy. is that u? anyway thanks but.. im not looking for love or that someone right now. so.. hahah. when i really am looking for one, then wish me again bah.
last night was supposed to go out with a friend... waited for his call but no msg or reply so can only guess its not convenient for him. then saw nadya online (hey i think im more comfortable calling him that instead of his real name. sad leh, he quitted ff sigh...) and we almost lik.. switched roles. i didnt go out and his friends last min called him out for supper. wah lau.......
it seems like when u are getting older, ur circle of friends will become smaller. even though there's alot of names in your phonebook, but the ones whom you really meet up with more often are in fact, quite little. mayb for guys it'll be different, i dont know. guys seems to hit off quite easily and well. or mayb coz i have no common topic with girls? dont know. i tried but i cant find anything to talk to them about. oh hoho, lil's a different case. fate mayb? =P
anyway back to story. when i started listing out the friends whom i met more often, it'll be lik.. less than 10 people? minus 1, who went to aust to study. minus more when they have a partner. yep. their partners hold more priority.
kinda similar to poly's case. yr1 - u'll hang out in a BIG group(min 10peps). yr2 - smaller liao (like 5~10?). yr3 - even smaller. mayb juz 2~3 people bah.
sian.. i really no mood to study jap... now already inter liao leh. dunno how i managed to go till so far nia. till now i cant even form a decent sentence lor and alot of things left forgotten in my small skull. ya.. coz i din practice everday bah. but practice to ownself v sian one leh.
anyway.... gtg liao. either continue my chapters or... study or.. play flash games. keke.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
woohoo~ back from lunchie. was sooo hungry at 2pm (had late lunch coz was doing stuffs.. no no.. not sleeping. ^^; y so many ppl tot im sleeping..)
anyway suddenly thought of my childhood fave past time. keke. sounds stupid but it was fun for me. hey, i always do self entertainment de leh.
i used to have a cooking set. TOYs.. yep. then mom v steady, she loan her tupperware plates for me and her knitting strings (some) of different colors to act as my 'mee'. and suppply me some papers to take down 'orders'. haha. mei will b my 'helper' in taking down orders and passing to me. i cook. hahahah. it was fun though and mei always wanna be the chef but i told her being a helper is more fun and she's doing more work too - taking orders and serving them. lolx. v ez to pian xiao mei mei that time. hahah.
i think i was hmmm, in my early years lik sec 1 - 2? parents not home always so muz self-entertain.
later we got bored of that and mom found some unused chqs, invoices, vouchers, etc and gave them to us. so.. we started the 'clinic'. im the doctor and mei the nurse. lol. but it was fun. yep. 2 of us always play together coz we end sch around the same time. now.. the stuffs are collecting dusts in a side.
zac, now then u know im a NICE lady? tsk tsk, nvm. not too late for u to realise that. haha. =P
oh wait.. or u sayin tht juz to escape from the free 1yr supplies of tissues?!
*ok ok.. the rest please dun puke lah.. humor me can or not?*
bian bian nan.. u bz 'selling knives' again ah? oh yah.. whn i told alson that (he asked why u NEVER go for the gathering) and i said u were bz 'selling knives', he tot its true leh... u sellg knives. lol and whn kenneth asked y u not there, alson told him that... everyone was lik.. HUH?! lol. damn funny that time sia.
oh, people dun read instructions carefuly de leh.. i'd mentioned to reply to d other add on the survey.. they still go n reply to d other ac which i've used to send with. or was it juz the lazy factor? mayb.... tsk tsk.
anyway suddenly thought of my childhood fave past time. keke. sounds stupid but it was fun for me. hey, i always do self entertainment de leh.
i used to have a cooking set. TOYs.. yep. then mom v steady, she loan her tupperware plates for me and her knitting strings (some) of different colors to act as my 'mee'. and suppply me some papers to take down 'orders'. haha. mei will b my 'helper' in taking down orders and passing to me. i cook. hahahah. it was fun though and mei always wanna be the chef but i told her being a helper is more fun and she's doing more work too - taking orders and serving them. lolx. v ez to pian xiao mei mei that time. hahah.
i think i was hmmm, in my early years lik sec 1 - 2? parents not home always so muz self-entertain.
later we got bored of that and mom found some unused chqs, invoices, vouchers, etc and gave them to us. so.. we started the 'clinic'. im the doctor and mei the nurse. lol. but it was fun. yep. 2 of us always play together coz we end sch around the same time. now.. the stuffs are collecting dusts in a side.
zac, now then u know im a NICE lady? tsk tsk, nvm. not too late for u to realise that. haha. =P
oh wait.. or u sayin tht juz to escape from the free 1yr supplies of tissues?!
*ok ok.. the rest please dun puke lah.. humor me can or not?*
bian bian nan.. u bz 'selling knives' again ah? oh yah.. whn i told alson that (he asked why u NEVER go for the gathering) and i said u were bz 'selling knives', he tot its true leh... u sellg knives. lol and whn kenneth asked y u not there, alson told him that... everyone was lik.. HUH?! lol. damn funny that time sia.
oh, people dun read instructions carefuly de leh.. i'd mentioned to reply to d other add on the survey.. they still go n reply to d other ac which i've used to send with. or was it juz the lazy factor? mayb.... tsk tsk.
OKies, i'd tried 'House of the Dead 4' le! wooo.. it was kinda fun! nope.. it was VERY FUN! but.. the 'shaking of the gun' part is too much le. hand cramp nia and u nd to use alot of strength to shake it. chapters are quite short so u'll b meeting the bosses very fast. after the first boss, the rest are not ez to kill. mobs all come not in pairs.. but in a huge group! that explains the reason y they give u machine gun + ez reload. light shake will reload the gun but i think will nd regular maintainence. overall: FUN! muz try. jioing lil to play w me. hehe. MUZ PLAY w me hor...
hehe, a BIG THANK YOU to alson. yep. thanks alot for last night. and please eat the sweets lah.. later melt not nice liao. -.-"
hahah, ok. im thick skin, so i'll rather think of U as my admirer bah. hahah. oh pls dun puke. =P
*thought abit disappointg.. tot dear chris gimme a surprise by askg tht cute guy to pop by.. sigh.. oh well..*
Q&A time. ^^
zac: Well from reading ur blog jus this two day i realise u kind of look upon ur look huh? but the pic as shown on u ,u are only very simple looking?
ME: look upon my look? dont get it. (sorry but its still morning, my brain's not working well. *ah excuses.. =P ) me simple looking? hell no! im CHIO hor.. hahha ok, seriously, i dont feel im very pretty or what, i think im not simple looking. more lik im plain jane. but please tell me what do u mean by look upon my look. meaning, i think im v pretty thats y i criticise on others? (in what way did i btw? im merely commenting what i think. is that criticise? what did i criticise? btw, even guys do get disturbed by the thoughts of his gf thinkg of other guys. AND guys do think alot too.. not only girls hor. mayb not u lah. depends on individuals. sound harsh? hope not coz im not tryin to pick a fight. hey! dis is lik a case of bimbo VS bitch. dont get it? hint: read Cleo March's issue)
*ps: btw because i noe im not pretty thats y ppl tell themselves in the mirror this "IM PRETTY / IM GOOD LOOKING" everyday ok? hmmm, acts as a booster.
zac: Btw sorry to make so much command even do not knew u.Get to read ur blog from some blog link throught my friend.
ME: hey its alright. im more HAPPY to know someone actually reads my blog even though u r juz popping by. ^^v
and that my tag board is used.. ar bo its sitting there, so ker lian. initially tot of removing it coz ppl seems to b more interested in smsing me instead of postg msg there. >.>
BUT dont put me down too hard lah.. i v fragile de. wait i break how? then u muz sponsor me a yr's supplies of tissues le.
ps: ey may i know through which friend's? sorry lah but as i'd mentioned so many times, im a KPO girl and dunno got ppl put my blog link in their blogs.
zac: lastly wat i commented previouly regarding the "" was not on refering to XX as what u state is on commanding other ppl gf
ME: huh?! which ""?? is it "perfect lady" or the "......." extremely long sentences?
btw.. fyi. im not commending on other ppl gf but in general terms which applies to BOTH F and M ok?
End of Q&A.
yawns.. i wanna sleep.... but cant coz boss is keeping an eye on me.. >.<
can i have howard lo pls?
why? he's short but nvm, his wittiness makes up for it. his own apartment makes up for it. his job makes up for it. his stability makes up for it. hahahah. 5yrs age diff nth big.
hehe, a BIG THANK YOU to alson. yep. thanks alot for last night. and please eat the sweets lah.. later melt not nice liao. -.-"
hahah, ok. im thick skin, so i'll rather think of U as my admirer bah. hahah. oh pls dun puke. =P
*thought abit disappointg.. tot dear chris gimme a surprise by askg tht cute guy to pop by.. sigh.. oh well..*
Q&A time. ^^
zac: Well from reading ur blog jus this two day i realise u kind of look upon ur look huh? but the pic as shown on u ,u are only very simple looking?
ME: look upon my look? dont get it. (sorry but its still morning, my brain's not working well. *ah excuses.. =P ) me simple looking? hell no! im CHIO hor.. hahha ok, seriously, i dont feel im very pretty or what, i think im not simple looking. more lik im plain jane. but please tell me what do u mean by look upon my look. meaning, i think im v pretty thats y i criticise on others? (in what way did i btw? im merely commenting what i think. is that criticise? what did i criticise? btw, even guys do get disturbed by the thoughts of his gf thinkg of other guys. AND guys do think alot too.. not only girls hor. mayb not u lah. depends on individuals. sound harsh? hope not coz im not tryin to pick a fight. hey! dis is lik a case of bimbo VS bitch. dont get it? hint: read Cleo March's issue)
*ps: btw because i noe im not pretty thats y ppl tell themselves in the mirror this "IM PRETTY / IM GOOD LOOKING" everyday ok? hmmm, acts as a booster.
zac: Btw sorry to make so much command even do not knew u.Get to read ur blog from some blog link throught my friend.
ME: hey its alright. im more HAPPY to know someone actually reads my blog even though u r juz popping by. ^^v
and that my tag board is used.. ar bo its sitting there, so ker lian. initially tot of removing it coz ppl seems to b more interested in smsing me instead of postg msg there. >.>
BUT dont put me down too hard lah.. i v fragile de. wait i break how? then u muz sponsor me a yr's supplies of tissues le.
ps: ey may i know through which friend's? sorry lah but as i'd mentioned so many times, im a KPO girl and dunno got ppl put my blog link in their blogs.
zac: lastly wat i commented previouly regarding the "" was not on refering to XX as what u state is on commanding other ppl gf
ME: huh?! which ""?? is it "perfect lady" or the "......." extremely long sentences?
btw.. fyi. im not commending on other ppl gf but in general terms which applies to BOTH F and M ok?
