Saturday, November 24, 2012


Sigh, my sore throat just returned... And accompanied by flu (sneezed so many times for the first time yesterday) but luckily no running nose, just slightly blocked. And I'm guessing I'm having a slight fever because my back is aching.

Sometimes when a fight happens be it with friends, partner or family, if you have already said mean things to the person, it is too late to apologise. It is like slicing off a piece of the person's skin, of course it hurts a lot but the person apologise. Apology accepted but you'd and will still feel the pain. And will be reminded of it. Once it has healed, the cycle repeated itself. Throughout the course of hurting the other person, they have a lot of scars on them. What's the next step of action then? The person couldn't keep forgiving you right? And if the person who hurt you is your family member or partner, how are you able to walk away from them?

I just want need the person to listen to me. And not just listen but to acknowledge it and maybe put it into use if it sounds logical. If I'd said something and the person asked me a question or my opinion when I've already voiced out before, doesn't it means something? You're not listening or perhaps did not even bother to take some considerations on what I'd said. Now I understand the frustrations Mr Tan felt when he was with me for not only I did not listen but I put my friends' words before his. Perhaps if I'd listen to him in the first place, I could be doing something that I like by now.

Like they say, in deaf ears? Or was it 讲不听?

A friend asked me "so he is the one?" When we were talking. I started thinking, is he? I think this topic came up a few times in my post but until now, I do not know how does one define the person as 'the one'?

Maybe I should just take things slow and let nature takes it's course.

@J - I'm trying but the words she said did affect me to a certain extent. But I know I mold my future. :)

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