tuesday 28.03.06 - meet jiawei, xiaobai and annkia 7pm @ AMK. bel cant make it.. so.. i'm the only CHIOBU in the group. kinda lik.. the beauty and the beastS. =P anyway, they called chris who was with his gf (michelle) and he said that dont worry, he'll reach on the dot. ya right.. by the time we reached the coffee shop, ordered our food and have a table for us, he's still not here yet. (i'm still confused about which to call a coffeeshop and which to call a hawker centre, and kopitiam is under which category??)
at first, he said his dad will send them over, then later he'll be taking a bus and a cab. -.-"
if you dont know how to tell a proper fib and WILL be LATE, just tell us ok. dont beat around the bush.
why go amk? because our bday boy wanted to try the popular crab there which his friend was telling him about. so we hailed a cab and indeed it was so popular that the taxi uncle knew where it was when you told him its opposite mayflower primary (or was it secondary) school. there were... THREE coffeeshops selling seafood and that popular crab! he recommended the one standing by its own because he said there's alot of people eating there. so.. we went to try.
first food we ordered was the chicken wings. not bad, quite nice but i'd say the one at bedok was better. =P
subsequently, the rest of the food came - claypot sea cucumber (i'd say, the one at the Soup Restaurant was even better. yep, tried it the first time at tampines.), hotplate beancurd(?) (thought it'd come in the form of that hotplate but i was wrong. not really fantastic but still alright lah. its alil spicy and the sauce was not bad.), prawns(didnt try coz i cant eat seafood but it seems delicious. quite big and looked fresh. can try that one), veges(dont know what was that veggies called but it was fried together with three different kind of mushrooms. ok lah, passable) and the last one, the star of that night's dinner - crab w/ beehoon soup. (crab was a female one, VERY BIG, quite meaty. the only fall back was the soup. i tried it and it tasted like the normal fish beehoon soup. they added the condense milk to the soup but overall, not bad. didnt try the crab as usual - seafood. but seeing my friends eating it, it should take quite good. hahah.)
well, we were eating halfway through then chris and missus came. imagine how late that was and he actually ate at his gf's place le.. comments from me? er... hahah, looks quite cute to me and chris actually made one mistake. DONT EVER TELL YOUR FRIENDS THAT YOUR GF IS THE POSSESSIVE TYPE IN FRONT OF HER. really. bad move.
went to meet a friend after dinner to chat up. reached home 12plus? tiring enough. next day, nearly cant wake up. always like that. cant wake up after wednesdays, mayb my mental clock knew that its nearing weekends?
saw that the pics were all quite blur... omg, am i really that lousy? >.<

ah.. a rose among the thorns... tsk tsk.

the food we ordered ^^

the reason why annkia wanna makan at AMK...

finally... chris' gf surfaced

the art of eating...

hmmm.. annkia's new clothes

concluding our dinner.. ah, xiaobai extra.
wednesday 29.03.06 - met edwin seng 7pm @ tampines. well, was kinda late. took a cab down with dajie, coincidentally, she's meeting ailing there too and all four of us were watching the same show - ultraviolet. didnt book online because i wanted to use up the gv vouchers i had and just nice, i was left with 4.
u l t r a v i o l e t (UV)- it was set in the near future = everything was quite futuristic. alot of CGs and even milla jovovich (sorry for the wrong spellings) was touched up by CG. hmmm, cheesy lines (taken from an american comics, what to expect?). but overall, i'd say the show was all right. they made UV too powerful to the extent she could finish up all the baddies around her?! she looked more like she's dancing when using her weapons (guns and sword which was real cool.the blade was rectangular in shape and had foreign wordings on it.). conclusion? dont watch it. unless you only wanna see hot babe and CGs.

me + edwin seng on a DATE!~*
last night's chat with edwin reminded me of a friend, who i didnt see for a really long time (9yrs?) when he mentioned that he went to 'The Bayshore' for a swim.
yep, all the pictures came flowing into my mind.
of him, the times he walked us through, when he threw the binoculars over and asked me to see the guy who was suntanning by the swimming pool, arguing about which guy was better looking, etc. really brought back some memories. it was really fun then. he, me and zhiwei. oh, and saw his cute siblings who was still very young then.
realised that.. if he's aint gay, i might fall for him.
oh, and nadya reminded me of him too. for some reasons.
and i was reminded of the dream i had.
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