End of Q&A.
yawns.. i wanna sleep.... but cant coz boss is keeping an eye on me.. >.<
can i have howard lo pls?
why? he's short but nvm, his wittiness makes up for it. his own apartment makes up for it. his job makes up for it. his stability makes up for it. hahahah. 5yrs age diff nth big.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
muawhhahaha, seems like this is the "IN" thing. juz tried it out for fun and if u feels that u know me well enough irl or through blog and wish to contribute, pls do so. hehe. =P
anyway was on the way to work and dad's car stopped at the traffic light. i saw this doggy on my left, at the pavement. omg.. he looked so.. poor thing. >.<
his fur was falling off leaving his back almost bare. i think he might have cancer or something. and he looked so.. thin, so hungry and so lost and if i tot i saw some white thingy around his eyes. omg.. and he cant seems to walk properly. i think he might be getting on his age too. really very poor thing and one thing. he obviously doesnt seems to be a stray dog.. really dont look lik, dajie agreed w me too.
to that owner of that doggy (i dunno his breed but he definitely look similar to jer's doggy), please do not be so irresponsible and dump your doggy on the pavement juz like that. if he'd contracted some disease, and U are too poor to pay (which i doubt so coz the area there was all LANDED PROPERTIES)juz kindly put him to sleep. to ease his pain. sick bastard. hope u'll burn in hell and that ur kids will do the same thing to u. throw u in the pavement when u are OLD and down with all sorts of ILLNESS!
reminded me of an incident juz outside my workplace. some driver hit the doggy and ignore him and drove off = hit and run. he slowly limped to the side and hit the ground. wah lau..... and that driver never call spca or sth to help. and juz nice, Mister God decided to cry. skies were black and this nice couple was passing by, saw and placed some cardboard they found by the pavement and covered it.
me? i wanted to go help but guess i was kinda young then and didnt know what to do, i panicked and told mommy. mom wanted to get umbrellas and some stuffs to cover the poor doggy. (but the couple did it so.. )
i called up spca and they only told me they cant do anything and i broke down while explaining the details to them. mom took over the phone and told them and afterwards, i dont really remember what happened to the doggy. mayb somebody came over later to clear his body. i dont know.
i hope, all pet owners, please think LONG TERM wise if u are planning to keep a pet. dont juz get one juz because u felt lik having one to have the experience of keeping a pet. remember, u'll have KARMA if u mistreat ur pet. dis is the yr of the dog.
anyway was on the way to work and dad's car stopped at the traffic light. i saw this doggy on my left, at the pavement. omg.. he looked so.. poor thing. >.<
his fur was falling off leaving his back almost bare. i think he might have cancer or something. and he looked so.. thin, so hungry and so lost and if i tot i saw some white thingy around his eyes. omg.. and he cant seems to walk properly. i think he might be getting on his age too. really very poor thing and one thing. he obviously doesnt seems to be a stray dog.. really dont look lik, dajie agreed w me too.
to that owner of that doggy (i dunno his breed but he definitely look similar to jer's doggy), please do not be so irresponsible and dump your doggy on the pavement juz like that. if he'd contracted some disease, and U are too poor to pay (which i doubt so coz the area there was all LANDED PROPERTIES)juz kindly put him to sleep. to ease his pain. sick bastard. hope u'll burn in hell and that ur kids will do the same thing to u. throw u in the pavement when u are OLD and down with all sorts of ILLNESS!
reminded me of an incident juz outside my workplace. some driver hit the doggy and ignore him and drove off = hit and run. he slowly limped to the side and hit the ground. wah lau..... and that driver never call spca or sth to help. and juz nice, Mister God decided to cry. skies were black and this nice couple was passing by, saw and placed some cardboard they found by the pavement and covered it.
me? i wanted to go help but guess i was kinda young then and didnt know what to do, i panicked and told mommy. mom wanted to get umbrellas and some stuffs to cover the poor doggy. (but the couple did it so.. )
i called up spca and they only told me they cant do anything and i broke down while explaining the details to them. mom took over the phone and told them and afterwards, i dont really remember what happened to the doggy. mayb somebody came over later to clear his body. i dont know.
i hope, all pet owners, please think LONG TERM wise if u are planning to keep a pet. dont juz get one juz because u felt lik having one to have the experience of keeping a pet. remember, u'll have KARMA if u mistreat ur pet. dis is the yr of the dog.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
hmmm, the post on the guy will still think of his ex while making out with xxx and zac commenting "wao think u must b a "perfect lady" othrwise i doubt no one will dare to criticse on others ". sorry, too chim, pls elaborate and yep, im bimbotic. muawhahah.
as for the "perfect lady", y got " " one? it'll be either you are trying to say the opposite or it'll be something good.. which i'll prefer to take the latter. ^.^;
and lastly, zac who? tried looking through my contacts.. sadly i cant find any and the only zac i remember was zacK from ff7 or a friend whom i'd lost contact with.. OR.... u are the cute guy that chris had mentioned.. hahahah. Juz kidding. Thanks for reading my hmmm, craps thou, which i think only ppl lik me will read. so that makes u one of me.
sorry, its 00:05 now, my left eye is giving me problems, *whisper: i think im going blind soon. mayb deaf too*, feeling v tired and tmr ima gonna try hse of the dead 4 (the guns are VERY cool!!! juz shake to reload instead of shoot out of scrn) and..... im cranky, is that the word? no.. i think im crazy esp around dis time.
went to watch brokeback mountain with alson last night. it was quite a shock? i mean, ok, im open to homos, hetros and even bi. but ok, i've never seen guys making out before. yep. overall, that show kinda add some experience points to me.. which i think i'll level up if i SEE irl.. xxxxx. ok. too sexual hope i wun get sue for .. trying to promote sex? HEY, sex is good. it keeps you healthy, keeps your skin glowing, minus the calories u r tryin to get rid of, makes everyone happy and also.. its doing what the garmen want - babies.
ok, back to show. its only a 2hr show but its quite lengthy but im alright with it (which reminded me of the hate list to be listed out below). it showed their lives, from strangers to friends to lovers. from young to old. the ending is quite.. sad for me. ya, catch it yourself and u'll know y. the guy, heath ledger looked quite lonely. =
1. pls dont put your feet on the back seats in front of u. its disgusting. imagine ur head's restg on some shitty poos. a gift by someone who sat there b4 u and BEHIND u.
2. pls juz keep ur hp in vibrate mode. no music.
3. pls dont check ur hp's msgs. the light emitted from it juz catches my eye.
4. NO TALKING on PHONES AND FRIENDS BESIDE U. its juz so irritating. hey, my ears are open 24hrs unless im ko-ed. movie talk, u talk. how i concentrate?!
5. no point forcing the tiny winny drink out from your cup.. its so irritating.
6. juz.. open the potato chips packets before the show starts. the plastic sound is getting on my nerves.
7. no kicking of my backseat. yes, i know u have long legs, i have short legs but GV gives u enough space to put your stupid LONG legs in front, on the ground. *ps, i dont need free massage from u.. thank you.*
8. no kids please. im too poor to afford midnight cabbie charges after movies.
9. can the cinema staffs please close the doors? the lights outside are juz too glaring.
10. lastly, no TALL people in front of me pls. it juz block my views.
(ok, not ur fault coz u juz happen to be tall. but.. juz.. slouch? juz make ur head level with your backseat pls? im not pay 10bucks juz to see ur bloody head)
i wanna move house. to a flat. may i? GE is coming, they are giving out free $$. i wan 800 bucks instead of 200bucks. so damn miserable!!
yoga's back dis thurs. i have yet to practice. shit. im so... stiff now.
still thinking on my previous posts about guys thinkg of their old flame.. it still disturbs me. i dunno whats going on in ur head. who knows, u might b forming some small thoughts: u r making out with some hot sexy chick u met on the street when in reality, u r making out with your wife/gf.
oh, i juz realised y i have no goals in life. there's too many things i wanna try. and when i set my mind on doing... i'll suddenly change my mind halfway. so i dun dare to plan anything for the time being.........
as for the "perfect lady", y got " " one? it'll be either you are trying to say the opposite or it'll be something good.. which i'll prefer to take the latter. ^.^;
and lastly, zac who? tried looking through my contacts.. sadly i cant find any and the only zac i remember was zacK from ff7 or a friend whom i'd lost contact with.. OR.... u are the cute guy that chris had mentioned.. hahahah. Juz kidding. Thanks for reading my hmmm, craps thou, which i think only ppl lik me will read. so that makes u one of me.
sorry, its 00:05 now, my left eye is giving me problems, *whisper: i think im going blind soon. mayb deaf too*, feeling v tired and tmr ima gonna try hse of the dead 4 (the guns are VERY cool!!! juz shake to reload instead of shoot out of scrn) and..... im cranky, is that the word? no.. i think im crazy esp around dis time.
went to watch brokeback mountain with alson last night. it was quite a shock? i mean, ok, im open to homos, hetros and even bi. but ok, i've never seen guys making out before. yep. overall, that show kinda add some experience points to me.. which i think i'll level up if i SEE irl.. xxxxx. ok. too sexual hope i wun get sue for .. trying to promote sex? HEY, sex is good. it keeps you healthy, keeps your skin glowing, minus the calories u r tryin to get rid of, makes everyone happy and also.. its doing what the garmen want - babies.
ok, back to show. its only a 2hr show but its quite lengthy but im alright with it (which reminded me of the hate list to be listed out below). it showed their lives, from strangers to friends to lovers. from young to old. the ending is quite.. sad for me. ya, catch it yourself and u'll know y. the guy, heath ledger looked quite lonely. =
1. pls dont put your feet on the back seats in front of u. its disgusting. imagine ur head's restg on some shitty poos. a gift by someone who sat there b4 u and BEHIND u.
2. pls juz keep ur hp in vibrate mode. no music.
3. pls dont check ur hp's msgs. the light emitted from it juz catches my eye.
4. NO TALKING on PHONES AND FRIENDS BESIDE U. its juz so irritating. hey, my ears are open 24hrs unless im ko-ed. movie talk, u talk. how i concentrate?!
5. no point forcing the tiny winny drink out from your cup.. its so irritating.
6. juz.. open the potato chips packets before the show starts. the plastic sound is getting on my nerves.
7. no kicking of my backseat. yes, i know u have long legs, i have short legs but GV gives u enough space to put your stupid LONG legs in front, on the ground. *ps, i dont need free massage from u.. thank you.*
8. no kids please. im too poor to afford midnight cabbie charges after movies.
