It was an unplanned event as we were all rushing to go home before the NDP ends around 8.30pm. However, we felt that the crowd will still be there even if we get to leave before that timing as there were a lot of people around and there was a day event just along the Promontory. A handful of us, Mr Teng, 小黑, Ah Keong, Zam and I decided to head to Harry's opposite for a drink.... As expected, the place was full. We ended up buying a dozen of Heineken's and walked to the river to watch the fireworks. It was quite a sight and it lighted up the skies once, paused and the second time. After awhile, the third and finally the fourth. :)
I guess nothing beats watching fireworks live as compared on tv. The best fireworks viewing was sitting on the ground and looking up that it almost felt like the fireworks were just right above you!
I managed to take a video of the last fireworks. Enjoy.
Today, or rather, on Sunday, 11th of August, we decided to meet in the morning for McDonalds breakfast. After which, we went to Cold Storage to buy our ingredients and food needed to prepare for dinner at dajie's. So mei prepared the seasoning and inform us or rather, Jer what/how to cook the food based on the cookbook I had prepared for the food spread as well as washing the vegetables while I do the cutting of the meat, vegetables, etc and placed them together. It was a three men team and it was great. Some family bonding time. :)
Which has been some time since I last spent some time with my family. This time, Jer's dad and grandma joined us for dinner. I am planning to cook next Sunday again!
What's on menu?
Stir-Fried French Beans, Japanese Chicken Wings and Omelette with Onions.

There was soup as well. Vegetarian Shark's Fin Soup.. however I did not manage to take any proper photos of the dishes as it was late already and everyone was hungry, especially the plus 2.
All the cutting = bruise on finger. However it was worth it! :)
Fun family time > minor bruise

This shall be a short post as I need to go rest. It is 00:38hr now and I'm meeting Cass for yoga tomorrow at 7.15am! :)
I was going to end this post however this beautiful song stopped me in my tracks and listened to the full piece. Also dedicated for the man in this video.... it is a pity...
Bleh, after I'd published this post, yet another song popped and is a song I love by the King of Pop! I really like him and respect MJ because he used his popularity to influence his fans to make the change, for the better. To respect one another, not to divide human by their colour, to save the earth, to prevent war, etc. Basically, to make the world a better place.
Enjoy the one by Glee casts.
And ... O-M-G!! This guy is just too cute! Time to watch Glee again!
I pray that everything will turn out for the better and this will be the last time ever.
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