woah! It's APRIL already! Time passes so fast and when I log on to this blog, I nearly thought it's still MARCH till reality hits me!
So, what's new in April? It is time to meet up with friends.
Oh oh!! Did i mention that I'll be going to Thailand in May?? YAY!!! Gonna save up for that trip! Pity that Rene is in Singapore, would love to visit her in Bangkok, to see her speaking Thai. xD
Gotten a data sim with ultimate plan with this netbook, but since I'm using wireless at home already, I'll be logged on with my home broadband more of the time. So, thinking of it while i was in the showers, this data plan kinda doesn't work out well for me. The penalty is $535, so if I'm to calculate, $535 + $398 = $900+. It'll almost equate to buying one netbook at retail price no? Then, I began thinking, what if, I need to use the mobile broadband OUTSIDE? OUTSIDE = 1% i guess, since my current workplace installed a wireless network, which only US knows the password. *evil grin*
Then I don't need the mobile broadband right? How about when I'm over at Clifton's place? Maybe? But hey! Isn't Jeremy moving in temporary after he and my sis gets hitched? 8mbps is going to be pretty s-l-o-w for the two of us no? Well, i can always upgrade the plan to 12mbps! Sigh. Am even thinking of getting a 3 way splitter to separate my internet, home line and television. That will come later, when I'm not feeling lazy to do so. Hey... once I'd made up my mind, I'll do it one ok!
I'm still trying not to cringe when I heard ang moh speaking singlish. It just feels weird when they tries to do that. It's almost like listening to poser speaking American English with a horrible fake accent? Come on lah, living overseas for 3~4years doesn't change your accent overnight. That reminded me of those girls (yes, especially them) with Ang Moh boyfriend, *to clarify, in case you start protesting that your friend or whoever whoever ain't lidat, it's those girls whom i saw at work. No, not my working colleagues lah* they'd act like they are so high and mighty. Sure, they dresses nice and looks great (well, some of them) but the moment they started opening their mouths, that whole "looks great" image shattered like some fragile glass.
Somehow, those posers reminded me of the female toilets. I'd long wanted to put those super disgusting toilet pics up, on how those people uses and treats the toilet. Imagine, some can be so disgusting that the poor cleaning lady gotta clean up those uncouth AND uncivilized people's shits! You think you wanna touch those SUPERLY clogged toilet bowls filled with SHITS, toilet PAPERS, BLOODIED PADS and god knows what else was in there!
Imagine this!
+ Entering the toilet which immediately shoves up a damn NICE smelling "air freshener" into your nostrils?
+ Or, entering a cubicle to find the toilet seats are all smear with the all time favourite beverage? I seriously would love to find out how the hell did they manage to stain not only their frikking panties or whatever but also the toilet seats! I mean, they don't put their virginal (oh wow, i found something very interesting on the web. Scroll all the way down later to read it) on the seat itself right? Or wipe it there right?
+ Taking the fact that most of the toilets are equipped with automated flushing system (AFS), usually you'd wait for the toilet to flush before leaving the cubicle no? Some don't, they can pee finish, leave. And if the AFS happened to be faulty how?
+ oh oh!! Or how about leaving your pads with wings lying about, exposing your dirty blood so share with the rest of the population huh huh?? You can have a choice of placing them on a
) The floor near the toilet seat, so that the next person who uses the toilet will get to see them in clear view, or b) Place it on the toilet paper dispenser's plastic cover, so that it'll drop anytime once the sticky portion is no longer sticky and falls *piak* on some winner's hand when pulling the toilet paper? or
c) on the bin's cover, so whoever is having the same AV day as you, will have to test their ninja skills when pulling up the cover to throw their pads away in a considerate manner? or d) put it either faced down if you don't want whoever is lucky enough to put their bags / paper bags / files on the ledge, juz behind the toilet bowl or let it faced up so that the blood may become sticky after some combustion with the air and stick onto their bags and let them carry it around as a form of fashion accessory?
Edited: To add on, I'd forgotten to type what is the point I'm driving at with the above ramblings. Will those people do that to their own toilet at home? Will they pee all over the place? Pee and shit and still forget or not to flush it till the next battle player? Will they leave their pads lying about? WILL THEY? Kudos and m( _._ )m if they do. Li Hai!!
Geez, i think there's seriously something wrong with my data sim or what? It's not working as well as my own normal sim (with data plan implanted), not as fast. Gonna get to replace tomorrow and see if the same problem still persist. If it does.... God forbid, as that's the last thing I ever want to do.. Bring it down to LG service centre for servicing. *bangs head on wall*
Founded this on Dictionary.com
Vir"gin*al\, v. i. To play with the fingers, as if on a virginal; to tap or pat. - WOW!
Right, time for my PPG!!!!
PS: Master Lil, if you wanna know who's that boyfriend I dreamt of... Well, I'm not sure if he's Japanese, American, Italian or Chinese, but.. his name is quite similar to mine. Well, if you put it in short form. keke. Happy guessing and lemme know bah. :P
Must have something to lure you back to my blog. Keke.
/ma "Stoneskin" (me)
/ma "Phalanx" (me)
/ma "Blink" (me)
Should be quite protected from your WHM spells bah.. hehe. Keep hitting me with your wooden stick or maybe throw in some Cure VI spells. I'd gladly absorb them all!!!! xD
Clarification to Clifton, don't panick, I'm not referring to myself, about that boyfriend. hehe. ;)