9. can the cinema staffs please close the doors? the lights outside are juz too glaring.
10. lastly, no TALL people in front of me pls. it juz block my views.
(ok, not ur fault coz u juz happen to be tall. but.. juz.. slouch? juz make ur head level with your backseat pls? im not pay 10bucks juz to see ur bloody head)
i wanna move house. to a flat. may i? GE is coming, they are giving out free $$. i wan 800 bucks instead of 200bucks. so damn miserable!!
yoga's back dis thurs. i have yet to practice. shit. im so... stiff now.
still thinking on my previous posts about guys thinkg of their old flame.. it still disturbs me. i dunno whats going on in ur head. who knows, u might b forming some small thoughts: u r making out with some hot sexy chick u met on the street when in reality, u r making out with your wife/gf.
oh, i juz realised y i have no goals in life. there's too many things i wanna try. and when i set my mind on doing... i'll suddenly change my mind halfway. so i dun dare to plan anything for the time being.........
okies, was having dinner halfway (that explains the erm... food in the background ^^; ) and heard the bell rings = ICE CREAM MAN!!
we ran out and waited for the uncle to u-turn back and we bought and we makan.. halfway i decided to take pic of it. hehe... ey, its my FIRST ice cream of that kind for 2006 alright? lol, missed eating that.

didnt know my skin was that smooth.. heheh *thick skin*

realised me and xiaobai reminded me of the tv program got bryan wong and patricia mok. hahha.. mok always disturb wong abit lik me disturbing xiaobai.. =P
okies.. forgot what i wanna say.. anyway tmr then put back once i catch hold of my thoughts and put red light on them.
take care and ciao~
we ran out and waited for the uncle to u-turn back and we bought and we makan.. halfway i decided to take pic of it. hehe... ey, its my FIRST ice cream of that kind for 2006 alright? lol, missed eating that.

didnt know my skin was that smooth.. heheh *thick skin*

realised me and xiaobai reminded me of the tv program got bryan wong and patricia mok. hahha.. mok always disturb wong abit lik me disturbing xiaobai.. =P
okies.. forgot what i wanna say.. anyway tmr then put back once i catch hold of my thoughts and put red light on them.
take care and ciao~
singtel was doing some nearby and we were kinda affected by it temporarily. our lines had a funny sound and later, both lines and the fax line went dead? lik, someone plugged out your telephone line. initially we were surprised. wondering whether was it our telephones' fault till i saw singtel's van parked by the road and doing some work. tried our neighbour's line, same thing.
shouldnt they at least give us a notice? that they'll b doing some work today and our telephone lines will be affected least we'll know. what if we happened to be waiting for an urgent call? or our clients are looking for us urgently? which, fortunately for us, it didnt happen.
my only guess they disrupted our lines during 12~1pm because it was lunch time. (kinda obvious right?)
was listening to the radio when they had this topic on taxi drivers from hell.
was thinking about some factors.
1) a cab suddenly brake in front of you or stopped near the split road. dangerous right? why they do that? because a) passenger inside suddenly asked the driver to stop there b) someone's flagging a cab there.
why the driver dont drive further up alittle or just give an early signal?
customers will complain. y drive so up and i have to walk up? y dont stop in front of me? grumble grumbles... early signal? ask the person to inform the driver in advance then! in the case of someone's flagging, yes, driver have to give early signal.
2) drivers went too fast/slow. if u r in a hurry, driver's not going the kind of speed u want, u complain.
if u r not in a hurry, driver's going fast (the kind of spd u wanted whn u r in a hurry), u complain. so, an advice to drivers: ask whether are they in a hurry. otherwise just stick to the traffic rules. oh, if u stick to traffic rules, passenger might thought you are charging them extra. which i think is not true, because i'd tried different cabs. 1 fast, 1 slow. both same amount. overcharged if they go the different route only.
either way, the taxi drivers are on the losing end. because they just cant please everyone!
think that applies for bus drivers too. too fast, passengers complain. too slow, passengers also complain.
as for me? im happy with fast drivers. yep. slow drivers, mayb when im in a bus, can listen to my mp3 player. hey, if u r in a hurry, take a cab then. duh.
oh and saw an article where people have to wait v long for a bus and sometimes seeing 2 buses arriving at the same time when its not the peak period. oh please.... mayb the 1st driver is going slow? mayb the other end needs buses? i mean, no harm waiting long lik 1/2hr for a bus right? oh, i'd waited that long and i aint pissed off. it just gives u more wrinkles. but i love to complain, to friends who were unfortunately beside me. lol but just complains, no actions, no neverending grumbles and feels good when i sees my bus approaching.
Do you know how the 'heart' comes about? heart as in love. well, i'd forgotten its origins but it was the shape of a Female butt as seen from the rear. interesting huh?
sometimes your work performance depends on how your customers treat you.
if you'd served a day of clients who were smiling and were polite with you, u'd still feel energetic till the end of the day instead of a grumpy day.
i dont know, but i think that works for me. if my clients were friendly, smiling and such, i'd feel v 'high'.
i think it applies to customers themselves too. if you were served by a staff who's not smiling and tone wasnt friendly at all or worse, monotonous, u cant wait to get out of that place. spoil your mood to do what u were intending to do.
and.. i think, it applies to bosses too. boss treats u good, u'll feel good right? if your boss sux, u'll feel.. so demoralised.
sooo..... just give that person (be it u are the employee or client) a BIG SMILE! ^.^
u'll feel happy too. haha.
hey chris darling!!!!! (whoops.. hope ur gf doesnt see this. =P )
THANKS for calling me last evening~ heh, had a really good sleep and a good dream. yep, dreamt of u. ^.^
cant wait to see u again!!! and.. WHERE'S YOUR MSG?! DIDNT SEE LEY..... bluff me.. sad nia. tonight getting nightmares lol
MISS U MAN! haiz... muz meet up for a game AND supper hor...
shouldnt they at least give us a notice? that they'll b doing some work today and our telephone lines will be affected least we'll know. what if we happened to be waiting for an urgent call? or our clients are looking for us urgently? which, fortunately for us, it didnt happen.
my only guess they disrupted our lines during 12~1pm because it was lunch time. (kinda obvious right?)
was listening to the radio when they had this topic on taxi drivers from hell.
was thinking about some factors.
1) a cab suddenly brake in front of you or stopped near the split road. dangerous right? why they do that? because a) passenger inside suddenly asked the driver to stop there b) someone's flagging a cab there.
why the driver dont drive further up alittle or just give an early signal?
customers will complain. y drive so up and i have to walk up? y dont stop in front of me? grumble grumbles... early signal? ask the person to inform the driver in advance then! in the case of someone's flagging, yes, driver have to give early signal.
2) drivers went too fast/slow. if u r in a hurry, driver's not going the kind of speed u want, u complain.
if u r not in a hurry, driver's going fast (the kind of spd u wanted whn u r in a hurry), u complain. so, an advice to drivers: ask whether are they in a hurry. otherwise just stick to the traffic rules. oh, if u stick to traffic rules, passenger might thought you are charging them extra. which i think is not true, because i'd tried different cabs. 1 fast, 1 slow. both same amount. overcharged if they go the different route only.
either way, the taxi drivers are on the losing end. because they just cant please everyone!
think that applies for bus drivers too. too fast, passengers complain. too slow, passengers also complain.
as for me? im happy with fast drivers. yep. slow drivers, mayb when im in a bus, can listen to my mp3 player. hey, if u r in a hurry, take a cab then. duh.
oh and saw an article where people have to wait v long for a bus and sometimes seeing 2 buses arriving at the same time when its not the peak period. oh please.... mayb the 1st driver is going slow? mayb the other end needs buses? i mean, no harm waiting long lik 1/2hr for a bus right? oh, i'd waited that long and i aint pissed off. it just gives u more wrinkles. but i love to complain, to friends who were unfortunately beside me. lol but just complains, no actions, no neverending grumbles and feels good when i sees my bus approaching.
Do you know how the 'heart' comes about? heart as in love. well, i'd forgotten its origins but it was the shape of a Female butt as seen from the rear. interesting huh?
sometimes your work performance depends on how your customers treat you.
if you'd served a day of clients who were smiling and were polite with you, u'd still feel energetic till the end of the day instead of a grumpy day.
i dont know, but i think that works for me. if my clients were friendly, smiling and such, i'd feel v 'high'.
i think it applies to customers themselves too. if you were served by a staff who's not smiling and tone wasnt friendly at all or worse, monotonous, u cant wait to get out of that place. spoil your mood to do what u were intending to do.
and.. i think, it applies to bosses too. boss treats u good, u'll feel good right? if your boss sux, u'll feel.. so demoralised.
sooo..... just give that person (be it u are the employee or client) a BIG SMILE! ^.^
u'll feel happy too. haha.
hey chris darling!!!!! (whoops.. hope ur gf doesnt see this. =P )
THANKS for calling me last evening~ heh, had a really good sleep and a good dream. yep, dreamt of u. ^.^
cant wait to see u again!!! and.. WHERE'S YOUR MSG?! DIDNT SEE LEY..... bluff me.. sad nia. tonight getting nightmares lol
MISS U MAN! haiz... muz meet up for a game AND supper hor...
Monday, February 20, 2006
hmmm, was clearing my wallet of receipts and saw the one from nydc. wher i had dinner with my ymca friends last saturday.
then recalled what alson's wife had mentioned. that kenneth n gf ate only 2 items. supposed to pay individually and then i kinda whined (yes, whine. i love whining) that its so troublesome and have to calculate the amount one by one. which was kinda troublesome for me. ok, mayb i sound very what but really wat. im a lazy person by nature ok. then the wife said ok nvm, spilt the bill lor.
perhaps.. im too used to spilting the bill eventhough i ate alil, drink alil or what. im alright with it lor.. unless its something that i totally didnt touch. like the rest makan but i didnt. that makes sense. i dunno lah. anyway its monday today, so its over le.
was in a super duper good mood last night. why? because i saw a girl whom i met last year when i was still very low level then. and she came over to help us when we died or what. so she left quite an impression on me. afterwards, i didnt see her online when i did a search. thought she quitted the game. kinda disappointed.
then..... last night i was at the auction house, i saw her!! she juz pop there. so i quickly ran over and said hi and told her that i remembered her from last time. i think she'd forgotten about me BUT we catch up on quite alot of stuffs. hehe. was so happy.
and.... chatted up with a guy who helped us. lol, lil was there eavesdropping on our conversation and said i so kpo.. digged so much things from him. i think she more kpo than me. lol. =P
seems like its quite common for people as young as 18yrs to move out and live alone, to work, etc. and they are often broke and still can afford to pay for playing the game. lol. and was quite confused about the school's system there. they have a jr college and a bigger one which was college = university. lil was as confused as me when he listed out some stuffs.
was reminded of an article i saw in womens weekly. (if i didnt recall wrongly) they said that the guy will still think of his ex gf, even during sex. yep. its lik... when he's making out with you, he'll think of his ex if he had a wonderful time with her and i think mayb.. comparing then and now.
which disturbed me alittle coz..... i think most people will feel the same way lah. =P
juz lik y some people kick up a fuss when their partner's old flame was mentioned.
was just curious... about what guys and girls prefer. think i'll do an email survey. here's some of the questions in my mind.
1. Do you prefer your partner to be a) slightly meaty b) meaty c) v meaty d) lean ~ skinny?
2. (For Ladies) Do you prefer your bf to be a) just the same height or half a head taller? b) 1 head ~ one and a half head taller c) very tall (lik u are 160, ur bf 180~190cm) d) no preference?
2a. (For Men) Do you prefer your gf to be a) just the same height or half a head taller? b) 1 head shorter c) 1 and a half head shorter d) no preference?
3. Do you prefer your bf to be a) fair skin b) slightly tanned c) v tanned d) no preference
4. Do you prefer your relationship to be a) no sex at all till marriage will be gd b) sex before marriage will b fine w you c) depends. if your partner is very sexy.....
5. Compare your current partner with your old flame. a) Yes if old flame left a v lasting impression on you b) nope coz the current one is who u love and want to be with. no point comparing coz each is special in their own way. c) mayb....
thats all for the time being.......
feels lik i have no goal in life for now. lik.. im juz leaving as each day pass by.. dunno. anyway gotta work liao. ciao~
then recalled what alson's wife had mentioned. that kenneth n gf ate only 2 items. supposed to pay individually and then i kinda whined (yes, whine. i love whining) that its so troublesome and have to calculate the amount one by one. which was kinda troublesome for me. ok, mayb i sound very what but really wat. im a lazy person by nature ok. then the wife said ok nvm, spilt the bill lor.
perhaps.. im too used to spilting the bill eventhough i ate alil, drink alil or what. im alright with it lor.. unless its something that i totally didnt touch. like the rest makan but i didnt. that makes sense. i dunno lah. anyway its monday today, so its over le.
was in a super duper good mood last night. why? because i saw a girl whom i met last year when i was still very low level then. and she came over to help us when we died or what. so she left quite an impression on me. afterwards, i didnt see her online when i did a search. thought she quitted the game. kinda disappointed.
then..... last night i was at the auction house, i saw her!! she juz pop there. so i quickly ran over and said hi and told her that i remembered her from last time. i think she'd forgotten about me BUT we catch up on quite alot of stuffs. hehe. was so happy.
and.... chatted up with a guy who helped us. lol, lil was there eavesdropping on our conversation and said i so kpo.. digged so much things from him. i think she more kpo than me. lol. =P
seems like its quite common for people as young as 18yrs to move out and live alone, to work, etc. and they are often broke and still can afford to pay for playing the game. lol. and was quite confused about the school's system there. they have a jr college and a bigger one which was college = university. lil was as confused as me when he listed out some stuffs.
was reminded of an article i saw in womens weekly. (if i didnt recall wrongly) they said that the guy will still think of his ex gf, even during sex. yep. its lik... when he's making out with you, he'll think of his ex if he had a wonderful time with her and i think mayb.. comparing then and now.
which disturbed me alittle coz..... i think most people will feel the same way lah. =P
juz lik y some people kick up a fuss when their partner's old flame was mentioned.
was just curious... about what guys and girls prefer. think i'll do an email survey. here's some of the questions in my mind.
1. Do you prefer your partner to be a) slightly meaty b) meaty c) v meaty d) lean ~ skinny?
2. (For Ladies) Do you prefer your bf to be a) just the same height or half a head taller? b) 1 head ~ one and a half head taller c) very tall (lik u are 160, ur bf 180~190cm) d) no preference?
2a. (For Men) Do you prefer your gf to be a) just the same height or half a head taller? b) 1 head shorter c) 1 and a half head shorter d) no preference?
3. Do you prefer your bf to be a) fair skin b) slightly tanned c) v tanned d) no preference
4. Do you prefer your relationship to be a) no sex at all till marriage will be gd b) sex before marriage will b fine w you c) depends. if your partner is very sexy.....
5. Compare your current partner with your old flame. a) Yes if old flame left a v lasting impression on you b) nope coz the current one is who u love and want to be with. no point comparing coz each is special in their own way. c) mayb....
thats all for the time being.......
feels lik i have no goal in life for now. lik.. im juz leaving as each day pass by.. dunno. anyway gotta work liao. ciao~
Sunday, February 19, 2006
had a ymca's gathering last night. yep, winnie's getting prettier, chenwei seemed to be taller and bigger, alson still the same, his wife getting prettier too, kenneth still the same and his gf wah, look different from before, hmmm mayb coz dis time got make up and her hair's straightened? if i din remember wrongly, last time was slightly curled.
anyway we stayed up till 11? dont really remember the time. ah well, dont really feel lik commenting last night's gathering.
had dinner with them at nydc and dunno is i too sensitive or what, but there's a couple sitting juz in front of our table. the guy's facing my side. coz there happened to have an empty seat before me (coz bian bian nan went for his other friend's gathering who's leaving for aust) and if i look up i'll see that guy.
u know, sometimes when u feels someone is looking at u, u'll look over to that direction? well, it did happen to me and whn i look up, it was that guy lor. i was lik.. ok. mayb juz coincidence lah. and so happens, before alson shifted over to his wife's side, when he or chenwei was talking, i'd look at them and it'll seem lik im looking over at that guy? then again, when i saw the guy, he was looking over again. -.-"
then when i was looking at cw, at the corner of my eyes, i saw him looking up. again. i was thinkg, huh? is he trying to flirt right in front of his gf or what?
the last thing he did confirmed my thoughts. he actually smiled at me. -.-
then onwards, i either looked at my food, winnie or juz anywher except his direction.
ok, his gf pretty or not? nope. not at all.
tink it was rather tempting for him coz there's 2 chiobus beside me.
heh, xiaobai came over to fetch me. mauwhahahhaha.. =P
ok, coz he v eng and dont feel lik going home early. aiya.. should take pic w him..
ytd so disappointing, coz din get to take group pic and i ended up taking 1 with winnie.
heard dis rather nice song which i suspect was sent to me by nad. that song reminded me of sex. lol. not really that form, it was like.. creating a very romantic ambience for that as a background music. and i remembered a friend telling me that his sex life with his gf is getting rather bleak. asked me to give some ideas. i'd suggest reading womens weekly coz they offer tips on enhancing your sex life. yep.
i think having sex while its raining outside is superbly romantic. i dunno y, mayb because of the raindrops? u know, the sound, and its dark outside with rain only, everything's so quiet?
i'd say michael buble's - put your head on my shoulder is nice too.
okiez. im having a blog's block. :x
omg.. i hate that sloppy song.
wanted to put that rather nice song but.. its 12mb!!! >.<
ended up i search for another alternative song... sigh.
anyway we stayed up till 11? dont really remember the time. ah well, dont really feel lik commenting last night's gathering.
had dinner with them at nydc and dunno is i too sensitive or what, but there's a couple sitting juz in front of our table. the guy's facing my side. coz there happened to have an empty seat before me (coz bian bian nan went for his other friend's gathering who's leaving for aust) and if i look up i'll see that guy.
u know, sometimes when u feels someone is looking at u, u'll look over to that direction? well, it did happen to me and whn i look up, it was that guy lor. i was lik.. ok. mayb juz coincidence lah. and so happens, before alson shifted over to his wife's side, when he or chenwei was talking, i'd look at them and it'll seem lik im looking over at that guy? then again, when i saw the guy, he was looking over again. -.-"
then when i was looking at cw, at the corner of my eyes, i saw him looking up. again. i was thinkg, huh? is he trying to flirt right in front of his gf or what?
the last thing he did confirmed my thoughts. he actually smiled at me. -.-
then onwards, i either looked at my food, winnie or juz anywher except his direction.
ok, his gf pretty or not? nope. not at all.
tink it was rather tempting for him coz there's 2 chiobus beside me.
heh, xiaobai came over to fetch me. mauwhahahhaha.. =P
ok, coz he v eng and dont feel lik going home early. aiya.. should take pic w him..
ytd so disappointing, coz din get to take group pic and i ended up taking 1 with winnie.
heard dis rather nice song which i suspect was sent to me by nad. that song reminded me of sex. lol. not really that form, it was like.. creating a very romantic ambience for that as a background music. and i remembered a friend telling me that his sex life with his gf is getting rather bleak. asked me to give some ideas. i'd suggest reading womens weekly coz they offer tips on enhancing your sex life. yep.
i think having sex while its raining outside is superbly romantic. i dunno y, mayb because of the raindrops? u know, the sound, and its dark outside with rain only, everything's so quiet?
i'd say michael buble's - put your head on my shoulder is nice too.
okiez. im having a blog's block. :x
omg.. i hate that sloppy song.
wanted to put that rather nice song but.. its 12mb!!! >.<
ended up i search for another alternative song... sigh.
Friday, February 17, 2006
well.. IM BACK.. yep.. ok, im frikking bored now. its towards the weekends and i'm soo terribly bored. someone, please sms me? even my chatting kakis on msn isnt online! *cry*
i'm feeling so bored, so tired and so sore. oi oi, not from sex but its my 1st day of AV ok. monthly stuffs. how i wish the guys will have that and know what WE females are going through. anyway i'll say guys are worse. no mthly periods and still have PMS.. tsk tsk.
lemme chk who's free to txt me. geez. msn's all put 'away'. ~.~
i'm feeling so bored, so tired and so sore. oi oi, not from sex but its my 1st day of AV ok. monthly stuffs. how i wish the guys will have that and know what WE females are going through. anyway i'll say guys are worse. no mthly periods and still have PMS.. tsk tsk.
lemme chk who's free to txt me. geez. msn's all put 'away'. ~.~
oh yah, hahah, was flipping through my friendster (yep, got this new friend's request by a pretty pretty lady whom.. i have no idea who SHE is and we were connected by 1 common friend whom.. i have no idea who HE is.. till i go and chk tht we have 2 friends in common.. and 1 of me is mich and i can only guess that HE was 1 of the gaming friend from MnM bah... no offence or that i dun lik to meet unknown people but.. its juz a thought ok? if poss, pls provide me the answer to my Q - why people would add strangers in their friendster? to increase their capacity of friends as showned there or ??
i really have no idea. mine.. most of them are my friends and schoolmates or gaming friends.. and some strangers who juz added me.. idk why.. and recently, a guy who lived very near me added me. saw his template.. omg.. it was cloud from advent children! there it reminded me of the guy i saw last night and wanted to share w all.
was in bus 12 last night and saw this guy sitting on the left side (i was on the right window) who's hair was bleached blonde (quite a nice one and no black roots, so can only guess it was done recently) and was styled quite similar to Cloud from Advent Children!! yep! no joke! just like his, hair in front to back and side was some hair too.. omg.. totally lik him and he was quite fair too. anyway i only saw his back and alil of side view so cant really comment on how good looking he is or not.
think he's either engaged/married or juz wearing the ring on his ring finger for fun. but 1 thing that turned me off - his long fingernails. totally spoilt 40% of cloud's lookalike image. but imagine he go do cosplay.. wah.. hahahah. sure will have lots of ppl to take pics w him.
i really have no idea. mine.. most of them are my friends and schoolmates or gaming friends.. and some strangers who juz added me.. idk why.. and recently, a guy who lived very near me added me. saw his template.. omg.. it was cloud from advent children! there it reminded me of the guy i saw last night and wanted to share w all.
was in bus 12 last night and saw this guy sitting on the left side (i was on the right window) who's hair was bleached blonde (quite a nice one and no black roots, so can only guess it was done recently) and was styled quite similar to Cloud from Advent Children!! yep! no joke! just like his, hair in front to back and side was some hair too.. omg.. totally lik him and he was quite fair too. anyway i only saw his back and alil of side view so cant really comment on how good looking he is or not.
think he's either engaged/married or juz wearing the ring on his ring finger for fun. but 1 thing that turned me off - his long fingernails. totally spoilt 40% of cloud's lookalike image. but imagine he go do cosplay.. wah.. hahahah. sure will have lots of ppl to take pics w him.
think the couple's gonna swear/curse at us.
it was like this. dajie and i were walking to the spot further up from siglap centre to flag a cab. inititally, i was this couple there and thought they were waiting for a cab. as we were walking over, the couple went to cross the road. so of coz we would thought that we were wrong, they wanted to cross the road lah. so we managed to flag a cab down and hopped in juz as the couple were at the divider. i was lik.. huh? i didnt see them flagging for the cab at the other side coz since they'd crossed over, not really gonna care much about them right? so.. i dont know what happened to them but they might be thinking that we'd 'stolen' their cab lor. but i seriously dont know mah. anyway if they wanna try to get a cab on both sides of the road, they should place 1 person on each side instead. its not my problem now. =P
went to uob bank to cash in $$ and thought of passing a note containing my contacts to hatiah. went to check if she's at the counters.. to my disappointment, she wasnt. wanted to pass to the lady who was in charge of her that time but see her face so unfriendly...
which dajie and i agree. the bank tellers @ uob, siglap are ALL unfriendly. i still prefer the ones at sennett estate (if i didnt get it wrong).
it was like this. dajie and i were walking to the spot further up from siglap centre to flag a cab. inititally, i was this couple there and thought they were waiting for a cab. as we were walking over, the couple went to cross the road. so of coz we would thought that we were wrong, they wanted to cross the road lah. so we managed to flag a cab down and hopped in juz as the couple were at the divider. i was lik.. huh? i didnt see them flagging for the cab at the other side coz since they'd crossed over, not really gonna care much about them right? so.. i dont know what happened to them but they might be thinking that we'd 'stolen' their cab lor. but i seriously dont know mah. anyway if they wanna try to get a cab on both sides of the road, they should place 1 person on each side instead. its not my problem now. =P
went to uob bank to cash in $$ and thought of passing a note containing my contacts to hatiah. went to check if she's at the counters.. to my disappointment, she wasnt. wanted to pass to the lady who was in charge of her that time but see her face so unfriendly...
which dajie and i agree. the bank tellers @ uob, siglap are ALL unfriendly. i still prefer the ones at sennett estate (if i didnt get it wrong).
Thursday, February 16, 2006
what a pissed off morning today.
oh wait, before that. i MET hatiah at uob, siglap! yep but dont dare to talk to her much coz her supervisor's serving us and scare she'll lecture hatiah later. and i'd forgotten to ask for her contacts. wow. anyway she's working SO near me, i can get from her anytime. hehe she still look the same, petite and CUTE. yep.
well, my bad morning also occured at her workplace. i wanted to close and open an account there and the lady serving me told me to take another Q number for opening of a/c. -.-"
took at 0944hr and waited. then there was this extremely free lady (because she was standing beside the security guard, sometimes walking around alil ( n i meant, aLITTLE) who either saw my Qno. and told d guard or what, guard came over and asked if im opening an ac. i said yes and while he was telling me that my Q was at the other part of the bank (juz a small partition seperating the main counters and those part with tv and tables, seats, etc) the very free lady came over and said the same thing. so i went over to that more luxurious part and wait. waited. waiting. still waiting till 1015hr. that's about 1/2hr. the lady still serving someone and as for the other desk, its occupied by another guy who's doing something else. waited and by that time, dajie was already with me, waiting. waited till 1030hr, fed up le. told dajie i'm not waiting. we left and WE WERE PISSED OFF! i dont understand, why cant we do it over the counter where uob banks @ parkway parade, tampines, etc can? and it takes soo long that i wondered, are they more happy to close an ac for you rather than to open one for u?
Thanks Mr & Mrs O for the wonderful vday gift you got for me. XD
loved it and U guys owe me 1.. for.. that night. =P
oh wait, before that. i MET hatiah at uob, siglap! yep but dont dare to talk to her much coz her supervisor's serving us and scare she'll lecture hatiah later. and i'd forgotten to ask for her contacts. wow. anyway she's working SO near me, i can get from her anytime. hehe she still look the same, petite and CUTE. yep.
well, my bad morning also occured at her workplace. i wanted to close and open an account there and the lady serving me told me to take another Q number for opening of a/c. -.-"
took at 0944hr and waited. then there was this extremely free lady (because she was standing beside the security guard, sometimes walking around alil ( n i meant, aLITTLE) who either saw my Qno. and told d guard or what, guard came over and asked if im opening an ac. i said yes and while he was telling me that my Q was at the other part of the bank (juz a small partition seperating the main counters and those part with tv and tables, seats, etc) the very free lady came over and said the same thing. so i went over to that more luxurious part and wait. waited. waiting. still waiting till 1015hr. that's about 1/2hr. the lady still serving someone and as for the other desk, its occupied by another guy who's doing something else. waited and by that time, dajie was already with me, waiting. waited till 1030hr, fed up le. told dajie i'm not waiting. we left and WE WERE PISSED OFF! i dont understand, why cant we do it over the counter where uob banks @ parkway parade, tampines, etc can? and it takes soo long that i wondered, are they more happy to close an ac for you rather than to open one for u?
Thanks Mr & Mrs O for the wonderful vday gift you got for me. XD
loved it and U guys owe me 1.. for.. that night. =P
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
hmmmm, how or where should i start first? lets say on sunday night, received 2 missed calls from jiawei. later i logout from ff, saw bel on msn? msg her and there she told me about meetg up with xiaobai. he lidat say me... im sooOO hurt. >.<
met up with bel first yesterday. oh, i bought 2 pillow cases + 1 bedsheet (was standing there trying to recall back.. how many pillows does xiaobai owns. remembered him hugging 1 always and another 1, poor thing, lying on his bed. untouched only when sleeping. and thinkin what's his comforter's like. decided not to get the duvet cover for him. clever me. heheh) jiawei n annkia sharing the gift with me and bel bought him a photoframe with the pic taken on our christmas gathering! *.* awww.... so sweet. here bel, u can have the 't-shirt'. =P
we stayed up the whole night at marche, eating, laughing (jiawei was the 'dirty' entertainer.) and talking. ate so much that i felt like laughing and vomitting at the same time. imagine what will happen ... my food decorating xiaobai.. heh heh *evil grins*
pity we took so little pics.
oh yah, Happy Valentine's Day to aLL!
lastly, enjoy the pics below~

bel + i

xiaobai + jiawei + annkia
psst, actually had alot of thoughts running through my head since dis noon.. but forgot what i wanna say le. so saving it till next time.
oh, and THANK YOU hy, received your flowers. hehe, thanks.
met up with bel first yesterday. oh, i bought 2 pillow cases + 1 bedsheet (was standing there trying to recall back.. how many pillows does xiaobai owns. remembered him hugging 1 always and another 1, poor thing, lying on his bed. untouched only when sleeping. and thinkin what's his comforter's like. decided not to get the duvet cover for him. clever me. heheh) jiawei n annkia sharing the gift with me and bel bought him a photoframe with the pic taken on our christmas gathering! *.* awww.... so sweet. here bel, u can have the 't-shirt'. =P
we stayed up the whole night at marche, eating, laughing (jiawei was the 'dirty' entertainer.) and talking. ate so much that i felt like laughing and vomitting at the same time. imagine what will happen ... my food decorating xiaobai.. heh heh *evil grins*
pity we took so little pics.
oh yah, Happy Valentine's Day to aLL!
lastly, enjoy the pics below~

bel + i

xiaobai + jiawei + annkia
psst, actually had alot of thoughts running through my head since dis noon.. but forgot what i wanna say le. so saving it till next time.
oh, and THANK YOU hy, received your flowers. hehe, thanks.
Monday, February 13, 2006
we were having lunch then, mom was talking about something which reminded her of our childhood days. mom pointed out that I was the one who's always the most hmmm.. lets say, i give her the most problems. haha.
she remembered her cooking the unpolished brown rice mixed with the 4 spices, ginseng powder and another ingredient which i'd forgotten what it was. and she tried to feed me. the moment the food went into my mouth, i started blowing it out. you know, the part wher you blow out and your lips will vibrate with that humming sound? yea, i did just that. the food flew all over mom. hahaha. i nearly choke on my jackfruit when she was on that part.
then she related on my 'climbing' incidents. 1. climb the divider, seperatg our neighbour's house n ours. 2. staircase's wall use to b form w bricks, thus having the small spaces in between as patterns. (old patterns). climb with that. well, i climbed and dont dare to climb down. didnt shout for help too. until mom was checking on me then she saw it. hahah. lucky mom doesnt have a weak heart. =P
bought another 2 books again. >.< am thoroughly broke and paycheque not here yet. (this wed then getting it. YAY!)
bought 'Anna and Mister God' by fynn - think i read that before. but no harm reading it again. its quite interesting. 2nd book was 'Twisted' by jeffery deaver. his collection of books are not bad (some). 'the bone collector' was by him. 'garden of beasts' and there's another title which i cant recall at the moment. tried looking for the books as recommended by nad but cant find in kino. =trying popular @ orchard. hehe, there's some cute guys working there. *rubbing hands gleefully* ok, juz to see lah. gods created pretty girls and boys not for fun de. its for us to admire ok. ^.^
that reminded me of this really really stunning.. ok, beautiful lady i met while working at bugis for a friend then. she was lik.. an angel to me. coz the spotlights happened to highlight her white uniform (yep, suspect she's working nearby) and her makeup and her soft curls.. omg.. i was trying not to stare at her nia. wanted to comment tht she's very pretty but... ended up commentg her hair's very pretty.. -.-"
till now i cant forget her but i'd more or less forgotten about her looks le. that evening, she really made me day man.
she remembered her cooking the unpolished brown rice mixed with the 4 spices, ginseng powder and another ingredient which i'd forgotten what it was. and she tried to feed me. the moment the food went into my mouth, i started blowing it out. you know, the part wher you blow out and your lips will vibrate with that humming sound? yea, i did just that. the food flew all over mom. hahaha. i nearly choke on my jackfruit when she was on that part.
then she related on my 'climbing' incidents. 1. climb the divider, seperatg our neighbour's house n ours. 2. staircase's wall use to b form w bricks, thus having the small spaces in between as patterns. (old patterns). climb with that. well, i climbed and dont dare to climb down. didnt shout for help too. until mom was checking on me then she saw it. hahah. lucky mom doesnt have a weak heart. =P
bought another 2 books again. >.< am thoroughly broke and paycheque not here yet. (this wed then getting it. YAY!)
bought 'Anna and Mister God' by fynn - think i read that before. but no harm reading it again. its quite interesting. 2nd book was 'Twisted' by jeffery deaver. his collection of books are not bad (some). 'the bone collector' was by him. 'garden of beasts' and there's another title which i cant recall at the moment. tried looking for the books as recommended by nad but cant find in kino. =trying popular @ orchard. hehe, there's some cute guys working there. *rubbing hands gleefully* ok, juz to see lah. gods created pretty girls and boys not for fun de. its for us to admire ok. ^.^
that reminded me of this really really stunning.. ok, beautiful lady i met while working at bugis for a friend then. she was lik.. an angel to me. coz the spotlights happened to highlight her white uniform (yep, suspect she's working nearby) and her makeup and her soft curls.. omg.. i was trying not to stare at her nia. wanted to comment tht she's very pretty but... ended up commentg her hair's very pretty.. -.-"
till now i cant forget her but i'd more or less forgotten about her looks le. that evening, she really made me day man.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
went to collect my newly aquired mp3. hehe. aiya, muz support local brands mah. even my speakers are from creative. which i love d designs, though i dont really lik the new designs .. =
anyway its soooOO small. gauging from the box size to the mp3, u should know bah. am charging it now ^^ cant wait to use it!!!!!
anyway its soooOO small. gauging from the box size to the mp3, u should know bah. am charging it now ^^ cant wait to use it!!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2006
was thinking, if there's gonna be an upcoming season for project runway, perhaps they can make it into something more interesting this time. (though i was hoping they'll use it on male models preferably hugo boss' since their models are d best looking) here are some of my humble ideas. ^.^
1. petite + slim w/ small bust women - since they are always putting on models where naturally it'll look better right? but once petite girls like US put it on.. it has the opposite effect... darn! as for the small bust, well, some women wanna have clothes that'll 'enhance' instead of making it look smaller or worse, invisible! (watch alil of the grammy awards last night and saw alicia keys wearing this black laces which covered her front only like a V. coz she has a rather small chest, if you cover her face... u'll tot u r looking at a male's body instead. crossdressing anyone?
2. petite + slim w/ big bust women - some dont like to have clothes that make it BIGGER than it already is.. better if it 'trim' down the size to a more.. humble one? (B perhaps?)
3. petite/tall + chubby - well, forget about the busts, more importantly, how to make youself look smaller in clothes without your sparetyre popping all over your clothes?
4. bamboo + tall - u dun wanna look lik some walking stick right?
for the petite - just thought of something... clothes that'll make u 'look' taller? hahah.. no short body w extremely long legs ( lik.. its not equal) or long body with short legs.
was talking about this topic with dajie. on why people tends to look for older partner. dajie once read this article where they interview girls on why they have partners who are >10yrs older than them.
most of them said coz of the sercurity purpose and they are more stable, blah blah. and said d guys always showered them with gifts - tiffany rings, bracelet, in other words - expensive gifts. which i think... its sooooo ez to make them happy by throwing such stuffs to them. of coz, which we guess, will definitely comes with a price for these stuffs. ha, which old man dont wanna have a young body to touch?
and some said that the older men can advise them, hey.. if thats d case, u can get your parents to advise you right? they are OLDER people anyway.
anyway, there was this lady who said its she'd dated some who were older than her and felt that they are not on the same frequency. she feels that she can click better with guys ard her age.
i agree with that part too.
read something where they were talking about females being too choosy on findg a guy as her partner. weighing the options carefully and although both guys are not bad... they can point out quickly that they have the bad qualities too. i mean.. come on lah.. u cant have the best of 2 worlds right?
1. petite + slim w/ small bust women - since they are always putting on models where naturally it'll look better right? but once petite girls like US put it on.. it has the opposite effect... darn! as for the small bust, well, some women wanna have clothes that'll 'enhance' instead of making it look smaller or worse, invisible! (watch alil of the grammy awards last night and saw alicia keys wearing this black laces which covered her front only like a V. coz she has a rather small chest, if you cover her face... u'll tot u r looking at a male's body instead. crossdressing anyone?
2. petite + slim w/ big bust women - some dont like to have clothes that make it BIGGER than it already is.. better if it 'trim' down the size to a more.. humble one? (B perhaps?)
3. petite/tall + chubby - well, forget about the busts, more importantly, how to make youself look smaller in clothes without your sparetyre popping all over your clothes?
4. bamboo + tall - u dun wanna look lik some walking stick right?
for the petite - just thought of something... clothes that'll make u 'look' taller? hahah.. no short body w extremely long legs ( lik.. its not equal) or long body with short legs.
was talking about this topic with dajie. on why people tends to look for older partner. dajie once read this article where they interview girls on why they have partners who are >10yrs older than them.
most of them said coz of the sercurity purpose and they are more stable, blah blah. and said d guys always showered them with gifts - tiffany rings, bracelet, in other words - expensive gifts. which i think... its sooooo ez to make them happy by throwing such stuffs to them. of coz, which we guess, will definitely comes with a price for these stuffs. ha, which old man dont wanna have a young body to touch?
and some said that the older men can advise them, hey.. if thats d case, u can get your parents to advise you right? they are OLDER people anyway.
anyway, there was this lady who said its she'd dated some who were older than her and felt that they are not on the same frequency. she feels that she can click better with guys ard her age.
i agree with that part too.
read something where they were talking about females being too choosy on findg a guy as her partner. weighing the options carefully and although both guys are not bad... they can point out quickly that they have the bad qualities too. i mean.. come on lah.. u cant have the best of 2 worlds right?
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
oh, these thoughts came to mind when i was in the toilet doing BIG biz. yea, seems like ideas always come when i was showering, shitting, sleeping - wher i'm unable to whip out my notebook and jot down my ideas.
Anyway, was thinking about is' demos which he had sent to me last night. i was really surprised by it after listening to the 1st song. it was.. WOW! i mean, i thought it'll be like his first demo which he had sent to me years back. and thought this time they might be improving on their vocal part or what. but i was wrong. there was jamming in the background and later, singer(s) (i think i heard 2 person singing if i didnt remember wrongly..) singing. well, i'll be listening to it again to catch their lyrics. usually, the lyrics are singers means of sending their message across.
overall, its not bad. both demos. but... the music seems to overpower the vocals. vocals not very clear and if there's really 2 person singing, they dont synchronise? i mean, there's someone backing the main vocal i think, and it makes the main vocal abit out of tune? something like that lah. mayb if the backup is slightly stronger, perhaps, it'll make the vocal part better.
ah, ya. i forgot to point that out while giving my humble opinions while we were chatting on msn because i was too awed by the demos. but still, it was really good. nearly thought i was listening to some other albums instead of his demos.
very hmmm.. punk? rock? or a mixture of both? well, i cant really tell the diff between these two genres as long as they are good music, i dont really care.
had finally gotten windstruck songs from nad. yep, was finding that songs and i think.. i asked for the scoresheet and.. did he send me? nvm.. go home check see see. dreamt that i was refreshing my piano skills some nights back.. why? coz mommy suddenly was saying "so wasted, u all stopped playing the piano. piano put at home for what? for show ah? go continue learning piano lah. then can play for leisure, play for mommy to listen. see, i now so old le, want to learn also cant. fingers not flexible le. blah blah blah.."
perhaps that's d cause of my nightmare.
Anyway, was thinking about is' demos which he had sent to me last night. i was really surprised by it after listening to the 1st song. it was.. WOW! i mean, i thought it'll be like his first demo which he had sent to me years back. and thought this time they might be improving on their vocal part or what. but i was wrong. there was jamming in the background and later, singer(s) (i think i heard 2 person singing if i didnt remember wrongly..) singing. well, i'll be listening to it again to catch their lyrics. usually, the lyrics are singers means of sending their message across.
overall, its not bad. both demos. but... the music seems to overpower the vocals. vocals not very clear and if there's really 2 person singing, they dont synchronise? i mean, there's someone backing the main vocal i think, and it makes the main vocal abit out of tune? something like that lah. mayb if the backup is slightly stronger, perhaps, it'll make the vocal part better.
ah, ya. i forgot to point that out while giving my humble opinions while we were chatting on msn because i was too awed by the demos. but still, it was really good. nearly thought i was listening to some other albums instead of his demos.
very hmmm.. punk? rock? or a mixture of both? well, i cant really tell the diff between these two genres as long as they are good music, i dont really care.
had finally gotten windstruck songs from nad. yep, was finding that songs and i think.. i asked for the scoresheet and.. did he send me? nvm.. go home check see see. dreamt that i was refreshing my piano skills some nights back.. why? coz mommy suddenly was saying "so wasted, u all stopped playing the piano. piano put at home for what? for show ah? go continue learning piano lah. then can play for leisure, play for mommy to listen. see, i now so old le, want to learn also cant. fingers not flexible le. blah blah blah.."
perhaps that's d cause of my nightmare.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
okies! new pic and mp3 are up!
yes, as u can see. its d preparation for Valentine's Day~ ok, its nothing much for me coz.. the feeling is just not there. ha ha. im a VERY unromantic person, i know. yes. dont have to remind me. thank you.
anyway, mp3, hope its appropriate coz there's a limit size of 5mb and wanted to put more than words by extreme but... its 5.08mb!! bloody hell! so.. endedup with this. not bad too. ^^ and pic. just nice, the moon was there hence WE decided to take the pic. me n kei. ^^V aw.. dont be jealous. u can do that with your love ones too but i think kei's scrnshot might b better than mine. ah well, enjoy.
oh yah, saw that my recent posts, abt me being pretending to be happy. forget that sentence. i guess i was just feeling moody or what. haha. mood swings before pms. :x
anyway, im VERY happy and EVEN MORE happy when i see people that i like; ok, thats an understatement, LOVE - my buddies and friends and my mommy and... etc etc. heh heh.
anyway, i'll be your sun whenever you need it bah. ^^V (ok. forget that too. haha. did i mention before that i love to crap about any kind of stuffs? funny, lame, etc? oh well, enjoy your days. 3days to weekend. *start countdown*)
yes, as u can see. its d preparation for Valentine's Day~ ok, its nothing much for me coz.. the feeling is just not there. ha ha. im a VERY unromantic person, i know. yes. dont have to remind me. thank you.
anyway, mp3, hope its appropriate coz there's a limit size of 5mb and wanted to put more than words by extreme but... its 5.08mb!! bloody hell! so.. endedup with this. not bad too. ^^ and pic. just nice, the moon was there hence WE decided to take the pic. me n kei. ^^V aw.. dont be jealous. u can do that with your love ones too but i think kei's scrnshot might b better than mine. ah well, enjoy.
oh yah, saw that my recent posts, abt me being pretending to be happy. forget that sentence. i guess i was just feeling moody or what. haha. mood swings before pms. :x
anyway, im VERY happy and EVEN MORE happy when i see people that i like; ok, thats an understatement, LOVE - my buddies and friends and my mommy and... etc etc. heh heh.
anyway, i'll be your sun whenever you need it bah. ^^V (ok. forget that too. haha. did i mention before that i love to crap about any kind of stuffs? funny, lame, etc? oh well, enjoy your days. 3days to weekend. *start countdown*)
had a chat with mommy last sunday night (if i didnt remember wrongly.) mommy was asking me about hy i think. as i have yet to tell her the news, i just dont know how to.
Mommy: .... hy ..... (dont remember what did she ask as i was playing ff and park my char in mh and was chatting alil w kei)
me: er.. mommy.. actually.. me and hy had broke up le.
mommy: huh? why? when did it happen?
me: because hmmm.. (that really set me thinking WHY). it happened before CNY and we met up on chu 4 to talk about it. (me told her what happened)
mommy: *nods head* (and said sth tht i dont rmb.. again because i was replying "AFK, talkg to mommy" to kei)
me: i think, its because i still wanna play. i dont wanna commit to anything yet and hy's like the be together till marriage that kind. i dont want that. period. i think mayb, when i m around dajie's age, then i'll consider settling down, like she and Mr Gan. but for now, i dont want.
mommy: *understood* like this also good. at least now break the r.s before you hurt him any further later.
me: *thought of mei mentiong tht mommy seems to like hy* u like hy ah?
mommy: *loss for words..* not that lah.. hmm..
me: i mean, coz its lik v long le right? 1yr plus going 2 yrs. lik now we are used to Mr Gan hor?
mommy: *nods head n said sth i dont rmb again..*
frankly speaking, i was quite surprised with mommy's reaction because last time she said sth like "also good lah. being single is good mah. etc etC" and though it hurts alittle but i can more or less understand why she said that. because that was my first time showing her my bf and its like a new exp for her. so she didnt know what to say to console me.
anyway, talking to mommy make me felt better, because i kinda think and understand why i wanna end the r.s for now. i have too many things to do. now, im still trying to think carefully on which path i wanna take - permanently. ey, im not young anymore le. cant think rashly like last time.
an incident which im sure happens to most people who used to take / are taking public transport now - cab / bus.
me and dajie were in this bus from xx to marine parade. it was about less than an hr long journey and we were like.. 1/3 of it. suddenly, me and dajie were feeling the need to go toilet. *high tide* but gotta hold it in because the bus was going through the expressway instead of the small routes. any humps/stopping/small kind of movements we gotta suck our breath in. in case of leakage lah.
the moment our bus reached the bus stop, we alight and ran straight to the hotel behind and headed to the toilet. THAT feeling, u'll wish the bus will go faster. and the journey seems longer.
Times when you wish 1) your destination is nearing or 2) the driver is going faster.
1. there's roaches running around beside u. coming nearer and nearer and u'd wish it'll either go away or ur stop is approaching. AND the roaches will not drop beside you.
2. u r feelg the tide rising - urgent, need to pee NOW or experiencing stomache - shit's standby ready to drop 'bomb'.
3. either d uncle/aunty beside u OR u will alight. they either r burping smelly air, BO, digging nose, what else?
4. girls only bah. 1st day of menses. u forgot to put pad.. how? OR flooded... how?
ok, thats all i can think of for the time being. did i once mention in my posts that i used to take bus 13 home from school and once, there was this working class man beside me. slept till v 'deep' and his head was tilting 1 side.. closer n closer.. and nearly leaned on my shoulder! (i was sittg by d window.. so cant shift or whatever) i was feelg so embarrassed though it was nth much coz d poor man was too tired i guess BUT the passengers were all looking at my direction! -.-"
which.. made me wanna LoL coz.. i dont know why. hahahah.. mayb coz it was quite a sight. anyway as his head was dropping dangerously low, he suddenly woke up and alighted awhile later. (bus stopped at bishan mrt)
my NY resolution: find some1 who lives near me like chrissss! some1 as in a frd lah. -.-"
Mommy: .... hy ..... (dont remember what did she ask as i was playing ff and park my char in mh and was chatting alil w kei)
me: er.. mommy.. actually.. me and hy had broke up le.
mommy: huh? why? when did it happen?
me: because hmmm.. (that really set me thinking WHY). it happened before CNY and we met up on chu 4 to talk about it. (me told her what happened)
mommy: *nods head* (and said sth tht i dont rmb.. again because i was replying "AFK, talkg to mommy" to kei)
me: i think, its because i still wanna play. i dont wanna commit to anything yet and hy's like the be together till marriage that kind. i dont want that. period. i think mayb, when i m around dajie's age, then i'll consider settling down, like she and Mr Gan. but for now, i dont want.
mommy: *understood* like this also good. at least now break the r.s before you hurt him any further later.
me: *thought of mei mentiong tht mommy seems to like hy* u like hy ah?
mommy: *loss for words..* not that lah.. hmm..
me: i mean, coz its lik v long le right? 1yr plus going 2 yrs. lik now we are used to Mr Gan hor?
mommy: *nods head n said sth i dont rmb again..*
frankly speaking, i was quite surprised with mommy's reaction because last time she said sth like "also good lah. being single is good mah. etc etC" and though it hurts alittle but i can more or less understand why she said that. because that was my first time showing her my bf and its like a new exp for her. so she didnt know what to say to console me.
anyway, talking to mommy make me felt better, because i kinda think and understand why i wanna end the r.s for now. i have too many things to do. now, im still trying to think carefully on which path i wanna take - permanently. ey, im not young anymore le. cant think rashly like last time.
an incident which im sure happens to most people who used to take / are taking public transport now - cab / bus.
me and dajie were in this bus from xx to marine parade. it was about less than an hr long journey and we were like.. 1/3 of it. suddenly, me and dajie were feeling the need to go toilet. *high tide* but gotta hold it in because the bus was going through the expressway instead of the small routes. any humps/stopping/small kind of movements we gotta suck our breath in. in case of leakage lah.
the moment our bus reached the bus stop, we alight and ran straight to the hotel behind and headed to the toilet. THAT feeling, u'll wish the bus will go faster. and the journey seems longer.
Times when you wish 1) your destination is nearing or 2) the driver is going faster.
1. there's roaches running around beside u. coming nearer and nearer and u'd wish it'll either go away or ur stop is approaching. AND the roaches will not drop beside you.
2. u r feelg the tide rising - urgent, need to pee NOW or experiencing stomache - shit's standby ready to drop 'bomb'.
3. either d uncle/aunty beside u OR u will alight. they either r burping smelly air, BO, digging nose, what else?
4. girls only bah. 1st day of menses. u forgot to put pad.. how? OR flooded... how?
ok, thats all i can think of for the time being. did i once mention in my posts that i used to take bus 13 home from school and once, there was this working class man beside me. slept till v 'deep' and his head was tilting 1 side.. closer n closer.. and nearly leaned on my shoulder! (i was sittg by d window.. so cant shift or whatever) i was feelg so embarrassed though it was nth much coz d poor man was too tired i guess BUT the passengers were all looking at my direction! -.-"
which.. made me wanna LoL coz.. i dont know why. hahahah.. mayb coz it was quite a sight. anyway as his head was dropping dangerously low, he suddenly woke up and alighted awhile later. (bus stopped at bishan mrt)
my NY resolution: find some1 who lives near me like chrissss! some1 as in a frd lah. -.-"
Friday, February 03, 2006
super suay. start of the yr alrdy suay, how to survive till the end of 2006? haiz.. hope next yr will bring better luck for me.
went to shout for help on opening gates for my quest and finally got one from this jap guy (who's not bad, can speak eng and that i finally understood how they r feelg when they wanna communicate w us but my jp not gd... so it gets kinda frustratg sometimes and stopped trying to talk. BUT hopefully i'll meet some who are very enthusiastic that they are all the more willing to help/teach us. hehe.. i dont mind if its my idol who's teaching me.. but i doubt he'll ever have that kind of patience or willingless... =\ coz he seems like those hardcore player type. )
anyway, that jp wanted to slp liao but he stayed on to help out awhile. so.. we happy happy ran there and found the chest i was looking for! opened and got money... then lil felt sth wrong.. how come no item? so after checkg w me.. we came to this conclusion = I forgot to activate my quest!!!! ugh.. of all things, y i forgot about this?!?!?!?! so.. my precious (sounds abit lik LOTR) was lost.. no item gained and i muz ask for help again to go back and get my key... hopefully then i can do all in 1 shot..
then super suay #2 - i managed to rush to the port to board my ship. just ONE STEP only.. and it moved off!!!!! ugh..
suay #3 - got people shouting for party to do mission (which me n lil wanna do de!!!) and shouting for party to get key. T_T
oh, and 1 lucky thing was we met this not bad ang moh. i was afk for quite long to makan dinner. think he din really complain and instead, join lil n nad 'poke' me. -.-"
returned to see my scrn spammed with them poking me.
watched "im not stupid too" with dajie, jer n mei. it was quite nice and something which all parents should watch. kinda reflect on what we children are facing. ending was rather touching, heard people sniffing. =P its a MUST WATCH! aiya, support local film too mah. u not sg meh? other people from their own country support own products like what, if we dont support own country, support other country, then u can go eat shit le lah. u think u support ppl country, they'll help u in times of trouble ah?
but 1 thing unpleasant on watching @ tampines. the usher DID NOT close the theatre's door. lights from outside kinda distracting and people talking outside could b heard. mei was fedup, she went over to close the door. end up, some idiot went to open it again.
another thing, this 2 uncles, watch show cant keep quiet one. like to make comments here and there and try to guess what's the next sentence they wanna say. so irritating. so thick skin when people gave them the hint that they were too noisy le. frikking uncles.
which also reminded me of complain #2. (what to do. im d complain queen)
dajie, vernice n i were supposed to go to this new place called "The Secret Garden". ambience quite nice but that place will also b my first n my last time there.
dajie asked the waiter wht time was the last order? coz we were waitg for vernice to knock off and walk over to join us.
waiter checked and told us its 11pm.
and dajie asked again, whether their kitchen closes at 11pm? confirmed?
he said yes. so when we were ready to place our order when vernice reached. waiter then told us dont have spaghetti, or those main course meals le. dajie asked what do they have left? he said only left 3 dishes off the main course of ALL the dishes they have. then we were like.. huh?! u left that only and din inform us when we asked what time their kitchen close. i mean, we wun ask that if we aint ordering food right? dont tell me they mix drinks from their kitchen huh? then their bar is for show only?
so we left that place and bumped onto jer otw. told him what'd happened and later he went there anyway and asked the waiter (this was the day after then he tell dajie) why its lidat lah. waiter said coz next day is CNY eve, they dont wanna stock up so much food. then they might as well say they'll close of the day instead? duh.
dulan, we walked to mr bean to makan. omg.. their food cannot make it. totally not nice. after that, we walked to a nearby place, seems to be d only turkish pub there. noticed that they served food.. omg.. we shld have go there str8 to makan. drank and chatted there and took some pics. (posted it in my friendster. mayb post here if i remember to.)
oh yah.. i'd already thought of what pic to use for my vday theme. act i wanna revamp my template accordingly too but.. takes up too much time n effort.. hahah.. so only ting that will change will be my main pic + mp3 only.. hehe..
went to shout for help on opening gates for my quest and finally got one from this jap guy (who's not bad, can speak eng and that i finally understood how they r feelg when they wanna communicate w us but my jp not gd... so it gets kinda frustratg sometimes and stopped trying to talk. BUT hopefully i'll meet some who are very enthusiastic that they are all the more willing to help/teach us. hehe.. i dont mind if its my idol who's teaching me.. but i doubt he'll ever have that kind of patience or willingless... =\ coz he seems like those hardcore player type. )
anyway, that jp wanted to slp liao but he stayed on to help out awhile. so.. we happy happy ran there and found the chest i was looking for! opened and got money... then lil felt sth wrong.. how come no item? so after checkg w me.. we came to this conclusion = I forgot to activate my quest!!!! ugh.. of all things, y i forgot about this?!?!?!?! so.. my precious (sounds abit lik LOTR) was lost.. no item gained and i muz ask for help again to go back and get my key... hopefully then i can do all in 1 shot..
then super suay #2 - i managed to rush to the port to board my ship. just ONE STEP only.. and it moved off!!!!! ugh..
suay #3 - got people shouting for party to do mission (which me n lil wanna do de!!!) and shouting for party to get key. T_T
oh, and 1 lucky thing was we met this not bad ang moh. i was afk for quite long to makan dinner. think he din really complain and instead, join lil n nad 'poke' me. -.-"
returned to see my scrn spammed with them poking me.
watched "im not stupid too" with dajie, jer n mei. it was quite nice and something which all parents should watch. kinda reflect on what we children are facing. ending was rather touching, heard people sniffing. =P its a MUST WATCH! aiya, support local film too mah. u not sg meh? other people from their own country support own products like what, if we dont support own country, support other country, then u can go eat shit le lah. u think u support ppl country, they'll help u in times of trouble ah?
but 1 thing unpleasant on watching @ tampines. the usher DID NOT close the theatre's door. lights from outside kinda distracting and people talking outside could b heard. mei was fedup, she went over to close the door. end up, some idiot went to open it again.
another thing, this 2 uncles, watch show cant keep quiet one. like to make comments here and there and try to guess what's the next sentence they wanna say. so irritating. so thick skin when people gave them the hint that they were too noisy le. frikking uncles.
which also reminded me of complain #2. (what to do. im d complain queen)
dajie, vernice n i were supposed to go to this new place called "The Secret Garden". ambience quite nice but that place will also b my first n my last time there.
dajie asked the waiter wht time was the last order? coz we were waitg for vernice to knock off and walk over to join us.
waiter checked and told us its 11pm.
and dajie asked again, whether their kitchen closes at 11pm? confirmed?
he said yes. so when we were ready to place our order when vernice reached. waiter then told us dont have spaghetti, or those main course meals le. dajie asked what do they have left? he said only left 3 dishes off the main course of ALL the dishes they have. then we were like.. huh?! u left that only and din inform us when we asked what time their kitchen close. i mean, we wun ask that if we aint ordering food right? dont tell me they mix drinks from their kitchen huh? then their bar is for show only?
so we left that place and bumped onto jer otw. told him what'd happened and later he went there anyway and asked the waiter (this was the day after then he tell dajie) why its lidat lah. waiter said coz next day is CNY eve, they dont wanna stock up so much food. then they might as well say they'll close of the day instead? duh.
dulan, we walked to mr bean to makan. omg.. their food cannot make it. totally not nice. after that, we walked to a nearby place, seems to be d only turkish pub there. noticed that they served food.. omg.. we shld have go there str8 to makan. drank and chatted there and took some pics. (posted it in my friendster. mayb post here if i remember to.)
oh yah.. i'd already thought of what pic to use for my vday theme. act i wanna revamp my template accordingly too but.. takes up too much time n effort.. hahah.. so only ting that will change will be my main pic + mp3 only.. hehe..
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
well.. time to update alil.
1st, i muz say Thank You to hy for letting me go eventhough i know its hard for you to. and im glad that we get to meet up and talk things out today. thank you for everything. you are the best, and you should know that.
CNY updates:
Eve - reunion dinner.. had steamboat.
1st day of CNY - hmmm.. think i'll keep it short. it was real fun at my grandma's place (mom's side). been craving for their cooked food there too. it was sooooo nice! ate our lunch cum dinner there (we ate early, ard 1745hr coz my dad chasing us to leave for my uncle's house.. -.-" spoiler) then had my dinner part 2 at my uncle's. steamboat again. left the place around 2145hr coz we are karaoke-ing at partyworld! kinda missed singing thou singin at 2200hr was quite early for me. i wanna sing at 0000hr!!!! but Mr Gan said make it earlier coz 2nd day got dunno what plans. anyway had fun. thou the remove makeup part was again.. torturing...
2nd day - went to my aunt's place (mom's side). me n mei were looking forward to this day coz... my aunt always cook good food!! but ... so sad.. she didnt cook curry dis yr.. it was dumpling. WHICH was good too!! ah.. and the fried chicken. yummy.... now me n mei waiting for our grandparents anniversary, so hopefully there'll be curry for us! went to lil's house afterwards. heh, her mom reminded me of chris mom. so paiseh, tht 1st day her mom treat me pizza which.. i forgot to inform her im allergic to seafood.. then her mom kept wantg to go chomp2x buy char kuay tiao for me. >.< so paiseh!!! we played this game "Obscure" which.. her tv happened to turn black/white for us, which made the game even more.. scary. >.< heh heh, poor lil, she muz play the game while i watch beside. hehe, bet she's feelg dbl the effect bah. hahah, but it was fun thou! think she'll regret lettg me into her house. coz i'll be her regular le!
3rd day - went to zhide's house to play game after dinner. then his mom was saying "never see u come over play for so long le". i was like WAH! u still remember me?? hehe.. such good memory ah. so paiseh but what to do.. all parents see me, all lik me. =P
been spendg my angpaos $$ on cab fares. ~.~
still thought of saving my $$ for school next yr...
anyway. enjoy the pics below~

me + nephews
me, grandma (mom's), dajie + mei
me + cousins
1st, i muz say Thank You to hy for letting me go eventhough i know its hard for you to. and im glad that we get to meet up and talk things out today. thank you for everything. you are the best, and you should know that.
CNY updates:
Eve - reunion dinner.. had steamboat.
1st day of CNY - hmmm.. think i'll keep it short. it was real fun at my grandma's place (mom's side). been craving for their cooked food there too. it was sooooo nice! ate our lunch cum dinner there (we ate early, ard 1745hr coz my dad chasing us to leave for my uncle's house.. -.-" spoiler) then had my dinner part 2 at my uncle's. steamboat again. left the place around 2145hr coz we are karaoke-ing at partyworld! kinda missed singing thou singin at 2200hr was quite early for me. i wanna sing at 0000hr!!!! but Mr Gan said make it earlier coz 2nd day got dunno what plans. anyway had fun. thou the remove makeup part was again.. torturing...
2nd day - went to my aunt's place (mom's side). me n mei were looking forward to this day coz... my aunt always cook good food!! but ... so sad.. she didnt cook curry dis yr.. it was dumpling. WHICH was good too!! ah.. and the fried chicken. yummy.... now me n mei waiting for our grandparents anniversary, so hopefully there'll be curry for us! went to lil's house afterwards. heh, her mom reminded me of chris mom. so paiseh, tht 1st day her mom treat me pizza which.. i forgot to inform her im allergic to seafood.. then her mom kept wantg to go chomp2x buy char kuay tiao for me. >.< so paiseh!!! we played this game "Obscure" which.. her tv happened to turn black/white for us, which made the game even more.. scary. >.< heh heh, poor lil, she muz play the game while i watch beside. hehe, bet she's feelg dbl the effect bah. hahah, but it was fun thou! think she'll regret lettg me into her house. coz i'll be her regular le!
3rd day - went to zhide's house to play game after dinner. then his mom was saying "never see u come over play for so long le". i was like WAH! u still remember me?? hehe.. such good memory ah. so paiseh but what to do.. all parents see me, all lik me. =P
been spendg my angpaos $$ on cab fares. ~.~
still thought of saving my $$ for school next yr...
anyway. enjoy the pics below~

me + nephews

me, grandma (mom's), dajie + mei

me + cousins
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